Chapter 325
Tian Ze looked at Sha Zhu and laughed, and said, "Si Zhu, do you regret it?"

"Originally, if the idiot was still there, you could still receive my father's donation."

"Oh, now you have lost the idiot."

"Even if you can find it again, you are not qualified to be his father."

"You don't want a cent of the money my dad donated to him."

Silly Zhu made an angry look.

"Tianze, what's your name?"

"Didn't I say it all? I really didn't lose the idiot."

"And, to me, the jerk is definitely more important than the money."

"Your dad's donation means nothing to me."

"The most important thing now is to get the idiot back to me."

"But I have to say, your dad really helped me a lot."

"As soon as the news comes out, the idiot will become a celebrity."

"If others know that he is a fool and lost, they will definitely want to send him back."

"After all, this is a good opportunity to show your face, maybe on TV."

"Hey, let's continue looking quickly."

"Talk to those who read the news, and ask them to help you find it."

"They will definitely be willing to help. There are more people and more power."

Stick also echoed: "Yes, let's do what the silly uncle said."

"That way you can find the idiot very quickly."

Uncle Luo nodded, "Yes, yes, it's more important to find someone."

"Who is right and who is wrong, we will talk about it later."

"Let's find the child first."

"Let's split up. I'll go to our mall and call for someone to help find it."

Sha Zhu nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it's Lao Luo who understands the overall situation."

"Let's split up and look for it quickly. I'll call my two friends to help me find it."

BangGou echoed, "I'm also looking for my two friends."

Naturally, Tianze knew that Shazhu and Banggen were going to abandon the idiots.

He wanted to say something, but Teng Yun stopped him by pressing his shoulder.

And whispered: "Forget it, let them find him first."

"Just don't have any accidents, money or something is not important."

Tian Ze nodded, approving Teng Yun's approach.

Then several people split up and acted.

Shazhu and Stickong each rode a bicycle.

One goes east and one goes west.

But after walking around the alley for a long time, they all headed south again.

That's where they left the fools.

Both of them are very worried now.

I don't know if the idiot is still there.

Won't it be taken away by wild dogs?
Or fall into a pit and die.

Or it was taken home by someone else.

It's been all morning, and it's not very likely that the idiot will stay where he is.

But I still have to go and see, in case it is still there.

The two met on the way.

While riding his bicycle, Shazhu asked Stickong, "Why are you here?"

Stick said: "That's my uncle, I have to come and find him."

"Silly Zhu, what do you mean by that, don't you want to possess him alone?"

Silly Zhu said angrily: "That's my son, what do you mean I possess him alone?"

"Also, you are starting to recognize your uncle now."

"Didn't you always dislike him before?"

BangJiao sneered and said, "You still have the nerve to talk about me."

"Who told me to kill him?"

"Who threw him into the wild last night?"

"What kind of father are you pretending to be here?"

Sha Zhu said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't talk about it."

"Let's not talk about anyone, we just want to benefit, we all have a share."

"The most important thing now is to find people."

"Everything you talk about is in vain."

"Maybe he got into trouble because of it."

"It's good for two people to come together, the probability of finding him will be greater."

Stick stem didn't say anything more.

The two then went out of the city together, to the place where they left the idiot.

However, at this time it was empty.

There was no sign of the idiot at all.

Fortunately, there are footprints.

They searched all the way along the footprints.

However, when they looked down at the footprints seriously.

Suddenly several strange men and women gathered around.

A square-faced man in the lead asked coldly, "What are you looking for?"

Shazhu and Banggen looked astonished.

I wonder who this is?
Sha Zhu boldly said: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Is this place your home?"

"I need to ask you first when I'm looking for something?"

The square-faced man sneered, "Are you looking for your son?"

Sha Zhu suddenly became excited, "Do you know where my son is?"

"I advise you, hand him over quickly."

"That's my son, he got lost by himself."

"Don't think that what you find is yours."

BangGong echoed, "That's right, the idiot is my uncle."

"It's his son too."

"Don't try to take advantage of him."

"If you really dare to do this, then we will call the police."

The square-faced man and the others all laughed.

"Hehe, there's no need to report, the police are here."

The square-faced man took out his ID and put it in front of Sha Zhu.

"He Yuzhu, Jia Geng, you are now suspected of the crime of abandonment."

"Come with us."

Both Sha Zhu and Bang Jiao were dumbfounded.

These people are the police?

The two were quickly arrested and taken to the police station.

At first, the two refused to admit it, saying that they knew nothing.

It's just that I suddenly want to go there to find a child.

However, the evidence is already sufficient, and the footprints of the two were also found at the scene.

The two of them didn't just go to that place just now, they also went there once before.

In the end, Sha Zhu and Bang Jiao confessed to their crimes.

Shazhu was sentenced to 12 years, and Stick was sentenced to [-] years.

In the next few days, because Wang Ming became famous abroad.

The higher authorities began to pay more attention to the matter of children with disabilities.

Actively responding to Wang Ming's actions, we began to set up special welfare homes for disabled children.

The idiot has also received widespread attention.

He was sent to live in an orphanage.

The story of Lao Luo helping Wang Ming and Sha Dan was also reported by the news.

He was arranged by his superiors to be the dean of the Welfare Institute for Disabled Children.

Shaved head and wearing a prison uniform, Sha Zhu was eating in the prison cafeteria.

Saw the idiot on TV.

At this point he didn't know what to say.

Why does his life always go wrong at critical moments?

Why does he always choose wrongly in front of important choices?
What a trick...

Originally, he could reach the pinnacle of life by relying on a fool.

Even if he didn't lose the idiot, he was waiting for a while and sent the idiot to the orphanage.

Then he can also marry and have children normally, and live a comfortable life.

It's better than squatting in prison anyway.

This level has been closed for ten years, and if he goes out again, he will be an old man.

How can you get married and have children?
Finding a job is a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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