Chapter 237

Wang Ming laughed secretly when he heard the movement inside.

The deaf old lady is really accurate at seeing people, and understands that Qin Huairu is not sincere to Sha Zhu.

But Shazhu, the licking dog, is about to catch up with the goddess, how could he give up now?
The deaf old lady is like a dying remonstrance to the emperor's loyalty.

However, Shazhu is a fool, he can't hear at all, and only has women in his eyes.

Now the deaf old lady should despair of Shazhu, right?

She shouldn't look for Sha Zhu anymore about property inheritance, she should leave it to him, right?
At this time, Sha Zhu walked out of the house with an unhappy face, and directly left the backyard and returned to the middle courtyard.

But Wang Ming went in and looked at the deaf old lady again, and asked, "Grandma, what did you say to Brother Zhuzi?"

"Why do I see Brother Zhuzi not very happy?"

The deaf old lady sighed, "Oh, it's all right."

"Go and call your second aunt and let her serve me."

Seeing that she didn't mention the inheritance, Wang Ming was puzzled.

Could it be that she still thinks about Sha Zhu?

Or did she want to leave the inheritance to Liu Haizhong's family?
Wang Ming didn't say much, and after calling the second aunt, he left, saying that he would come to see the deaf old lady in a few days.

After leaving the deaf old lady's house, he did not leave the backyard immediately, but listened carefully to the conversation in the house.

The deaf old lady didn't mention the inheritance to the second aunt, obviously she was still thinking about Sha Zhu.

Wang Ming couldn't help cursing inwardly, this deaf old lady is really cheap.

Didn't Shazhu just cook a few meals for her?Does she like Shazhu so much?

Even now, he still treats Shazhu as his own grandson.

I didn't take care of her less, but she only slaughtered herself as a fat sheep.

No thought of reciprocating at all.

But he wasn't worried, Sha Zhu probably didn't want to see her anymore.

If she doesn't make a will, it should be easy to inherit her estate based on her usual behavior of taking care of her and giving her money, and then fabricating some of her oral will.

Now her condition is not particularly serious, and she won't die for a while.

Come back to see her after a while and see if she will explain something.

Three days later, Wang Ming came to visit the deaf old lady again.

At this time, the deaf old lady was extremely weak, her speech was intermittent, and she seemed to be on the verge of dying.

It is estimated that he should not survive the next morning.

At this time, the second aunt and Liu Guangfu were taking care of the deaf old lady in the room, looking very filial.

But their real purpose is to show favor to the deaf old lady so as to inherit her inheritance.

Seeing Wang Ming coming, both of them were not very happy.

Originally, the deaf old lady died like this, and if she didn't make a will, then their family could inherit the inheritance and the house reasonably.

In addition, Liu Haizhong is now a grandpa, so no one can say anything.

But as soon as Wang Ming came, there was a change.

The second aunt accused: "Xiao Ming, why are you here again?"

"The old lady is very weak now and needs to rest."

"Why don't you go back?"

Before Wang Ming could speak, the deaf old lady raised her hand slightly.

Weakly said: "Xiao Ming... don't go, stay... stay."

"You two... go out first."

Wang Ming smiled, "Grandma wants me to see her come."

"Second aunt, you and Guangfu go out."

Although the second aunt and Liu Guangfu were unwilling, they went out anyway.

Wang Ming then asked with concern: "Grandma, how are you doing now?"

"Why do I feel like you don't have the energy to speak?"

The deaf old lady said very weakly: "It's okay...Xiao Ming, where is Silly Zhu?"

" him here, and just say that I...have something to look for him."

Wang Ming cursed secretly in his heart, this old man knows that he is a fool.

It seems that before he died, he wanted to leave the inheritance and the house to Shazhu.

Naturally, he couldn't let this old thing succeed.

Most of the money saved by this old man came from him, and he wanted to get it back with interest.

So he sighed, "Hey, don't mention it."

"Just now, I was going to ask Brother Zhuzi to come and see you together."

"As a result, as soon as I talked to him, he waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he didn't want to see you."

"He said that today is Huairu's sister-in-law's birthday, and he has to prepare something delicious to celebrate Huairu's sister-in-law."

"Say I don't have time to see you, let me come by myself."

"So I came here by myself."

Today is indeed Qin Huairu's birthday, but he has never looked for Sha Zhu.

I just simply made up this nonsense, wanting to anger the deaf old lady, and hope that the deaf old lady can despair of Shazhu.

The deaf old lady almost spit out a mouthful of blood when she heard this.

Silly Zhu really has no conscience.

She cared so much about Sha Zhu, but Sha Zhu didn't even care about her.

She was about to die, silly Zhu didn't even come to see her, and even celebrated Qin Huairu's birthday.

Really stupid!

But even so, she still didn't hold grudges against Shazhu.

And thinking about how to leave the inheritance to Shazhu, so that Shazhu can have some capital when he is desperate in the future.

After much deliberation, she felt that she could only pin her hopes on Wang Ming.

Only Wang Ming is relatively simple and easy to fool.

Even though Wang Ming has learned a lot now, he is still a fool in essence.

Even now, he has been helping to raise the two pairs of godchildren of the Jia family and the Yan family.

It can be seen that he can't turn his head around and can't think for himself.

If you ask him to do this, it should be done.

She sighed: "Silly Zhu...he is so stupid!"

"The reason why I... care about him so much is because he is too be used too easily."

"Xiao Ming, I have a have to help grandma."

Wang Ming said sincerely: "Grandma, tell me, I will definitely help you."

The deaf old lady continued: "Xiao Ming, your brother Zhuzi... will definitely be tricked to death by Qin Huairu's family in the future."

"He won't listen now, but I can't...not help him."

"I've saved some money . . . for his wedding."

"Now that Qin Huairu is here...I can't give it to him directly."

"You help him first... he takes it, and this house... I will give it to you first."

"When he has nowhere to go...can you give him the money and the house for me, okay?"

Wang Ming sneered in his heart, the deaf old lady had a good plan and only treated him as a tool.

But since she has decided to give him the inheritance first, his goal has been achieved.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to transfer the inheritance to Shazhu again.

He nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, grandma, I will help you."

"But why did brother Zhuzi get tricked to death by sister-in-law Huairu?"

"I think sister-in-law Huairu is pretty good."

The deaf old lady didn't want to explain too much, so she said, "She... just treats you well."

"She has no feelings for you, Brother Zhuzi... at all, she just uses it."

(End of this chapter)

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