when reincarnation invades

Chapter 102 Believe it or not

Chapter 102 Believe it or not

"It seems that it is right to leave some reincarnation points for myself in advance."

Lin Bin's sigh was extremely sincere.

He couldn't help but began to worry about whether the reincarnation points he earned in this secret realm were enough to bring his gains back to the real world.

There is no way, the Yingui faction really gave too much.

Looking at the azure blue rose in his hand that was almost a size bigger than Sand Eagle Shura.

With thick and long double-bore ballistics and an exquisite gun body that looks like a work of art, the Sand Eagle Shura can already be regarded as a heroic weapon in ordinary secret realms, but compared to the Azure Rose, it is obviously inferior in both shape and appearance.

After all, one is D-level and the other is B-level.

The difference is still obvious.

Lin Bin sighed regretfully, but the bullets were of different types. In this way, the blasting bombs and freezing bombs made for Sand Eagle Shura before, wouldn’t they all be wasted?
It seems that in this world, there must be serious disasters.

He put away the blue rose.

Xin Dao said that the next step is to wait for Zhu Yuyan to drive Shi Zhixuan away...

Although Shi Zhixuan's strength is extremely strong, it's a pity that his current state is not perfect.

Encountering Zhu Yuyan who shot with hatred, the possibility of being able to escape unscathed is very slim.

And as long as he is driven away, even if he is seriously injured...

The difficulty of obtaining the Evil Emperor's relic suddenly dropped a lot.

"That's why I said before that this girl is really a good person."

Lin Bin sighed gracefully.
time flies.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

During these three days, the city of Chang'an was peaceful and peaceful.

No one knew that in these three days, almost all the elite experts of the Yingui Sect who could be called famous had already entered Chang'an City through various channels.

Zhu Yuyan did not go to Wang Wulou Temple to check for information.

No one knows Shi Zhixuan better than her.

Any clues would probably give him a warning sign. How could she tolerate such a waste of a god-given opportunity that was finally obtained?
Even in order not to disturb Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan has been staying in her residence for the past few days, never stepping out of the door...

She didn't know Shi Zhixuan's whereabouts before, and although she didn't make a big show when she came, she didn't deliberately hide her presence, maybe the other party already knew of her existence.

I have already made a mistake once, and I must never make a second mistake.

But although Zhu Yuyan didn't leave the house, she gave orders one after another directly to the most capable subordinates of the Yingui Sect.

Bi Shouxuan, Wen Caiting, Elder Xia, Danmei...

All the masters broke away from their subordinates and entered Chang'an City in disguise alone, trying not to attract anyone's attention.

Until this morning.

In Wulou Temple.

In a quiet and simple Zen room.

An eminent monk with a peaceful face was slowly knocking on the wooden fish with a leisurely expression, muttering words in his mouth.

His attitude of compassion and compassion seems to be that he wants to use Buddhist scriptures to save the troubled and suffering common people in the world.

Zen Master Dade.

Since he was listed in Wulou Temple, he has become the person with the most profound Buddhist teachings in Wulou Temple. For more than ten years, countless eminent monks and great virtues have come to ask him for Buddhist teachings.

He even presided over several water and land events, which can be described as extremely complete.

Wulou Temple can achieve today's achievements, it can almost be said that Zen Master Dade is indispensible.

However, for such an eminent monk and great virtue, even the most basic meditation of a monk has become difficult to do today.

beep... beep... beep...

The slightly hasty sound of the wooden fish came to an abrupt end.

He slowly opened his eyes, and in those extremely deep eyes, which seemed to be mixed with countless wisdom, a deep meaning emerged.

Looking at the wooden fish that had already been cracked by him.

Zen Master Dade sighed softly: "The wind today is extraordinarily noisy."

The voice fell.

Outside the quiet courtyard, on the courtyard wall that is as high as two people.

There was a slight sound of footfall.

A resentful voice sighed softly: "Zhixuan, you are so cruel, you know that Yuyan has come to Chang'an City, but you don't even think about seeing Yuyan... In vain Yuyan has been thinking about you for many years Think, never forget..."

"Shi Zhixuan, you have been exposed, come out quickly and die."

"Hahahaha, Shi Zhixuan, you are the last obstacle for our Yingui Sect to dominate the Holy Gate. As long as we kill you, our Yingui Sect can directly dominate the entire Holy Sect. At that time, we will punch Cihang Jingzhai, kick Jing Nianchanyuan, dominate the Central Plains, only I, Yingui!"


Zen Master Dade heard shouts from outside.

Before, there was a little impatience, but it became so stable.

It turned out that it was because of the Yingui faction.

The scariest thing is the unknown.

And as long as you know it, you have nothing to fear.

He got up, and slowly took off the monk's robe on his body, revealing the scribe's robe that he hadn't put on for a long time.

In just a short moment, the former eminent monk with a peaceful and compassionate face has transformed into a handsome, suave middle-aged handsome scribe.

The evil king - Shi Zhixuan.

He opened the door and walked out.

With the appearance of Shi Zhixuan.

Before, there was a lot of turmoil, and the ferocious atmosphere of all trees and trees stopped abruptly. It seemed that with his appearance, the surroundings began to become full of birds and flowers, and the scenery was beautiful.

In the huge courtyard, those yelling and scolding stopped immediately.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, I didn't feel it before I saw it, but after I saw it now, I realized that the evil king Shi Zhixuan is indeed not a person who has made a name for himself.

Even though he didn't do anything, and didn't even show a little bit of madness, everyone couldn't help feeling jealous.

"You really are here."

Zhu Yuyan stared at the familiar figure, her silver teeth almost gnawed into pieces, her tone became softer, and she said softly: "It's not in vain that Yuyan planned so hard for you to arrange such a murderous situation. "

"Yuyan's heart, I really feel it."

Shi Zhixuan raised his head, glanced at Zhu Yuyan, and turned to look at her side.

Hou Hou was standing with the Heavenly Demon Double Blades in his hands, with a smile, but no matter how you looked at it, the smile had the meaning of killing.

On the other side, Bai Qing'er didn't even pretend to smile lazily, and looked at him with hatred... Shi Zhixuan thought for a long time but couldn't figure out how he had offended this little girl.

Could it be that she lost some treasure because of me?
But I never saw her at all.

As for others such as Wen Caiting and others, many of them became famous even earlier than him... but they are just the ones who sell their names.

But Zhu Yuyan is already so difficult.

But now...

Shi Zhixuan sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, you were able to gather almost the entire elite of the Yingui Sect here without me noticing it, Yuyan... It seems that this time, you have a strong killing intent and must take My life is at stake, how did the two of us get to where we are today?"

"Naturally, you have to ask Zhixuan yourself. It's okay if you don't know. At the last moment when you swallow your breath, Yuyan will naturally explain everything to you."

Zhu Yuyan didn't want to say more, she looked at Shi Zhixuan with the pleasure of revenge in her eyes.

Waving: "Kill him!"

The voice fell.

Several gray shadows jumped up along the wall, strangling towards Shi Zhixuan at the same time.

All of these people are extremely powerful magic masters, and they are very familiar with Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal, which is good at team battles.

Therefore, while attacking at the same time.

But the shots are divided into front and back, what's more, they never take the initiative to move forward, but the hidden weapon makes a sharp swishing sound, attacking the vital points around Shi Zhixuan's body.

Although in this way, it may not be possible to completely avoid Shi Zhixuan's seal of immortality, but it can weaken the specialty of his seal of immortality to the maximum extent.

"Zhixuan, die."

Zhu Yuyan let out a long roar, and the Heavenly Magic force field fully opened.

Her hair fluttered like a banshee coming from the underworld to snatch her soul, her hair came first, and she rushed towards Shi Zhixuan.

Both palms are white and tender, but they are sharper than Houhou's Heavenly Demon Blade...

Everywhere he went, the air felt like ripples.

Shi Zhixuan's eyes were even deeper.

Facing the combined attacks of the crowd, his body twisted a few times as weak and boneless, and he easily missed the first few fatal attacks...

But other people's attacks are easy to dodge, but Zhu Yuyan is the enemy he has to wait for now.

Out of the encirclement like lightning.

But was blocked by Zhu Yuyan in the head, and the two passed dozens of moves like lightning.

In the confrontation between the two master-level masters, the vigor was scattered, the vegetation was broken, and the wall collapsed.

The quiet and elegant Buddhist temple just now was suddenly devastated, like a battlefield passing through.

Between the two parties, know the bottom line.

Shi Zhixuan once lied to Zhu Yuyan to read the Heavenly Demon Dafa when she was the most innocent, and the power of the Immortal Seal is amazing, so it may not be without some credit for the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

And Zhu Yuyan is now No. 1 in the Demon Sect, so it is not difficult to find the remnants of the Huajian School and the Butian School.

This fight...

Zhu Yuyan felt a burst of sorrow and joy in her heart.

Shi Zhixuan was even weaker than he imagined.

It seems that Bi Xiuxin's death hit him more than he could have imagined, and at this moment he was still dominated by the Huajian faction.

Thinking of this, my heart suddenly became more angry, and screamed: "Shi Zhixuan, it seems that you haven't gotten rid of Bi Xiuxin's influence on you... It's really sad, you couldn't protect your wife more than ten years ago, and now you can't protect your daughter even more. No matter how suave you are, if you can't even protect your own flesh and blood, what's the point of living in this world?"

Seeing Hou Hou assisting in the pincer attack.

The two heavenly magic force fields are like two black holes, almost completely fused into one.

Makes it harder to figure out.

"Wu, the double blades of the demon."

Zhu Yuyan snatched the Heavenly Demon Twin Blades from her disciple. In her hands back then, these two short blades were more powerful than the current Houhou.

Now that it hasn't touched it for several years, and then spread it out, the two knives almost have blades. Wherever they pass, the sound of piercing the air roars like surging waves, making it difficult for people to resist.

For a while, even Shi Zhixuan couldn't resist, and was clumsy under the two sabers.

If he was a little careless, he was already attacked by Danmei behind him, but he reacted very quickly, activated the Immortal Seal, and the next moment, he had already drawn Danmei's offensive and entangled with Bi Shouxuan and others, leading him instantly. The people were in great confusion.

It's just that although his demeanor was calm, Zhu Yuyan's words still made him flustered.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes, he dodged Zhu Yuyan's chain of knives and nets at the moment, and said angrily: "Zhu Yuyan, what did you do to Qingxuan?"

"Shi Qingxuan?! Hahahaha, although I Zhu Yuyan hates you to the bone, I don't bother to threaten you with your flesh and blood, but you only know Zhu Yuyan and don't know Shi Feixuan? Don’t you know anything about the outside world?”

Seeing Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan really didn't know what happened.

She was instantly delighted.

Although she didn't do it by herself, but she said it herself, she also has a feeling of participating in it and beating the man in front of her.

She laughed and said, "Don't you know? Bi Xiuxin actually gave birth to two daughters for you back then, one of which you didn't even know was taken away by Cihang Jingzhai and raised as a contemporary disciple. It's the intention to let you father and daughter kill each other, Zhixuan... how about it, Bi Xiuxin didn't think about this possibility at all, otherwise why would she send your child to Cihang Jingzhai? Just because of her love for Zongmen If you feel ashamed, do you disregard your position?"

"What... what?!"

Shi Zhixuan was shocked.

Before he could react in time, he was directly stabbed in the chest.

Zhu Yuyan's knives are like a chain, merciless.

In the blink of an eye, four knives have been cut in his chest...

It's just that there is no drop of blood.

The scribe's shirt was ripped open, revealing the black soft armor inside.


Zhu Yuyan snorted angrily, if it wasn't for this soft armor, these few knives would have directly killed Shi Zhixuan...

But she also understands that the reason why she was able to hit these few knives so easily is probably because Shi Zhixuan has full confidence in this soft armor.

Although Shi Zhixuan was injured, his expression gradually turned cold.

With two backhand palms, Wen Caiting and Bi Shouxuan were blown away!

He shouted sharply, "What did you say?"

"I said that your daughter was taken away by someone, and she was indoctrinated to hate you since she was a child, and she grew up like a tool, but you... were ignorant of this, Zhixuan, are you grateful to Yuyan? If Yuyan hadn't told you the truth, after you personally killed you and Bi Xiuxin's daughter, would you still have the face to live in this world? Would you have the face to die to see Bi Xiuxin?"

Zhu Yuyan smiled gloatingly.

She laughed and said, "What kind of bullshit evil king, who can't even protect her own daughter, and claims to be suave, who just puts on pants and refuses to admit it, so who cares about her bloodline? Shi Zhixuan, don't call me evil king, Call it the evil turtle."

"I don't believe it, you are talking nonsense, nonsense!"

There was some blood in Shi Zhixuan's eyes, and he screamed loudly.

Compared with before, his figure suddenly changed to be extremely sensitive, like a ghost...

In this instant, the lightness kung fu he performed has directly changed from the graceful lightness kung fu of the Huajian School to the lightness kung fu of Butian Pavilion.

Like ghosts and ghosts, they come and go without a shadow.

The speed was so fast that even Zhu Yuyan's heavenly magic force field couldn't restrain her.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Shi Zhixuan seemed to be insane, rushing left and right in anger.


Bi Shouxuan only had time to shield his zhenqi to his arms, but he was directly slashed by Shi Zhixuan's palm, his zhenqi was as sharp as a sword, tearing his zhenqi protection to pieces like a rotten one, piercing his heart with his palm.

Before a scream could be heard, Shi Zhixuan pierced his whole body and was torn in half.

There was murderous intent in his eyes.

Angrily shouted: "I will never believe you, Zhu Yuyan, don't let me disturb my mood."

"His heart is disturbed, everyone surrounds him, don't let him escape, leave it to me to deal with it!"

Zhu Yuyan let out a coquettish cry, knowing that Shi Zhixuan's strength at this time has greatly improved compared to before, but his mood is also greatly confused, and it is an excellent time to kill him.

Then ordered everyone to retreat.

She had already leaped forward, holding the Heavenly Demon Double Blades, and was fighting with Shi Zhixuan.

And this time.

It is not far from Wulou Temple.

Lin Bin was fighting quietly, seeing the battle clearly from beginning to end.

"Well, the evil king is really powerful. In terms of current strength alone, I am afraid it is still higher than Zhu Yuyan...

But Zhu Yuyan's strikes were really ruthless, and the whole group went together, and they went straight to the heart. "

Lin Bin murmured, "I originally used it to fool Shi Feixuan, but now why do I feel that apart from Shi Feixuan, I don't believe it, and the other big bosses believe it?"

This is really no wonder Lin Bin.

no way……

Who let this rumor be spread by Zhu Yuyan?

The credibility is naturally higher by a few plus signs.

So much so that now Shi Zhixuan obviously took it seriously, and as a result, he went berserk and started fighting Zhu Yuyan directly.

You are an assassin.

Isn't it a place to shoot and slip?

Stay here and fight hard, and you are still surrounded by the enemy.

Zhu Yuyan obviously had the same plan, she wanted to consume Shi Zhixuan alive.

Even if he didn't die, knowing the truth, the person Shi Zhixuan hated most would no longer be Zhu Yuyan, but Cihang Jingzhai.

Really worthy of being the master of a sect.

Even if you want to take revenge, you have to bring in the mortal enemy who is not on the scene.

But the inner armor on Shi Zhixuan's body looks familiar.

Lin Bin stared fixedly at the inner armor, and gradually revealed an absurd expression on his face.

have to……

Body armor.

Sure enough, Shi Zhixuan might also have the life of a reincarnated person in his hands.

"If that's the case, I shouldn't be involved in it."

Lin Bin thought that I didn't have any direct enmity with Shi Zhixuan, and I even had a pretty good friendship with one of his two daughters.


Why do I feel that I get along pretty well with Concubine Shi Xuan?
Obviously, I was bullying her the whole time.

Lin Bin muttered, thinking that this time, there is no need to intervene, just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.


With Shi Zhixuan's outbreak, it was difficult for Zhu Yuyan to gain an advantage, but she was surrounded by elites from the Yingui faction, and Houhou and others were blocking her.

Although Shi Zhixuan still had the upper hand, there were signs that his momentum would not last long.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that I will die here.

And right now.

Lin Bin couldn't help but twitched his brows suddenly, he was surprised to find that he met Shi Zhixuan's crazy eyes.

He found me.

Just when Lin Bin was shocked, he watched Shi Zhixuan smile coldly at him.

He took out a stone about the size of a palm from his sleeve.

held high.

On the stone, countless blue electric arcs twine.


Just when Lin Bin was surprised, suddenly a warning came.

Push your right foot hard.

The whole person retreated a few steps, and at the place where he had just stood, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the ground, directly blasting out a deep pit of more than half a meter.

And at the same time.

The area around Shi Zhixuan instantly turned into a world of lightning!
Sudden change in painting style.

Zhu Yuyan and the others were directly surrounded by boundless thunder! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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