when reincarnation invades

Chapter 104 The Demon Girl, Help Me Cultivate

Chapter 104 The Demon Girl, Help Me Cultivate (Please Subscribe)
In the plot, I remember the twists and turns and risks experienced by Ssangyong in obtaining the relics of the evil emperor, which are almost indescribable in several chapters.

In the end, it was obviously the two people's private trip to explore the secrets, but the result was known to everyone.

This could be regarded as the treatment of the protagonist...

Wherever you go, there will be incidents, and you have to make some moths if you have nothing to do. If there is no fashion, there will be waves of three feet, and the wind will dare to drag the water under the sky.

But Lin Bin naturally does not have this kind of treatment in this world.

There are already extremely clear detailed descriptions in memory, plus Lu Miaozi's own drawings of the mechanism designer.

Moreover, the optical camouflage cloak is difficult to detect even in modern times, let alone in this ancient society?

Lin Bin easily entered Yang Gong's treasury through Xiji Garden.

Along the way, no surprises or dangers.

Never touch what shouldn't be touched, and never accidentally kick something that shouldn't be kicked.

Honestly follow the map given by Lu Miaozi.

When Lin Bin finally saw the legendary evil emperor relic, he was still a little surprised... Is it really all right if it went so smoothly?
But look at the yellow bead-shaped crystal in front of him.

Even if it is placed in a copper box and wrapped in mercury, this round crystal ball still exudes a vague atmosphere.

It's just that compared to He's Bi's kind of forcibly widening the tendons, which seems harmful but actually beneficial, the aura of the evil emperor's relic is much more mixed, and it doesn't really exist like He's Bi, but It directly arouses the deepest dissatisfaction in people's hearts.

Just looking at it, people can't help but have distracting thoughts in their minds, people can't help but think of the person they hate the most in their life, and then their hearts are full of murderous intentions.

Lin Bin murmured: "Hateful rich and treacherous old thief...you are lucky that I have crossed now, otherwise I would kill you with this method now..."

He suddenly came back to his senses.

Hastily closed the copper box, but even so, the chaotic mood was still difficult to calm down...

Obviously, just as the copper box cannot completely isolate He's Bi, the evil power of the evil emperor's relic can only seal most of it.

Lin Bin understood.

If there is this evil emperor relic by his side.

It is very likely that a little bit of conflict will cause those who are already vicious in their hearts to fight each other with swords.

Lin Bin took out He's Bi, and reached out to open the password box on the first floor.

Immediately, He's Bi's abnormal force overflowed outwards, and even because of suppressing it for several days, the abnormal force was a little bit stronger than usual.

But at this time Lin Bin was quite used to the intrusion of this kind of alien force.

He said softly: "It seems that the supernatural power of Heshibi and the essence of the evil emperor relic do not belong to the same system, and they will not cancel or neutralize each other, but one virtual and one real, without interfering with each other. The copper box is imprisoned, but the copper box is not strong, no matter which one can only imprison most of it."

And there is only one lockbox.

Lin Bin stuffed the evil emperor's relic into it without hesitation.

Immediately, that strange and weird power of thought disappeared.

Obviously, with double insurance, He's Bi couldn't bear it, and so could the Evil Emperor Sari.

There is no way, He's Bi's extraordinary power only affects the warriors.

But once the evil emperor relic leaves Duke Yang's treasury, it will be sensed by those in the Demon Sect...

At that time, not only the evil king Shi Zhixuan, but also the four disciples of the devil emperor Xiang Yutian, and even the demon emperor Xi Ying and other ghosts and snake gods from various demon sects will come.

Most of these people though are damned.

But they had nothing to do with Lin Bin's mission, and Lin Bin didn't want to create any complications.

Wrap He's Bi.

As for the surrounding gold and silver jewelry, rare jewelry, etc...

Lin Bin didn't even look at it.

Go back the same way...

The whole process only took two hours.

I'm afraid even Shi Zhixuan couldn't imagine that he and Lin Bin got the evil emperor's relic that he had guarded for more than ten years in just over an hour.

Go back to the inn.

along the way...

Startled a pool of gulls.

Although He's Bi's perception is not strong, many people are nearby but may not even notice that they pass He's Bi.

Especially during this period of time, Cihang Jingzhai's plan to choose a Mingjun for the world has been messed up by Lin Bin.

The attractiveness of He's Pit has dropped drastically.

Therefore, Lin Bin hurried back to the inn.

And not long after Lin Bin returned to the inn... the sky will be bright.

Hou Hou quickly found it.

He still climbed in through the window as usual, but when he landed, he was hit by the force of He's Bi, his legs softened, and he almost knelt in front of Lin Bin's.

She snorted, got up and patted the dust on her knees, then raised her wrist proudly at Lin Bin, and said with a smile, "Look, does it look good?"

On the slender wrist.

The black strap has exquisite texture and exquisite shape. It looks like an expensive watch worth hundreds of thousands.

Wearing it on Houhou's hand gave her a bit of extravagance.

Lin Bin exclaimed, "It's so beautiful."

Wan Wan smiled and said, "Do I also have the identity of a reincarnation now?"

Lin Bin asked, "Have you not activated it?"


"Come on, let me help you."

Lin Bin pointed to Houhou, helped her activate the reincarnation watch, and told her some common sense questions.

And Hou Hou was able to operate it quickly, except that the simplified characters were not used to it, but the two sides are in the same line, so it is not difficult to identify.

"Ah, this reincarnation table actually has the function of detection. It seems that all the exercises and so on that people have learned over the years have been detected by it. There is a number behind it. Does it refer to my level? Hehe, This samsara watch is really sweet."

After a while, Hou Hou was already yelling and screaming.

After all, the girl's heart, coupled with the reincarnation watch, is a novelty that she has never experienced before.

She couldn't help herself for a while.

"Congratulations, you have also become a reincarnation."

Lin Bin said: "If there are no accidents, when I return this time, as long as you pay attention, you should be able to return to the real world with me."

Wan Hou said pitifully: "Brother Bin, I believe in your words, and now I'm on a boat with you. If you lied to others before, can you confess to them now?"

Lin Bin said: "Don't worry, I, Abin, have always treated people with sincerity. It's like when people call themselves reincarnation aliases, they will call some weird names to prevent others from finding their identities in reality through their names. But I In reality, my name is Lin Bin, and in reincarnation, my name is A Bin, so you can see how clear my conscience is."

"Brother Bin, can you tell me why you took out He's Bi? Could it be that you, Brother Bin, have long expected that people will come to you at this time, and you want to let this demon girl use He's Bi? Come to help you practice?"

"No, in fact, the reason why He's Bi's supernatural power was not leaked before is because I put two layers of insurance on it, but now the outermost layer of insurance is used by me to hold other things. "

Lin Bin patted the copper box on the table and said, "You'd better get used to this kind of supernatural power as soon as possible. The supernatural power in Heshibi is of great benefit to people. If you wait until the future and return to the real world, you can get used to it as soon as possible." Get used to it, I can share some of the power with you."

Wan Wan was pleasantly surprised: "Really?"

"Of course, it doesn't last long to fight alone, and the real world is not absolutely safe. I need teammates I can trust."

Now that Hou Wan has already put on the reincarnation watch.

Moreover, Lin Bin can also use her skill to improve the purity of his Heavenly Demon True Qi. If He's Bi is used in the process, the effect will obviously be better.

Anyway, He's Bi itself and Lin Bin can't digest it by himself, so it's not a big problem to share some.

"Thank you, hee hee, I know Brother Bin, you take special care of your own people."

Wan Wan smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, since your injury is no longer a problem, go to a place with me."

"Where to go?"

"Cihang Jingzhai."

Hou Hou asked in surprise, "What are you doing there?"

"You should know a lot about the reincarnation. You should know that after the reincarnation enters a new secret realm, some tasks will be issued. My mission this time is to destroy Cihang Jingzhai."

"Destroy Cihang Jingzhai?"

Hou Hou's eyes widened, and he said in shock, "How is it possible... Is the mission of the reincarnation so difficult? Our Yin Gui Sect has been fighting wits and courage with Cihang Jingzhai for so many years, but we still haven't been able to say that we can destroy Di Ta Feng, where do you have the courage to say such things?"

"My confidence is here."

Lin Bin patted the lockbox next to the copper box.

"What's in here?"

"Evil Emperor Shili."


Houhou couldn't help but jumped up in shock, and said in surprise, "Holy relic? Where did you get it?"

"I just went to Duke Yang's treasury and picked up a relic of the evil emperor by the way."

Now that Wan Wan has become a reincarnation.

Lin Bin's trust in her naturally increased a lot.

He asked: "The evil emperor's relic contains the essence of the evil emperors' painstaking practice for many years. If you people in the demon sect practice the same system of exercises, will you be sensed as long as the evil emperor's relic is exposed?"

"This... people don't know, because they haven't sensed the holy relic."

Hou Hou looked at the password box with watery eyes. When she learned that it contained He's Bi, she just felt gloated. After all, it was Shi Feixuan's treasure, and she couldn't be happier to be snatched away.

But now.

She felt that her most precious treasure was also taken away by the villain in front of her.

She is the future master of the Demon Sect, and the holy relic is the treasure of the Demon Sect. In a sense, this is her thing.

No problem.

But now she couldn't say anything.

The two parties have already started cooperation, and they have paid the deposit.

How can you repent for a holy relic?
Wan Wan licked his lips and said, "Can the essence in the holy relic be shared with others?"

"That depends on whether you are worthy of it or not."

Lin Bin said, "Let's go."

Houhou widened her eyes in shock, looked at Lin Bin with shock, and said, "Could it be that you want to..."

Lin Bin said: "Don't say that you Yingui faction have been fighting with Cihang Jingzhai for so many years, and you don't even know where Dita Peak is."

"I know, but I'm a little surprised that you told me such important news so easily?"

Wan Hou looked at Lin Bin with a softer look.

Said: "Shouldn't it be just because of his status as a reincarnation?"

Lin Bin joked: "And your noble personality charm."

Houhou suddenly laughed with satisfaction, "I know it must be like this, so let's go, I will take you to Dita Peak, I never imagined that before I left, I could witness the destruction of Cihang Jingzhai."

Lin Bin asked, "Don't you need to tell your master?"

Hou Hou said a little lonely: "Master can't control others anymore, do you know why they came to you so early? Because the Yingui Sect is currently holding an internal meeting, and Bai Qing'er will officially become the next suzerain of the Yingui Sect... ...That's right, this time it's not her who competes with Shi Feixuan, but Bai Qing'er, now that she passes by, she will be scorned and ridiculed by those fellow disciples, after all, in their view, she has lost the competition."

"Don't worry, what you lost is only the position of the suzerain of the Yingui sect, and you will know how much you have gained later."

Lin Bin patted the box with a smile, and said: "After all, I don't ask you to be obedient, we two cooperate fairly, and you can help me with any problems I have in the future. Similarly, if you are in danger, I will do whatever I can to help you." Save me, never stand idly by, you and I cooperate, the stage of the real world is much, much bigger than here."

"With your words, people can rest assured, let's go."

Immediately Lin Bin tidied up roughly.

He rented a carriage at the tooth shop, and then ran towards Cihang Jingzhai.

When leaving Chang'an City.

Zhu Yuyan was holding Qing'er's hand, introducing to her some secrets inside the Yingui Sect that only she, the suzerain, knew, when she suddenly felt something and turned her head to look outside.

She was once entered into the body by Lin Bin and He Shibi twice, and she is very familiar with this breath...

Just now, she clearly felt that He Shibi's aura was getting weaker and weaker.

It's not the kind of faintness that is completely enclosed and close to nothing, but the faintness that gradually leaves... Is she saying goodbye to me in this way?

Zhu Yuyan sighed lightly.

Bai Qing'er is her disciple, but she has always treated Wanhou as her own daughter, and now... even though she is reluctant, she has no choice but to let go.

And this time.

In the carriage, Lin Bin and Hou Hou were sitting opposite each other.

Houhou held the evil emperor relic in her arms, and stretched out her hand to caress it full of affection.

Lin Bin let her go.

No matter how precious the evil emperor's relic is, it is nothing more than a secret realm item.

Faced with her future partner, Lin Bin will naturally not be stingy, especially if she can't fit into the storage belt, so she can only carry it with her. She is willing to take it.

Hou Hou asked: "You plan to use the evil emperor's relic to destroy Cihang Jingzhai, right?"

"That's right, as long as I can find a way to infiltrate Cihang Jingzhai, open the evil emperor's relics inside, and let the evil energy spread in Di Ta Peak, then those people in the demon sect will naturally be like dogs that smell bones. Follow me."

Hou Hou put his arms around the evil emperor relic, and asked, "What a trouble, didn't you say that reincarnators are very powerful? Why do you still use such superfluous means, don't you have the means to directly destroy Cihang Jingzhai?"

"Of course there is. I have two ways to destroy Cihang Jingzhai."

Lin Bin said: "I have an iron-blooded alien monster in my belt. This monster will parasitize all the creatures it has seen. As long as I release it, people in the whole world will be parasitized for at least one year, and then If you die, the world will be completely destroyed."

"Sounds scary, what about the second one?"

"I have a miniature nuclear bomb hidden in my hand. The explosion range should be about a hundred miles. As long as it is released, no grass will grow in a radius of a hundred miles, and all living things will go to the sky. You can understand it as an explosive whose power has been increased by hundreds of thousands of times."

Wan Hou's eyes lit up, "This is good."

"The problem is that the range of this nuclear bomb is 300 meters."


It took Houhou a while to understand what the range really means.

She glanced at Lin Bin speechlessly, and said, "No wonder you are looking for the evil emperor relic."

"Being a man still has a hole card."

Lin Bin stretched out his hand towards Houhou, and said, "Come on, let's practice on the way and cultivate a tacit understanding. When we get around Dita Peak, let's try to absorb the essence in the evil emperor's relic... At the very least, Through you, you can know how strong the Evil Emperor Sari's sensitivity to the people in the Demon Sect is, and only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in all battles."

Wan Wan said worriedly: "However, how to enter Emperor Stepping Peak is a problem."

"It's okay, Shanren has his own plan."

Wan Hou looked at Lin Bin with a strange expression, and said, "Could you have instigated Shi Feixuan?"

Lin Bin laughed and said, "Why do you have such an idea?"

"Because people feel that when Shi Feixuan faces you, there seems to be a kind of... um... humble? Not right, oh, a feeling of fear and sincerity? It's the kind of feeling that if you praise her, she will be happy for a long time, and if you scold her, she will be depressed. It's been a long time, but it doesn't seem like I'm attracted to you, it's so strange...I don't know how to describe it."

"Don't think too much, witch, quickly help me practice."

(End of this chapter)

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