when reincarnation invades

Chapter 101 Who would dislike having too many guns?

Chapter 101 Who would dislike having too many guns?

Zhu Yuyan wondered: "But this is already all that my Yingui Sect can offer. It's not that I don't want to give you more, but the Yingui Sect has no shortage of gold, silver and jewelry, but I think you won't care about those ordinary people. things."

"But it can't be too bad."

Lin Bin said: "This sword is just a B-level weapon, and a B-level weapon is just a transitional weapon when the reincarnation starts. In other words, this plane is just a very ordinary adventure-level plane. The reincarnators here are not too strong, and naturally they don't have too high-end weapons, you think this weapon is very strong, it's because your vision is narrow."

What do you mean talking nonsense with your eyes open?
Even Lin Bin wondered, the Double Dragon Phantom Sword is also a rare lightsaber in the DNF plane.

In terms of value, it is probably much higher than the money sword.

You know, the money sword is a weapon that exploded in the killing-level secret realm, and Uncle Jiu's special weapon, if not the highest value in that plane, is definitely ranked in the top few rows.

But this adventure-level secret realm...

Lin Bin was not interested in researching how sacred that little mushroom called Cai girl was.

Anyway, people are dead.

Things have now fallen into his hands.

But now he is the only insider, isn't Jane precious, isn't it just a matter of his upper and lower lips?
"My Yingui faction has already paid for a carefully trained disciple, plus a weapon that I got from the heavens and humans after paying a lot of money. If you have anything else you want, you may wish to ask it. If I yin There are Gui sects, and they are not stingy."

Zhu Yuyan didn't know that Lin Bin was talking to the lion. .

But why has the Yingui Sect been suppressed by Cihang Jingzhai for many years?
To put it bluntly, isn't Cihang Jingzhai the first to occupy the title of moral righteousness?

Having already suffered a loss, Zhu Yuyan now feels that this information is extremely important, and this is the chance to turn defeat into victory.

She said seriously: "Yuyan is very sincere in cooperating, otherwise, if my Yin Gui faction really wants to kill the young master at all costs, it is not impossible to succeed, and Yuyan has a gift to give Now, my lord, do you know why your identity as a celestial being has not been revealed yet? Naturally, Shi Feixuan will not reveal it easily, and the Jingnian Chanyuan is not afraid of the Zen master escaping from the master. His original intention was to make a big publicity about it, but He was killed by Yuyan before he could open his mouth, so this can also prove our sincerity?"

Lin Bin suddenly realized: "It's no wonder that my identity as a celestial being has not been revealed until now. Although I don't care too much about this, you are indeed paying attention. Well, let me tell the truth, you are currently You can't show the sincerity that will satisfy me, unless...you are willing to bleed a lot in the future."

Zhu Yuyan knows the elegant meaning when she hears the stringed songs.

Frowning, he said, "My lord not only wants Qing'er's wife, but also the entire Yingui Sect to submit to you? Is this too difficult? We just want to cooperate with you, but you want to exploit us directly." gone."

"I don't have any ambitions. No matter how the Yingui Sect develops in the real world in the future, I wish the Suzerain would not give up here, right? That means that the Yingui Sect will be divided into two sects. No matter how the future develops, I only want the real world." The Yingui faction does things for me, and I usually don't care what you do, but when I give orders, you must put my needs first."

Lin Bin said: "This point should be different from the previous proposal of Suzerain Zhu, but it is completely the same in actual sense. Bai Qing'er is the Suzerain of the Yingui Sect in the future real world. She is my slave, and the Yingui Sect will naturally be You should also submit to me, I just made a detailed note."

Zhu Yuyan thought about it, and there was indeed no difference.

She nodded and said, "Yes."

Lin Bin nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Then what I need is not only the restraint of the girl's Dafa, but also the complete cultivation system of the Heavenly Demon Dafa. In this way, if you break your word in the future and dare to break your promise, I just copied thousands of copies of the Heavenly Demon Dafa and spread it to the martial arts, and when the time comes, everyone will be disciples of the Yingui Sect, wouldn't everyone be happy?"


Zhu Yuyan resolutely said: "If I give the exercises to you, I am afraid that the Yingui sect will really respect you in the future. Don't say Qing'er, I am afraid that even Houhou will not be able to escape your clutches. Yuyan is very happy." There is sincerity, but it is not without bottom line, Shu Yuyan cannot agree with your way of extorting prices."

In a hurry... She was in a hurry.

It seems that this is her bottom line.

Lin Bin smiled slightly and said, "Then what if I give you a chance, a chance for you to surpass Cihang Jingzhai in this world?"

"What do you mean?"

"Cihang Jingzhai intends to support the second son of the Li family, Li Shimin, to seize the world, but now, Li Shimin has completely sided with me. Of course, Shi Feixuan doesn't know about this."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "If you are willing, I can thread the needle and let you two cooperate. I am afraid that Cihang Jingzhai will never think that the Mingjun they support in vain has already joined forces with the Yingui sect..."

Hou Hou coughed lightly, and said dissatisfiedly: "What you said, it seems that people from the Yingui Sect are all bad guys."

Lin Bin ignored Houhou's dissatisfaction and said, "I can recommend that you Yingui Sect and Li Shimin start a closer cooperation than Cihang Jingzhai. In this way, when Li Shimin becomes emperor in the future, Cihang Jingzhai plans to When collecting the fruits of victory, it turned out that the fruits they painstakingly cultivated had already been picked away."

"It's a deal! As long as the young master can thread the needle for you, Yuyan is willing to give the Heavenly Demon Dafa as a gift, and she has absolutely no secrets."

Zhu Yuyan's breathing became heavy.

She naturally knew who the partner Cihang Jingzhai had chosen was.

If this Lin Bin really has this kind of energy, it will be a great victory for the two worlds...

And the meaning of the other party is obvious.

He doesn't want to interfere with the Yingui faction, but when the Yingui faction needs to be used, the Yingui faction must put his demands first.

In comparison, only women can practice Heavenly Demon Dafa. Even if Lin Bin got it, it would have no effect other than threatening the Yingui sect.

She heard that the private lives of men and women in the real world are extremely chaotic. This kind of cultivation technique that cannot break the body is too restrictive, and I am afraid that not many people are willing to practice it.

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Very well, so we have reached an agreement?"

Zhu Yuyan said: "Do you need a handshake to express a happy cooperation? I heard that this is popular in the real world."

"You have obtained a lot of information."

Lin Bin raised his hand and took Zhu Yuyan's hand.

"Pleasant to work with."

"Pleasant to work with."

Lin Bin let go without showing any signs, thinking that this bitch is scratching me.

"Since that's the case, Yuyan won't bother you to rest, Qing'er, you stay here to serve you, and you follow him to the real world, do you know that you have to listen to him?"

Bai Qing'er timidly said: "Yes, disciple obeys."

"Don't rush away. Right now, I still have a piece of information that I want to sell to Zhu Zongzhu, but I don't know if you are interested."

However, Lin Bin sat down in a leisurely manner, drank the water Zhu Yuyan poured for himself, and motioned Zhu Yuyan to pour water again.

Even he himself didn't expect that the development of the matter turned out to be such a twist...

The Yingui faction, who offended him at the beginning, turned out to be his ally in the end.

However, the Yingui faction has many methods, if they can really form a scale in the real world, it will be of great benefit to Lin Bin... It can be regarded as giving him a bunch of available talents.

As for whether he will be unable to control this kind of problem, Lin Bin is not worried.

As long as he maintains his tyrannical strength and knows them well, he won't worry about them being disobedient...

Zhu Yuyan thought that he wanted Heavenly Demon Dafa as a means of threatening them.

It's a pity that she didn't understand that the Heavenly Demon Dafa has a strong effect on longevity true energy.

If it can be upgraded to a complete article.

When the time comes, imitating Heavenly Demon Dafa with longevity true energy may play a different and unique role...Of course, this must never be said to her.

"Oh? Young Master, what else do you want to cooperate with Yuyan?"

Zhu Yuyan sat back opposite Lin Bin again, and complained: "The three of us, master and apprentice, have been completely hollowed out by the young master, so there is nothing else that can be taken out."

"If you can afford it, buy it. If you can't afford it... then forget it. I just mentioned that the business is not righteous. Anyway, it will not affect our future cooperation. It's just that the cooperation has not yet started, so I can't give it to you." You have too many discounts."

Lin Bin asked: "Shi Zhixuan hasn't shown up for many years, right? Sovereign Zhu is not curious, where has he been hiding all these years?"

The charming look on Zhu Yuyan's face suddenly froze, and a bit of unforgettable hatred appeared in her eyes.

She asked: "Master Lin, do you know where Shi Zhixuan is?"

"Do you want to know? If you can come up with a benefit that satisfies me, I can give you this information, know his location in advance, and then set up a net of heaven and earth, and use all the power of your Yingui sect to kill him in one fell swoop." kill it?"

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Do you want this information?"

Zhu Yuyan smiled wryly and said: "My lord is very scheming, after stripping all of Yuyan's possessions, I came to propose this condition..."

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "The Yingui faction doesn't have any treasures at the bottom of the box? I don't believe it. If you have any relics of reincarnation, take them out. This information is worth the price, not only for you Personal grievances, once Shi Zhixuan dies, no one in the entire Demon Sect can fight against you, and you can take advantage of the situation to unify the entire Demon Sect, isn't it worth your sacrifice for such a good thing?"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes showed determination when she heard the words, and she said, "Qing'er, take out the self-defense that the teacher entrusted to you."

Bai Qing'er panicked: "Master, but you promised Qing'er, this thing will be handed over to Qing'er for self-defense..."

Zhu Yuyan said: "The reason why the teacher sent you to become the son's servant is for the better development of our Yingui sect, and now it is the same to return this weapon... Everything I do for the master is for the Yingui sect, If you feel aggrieved, you might as well think about how much convenience you have received from the Yingui Sect over the years, and the growth of the Yingui Sect will also be of great benefit to you."


Bai Qing'er replied in frustration.

Lift up the skirt.

On the inside of her thigh, there is a gun holster, with a huge revolver sticking out of it. I really don't know how Bai Qing'er just hid such a huge gun under her long skirt. Showing the head of the gun.

Zhu Yuyan took the revolver, handed it to Lin Bin, and said, "Although you already have a similar weapon in your hand..."

Lin Bin said: "It doesn't matter. I don't want too much. I can sell the excess. Trading between reincarnations is allowed."

Zhu Yuyan hesitated for a moment.

There was a reluctant smile on his face, but it quickly turned into a graceful smile, and said: "In terms of power, this weapon may not be as powerful as the gun in the young master's hand, but if it is sold, it should be sold Great price."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "I knew you were hiding something."

He took the revolver.

After a closer look, the attributes emerged.

[Zhanlan Rose (B-level plot long-range weapon): The gun personally modified by Nero, the son of the devil, in order to kill the devil. It has a huge recoil and at the same time, the lethality has reached the limit of gun weapons. It can fire two bullets at the same time. Because of the unique inscription engraved on the gun body, it has an additional bonus against ghosts and evil monsters. It can fire solid bullets or energy bullets through charging. The power depends on the charging intensity and time. 】

[Note: Hey, goblin, take a shot at me. 】

Not as powerful as Sand Eagle Shura?

Lin Bin's heart pounded faster, and then quickly returned to calm.

They thought it might as well be right, after all, Sand Eagle Shura's bullets were actually special bullets made by technology madman Xu Cancan day and night.

But if you put on the same grade of bullets.

Sand Eagle Shura was absolutely crushed to the point that there was nothing left. One was a firearm obtained in an ordinary secret realm. Although powerful, it was only the pinnacle of ordinary firearms.

The other one is a fantasy weapon...

And charging with energy, isn't this an alternative way to achieve the purpose of unlimited bullets?

Is this Yin Gui school?

What the hell is this girl giving away treasures? Even the dowry has to be paid out.

Moreover, the azure rose and the double dragon phantom sword, one has a strong restraint on living beings, and the other has great lethality on undead.

Or matching weapons.

Cheaper for me.

"Alright, this gun should be able to sell a lot of reincarnation points, oh, reincarnation points are the currency used for transactions between reincarnation people, and the reason why you can't use these items is because these items come from other planes, there is no Naturally, the reincarnation table cannot be activated."

Lin Bin suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

Said: "Didn't I say it before? The real world has already integrated the essence of countless worlds. Compared with it, your world can only be regarded as weak. Qing'er, you don't have to feel sorry for leaving here, because you welcome A wider world is coming."


Bai Qing'er glared at Lin Bin resentfully, thinking that she took away my last self-defense weapon.

The more you say that the real world is scary, the more I'm afraid... I really don't know if I can eat there.

"My lord, if things are still satisfactory, I don't know the whereabouts of the evil king..."

Lin Bin pretended not to care and put away the blue rose.

Of course, he knew that this pretense might not have deceived Zhu Yuyan, but some things were tacit... like dealing with Shi Zhixuan, whether it was really for the Yin Gui sect or for himself, I am afraid that even Zhu Yuyan herself could not tell clearly.

But didn't she still lie to herself that it was for the great cause of the Yingui Sect?
Seeing through is not talking about breaking through.

He said: "He is now hiding in Chang'an City. The Zen Master Dade of Wulou Temple is superb in Buddhism, no less than the evil king Shi Zhixuan. His reputation has been passed down for more than ten years. I wish the suzerain to find out after inquiring."

Zhu Yuyan was pleasantly surprised: "Really?!"

"Just try it and you'll know."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "But you must remember to call me when you try. Of course, I will not miss your business, and maybe I can help you."

He said this with sincerity.

after all……

The evil king is hiding in Wulou Temple, and it is almost impossible for him to get the relic of the evil emperor without disturbing him.

Because of this, Lin Bin was worried about how to expel the evil king.

As a result, he dozed off here, and Zhu Yuyan sent a pillow, oh, not only did he send a pillow, but he also prepared a big gun for him... Although he already had a gun, such things as guns, Who would think too much?

And this one is stronger and stronger.

Lin Bin, who had already made a lot of money, sighed with a sigh of relief: "Actually, I didn't want to tell you this clue, otherwise I would have said it when Zhu Zongzhu just came in, but it's rare that everyone cooperates so happily, so I gave it to you." A friendly price, let’s make friends.”

"Thank you sir."

Zhu Yuyan said: "Then Yuyan will take Qing'er away for the time being."

As her disciple, Bai Qing'er is strong enough to be ranked in the top ten of the Yingui sect.

If he wanted to kill Shi Zhixuan, she was also an indispensable help.

It is obviously inappropriate to keep her here as a fort.

Bai Qing'er also heaved a sigh of relief.

The three masters and apprentices jumped out of the window one by one and left. Before leaving for the last time, Hou Hou gave Lin Bin a deep look.

Go back to the Yin Gui faction's resident.

Zhu Yuyan no longer faced Lin Bin's charm and elegance, and said coldly: "You immediately send people to invite all the elders to discuss matters, and say that I have a major issue that is related to the life and death of the entire Yin Gui faction, and I need their help. I want everyone to arrive within two hours, if not, the door will deal with it."


The disciples left immediately.

Bai Qing'er said softly: "Master, this disciple wants to leave for a while and change his underwear..."

When I went there, I thought I would stay with Lin Bin.

Bai Qing'er specially changed into a seductive little dress, and now that her plan has run aground, she naturally feels uncomfortable all over.

After all, her charm is only a verbal longing, how can she go into battle naked?
"Go, come back quickly."


Bai Qing'er left.

Not long after Bai Qing'er left, Wan Wan rolled her eyes and said, "Master Zhu, this disciple also wants to make some preparations first, I haven't brought the Demonic Twin Blades with me yet."

"Okay, you go."

Zhu Yuyan nodded. At this moment, she had no time to pay attention to other things, and all her attention was focused on one person.

Stone House!
This time, he must be killed, and then step on his bones to become the master of the demon gate.

"Zhixuan, you owed me back then, now, use your corpse to pay for it."

Zhu Yuyan murmured.

 I haven't had a fever for the past few days, and my son's fever has subsided... It seems that luck is good, it's just an ordinary illness, not a positive test, and my son is already on winter vacation. Starting today, I will concentrate on the squatting mode at home...

(End of this chapter)

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