Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 235 The Deaf Old Lady Is Sick

Chapter 235 The Deaf Old Lady Is Sick

After the funeral, Jia Dongxu was buried in the ground soon.

And Qin Huairu also found an opportunity to be alone with Wang Ming in the small courtyard.

Tell him what happened that night.

After hearing this, Wang Ming suddenly realized, "I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Jia Dongxu also died quite uselessly, and in the end he was killed by his mother."

"But this way we can rest easy."

"I really didn't expect Jia Dongxu to be awake all the time."

"If we really let him wake up, we will be in big trouble."

Qin Huairu sighed and said, "Oh, it's safe to say that there is no danger."

"But Xiao Ming, now I'm a little afraid of sticks."

"This kid is so cruel, he really dared to kill his father."

"Although he didn't do anything in the end, he just watched his father die."

"I'm always worried that he will kill me in the future, or hurt Tianze and Tianyue."

"I don't want to live with him now, I can't even sleep well."

"You find a way to find him a place to live."

Wang Ming could also understand Qin Huairu's worry, and patted her hand to comfort her, "I wronged you, Huairu."

"Let you, a mother, witness such a horrible thing."

"I'll take care of the house."

"But the small courtyard is a very important place, and I definitely don't want him to live here."

"I think the deaf old lady is dying recently, and she may leave the real estate to Shazhu."

"In that case, you can discuss with Sha Zhu and let Bang Giao and his grandma live there."

"Just let the two of them cultivate their relationship."

"Hmph, the deaf old lady is an old thing. I have been filial to her for so long, but this dog still only has silly pillars in his heart."

"Just slaughter me like a fat sheep and make a lot of money from me."

"I also plan to see if there is a chance to inherit her property, so that she can spit out the blood that sucked me."

"Of course, if her house belongs to me, I will also let BangGiao live with his grandma."

"You don't have to worry."

"Now, you can first find a chance to let Bang Giao live with Sha Zhu."

After hearing this, Qin Huairu finally had an idea and felt relieved.

She asked again: "When will the bellyband matter be exposed?"

Wang Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't you still have to keep your filial piety for a year?"

"Let Silly Zhu wait a little longer, he will love to wait for you."

"Wait a year later, let him feel what despair is."

Qin Huairu nodded after hearing this, expressing her approval.

At this time, she no longer had any worries in her heart, and hugged and kissed Wang Ming boldly, and then lay on the bed together...

Afterwards, Qin Huairu went to work first, and then returned to the courtyard alone.

Seeing her coming back, Shazhu was very happy.

Walked out of the house and came to the yard.

"Sister Qin, are you back?"

"Just now I took the stick to school."

"After completing the formalities for him, he can go back to school tomorrow."

"Let Xiao Dang also go to school this fall."

"It's not good for children to stay at home and work all the time. They will have no education and no future in the future."

Qin Huairu smiled and brushed her hair, "I'm sorry for your trouble, silly Zhu, thank you for taking care of our family."

Seeing Qin Huairu thanking him so glamorously, Shazhu was elated, showing a piggy-like look.

"Hey, what's this?"

"It won't take long for us to be a family, why do you see outsiders like this?"

Qin Huairu sighed, "Silly Zhu, I understand what you mean."

"But now that Dong Xu just died, I feel very sad."

"And we also made an agreement at the beginning, I will keep a filial piety for him for a year."

"If I marry you now, I will always feel sorry for Dongxu."

"After a year, let's talk about the two of us, shall we?"

Sha Zhu nodded again and again, "That must be natural. I will not go back on what I said at the beginning."

"Don't worry, Sister Qin, I'm willing to wait for you."

"I've been waiting for such a long time, do I still care about a year?"

He is very hopeful now, and feels that the distance to catch up with the goddess is just around the corner.

And once Jia Dongxu died, no one could stop them from being together.

He wasn't worried at all.

Qin Huairu nodded gratefully, "Thank you, silly Zhu, you are such a good person."

"Why don't you develop a relationship with the children first."

"The boy BangGong has been crying to death because of his father's death recently, and he has no energy every day."

"This kid is hard-spoken and soft-hearted."

"I thought he would hate his father and I for having a third child, but I didn't expect him to mind at all."

"He also took the initiative to give his dad acupuncture treatment, which almost saved his dad from life."

"It's a pity, Dongxu couldn't make it through after all."

"The stick should be the saddest person. Originally, he could have saved his father."

"Silly Zhu, since you want to be the stepdad of the children, then help me enlighten me first."

"Let him sleep in your room tonight."

"And he has grown up, it's not good to sleep with a group of us women."

Silly Zhu laughed secretly after hearing this, he didn't expect Qin Huairu to mistake the stick for a dutiful son.

This kid almost killed his own father.

However, he was willing to accept Qin Huairu's proposal and was very excited.

Qin Huairu has already regarded him as the stepdad of the children.

"Don't worry, Sister Qin, let him come to sleep with me in the future."

"I also like the boy BangGou the most. He is very fond of me."

At this time, Wang Ming came to the middle courtyard with a box of snacks.

Silly Zhu was in a very good mood now, and asked Wang Ming happily, "Xiao Ming, what delicious food did you bring back?"

Wang Ming smiled and said, "I bought a box of dim sum."

"Isn't the deaf old lady sick recently? I'll go see her."

"Oh, that's it, then you go, haha." Silly Zhu nodded with a smile.

Wang Ming also greeted Qin Huairu and asked her to take Tianze and Tianyue to his house.

There are also two boxes of snacks in his house that he bought specially for the children.

After speaking, he brought the snacks to the backyard and walked into the house of the deaf old lady.

Since the death of the first mother, the responsibility of taking care of the deaf old lady has been taken over by Liu Haizhong's family.

Naturally, Liu Haizhong wanted to follow Yi Zhonghai's example, and wanted to be famous for doing good deeds.

But little success.

But they still persisted.

Because the deaf old lady is not alive for a few days, they also want to inherit the property and house of the deaf old lady.

In their view, the deaf old lady stole a lot of money from Wang Ming, and her inheritance was not a small sum.

Now the second aunt is taking care of the deaf old lady who is bedridden, with a concerned look on her face.

However, the deaf old lady looked disgusted, and she also knew what the second aunt's family was planning.

Now their family is looking forward to her death.

(End of this chapter)

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