Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 231 The Vigilant Jia Zhang Family

Chapter 231 The Vigilant Jia Zhang Family
After hearing this, the stick also sighed silently.

Although he looked down on silly Zhu.

But in comparison, Sha Zhu treated him better.

Instead of letting his father wake up, it would be better to let Sha Zhu be his stepdad.

But he can't find a chance to do it now.

And his grandma has been watching from the side.

How can we do it without anyone noticing?

Seeing that Bang Geng didn't speak, Sha Zhu continued: "Bang Geng, you are actually quite unlucky."

"The reason why your father and your mother had another child was to replace you."

"You had a serious stomach problem at the time, and they were afraid that your condition would worsen, and they would not be able to pass on the family line to your family."

"If he needs it, you can help him."

Among them, Tianze and Tianyue slept with Wang Ming, and it was not too crowded for the rest of the four to sleep together.

In the evening, the Jia family and Qin Huairu's family are going to bed.

So he patted BangGong's hand and said, "BangGeng, it's not good to prick your father with a needle."

"Your father may not be able to be cured, maybe he may be suffocated to death due to poor breathing in the past few days."

"When piercing, I also pierced blindly."

"In the future, if you want to marry a daughter-in-law, your father won't spend any effort or money on it."

While making the bed, Qin Huairu was thinking solemnly.

"So don't think you can save your dad now, he won't be grateful to you in the future."

At that time, everyone will be unable to run away, and the children will suffer accordingly.

At this time, Mrs. Jia Zhang was also washing her feet, while frowning and thinking.

"He must only love your brother and give him the best."

Even if his father died, others would not immediately think that someone killed him.

"Anyway, if I were you, I would definitely not save him."

"But who would have thought that a blind cat would encounter a dead mouse and heal his arm."

"I said before that I wanted to treat him with acupuncture, but in fact I just wanted to practice with him."

"You see that you haven't even grown much in height now, and you are far behind your peers."

Although he didn't know why Sha Zhu didn't say it clearly, Bang Gon still nodded and said: "Uncle Silly, I know what to do."

Otherwise, if the matter is revealed, he will be implicated.

If this bastard father comes back to life, he will have a hard time.

"This is patricide, and you will definitely have a bad conscience in the future."

"Especially at night, when your grandma is going to sleep, she can't take care of your dad."

"Look at your younger brother Tianze again, how healthy he is, and how fast he grows."

"If you get up to pee in the middle of the night, go and see if your dad is having trouble breathing."

This will not leave any wounds, and vegetative people are easy to suffocate.

Silly Zhu was overjoyed when he heard that Bang Geng had confessed his heart to him.

"I also have a jerk father. Although so many years have passed, I still hate him so much."

"Besides, he's smart. He's only so young, so he can speak quite neatly."

"It's normal for you to have resentment, if you want to blame it, you can blame him."

Sha Zhu was hinting at him.

"But who would have thought that he would not let me prick it, and gestured to me to let me treat his other arm first."

"He already knew that I was going to kill him, so he didn't let me treat his head."

He could come to his father's bedside in the middle of the night and smother him to death.

"After all, he is a white-eyed wolf. Your mother was so kind to him back then, and he even went outside to find women."

"By the way, stab him with a needle openly, so as to vent my grievances."

"Don't worry, Mom will definitely make decisions for you in the future."

Stick was a little confused for a while, Sha Zhu said just now that he asked him to kill his father, why now he said that he should help his father?
But then he figured it out again.

"He gave Xiaodang and me a thumbs up, as if he was praising us."

"Since he can hear us usually, he must also know how hard you are."

"Why are you waving at you?"

If he can speak after a while, he will definitely tell everything he knows.

"Huairu, what do you mean by Dongxu's hand gestures today?"

"If he gets angry with me because of this, then I can't help it."

But he didn't dare to speak too bluntly.

Silly Zhu showed a gratified smile, "You are also a smart person, you can get it right."

"It should be said that you usually work hard and take good care of your children."

"Although you are cured now, the influence on you is still there."

If you want to kill his dad, you don't have to prick him with a needle, you can just smother him to death with something.

Because when she was about to leave Dongxu just now, Dongxu beckoned her to stay.

Although Wang Ming has already hinted at Bang Geng and Sha Zhu, but these two people may not be able to succeed.

She felt that if Sticky didn't do it tonight, she would have to do it herself.

"And scolded him for looking for a woman behind my back."

He would never let Jia Dongxu, a bastard, live.

"It's hard for me to start now. If evidence is found, I will go to jail."

"He must have left more property for your brother to use."

"As for you, he must treat you like a cow and a horse, and ask you to work for the family every day."

So he said, "Uncle silly, to tell you the truth, I don't want him to come back to life."

"Originally, I planned to directly prick the needle in his head and kill him."

He didn't make such gestures to other people, so he thought that Dongxu only trusted her now.

"Rescuing such a father, is he planning to make a crime for himself?"

And Sha Zhu's words also made him think that Sha Zhu could understand him, and he couldn't help but find a confidant.

No one knows how Jia Dongxu recovered.

"I can't wait to kill him with my own hands."

"I'll find you an ugly girl from the village directly, whether you like it or not."

After listening to Shazhu's words, Banggen's anger was suddenly ignited.

After hearing this, Jia Zhang was a little ashamed, and tried to persuade him again and again: "Huairu, what are you talking about?"

I don't know if he will recover slowly by himself.

And although his grandma stays close during the day, she still has to sleep at night.

"When you were his age, you were far behind him."

Qin Huairu's thoughts returned, and she pretended to be displeased and said, "Maybe he heard me scolding him before?"

"But to you, Banggen, and Tianze Tianyue, they are all waving hands."

"When I usually feel uncomfortable, I will complain a few words in front of him."

It seems that he has gained the trust of the stick, which is much more convenient.

So Wang Ming hoped that she could think of a way at the critical moment.

The safest way is to shut Jia Dongxu up as soon as possible.

"Bang, to be honest, you might as well just let him die instead of saving him."

"If he wakes up in the future, I'll just divorce him."

"Be careful, don't let your father cover his mouth and nose with something, in case he is suffocated to death."

When she came back, she looked for Wang Ming before.

But after saying this, the doubts in her heart were still not resolved.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely take revenge on him."

"This shows that his consciousness has been awake all these years, and he can still hear voices."

And now her right eyelid keeps twitching, and she always feels a little uneasy.

After thinking about it, she said, "No, I always feel that something might happen to Dong Xu."

"It always felt like someone was trying to kill him."

"I have to sleep with him tonight, or I won't feel at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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