Siheyuan: a flat life

Chapter 326 Prison Party

Chapter 326 Prison Party

Silly Zhu couldn't help but sighed.

At this time, there was another person sitting on the seat opposite him.

He also has a bald head and wears a prison uniform.

There was a sigh.


Silly Zhu looked up, and found that this person looked familiar?
"Hey, you're not that..."

"Who's coming..."

"Yan Jiecheng?"

The person opposite also raised his head, with a vicissitudes of life.

It was Yan Jiecheng who was sent to prison many years ago.

"Are you... silly Zhu?"

"Why did you come in?"

"It's not about your son on TV..."

Sha Zhu was slightly embarrassed, "Oh, it's hard to say."

"I can't explain my business in a sentence or two."

"What about you, how long will it take to go out?"

Yan Jiecheng sighed, "Oh, I was about to go out."

"As a result, when my case was retried some time ago, a few more years were added."

"I'm afraid it will take another ten years to get out."

"Silly, are my wife and children alright?"

Sha Zhu sneered and said, "Hehe, why are you asking them?"

"People already don't recognize you."

"It's been so many years, haven't I never seen you?"

Yan Jiecheng confided sadly: "I was wronged."

"I have nothing to do with Liu Lan at all."

"It was Li Huaide who framed me!"

"And Yu Li and I also pretended to divorce, in order to keep them from being implicated by me."

"Why doesn't Yu Li trust me?"

"Am I so unworthy of her trust?"

Sha Zhu smiled and said, "Anyway, she always felt that you betrayed her."

"You just don't want her anymore, that's why you got together with Liu Lan."

"Now those two children in your family are Wang Ming's children."

"It's a relative to call someone's father."

"I don't know who you are at all. I haven't heard them mention you."

Yan Jiecheng sighed, "Oh, there's no way, they were still young when I left."

"You should be more than ten years old now?"

"Wang Ming spends longer with them than I do."

"And in their eyes, I abandoned them again..."

"But no matter what, they have a good relationship with Wang Ming, that's not bad."

"At least they must be doing well."

"And now that Wang Ming is even more famous, then they will also be able to gain fame in the future."

"By the time I go out, the two of them will definitely have made their mark."

"Hehe, I will follow them to enjoy the blessing then."

"No matter what, they can't deny me as a real father, can they?"

"Hey, silly Zhu, it's you, why did you have a child with Mrs. Jia Zhang?"

Hearing that Yan Jiecheng started to mock him, Sha Zhu was immediately annoyed.

"Yan Jiecheng, what do you mean?"

"Don't talk if you can't talk."

"Is it interesting to poke people's scars?"

"If you ask me, your life may not be easy if you go out in the future."

"Why do people recognize you?"

"For so many years, I have no relationship with you."

"Who wants to go out to take care of you?"

"You still want to enjoy happiness, you are so beautiful."

"I see you have to go out and beg for food!"

Yan Jiecheng chuckled, "Silly Zhu, don't worry."

"I'm just a little curious, how did you and Jia Zhang get on?"

"Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask."

"Our old neighbors for many years finally got together."

"Then stop talking about those unpleasant things."

Only then did Sha Zhu calm down a little.

"That's right, what face do you have to laugh at me?"

"You may not live better than me."

"Hey, by the way, aren't Yi Zhonghai and Liu Haizhong here?"

"Yes, didn't you see it? Isn't Yi Zhonghai over there?" Yan Jiecheng pointed Sha Zhu in the direction.

Silly Zhu looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, he saw an old man with gray hair.

"Yo, it's Yi Zhonghai."

"Aging so fast and losing so much weight."

"If you don't point to me, I really wouldn't recognize him."

"The last time I saw him was several years ago."

Yan Jiecheng explained: "After all, in prison, there is nothing good to eat."

"It's not interesting to have a day."

"It's normal to lose weight and get old."

"That one over there, isn't it Liu Haizhong?"

He pointed the silly column in the direction again.

Silly Zhu looked in the direction.

Sure enough, I saw an old man.

It looks a bit like Liu Haizhong.

But now my hair is cut.

Also lost a lot of weight.

What a difference.

If he came across it on the road, he wouldn't recognize it at all.

"Hey, the bangs have changed from fat to skinny."

"It's really unexpected."

"I don't even recognize him at all."

"Hey, how many years are there for the two of them to go out?"

"Isn't it like you, added a few years?"

Yan Jiecheng sighed, "Oh, neither of them plans to go out."

"Yi Zhonghai, as you know, is single and doesn't even have a child."

"Originally, he planned to ask for a wife, but after he came in, there was no hope at all."

"And now he has adapted to life in prison."

"If you let him out, he won't know what to do with it."

"He's going to stay here for the rest of his life."

"Anyway, it's good to take care of food and housing."

"As for Liu Haizhong, the second aunt and his eldest son have severed ties with him."

"I've never seen him before."

"Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu fell out with him when they were in prison."

"The two brothers joined forces and beat him up several times."

"Now he has nothing to worry about outside, and he is planning to retire in prison."

"Tsk tsk..." Sha Zhu couldn't help sighing after hearing this.

"It's true that the parents are unkind, and the children are unfilial."

"It's not surprising that Liu Haizhong has today."

"Yi Zhonghai, he deserves it."

"Pretending to be a hypocrite, I was deceived by him for a long time before."

Yan Jiecheng pointed to a young man not far away.

Asked: "Hey, silly Zhu, why does that kid look like a stick?"

Silly Zhu looked back, then turned to Yan Jiecheng with a smile and said, "That's him."

"He came in with me."

Yan Jiecheng couldn't help sighing: "Hehe, our courtyard is full of talents."

"The old and the young are all locked in."

"Why did the stick get mixed up with those three hands?"

"Isn't it because you want to learn how to steal?"

Sha Zhu nodded, "Yes, that's what he planned."

"He said that when he goes out, he has to find a craft to support himself."

"Otherwise you will starve to death when you go out."

"I advised him not to go astray, but he still didn't listen."

"It's because I listened to what I said, so I was so unlucky and was locked in."

"In the future, he will decide for himself."

Yan Jiecheng shook his head and said, "Forget it, don't worry about him."

"It's hard to persuade a goddamn ghost."

"Silly Zhu, tell me about what happened in the courtyard these years."

"And about my Wanyun and Tengyun, how are they doing?"

Sha Zhu nodded, "Okay, tell me about the prison too."

"It happens to be very boring here, let's relieve the boredom."

In the days that followed, the two often chatted to relieve boredom.

Ask each other about things they don't know.

(End of this chapter)

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