Chapter 236

Wang Ming walked in with a smile, and said with a sincere smile, "Grandma, I'm here to see you."

"Look, I brought you some snacks."

"This food is delicious."

Seeing Wang Ming, the deaf old lady felt a little happier.

Compared with Liu Haizhong's family, who hide evil intentions, Wang Ming can be said to be harmless to humans and animals.

She smiled weakly at Wang Ming and said, "Xiao Ming, you have a heart."

"But grandma can't eat this food now, she has no appetite at all."

The second aunt also smiled and said: "Xiao Ming, your grandma can't even drink a few mouthfuls of gruel now, how can she eat this thing?"

"You put it down first."

Wang Ming didn't plan to give the deaf old lady some snacks at all.

He just came here to show his filial piety and walk around the scene.

If they stayed, they would definitely be taken home by the second aunt.

"Forget it, since grandma can't eat it, then I'll go and eat it myself."

The second aunt cursed secretly in her heart.

Wang Ming is such a stinky fool, the deaf old lady slaughtered him like a pig and cheated him of so much money, but he still foolishly respects the deaf old lady.

But their family can't take advantage of him at all.

The money promised to be handed over to him every month has never been less.

Really pissed off.

Sitting next to the deaf old lady's bed again, Wang Ming asked, "But grandma, weren't you doing well a while ago?"

"Why are you sick all of a sudden?"

The deaf old lady sighed, "Oh, I'm getting old."

"At such an advanced age, it's time for me to go."

"It's probably just a few days."

Wang Ming looked sad, "Isn't it, grandma, are you dying soon?"

"I thought you would live to be a hundred years old."

The deaf old lady shook her head and sighed, "Oh, how can you live for such a long time?"

"I've already lived enough."

"By the way, Xiao Ming, where's your brother Zhuzi?"

"Is he busy recently?"

She fell ill yesterday, but Sha Zhu hasn't visited her until now.

Although Shazhu has been busy with Jia Dongxu's funeral recently, it should be over, right?

Why don't you come and see her?
And she still has important things to tell Sha Zhu.

Ever since she learned about the agreement between Shazhu and Qin Huairu, she felt that it was not good.

Qin Huairu's family is sinister, and Shazhu is so simple, he will definitely be tricked.

Even if he can marry Qin Huairu, he still has four children to raise.

Will he have a better life in the future?

It is absolutely going to be cheated to death.

But no matter how much she persuaded, Shazhu just refused to listen.

Now she feels that her time has come, and she is determined to give up Qin Huairu by making Sha Zhu give up.

And the money she stole from Wang Ming before and the money she had saved before totaled 350 yuan.

These are the deposits she has kept for Sha Zhu.

Even if Silly Zhu was cheated into poverty, he could easily marry a wife with this money.

She never told Sha Zhu about the money, because she was afraid that he would spend the money on Qin Huairu.

Now is also the time to explain this matter to Shazhu.

Wang Ming replied honestly, "Brother Zhuzi is not busy right now."

"I just saw him joking with Huairu's sister-in-law in the yard."

The deaf old lady was heartbroken after hearing this.

She always thought that Shazhu was busy, so she didn't have time to see him.

Unexpectedly, Shazhu would rather joke with Qin Huairu than come to see her.

Not as good as Wang Ming, a foolish boy.

However, she secretly forgave Sha Zhu and blamed Qin Huairu, that vixen.

Maybe Qin Huairu didn't let Sha Zhu see her.

She then said, "Then you ask him to come over, I have something to discuss with him."

Wang Ming readily agreed, "Okay, I'll call him over."

After speaking, he came to the middle courtyard. At this time, Sha Zhu was still licking his face and chatting with Qin Huairu.

Wang Ming smiled and said, "Brother Zhuzi, are you okay now?"

"The deaf old lady is sick, don't you know?"

"She's asking you to go and see her now."

Silly Zhu didn't have much affection for the deaf old lady at this time.

Because the deaf old lady always dissuaded him from marrying Qin Huairu, his ears were numb.

So he is very disgusted with the deaf old lady now.

Even if the deaf old lady is sick, I don't want to see her.

He asked puzzledly, "Why is the deaf old lady looking for me?"

"Isn't the second aunt taking care of her?"

Qin Huairu said with a smile: "The old lady must know that she will not live long, and wants to talk to you about marrying me again."

"She has always had a problem with me."

The deaf old lady came to their house specially to scold her and Jia Zhang because of Shazhu and her affairs.

So she naturally knew that the deaf old lady had problems with her.

After hearing this, Sha Zhu immediately expressed his loyalty and said: "Sister Qin, don't worry, I will give you my whole heart, and I won't listen to her."

"I don't know what this old girl is thinking. She insists on destroying my good deeds and preventing me from finding true love."

"Don't worry, I'll make it clear to her in the past this time, and I still insist on not marrying you."

Qin Huairu smiled and nodded.

She also knew about Wang Ming's plan.

So I hope that Shazhu and the deaf old lady will turn against each other, so that the deaf old lady will leave the inheritance to Wang Ming.

Shazhu finally came to the deaf old lady's house with Wang Ming.

Seeing Sha Zhu coming, the deaf old lady was very excited.

"Silly Zhu, you're here."

Sha Zhu smiled and sat by the bed, and said, "Grandma, I've been busy recently, so I don't have time to come and see you."

"Take good care of your body and don't worry about other things."

The deaf old lady sighed, "Oh, with you here, can I not worry?"

Then she asked the second aunt and Wang Ming to go out first, and she had something to say to Sha Zhu alone.

Wang Ming went out happily and sat in the yard.

Anyway, he has good hearing and can hear what is being said inside.

Although the second aunt was reluctant, she was worried that the deaf old lady would leave the inheritance to Sha Zhu.

But she didn't say anything, and left the deaf old lady's house.

The deaf old lady then held Shazhu's hand and said, "Zhuzi, grandma, I don't have a few days to live."

"I don't care about anything else, I just worry about you."

"You promise grandma not to marry Qin Huairu, she is not a good woman."

"She is not sincere to you. If you marry her, you will suffer for the rest of your life."

"You listen to grandma's advice, find a better girl to marry while you are young."

Silly Zhu pursed his lips, and said impatiently: "I said grandma, why do you have any objections to Huairu?"

"You, don't worry about it."

"Now my marriage with Huairu is a certainty, and no one can change it."

"And I finally waited for so long, it's only a year away, you want me to give up now?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it, we really love each other."

The deaf old lady asked, "If she loves you, can she make you wait so long?"

"Oh, you don't understand, it's fine, you can take care of your illness, I'm leaving." After speaking, Sha Zhu pushed the door impatiently and left.

When the deaf old lady saw Sha Zhu leaving, she burst into tears and complained in her heart.

Son, why are you bewitched by Qin Huairu, a goblin?
(End of this chapter)

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