Chapter 103
With Shi Zhixuan as the center, almost everything within a radius of several hundred meters was swept under the thunder.

Zhu Yuyan and Houhou reacted very quickly, or they seemed to have already dealt with it, so they avoided Lei Ting immediately.

But Wen Caiting and Danmei couldn't dodge in time, and were directly smashed into coke by the thunder that fell from the sky.

Those with high martial arts skills like them are so...

Let alone others.

The thunder covered an extremely wide area, almost covering the entire Wulou Temple, and it was difficult for any moving creature to avoid it, and was blasted into ashes.

In this short moment, the Yingui sect suffered heavy casualties.

Wulou Temple was also destroyed.

And if there are no accidents, this incident will make things worse for Jingnian Temple. Look, the Buddha couldn't even look down on it, and thunderbolts directly bombarded your temple.

It can be seen that bald donkeys are damned.

And the evil king Shi Zhixuan...

But the moment the thunder broke out, it had already disappeared.

One blow severely damaged the Yingui faction.

He retreated calmly with himself, as if the injury he suffered just now was just an illusion.

But Lin Bin has a different view.

He remembered the way Shi Zhixuan looked at him just now.

His injury is probably just a disguise, he is waiting for him...

Zhu Yuyan set up a net to take his life. Shi Zhixuan may not have no chance to escape, but he has been taking the initiative to expose his flaws, trying to lure Lin Bin to attack and let Lin Bin approach.

At that time.

He can take his life directly with this stone.

"Hold the stone up high, and there will be an electric arc around the stone, and all the moving creatures around will be hit by the thunder... It should be the props of the reincarnation, Shi Zhixuan can use the props of the reincarnation, it seems that he There is also a reincarnation watch in his hand, and he has already worn it on his hand, in a sense, he already has the identity of a reincarnation!"

Lin Bin's heart is so powerful, it should be just a one-time prop, or it should have a very restrictive effect.

In this way, Zhu Yuyan didn't gain anything, at least she forced Shi Zhixuan's life.

He looked at Zhu Yuyan who was rushing here with Houhou immediately after clearing up the battlefield.

Wait until the master and apprentice rush to the front.

Lin Bin asked: "The evil king escaped, Zhu Zongzhu didn't seem to be disappointed at all. Could it be that you didn't have the purpose of killing Shi Zhixuan from the beginning?"

Zhu Yuyan just had a fierce battle with Shi Zhixuan.

Neither side held back the slightest hand.

She was still a little out of breath at this moment, and she seemed to have a sense of labor with disheveled hairpins.

She sighed: "Yuyan really wants Shi Zhixuan to die, but why not show his last bit of value before he dies?"


Zhu Yuyan said: "That's right, Yuyan deliberately drew out Shi Zhixuan's thought of killing Butian Pavilion, and then told him about Cihang Jingzhai's plot. If he heard the news under normal circumstances, he might be able to suppress his anger, but Right now, Butian Pavilion's killing intent has come out, he absolutely can't bear it, if he leaves, he must go to Cihang Jingzhai, when the two tigers fight, one of them will be injured."

Lin Bin sighed, "I thought you would wish for him to die when you saw him."

"If it is possible, Yuyan naturally wants to take his life, but he has long been prepared. Even if Yuyan kills the best of the Yingui sect, she may not be able to kill him. It is better to seriously injure him to get a wave of interest first, and then cause trouble. Move. In this way, Yuyan can reap the benefits of being a fisherman."

Zhu Yuyan smiled softly and said: "And the young master should also be looking forward to such a situation. Yi Yuyan guessed that the young master, as a reincarnation, should be hostile to Cihang Jingzhai. From this point of view, the two of us are actually born ally."

"That's right, but it's a pity that your Yingui faction is too mixed, otherwise it would be my primary partner, and you wouldn't have to pay so much to buy me off."

Lin Bin looked at the confident Zhu Yuyan in front of him.

Xin Dao sure enough, this is the real Empress Yin's body, with deep calculations, even if she is facing the person she once hated deeply, if there is nothing she can do, she will never fight recklessly, but seek to maximize the benefits.

But what Lin Bin cares about is naturally not this, what he cares more about is...

Shi Zhixuan was driven away.

Duke Yang's treasury, no longer fortified, let him get whatever he wants.

Of course, this cannot be said to Zhu Yuyan.

Lin Bin said softly: "I wish the Sovereign and Shi Zhixuan a fierce battle. I am afraid that the injury is not shallow. It is better to heal the injury first. When you recover from the injury, I will arrange for you to meet with Li Shimin. Don't worry, I will talk to you in the middle." And, your cooperation is absolutely smooth...especially Li Shimin himself should not be dissatisfied with being reduced to Cihang Jingzhai's pawn, he just needs help."

"So, thank you son, Yuyan can't wait to hand over the Heavenly Demon Dafa to you. Only in this way can our cooperation be more intimate."

In fact, Zhu Yuyan was in high spirits at this time.

With her level of strength, it is rare to have the opportunity to fully exert it.

Now in the battle with Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan did suffer a lot of internal injuries, but with all her strength, she is also hearty and feels that she has benefited greatly...

Of course, there is no need to tell him such words.


Lin Bin said goodbye to Zhu Yuyan.

Wan Hou's agile eyes turned, and he said, "Master, disciple, go ask him about the common sense of this world, and see if he can get some information out of it."

"Well, let's go."

Zhu Yuyan nodded.

Hou Hou trotted all the way and followed behind Lin Bin.

During this period of time, Hou Wan was particularly interested in the present world.

Always pestering Lin Bindong to ask questions...

And Lin Bin also boasted to her indiscriminately.

For example, he is from an organization called the World Administration, which is responsible for identifying the difficulty of the secret realm and the follow-up treatment policy, as an important evaluation standard for evaluating whether the world needs to be destroyed or accepted.

And he is the right-hand man of their director Raymond, the best general.

Anyway, I was idle, and there was a beautiful woman with a pretty face listening curiously, showing a Si Guoyi expression from time to time.

Regardless of whether the expression is true or false, anyway, it can really relieve loneliness.

Back to the inn.

Sitting cross-legged with Hou Wan, clasping palms together, let the true energy circulate in both of them.

Longevity True Qi and Heavenly Demon True Qi are complementary and mutually beneficial. The two of them practiced in this way, and the progress was rapid.

And the exercises that the two of them have practiced are extremely brilliant, and they can both operate on their own, and they don't need to put their heart into practice.

Therefore, while practicing, the two chatted for a long time without delaying...

Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Bin directly kicked Houhou out on the grounds that he wanted to take a rest, so why don't you think about staying to sleep.

After dinner.

Lin Bin lay down on the bed and continued to run the Changsheng Zhenqi silently. With the blessing of the Tianmo Zhenqi just now, the Changsheng Zhenqi was still powerful at this time, and Zhou Tiansheng ran out of the F1 feeling when it was circulating in the body.

That's called a fast.

Until Zishi, the moon is in the sky.

The huge city of Chang'an fell into complete silence, only the sound of clappers sounded by watchmen from time to time brought the last movement to this sleeping city.

Lin Bin lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes.

Get up and put on night clothes.

Quietly opened the door and window, performed lightness kung fu, and galloped in the direction of the Yuema Bridge.

Arriving at the side of the bridge, the Yuema Bridge, which is extremely lively during the day, is now as quiet as a ghost town.

"Shi Zhixuan is no longer here, Zhu Yuyan has suffered internal injuries, and the strength of the Yingui Sect has also been greatly weakened. As long as I don't move the weapons and jewels inside, I don't need to alarm anyone."

Lin Bin quietly pressed the mechanism under the Yuema Bridge, heard the sound of the mechanism inside turning, and immediately rushed towards the location of Xiji Garden.

Today's Xiji Garden belongs to the Dugu Clan, and it is quite difficult to enter the inner well without disturbing anyone, but Lin Bin has an optical camouflage cloak, which is quite simple for him.

And just when Lin Bin started plotting against the evil emperor's relic.

Yingui faction resident.

It is also peaceful.

In the battle with Shi Zhixuan, the Yingui faction suffered heavy casualties.

Especially the yellow stone in Shi Zhixuan's hand...Zhu Yuyan has also seen its power before.

At that time, this reincarnated person was killing all directions in their world, and he was almost helpless, and then disappeared.

Everyone thought he was back.

Unexpectedly, it was Shi Zhixuan who secretly assassinated him and got his inheritance.

Therefore, the entire Yingui sect was extremely quiet that night.

Zhu Yuyan rested early, and the others also went back to their temporary residences to treat their injuries. As for the dead heroes... they were all turned into ashes by lightning, and they didn't even need to be burned. They just collected them and buried them.

In the Yin Gui school, dead people have no value.

But in the dead of night.

Wan Wan gently knocked on Bai Qing'er's door.

Bai Qing'er opened the door, her face was still a little pale at this moment.

Seeing Hou Hou, she immediately raised her delicate brows, and asked, "Senior sister Hou is not recuperating in her own room, how come you have the time to come to my little sister?"

Wan Hou sighed with a melancholy expression: "It's nothing, just think about it, our seniors and sisters have grown up together since childhood. Although you fight each other, we get along day and night after all. Now that we are separated, I don't know how long it will take to see each other again. That's why I was very reluctant to part with him, so I came here specially to recount the past friendship with my junior sister."

Bai Qing'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Is the senior sister here to laugh at the younger sister?"

"No, people are here to bully you."

Wan Wan probed like lightning, and rushed towards Bai Qing'er.

Bai Qing'er said angrily: "Wuhou, don't deceive people too much... Today you and your master control the heavenly magic force field and face Shi Zhixuan directly. Your injuries are much worse than mine. In a real fight, you may not be able to stabilize yourself." beat me!"

He raised his hand to block Houhou's attack, and was about to counterattack, but he felt that the raised arm suddenly became unbalanced.

The momentum of the opponent's Heavenly Demon Force Field was actually a bit stronger than before.

Bai Qing'er was shocked, and exclaimed: "You are not injured... you are pretending during the day? Master save... um..."

One is injured, while the other is ready to go.

In addition, Houhou's own strength is higher than that of Bai Qing'er.

With just one blow, Bai Qing'er was directly restrained.

Wan Hou directly carried Bai Qing'er who was stiff after being acupunctured, went back to the house, and sighed: "Junior Sister Qing'er, why do you resist? People love you too, don't you just want the position of the suzerain of the Yin Gui sect?" , don't you want to go to that completely strange world? I feel sorry for my junior sister, so I asked you to get back the reincarnation watch. I didn't expect you to be so uncooperative... No way, for the sake of your future, they had to snatch it away, yes By the way, you didn’t wear the reincarnation watch on your hand, it would be bad if you did, and someone would have to cut off your arm.”

Bai Qing'er said angrily; "Master will not let you go."

"Leaving here, the emperor is far away from the mountains, and the master can't blame others."

Wan Wan smiled sweetly, groped around her for a while, and found out the reincarnation watch she was carrying close to her body.

The calm and calm look on her face turned into hesitation, and then into determination.

He buckled the reincarnation watch directly on his wrist.

The slight tingling, is it drawing his own blood for binding?
this time……


Wan Wan smiled lightly and shook his wrist at Bai Qing'er, and said with a smile: "Junior Sister Qing'er, you should rest well, I will leave this Yingui faction to you, I won't play with you anymore, your acupoints will be in the two It will be released after the hour, and you can rest well when the time comes."

After all, with his hands behind his back, he walked out with brisk steps.

Bai Qing'er was left with a hideous look of anger.

Plus a lot of grievances.


The whole Yin Gui sect is like this, as long as she wants, she never asks her opinion, even if it is hers, she has to grab it for her.

As for Hou Hou, who had just walked halfway there, Hou Hou stopped and looked at Zhu Yuyan who was standing pretty in the distance.

The joy she had just now disappeared immediately, and she said in a flustered way: "I wish... I wish Master..."

Zhu Yuyan glanced at the reincarnation watch on Houhou's wrist, and asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

Hou Hou was flustered at first.

But think of it as a done deal.

She quickly regained her composure and said, "I have nothing to do with this disciple, because if Junior Sister Qing'er is really allowed to go to the present world, the disciple will surely die. With your strength, the first person she wants to kill is the disciple, and the disciple can't sit still and wait for death."

Zhu Yuyan asked: "Did you believe Lin Bin's nonsense?"

Wan Wan asked back: "Master Zhu, don't you believe it? Or, you can't believe it all, but you can't believe it?"

"But you should know that sending Qing'er over as a teacher is to let her feed the tiger with her body and let him play with her. But you practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa and you can't break your body at all. How are you going to gain his trust? Or do you want to Embark on the old path of being a teacher?"

A look of disappointment appeared in Zhu Yuyan's eyes, and she said: "In order to save your life, you sacrificed your innocence at the expense of your innocence, my teacher, I didn't know you were so greedy for life and afraid of death."

"During the past few days, my disciple has been meeting Lin Bin privately almost every day."

But Houhou was not angry, but explained in a brisk tone: "Master Zhu probably doesn't know yet, but the exercise that Lin Bin practiced was the "Longevity Jue" that we had been asking for but couldn't get. It happened to complement my disciple's Heavenly Demon Dafa, learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses, this disciple was seriously injured in the previous battle with Shi Zhixuan, but now he has completely recovered, all thanks to Lin Bin's assistance."

Zhu Yuyan said coldly: "Are you trying to say that you are willing to do such stupid things as if you were a teacher?"

"No, it's more like the opposite. The disciple found a way to break through to the No.18 floor."

Hou Hou said: "Furthermore, the disciple has already asked Lin Bin in detail. It may take three to five years at most, or two or three years at least. The world we live in will merge with the real world. That is to say, the disciple will leave with Lin Bin. , but it will be back in just a few years."

Zhu Yuyan asked: "Why did he make such a judgment? We were about to torture that reincarnated person to death, and he couldn't tell why."

"The disciple doesn't know, but his tone is very firm, and there should be a basis for his judgment."

Hou Hou said: "At that time, my disciple was connected with his zhenqi and communicated with him, so I could tell that he was not lying... So I made up my mind at that time. Then I can take the opportunity to break through to the No.18th floor of the Heavenly Demon Dafa in one fell swoop, Master Zhu, you see, the guarantee is the [-]th floor of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, how can you let the disciple not be moved?"

"If you leave, then the Yingui faction..."

"Even if Junior Sister Qing'er really becomes the suzerain? If she stays in this world, her upper limit can be seen to the end at a glance."

Hou Hou said: "When the disciple's [-]th-level Heavenly Demon Dafa is accomplished, no matter whether there are other chances, as long as the disciple returns and opens his mouth, will she still dare not give up the position of suzerain of the Yin Gui Sect? And the disciple doesn't want to leave a way out for her. , Now that the reincarnation watch has been worn, it is a done deal, if Master Zhu wants to get back the reincarnation watch, he has to remove one of the disciple's arms."

"It seems that you have thought it through."

"The disciple just wants to see a wider world."

Hou Hou said frankly: "I don't want to serve others with sex, so I let Junior Sister Qing'er go, but now Brother Bin doesn't look down on Junior Sister Shang Qing'er. According to him... Junior Sister Qing'er practices Caiyang The method of replenishing yin seems to be weak and simple, but it can't be hidden from a real hero at all, and it has to be a quirky, evil and real little demon girl like Yu'er to do it."

She proudly said: "Listen to him, there are actually quite a few people like us who enter the real world through the secret realm, and they are huddled together to keep warm. They have their own organization in the real world, and those who can enter the real world with their own abilities, naturally They are all outstanding people from one side, and junior sister Qinger is still not good enough, so I have to be a disciple... Hee hee, the disciple suddenly understood why Shi Feixuan was so happy when he praised him for a long time, the disciple just listened to his two good words That's all, I feel like I'm about to fly."

" can do whatever you want. It's done. As a teacher, I can't really chop off your arm. But remember, before the eighteenth floor, you must not break your body. Otherwise, the teacher will definitely find that Lin Bin to settle the score."

"Master, what nonsense are you talking about? The disciple just covets his true energy, just like he covets the identity of the disciple...We cooperate fairly."

"That's fine, since you are determined to leave, tomorrow the teacher will declare that Bai Qing'er will be the next head of the Yin Gui Sect. Whether you can take it back in the future depends on your own ability."

Zhu Yuyan said no more, turned and left.

Hou Hou was left alone, suddenly his eyebrows and eyes widened, his face was full of smiles, and he said with a light smile, "It's just that I gave up a Yin Gui sect, but in the future, people will take back more than one Yin Gui sect... It's even more vast. The world of the world, people have long coveted it."

 The wife has been confirmed to be positive, and now she is isolated in the auxiliary bedroom. There is one in the family who has been recruited, and basically the rest of the family will sooner or later. Alas... If you are too cruel, there will be retribution. I was happy before Oh, I have escaped a catastrophe, now I am doomed, just wait for the imminent stabbing

(End of this chapter)

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