Chapter 322

The next morning, Wang Ming made headlines.

This martial artist from the east gave Amy Rika a little shock in the martial arts world.

It's amazing to KO a well-known boxer with one punch.

Most professional boxers can't do that.

His game video is played repeatedly on TV.

It needs to be slowed down several times to be able to see his movements clearly.

It's too fast.

Even more shocking than the original Bruce Lee.

Some people assert that he is the next generation of boxing champion.

Boxing champion Ali is definitely not his opponent.

However, boxing champion Ali did not respond.

It may be disdain, or it may be that you don't know how to deal with it.

And the story about Wang Ming is even more legendary.

Who would have thought of someone being interviewed fluently in a foreign language in front of the TV.

Was it a fool before?

And he also plans to use the first pot of gold earned from boxing for charity.

It is really both ability and political integrity, which is admirable.

And the story about Silly Zhu gradually spread.

People hated Sha Zhu and Jia Zhang's ignorance, which resulted in the birth of a child with Tang's family.

Also very sympathetic to what happened to the idiot, and even organized donations to the idiot.

In the next few days, Wang Ming participated in several more competitions.

It is very easy to beat the opponent with one punch every time.

He was dubbed "One Shot Man".

And the audience watching his game gradually increased.

Wang Mingguang earned millions of dollars just from appearance fees.

And every time he was interviewed after the game, he had to mention things about Sha Zhu and Sha Dan.

I hope the news can be conveyed to the country, so that Shazhu won't kill Shadan.

It can be regarded as fulfilling his promise to the children.

Although it is said that the silly column Jia Zhang may benefit from it.

But they have flaws, and it is still very easy to clean them up.

However, he didn't know what happened in the courtyard at this time.

Just a week after he left, Jia Zhang suddenly died of a cerebral infarction one night.

Sha Zhu and Bang Jiao were very surprised by this, but they were also extremely happy.

Originally, it was not easy for them to attack the idiot, and there were always people watching in the yard.

Well now, once Jiazhang died, Sha Zhu's goal would be achieved directly.

No one can stop him from getting married.

Although the idiot is a drag.

But it's still easy to deal with him.

For example, just find a place where no one is around and leave it alone.

If anyone takes him in, let him be taken in.

If you die in an accident, it will be even more worry-free.

So in the night after Jia Zhang's funeral.

Shazhu and Banggen led the sleeping fool out of the yard by bike.

Drive towards the direction outside the city.

When they reached the outskirts of the city, they left the idiot in the wild far away from the road.

After throwing it away, I returned to the courtyard.

Early the next morning, the two started acting.

Silly Zhu got up early in the morning and walked out the door.

Searched around.

He said to himself, "Hey, where did this idiot go?"

Then he went outside the stick house and knocked on the window.

Asked: "Bang, is the idiot in your room?"

The stick pushed open the door and gave a hutch.

With a drowsy look on his face, he said, "Isn't the idiot sleeping in the same room with you?"

"What did you come here for?"

Sha Zhu frowned, "I didn't see him when I woke up this morning."

"This kid is really, where did he go?"

He pretended to be anxious, came to Tianze and their house and knocked on the window.

"Tianze, Tengyun, have you seen my idiot?"

"He didn't go to your house, did he?"

Tian Ze and Teng Yun just woke up.

Hearing Sha Zhu's words, he was a little shocked.

Is the idiot gone?

Did he get lost by himself, or did Shazhu and the others take the fool away?
Presumably the latter is more likely.

It is almost impossible for a fool to run away from home.

They originally thought that with Jia Zhang's death, Shazhu and Banggen would not attack Shadan anymore.

But I didn't expect to be negligent.

Tian Ze couldn't help asking: "Silly Zhu, you couldn't be the one who took the idiot away?"

"Didn't you always dislike him?"

"Now his mother is gone, and no one will know if you take him away."

Silly Zhu frowned and said, "Tianze, what's your name?"

"The idiot is my son no matter what."

"Tiger poison doesn't even eat its babies."

"I raised him so much, don't I have no feelings?"

Teng Yun sneered and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"After all, some people are not as good as animals."

"Are you right, silly pillar?"

Sha Zhu's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Don't always think of people as bad."

"If you are really anxious to mention the idiot, you might as well help me find out where he is."

At this time Zhiyuan came from the backyard, yelling at the idiot to get up, telling him to come out and play.

Sha Zhu then said to Zhiyuan: "Don't call Zhiyuan, the idiot is gone."

Zhiyuan hurried over and asked, "Missing?"

"Where did he go?"

Silly Zhu looked anxious, "I don't know, isn't this just looking for it?"

"He is a fool, it would be bad if he was abducted."

Zhiyuan was also very anxious, "Then hurry up and find him."

"You can't let him be abducted."

Stick thought for a while, and said, "Hey, he didn't go to my grandma's grave, did he?"

"After all, my grandma's death must have hit him hard."

"When he woke up, he didn't see my grandma."

"Maybe I went to the tomb to find it."

Sha Zhu nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, there is really such a possibility."

"Bang, let's hurry over and look for it."

"Maybe we can find it."

The two hurriedly ran out of the courtyard.

Zhiyuan was worried about his playmate, so he went with him.

Tianze and Tengyun saw their younger brother leaving, so they naturally followed.

But I went to the cemetery to search around, but naturally I couldn't find it.

On the other side, the idiot woke up and wandered alone in the strange wilderness.

While crying, I called my parents.

He has limited intelligence and has no idea where he is.

But the road can still be seen from a distance.

Able to see cars driving on the road.

He secretly felt that he should go that way.

After walking a long way, he came to the side of the road.

The passing vehicles did not pay attention to him and left directly.

Until a middle-aged thin man with glasses on a bicycle passed by.

Seeing the crying fool, he stopped the car.

"Son, where are you from?"

"Why are you alone on the road?"

"Where did your parents go?"

The idiot cried and said, "I don't know, I don't know."

The man asked again: "What's your name?"

"Where do you live?"

The idiot still cried and shook his head, "My name is idiot, and I live in a courtyard."

"Where is the exact address?" the man asked.

The idiot still shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know."

The man saw that the idiot was a little abnormal.

I know I can't ask.

But since we live in a courtyard house, it should be in the city.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"If you say that I am related to fools."

"I helped a fool before."

"Now I meet you again."

(End of this chapter)

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