when reincarnation invades

Chapter 105 The Man Who Infiltrated Cihang Jingzhai

Chapter 105 The Man Who Infiltrated Cihang Jingzhai

In the blink of an eye, it was three days later.

Lin Bin and Hou Hou had abandoned the carriage a day earlier and used lightness kung fu to shuttle between the mountains and forests.

Until Cihang Jingzhai is within easy reach.

In the distance, through the dense bushes, the ancient temple buildings exposed from the gaps in the branches can be seen...

Compared with the solemn atmosphere of Jingnian Temple, Cihang Jingzhai is much quieter, and it really has a taste of living in a secluded world.

And it's obviously not the first time I've been to this place.

Skillfully, he led Lin Bin to a hidden corner.

From here, they could see most of Cihang Jingzhai's square, but if they looked up, they could only see a dense shade of trees.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry to go in, and said: "Come on, let's try the effect of the evil emperor's relic here first, and how well your Heavenly Demon Dafa can respond to the evil emperor's relic, and how can the people of Cihang Jingzhai Can't sense the existence of the evil emperor relic."

"it is good."

Wan Hou watched helplessly as Lin Bin took out the box.

Open the password box, and then open the copper box.

The yellow primary color spar in the mercury inside is exposed, and the inside is crystal clear and beautiful.

"This is the holy relic?"

Hou Hou's breathing became rapid, and her small chest kept rising and falling.

She said in surprise: "It's so fast... I feel that my Heavenly Demon Dafa is running much faster. Among the evil emperors of all dynasties, there must be at least one from our Yin Gui sect. Part of the essence echoes from afar."

An evil thought suddenly rose in Lin Bin's heart.

Damn it, this little girl is so excited that she doesn't call herself someone else anymore.

The way she speaks in a whiny way is really teasing me.

She has taken the initiative, or I would just kill her here, while listening to the evening drum and morning bell of Cihang Jingzhai, while riding the little demon girl of the Yingui sect, the blessing of Buddhism must be more durable.

Anyway, with my current strength, it is not difficult to defeat her. Since I am a human being in the second life, I should naturally live my life happily. Why do I have so many scruples?

Hand just raised...

Lin Bin's Changsheng Zhenqi circulated, dissolving the hostility and resentment in it.

Lin Bin let out a long breath, thinking that the evil emperor Sari, who is so terrifying, can forcibly change my sexuality...

I am obviously the type of big sister who likes a variety of styles.

He said: "Wu'er, I'm going to work hard for you. From here, I will use my lightness kung fu with all my strength and run to a distance. It depends on how far away I can't feel the breath of the evil emperor's relic. This is very important."


Without hesitation, Wan Wan turned around and ran away.

The figure was as brisk as an elf in the forest, and soon disappeared.

Lin Bin sat cross-legged, looked at the evil emperor's relic exuding yellow fluorescence, recalled what Houhou said just now, and vaguely understood why people in the Demon Sect could feel this evil emperor's relic, but he did not. There is no reason to feel anything.

The ingredients of the evil emperors of all dynasties should be quite complicated.

Like Xie Wang Shi Zhixuan, although he is a descendant of Huajian School and Butian Pavilion, he must have some understanding of other schools' exercises.


For the evil emperors of all dynasties to achieve such a status, even if there is a reason for their stunning beauty, they must have learned a lot.

Therefore, I am afraid that they have dabbled in almost all the famous exercises that can be called by the Demon Sect.

After their essence is infused into it.

This caused these exercises to resonate with the practitioners, but if they hadn't practiced it before, they would just be aroused by the too evil true essence of the evil emperor relic, but they didn't know where the evil came from.

"So I will be aroused with evil thoughts in my heart, and when I see this thing, I just salivate, wishing I could pounce on it and lick it."

Seeing that there is still plenty of time.

Lin Bin didn't waste it, but sat down facing the evil emperor relic, tried to put his hand on it, and tried to absorb the essence inside.

This is not a simple matter.

The Essence of the Evil Emperor's relic is a beneficial thing inside, but the outside is surrounded by a lot of miscellaneous and hostile energy...

The miscellaneous qi is open and the essence is closed. The way to communicate with the huge essence in the relic is through the exchange of true qi.

It is actually not difficult to absorb the essence in the relic, but the problem is that it is impossible to control the death and evil energy that is conveyed at the same time as absorbing the essence.

In the plot, it is actually the same as Ssangyong’s research on the effect of the spiral true qi. Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong’s true qi interacted to form a vortex, thus absorbing the inner essence and expulsing the miscellaneous qi to Xiangyu Mountain. , this was a lucky escape.

"I have to absorb a wisp first, at the very least, I have to let my eternal life qi be stained with the breath of the demon gate, so that I can no longer be affected by the evil thoughts of this evil emperor's relic."

Lin Bin followed Ssangyong's approach.

With yin and yang, the true energy communicates with each other, forming a vortex of its own.

Then try to contact the evil emperor relic.

Sure enough... he easily absorbed the essence from the evil emperor's relic into his body, and what also entered his body was a lot of evil and hostile energy.


Lin Bin hastily withdrew his skills, forcibly cut the yin and yang zhenqi, and immediately interrupted the zhenyuan of the evil emperor relic.

Although only slightly intercepted.

But Lin Bin's mind was full of murderous thoughts.

He sat cross-legged, listening to the melodious bell ringing from Cihang Jingzhai, he actually felt a bit of peace in his heart.

Let the murderous thoughts calm down a bit, while Lin Bin suddenly circulated the "Longevity Jue" in his body, supplemented by the supernatural power from He Shibi beside him, crushing the mixed and impure essence, and slowly absorbing it.

The mottled essence with disordered attributes is absorbed.

The feeling of wanting to kill everything in the world also gradually faded away.

How long has passed, even Lin Bin himself does not know.

Until I could hear Wanwan's breathless complaint, "You are too much, let me go to run errands, but you are secretly absorbing relics here alone... um...you...you are really disgusting , people are just complaining, you actually look at me like this..."

But Lin Bin opened his eyes, his eyes were red with murderous intent, and he was startled.

"Give me your hand."

Lin Bin said in his mouth, but his body was more honest, and he had already grabbed Houhou's right hand directly.

The next moment, part of the remaining messy essence in the body was released and injected directly from Lin Bin's body into Wan Hou's body.

Wan Wan's tender body trembled.

Couldn't help but fell down on the ground, and said in surprise: "What a strong skill."

She also sat down on the ground and began to practice silently.

The two sat opposite each other.

An hour later.

Hou Hou glanced at Lin Bin quietly, and then secretly put his hand on the evil emperor's relic.

"Want to die?"

Lin Bin didn't open his eyes, and said in his mouth: "You can absorb the essence inside, but once you start, you won't be able to stop, and then you will be blown away."

Wan Wan said unconvinced: "Then how can you..."

"My immortal energy can be cut off at any time."

Lin Bin briefly explained the principle of yin and yang blending and Tai Chi vortex absorption.

Wan Hou immediately looked at Lin Bin with desire and dissatisfaction, and begged: "Give me some more... He has been running for a whole day, back and forth for five hundred miles, and a thousand-mile horse can only travel a thousand miles a day. It has become your special horse, you are really annoying, people are talking to you, what do you mean by being distracted there? Ah...Shi Feixuan...you are looking at her, right?"

Hou Wan said half of it.

Then he found that Lin Bin's eyes were not on her at all, and followed Lin Bin's eyes.

On the square of Cihang Jingzhai in the distance, a girl in a blue skirt is kneeling in the middle, isn't it Shi Feixuan?

I don't know when she returned to Cihang Jingzhai.

Wan Hou suddenly became angry, and felt an inexplicable sourness in his heart...

She had felt it before, she could feel that Lin Bin actually admired her more, but he had a tacit understanding and acquaintance with Shi Feixuan.

"Don't make trouble... I'm not looking at her, do you want essence? OK, I'll give it to you."

Lin Bin faced Houhou's ten fingers with one hand, and pressed the other hand on the evil emperor's relic.

Another stream of essence overflowed from within...

Only this time, Lin Bin had a better mind.

He directly kept all the essence in his body, but the miscellaneous qi, which was harmful to him and not beneficial to him, completely passed into Wan Wan's body.

But Hou Hou's eyes lit up again, and he said pleasantly: "It's so majestic... Enough is enough, don't inject any more, or I will explode, stop quickly... I'm full..."

Lin Bin stopped as he said.

Slowly absorb the essence in the body.

Close your eyes for a moment, then open them again, feeling refreshed.

And it was only for such a short moment that Houhou's bright eyes were surprisingly bright, and there was a burst of true energy around him during his actions... Lin Bin suddenly came to a realization.

This so-called evil and hostile energy are actually all the powers of the previous evil emperors, but compared to the essence they cultivated themselves, these demonic powers are naturally the most poisonous.

But for a little demon girl like Houhou, what kind of miscellaneous and hostile aura is this?This is an involuntary skill that is compatible with her skill and has no sequelae. If you breathe a little more, you can work harder in the future.

Ever since, the two of them got what they needed.

Lin Bin is responsible for absorbing essence.

The wall is responsible for absorbing miscellaneous air.

In just a short while, Houhou's skill has improved greatly, but Lin Bin's skill has not improved much except that he is in good spirits and has good hearing and eyesight. But Lin Bin knows that he is the one who really earned his blood.

Wan Wan just ate his leftovers.

Of course, the Evil Emperor's relic... Even the residue is extremely precious, but compared to Jingyuan, it is the residue.

Taoism has the so-called three elements.

It is the three lights of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, the three elements of water, fire, and earth on the earth, and the three things of energy and spirit in humans.

Practicing essence transforms Qi, qi transforms spirit, and spirit is still empty, which is the entire Taoist cultivation process.

Among the three elements of Yuanjing, Yuanqi, and Yuanshen, Yuanjing is the root of everything, and Yuanqi and Yuanshen are obtained from the cultivation of Yuanjing.

Primordial Qi and Primordial Spirit are different because of the different encounters and methods of each practitioner, but Primordial Essence is not different.

In other words, these essences will become the most solid foundation for Lin Bin in his future cultivation...

Even if one embarks on the path of cultivating immortals in the future, Yuan Jing is the most important thing.

"It feels like people are eating what you left after chewing."

Houhou got the true energy here, and immediately let go of his hands and crossed his legs to practice, and he didn't forget to mutter in his mouth to show that although I have benefited from you, I just ate the bad things you excreted, and I don't owe you much favor.

Feeling ashamed, Lin Bin said softly, "You should digest it slowly. Don't be in a hurry. When we return to the real world, we will have a lot of opportunities to absorb the evil emperor's relic together."

Wan Wan was surprised: "You are so good?"

"Of course, there are more than a dozen evil emperors in the evil emperor's relic. I can't eat it all by myself. I'm not that kind of selfish person."

If you absorb it by yourself, you still have to spend all your energy to eliminate these miscellaneous and hostile qi.

Lin Bin thought to himself that even if you don't want to, I will have to force you to double cultivate.

He said: "Cultivate slowly, and He Shibi will stay with you to prevent being discovered. I will first take the evil emperor's relic to lurk in Cihang Jingzhai, and wait until your digestion is complete. There is a rumor circulating in the Jianghu...that is, the evil emperor's relic has fallen into the hands of Cihang Jingzhai."

Hou Hou said worriedly: "You want to drive away tigers and devour wolves, but those people in the magic way may not be fooled..."

"It doesn't matter. People in the Demon Sect believe that rumors are groundless. There may be no reason for this sentence. Since there are rumors, they will definitely investigate, and as long as they are within a radius of two hundred miles, they will detect the breath of the evil emperor relic. If you don’t come then, you have to come, Cihang Jingzhai is their mortal enemy, but anyone with a bit of dignity in the Demon Sect can’t tolerate the evil emperor’s relic falling into Cihang Jingzhai’s hands, right?”

Lin Bin said: "Besides, we are absorbing the evil emperor's relics here, and none of the people from Cihang Jingzhai came out. It can be seen that they cannot feel this induction."

Hou Hou frowned beautifully and said, "There is one more question."

Lin Bin asked, "What's the problem?"

Hou Hou complained: "You are cooperating with our Yingui faction, shouldn't you change your name to Shengmen? It's always called Momen Momen, and it makes people very uncomfortable."

Lin Bin explained: "You don't understand this. The Momen was born out of the Mo family in the pre-Qin period. The Momen actually means the Momen, but later the name changed to a homonym. But in fact... the first time I called myself the Momen It’s true that you are the ones who belong to the sect, and what’s wrong with demons? Do whatever you want, be free, and compared to Shi Feixuan’s penance, I still prefer a little demon girl who lets herself go.”

"Hmph, the person who said this is still very reassuring. Don't worry, the matter is done properly. It's you, be careful not to be discovered by those nuns."


Lin Bin nodded, his figure instantly became blurred, and quickly merged with the surrounding environment.

Wan Hou stared wide-eyed, and said in shock: "Disappeared? It's amazing... Is this the power of reincarnated props?"

She ran away quickly with He Shibi in her hand, and she was even more curious about the real world in the future...

Well, it was indeed a wise move to snatch the reincarnation watch from Bai Qing'er.

If she can't grasp such an exciting place, I still have to come.

At this time, Lin Bin had already quietly stepped into the Cihang Jingzhai with the help of the optical camouflage cloak.

And just entered.

There was a chirping sound.

Immediately, several blue shadows flew over quickly.

They are several disciples of Cihang Jingzhai who hold swords.

These people came here and were on guard for a while, but found that there was nothing.

And the chirping of the birds continued.

One of the disciples frowned and said, "It's strange, there is no one there, why is the wind sparrow screaming so loudly?"

"Could it be that there is a lack of food?"

"Su Xin, go and check if Fengque has enough food."

"Yes, Sister."

A few people didn't take it seriously, and when they saw no one, they went back.

But they didn't realize that a figure had been standing beside them for a long time.

After they left, the figure jumped up and rushed into the Cihang Jingzhai.

And in the process.

Lin Bin had already quietly opened the password box on the first floor, exposing the evil emperor relic.

The breath of the evil emperor's relic is more illusory than He Shibi's strange power, unless one practices the magic technique, one cannot detect the breath inside at all.

Unless Lin Bin completely opened the Evil Emperor's relic, so that the aura of the Evil Emperor's relic was fully exposed, in this way, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and those masters of the righteous way might notice the strangeness inside.

This also caused Cihang Jingzhai to have many capable people, but none of them noticed the existence of the evil emperor relic.

No one knows...

Lin Bin has quietly brought the magic treasure, lurking in the most secret place of the righteous way.
5 minute duration, 3 minute cooldown.

Seems extremely restrictive.

If in the real world, within 3 minutes, there is no way to hide from the countless cameras and the like.

But here is ancient times.

No matter how strict Cihang Jingzhai is, it will not be able to do 360 degrees without dead ends.

This also made Lin Bin stop and go, but always kept his secret.

Even if the strength is as strong as Fan Qinghui, he can be called a master of the generation.

He didn't realize at all that in the Cihang Jingzhai, which was full of women, a man had sneaked in!
(End of this chapter)

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