Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 321 Wedding Anniversary

Chapter 321 Tenth Wedding Anniversary
Wang Ming turned around and waved to the wives and children in the audience.

A relaxed smile on his face let them know that he was fine.

At the same time, he waved to the camera.

Maybe other people in the family can see his game.

It's a way of saying hello to them.

After confirmation, the referee declared Wang Ming the winner and raised his hand high.

Fireworks erupted around the arena, and the audience cheered again.

Wang Ming jumped off the stage, embraced the entourage, and finally walked towards his family.

Hugged with them.

"Father, you are amazing!" Xiang Ning and Guang Wu said excitedly.

Wang Ming smiled and said, "It's nothing, the opponent is too weak."

Zhong Zixuan said with a smile, "I was still worried."

"After all, that black man looks pretty good too."

"Who knows you can't even catch a punch."

"Now I feel relieved, and there will definitely be no problems in the following games."

Wang Ming kissed his wife on the cheek and said with a smile, "There is no problem at all."

"I already told you not to worry."

Then came the awards ceremony, and Wang Ming directly won [-] knives in this competition.

In this era of [-] knives, the purchasing power is still very strong.

And this bonus is completely at Wang Ming's disposal.

Wu Bing and the others had already placed bets on the periphery.

No brain pressure him to win and earn some foreign exchange for the country.

That's the main purpose of their coming.

After the award ceremony, it was time for reporters to interview.

A large group of reporters gathered around, wanting to interview Wang Ming.

Although this game tonight is just a small game, it is full of gimmicks.

It will definitely hit the headlines tomorrow.

So journalists scrambled to interview.

Wang Ming specially picked a beautiful foreign girl reporter to accept the interview.

The other party asked in English, "Where are you from?"

"Your dress and boxing are very distinctive."

Wang Ming replied in English with a smile: "I love tearing down putty."

"You should have heard of Bruce Lee, I am from the same country as him."

There was cheering at the scene.

"Putty demolition recovery!"

The female reporter asked again: "Then who is better, you or Bruce Lee?"

Wang Ming responded: "Bruce Lee is my idol and I respect him very much."

"But we have an old saying about tearing down putty."

"A disciple doesn't have to be inferior to a teacher."

"He helped our country carry forward our martial arts culture."

"But in terms of strength, I'm still stronger."

"And I came to Amerika this time to compete for the gold belt of the boxing champion."

There was another round of cheers and applause.

The female reporter asked again: "You won a lot of bonuses just now, what are you going to do with the money?"

Wang Ming grabbed the microphone with a smile and said, "In fact, I have already planned it."

"All the prize money earned from this trip to Amerika will be used for charity in our country."

"Our country is still very poor and many people need help."

"Especially some children with disabilities."

"For example, our courtyard house."

"There was a man named Sha Zhu. When he was in his 30s, he married an aunt who was 20 years older than him."

"Two people had a child who turned out to be a disabled child with Down's syndrome."

"Very poor."

"Every time I see him, I can't help but think of the old me."

"You may not know it, but I used to be a person with intellectual disabilities."

"When I was young, I couldn't take care of myself."

"However, my parents also died when I was working in the factory that year."

"Fortunately, many kind neighbors and kind people in the society helped me later."

"There was also a teacher who taught me how to read and learn."

"Later, I gradually returned to normal, and gradually began to learn martial arts."

"Without them, I would definitely not be where I am today."

"So after becoming famous, the first thing to do is to give back to the society and do charity."

"Pass on the love."

"Start helping the mentally handicapped first."

"For example, our courtyard's son Shazhu and his son Shadan."

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help applauding excitedly.

The life experience of the boxer in front of me is really surprising.

He looks normal, but he was a fool before?
It is simply unimaginable.

And he is so kind, the first thing he did after he became famous was to do charity.

This guy is definitely going to be a big celebrity.

The reporters then continued to scramble for interviews.

Wang Ming wanted to leave at first.

But I heard a black brother reporter ask about Shazhu.

Wondering why Sha Zhu would marry a woman more than 20 years older than him.

Wang Ming smiled again and said, "Hey, how do you say that?"

"Maybe because I like it."

"Humans, after all, tastes are different, no one can tell."

"But they are indeed a little ignorant."

"It is very dangerous for older women to give birth."

"The child born has a high probability of having Down's syndrome."

"If I had known earlier, I should have prevented them from being together."

"But the top priority now is naturally to help the idiot, so that his life can be better."

"The lives of patients with Down's syndrome are relatively fragile after all."

"I have a godson, he and the fool are very good friends."

"If the idiot died, he must be very sad."

"I don't want to make him sad, which is why I want to help the fool."

After hearing this, the people present were immediately in awe, and applauded Wang Ming again.

This man is simply too attractive.

In order to protect the fragile heart of the child, he traveled thousands of miles to Amerika to make money by boxing.

Really a charity champion!
After interviewing for a while, Wang Ming left with his family, Wu Bing and others.

Go to the hotel to start the celebration banquet.

During the banquet, Wang Ming was toasted by everyone in turn, congratulating him on his victory.

And Wang Ming did not refuse anyone who came, and had a good drink with everyone.

Finally, I returned to the room with my wife and children to rest.

After the two children were settled down to sleep, Wang Ming and his wife came to their room and had a good time.

Wang Ming took out the cheongsam and suits they wore on their wedding night from the portable space.

And the black stockings I bought in the mall before.

"Today is our tenth wedding anniversary."

"Here, put this on."

Zhong Zixuan also knew about Wang Ming's special abilities, so it was no surprise.

She just smiled charmingly and said, "You really have a heart, have you already planned this day?"

Wang Ming said with a smile: "Of course, on the day I get married, I have already thought about what I will do today."

Zhong Zixuan then changed her clothes.

Over the years, her figure has not lost its shape, on the contrary, it has become more plump.

Wearing a cheongsam and black stockings, she looks even more sexy and charming.

Wang Ming feasted his eyes, and then he couldn't wait to hold his wife and make love with him.

Had a great night.

(End of this chapter)

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