when reincarnation invades

Chapter 106 The Evil King Blocks the Door

Chapter 106 The Evil King Blocks the Door
In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

during this time.

In the entire martial arts world, there has never been peace.

First, Shi Zhixuan actually hid in the Wulou Temple in Chang'an City, and turned himself into a Dharma Zen master. As a result, Zhu Yuyan of the Yingui Sect found his trace, and the entire Yingui Sect came out to fight with him.

As a result, both sides ended up in a lose-lose situation.

In the Pegasus Ranch, when Shang Xiuxun heard the news.

The whole person is much happier.

Calling Brother Lin again and again is indeed worthy of being my best friend, and this matter is handled properly.

On the same day, she went to find Lu Miaozi, and took advantage of the news to drink two catties of warm wine.

Lu Miaozi couldn't laugh or cry.

He is probably the only one who knows the reason of the matter, I am afraid that Shi Zhixuan and the Yingui faction are the second, the main purpose is to drive Shi Zhixuan out of Wulou Temple.

Now that both Shi Zhixuan and the Yingui sect are at risk, the evil emperor relic may have already fallen into the hands of that boy.

But in fact, when hearing another bigger rumor.

It made his judgment even more certain.

The evil emperor relic was born not long ago, but it has already fallen into the hands of Cihang Jingzhai.

There was even a conflict between Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Temple for scrambling for Heshibi... As a result, the people of Jingnian Temple were defeated, and Zen Master Liaokong was squeezed dry by Fan Qinghui's method of nourishing and dying. .

It sounds dreamy, and it doesn't seem like something that Jingnian Chanyuan would do.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Chan Master Liaokong is dead. Some time ago, Jingnian Chanyuan deliberately cremated him and burned two relics.

It was such a big news that it even covered up the shocking scandal that Shi Feixuan was actually the daughter of the evil king Shi Zhixuan.


Quiet little building.

In front of Bi Xiuxin's grave, Shi Zhixuan had been staying here for several days.

In the battle with Zhu Yuyan, he was seriously injured.

It took several days to take care of it... and during this time, he was not idle.

Shi Zhixuan, the majestic evil king, naturally wouldn't believe Zhu Yuyan's casual slurs to be true.

During this period of time, he has been investigating the illegitimate daughter incident that Zhu Yuyan said.

Just when he was sitting quietly in front of his wife's grave with a dazed expression and didn't know what he was thinking.

A fat man with a fat body appeared behind him, and shouted respectfully: "Brother Shi, the news you asked me to check is already promising."

Anlong, the patriarch of Tianlian Sect.

He is also Shi Zhixuan's number one confidant younger brother, now that he has come out of the arena again, naturally he came to look for his younger brother immediately.

Shi Zhixuan didn't look back, and asked, "How should I say it?"

"The subordinates sent someone to find the midwife who delivered my sister-in-law, but found that the midwife had died of an accident a few years ago."


Shi Zhixuan chuckled twice, his handsome face was a little distorted.

He sneered and said: "So, there is indeed something tricky in the middle? It's hard to say that it was really an accident, right?"

"Because we found out that it was indeed an accident...Of course, it does not rule out that the enemy's attack is extremely secretive, and even our people from the Holy Gate can't find out."

"Over the years, the Holy Gate has been suppressed by Cihang Jingzhai. They can stand on top of us in everything. Naturally, they have their abilities. Can't find any clues?"

"Can't find any clues, except..."

Anlong's face was extremely strange, and he didn't seem to have thought of this possibility.

He said: "However, during this period of time, Miss Qingxuan has been with Cihang Jingzhai's successor, and the two of them even lived together in this small building for a few days, it seems that they are no different from relative sisters. "

"Did Qingxuan discover something?"

A bit of killing intent appeared in Shi Zhixuan's eyes.

Although he never intervened in Shi Qingxuan's growth over the years, he has always paid attention to it, and even silently took care of it...

Even so, Shi Zhixuan still couldn't hide his apology to her.

The successors of the Huajian School have always been passionate and melancholy.

But if Shi Feixuan...

If this is true.

So how much does he owe this kid?

Even in the state of Butian Pavilion killer at this moment, Shi Zhixuan still couldn't hide the loneliness and sadness in his heart, and even a bit of hatred for Bi Xiuxin.

How could they take that child without your consent?
But haven't you ever thought that I am a member of the holy sect, and the child enters the Cihang Jingzhai, and there will be a day when father and daughter will kill each other in the future?

Although there is still no evidence...

But in many cases, there is no evidence, but there is evidence.

An Long hesitated for a moment and said, "And, there is one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Holy relic, it is said that it appeared in Cihang Jingzhai."


A scarlet light flashed across Shi Zhixuan's eyes, he turned to look at An Long, and asked, "Is the news true?"

"My little brother got this news a day ago, but he was just worried about the truth, so he specially flew a pigeon to pass on the letter, and asked the disciples near Cihang Jingzhai to try to get close, and he really noticed a very unique aura spreading, it is indeed true. There is no doubt about the holy relic, the most precious treasure of my holy door."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Shi Zhixuan laughed wildly.

He laughed loudly and said: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect these two things to collide... How did Cihang Jingzhai have such courage? I want to kiss Cihang Jingzhai and ask carefully, they really regard me as Shi Zhixuan. Wuwu, do you think I, Shi Zhixuan, dare not kill people?"

He laughed and stood up.

Looking at Bi Xiuxin's tombstone for the last time, he sighed, "Xiuxin, I wanted to give you a thin face, so I didn't want to use such mean things to those bitches in Cihang Jingzhai, but I didn't want them to look down on you as a husband. This time, I'm afraid it will go against your will."

Shi Zhixuan strode out.

"Oh? Holy relic? Is the news reliable?"

Zhu Yuyan of the Yingui sect had a serious expression on his face.

asked sharply.

"It should... be reliable..."

"What should it be?"

"Because...according to our investigation, or the loopholes deliberately left by the other party, we found that the person who spread this information is Senior Sister Wanhou."

The Yingui Sect disciple knelt on the ground respectfully, and said: "And my subordinates also sent people to investigate, and indeed found traces of the presence of holy relics around."

"Your? What exactly does she want to do? No... it should be Lin Bin. What exactly does she want to do?"

Zhu Yuyan pondered and said: "Since it's Yu'er's plan, let's go through it. Although the teacher doesn't know what she wants to do, but since she has this idea, we just cooperate... But don't you mean Has the holy relic really fallen into her hands? Otherwise, how can this aura...be faked?"


"The holy relic is alive? Still in the hands of Cihang Jingzhai? Hmph, sure enough Shi Zhixuan and Zhu Yuyan are trash, but that's fine, as God's will, this holy relic is destined to be with me, Zhao Deyan."

Turkic, a middle-aged man with a gloomy face burst out laughing.

Not afraid that the holy relic is in the hands of others, but fear that the holy relic disappears without a trace... Even if the holy relic suddenly appears, there may be some people's conspiracy behind it, but the breath and induction cannot be deceived.


"Holy relic... Such treasures, how can they fall into the hands of people who are not my holy sect. It just so happens that my purple energy is so great that no one can sacrifice it."

The purple-faced Tianjunxi Ying Zhuang hesitated.

"Holy relic, this should belong to me."

You Niaojuan's eyes were full of greed, and he laughed excitedly.

There are many sects of magic.

However, as long as there is a touch of this magic word, there is no one who does not yearn for the evil emperor's relic.

All of a sudden, there were turmoil in all directions.

All gathered towards Cihang Jingzhai.

And at the same time.

Within Cihang Jingzhai.

Although Fan Qinghui is no longer young, but with the blessing of the sword classics, she has a compassionate face, and her appearance is extremely beautiful. Looking at it now, she still has a bit of a moving feeling.

But at this time, she looked solemn and said: "Recently, there have been frequent rumors in the world, but they have always been aimed at me, Cihang Jingzhai. Before, Feixuan was too much, and now even the evil emperor Sari has made it up. , I heard that the Demon Commander Zhao Deyan has left the Turks and is coming towards us at Cihang Jingzhai, and that day Jun Xiying and the Yingui Sect, it is estimated that the evil king must have moved closer to us."

Opposite Fan Qinghui.

Ning Daoqi had a fairy-like expression on his face, and sighed: "Although good and evil are not compatible, it has always been my duty to kill demons and eliminate demons, but if these demon heads unite, I am afraid that I, Ci Hangjing, will Fasting can’t handle it either.”

"During this period of time, strange things happened frequently in Cihang Jingzhai. The sparrow used to protect it would scream from time to time, but it didn't notice anyone approaching at all. You must know that even if the lightness skill is as high as Shi Zhixuan, it can't disappear suddenly. not see."

Ning Daoqi said: "Shi Zhixuan can't do it, but it doesn't mean no one can't do it."

Fan Qinghui asked: "Senior brother Ning means... heavenly beings? Indeed, although our Cihang Jingzhai has also killed three heavenly beings, we have not been able to get any useful information from them. If they are here for revenge, it makes sense."

"Well, it doesn't matter whether it's a heaven or a man. None of those devils are simple. They all fell for it. If there are no clues for them to be sure, I'm afraid ghosts won't believe it."

Ning Daoqi said: "So the top priority at the moment is to hurry up and strengthen Cihang Jingzhai's defenses to prevent these demons from attacking the mountain, and secondly, to search for Cihang Jingzhai as soon as possible. Maybe in Cihang Jingzhai."

He asked: "By the way, Feixuan is still kneeling outside?"

Fan Qinghui said angrily: "Her Zen mind is uncertain. Although she didn't say it clearly, she really expected that she was Shi Qingxuan's biological sister. For such a rebellious thought, I punish her to kneel for three days, which is already light."

"Hey, after all, she is your direct disciple, and now is the time to employ people, and she is also a very strong fighter."

"It doesn't matter, I have invited the Four Great Sacred Monks to come here. With them in charge, even if all the demons come together, so what, what fear do I have?"

Ning Daoqi nodded, with a strange look on his face, and asked curiously: "By the way, Master Fan Zhai, the old man is rather curious. Could it be that the relationship between Feixuan and Shi Zhixuan is really..."

Fan Qinghui said anxiously: "Senior brother Ning, do you think so too?"

Ning Daoqi heheed twice, and said: "Actually, at first glance, Feixuan and Qingxuan are quite similar... Cough cough... Maybe it's my illusion."

Fan Qinghui said word by word: "Feixuan is an orphan girl I accidentally took in when I was away. I didn't pick her up from Junior Sister Xiuxin and named her Feixuan. It really has no other meaning. It's just that I was infatuated at the time. ...But can this kind of words be explained to the world? I thought that the clear will be the clear and the turbid will be the turbid, but I didn't expect that even Feixuan herself is confused now. Brother Ning, you are also asking the same question. This rumor, It's getting harder and harder to clarify."

Ning Daoqi laughed twice, and said in his heart that I believe you are the only one who is a ghost.

How can an orphan girl picked up at random be so independent, so overwhelming?

It seems that this groundless rumor may not be without reason.

He turned his head and looked outside the house.


It seems that there will be wind and rain.

At this time, on the square.

The girl was still kneeling on the ground, but her slender waist was straight.

Although her body is blessed with true qi, her legs won't be abolished by kneeling for a long time, but Shi Feixuan still can't feel the existence of her legs at this time for three whole days.

Seeing that the sky is about to rain.

An umbrella was handed over from behind and covered her head.

Shi Feixuan didn't turn her head, she just sighed softly: "Qingxuan, didn't Feixuan say that you don't come here."

"If she asks you to kneel, do you kneel? If she tells you to die, will you die?"

Shi Qingxuan's temperament has always been indifferent, but now only facing this concubine Xuan makes it difficult for her to control herself.

In the past, she felt that Concubine Shixuan was too pretentious, too pretentious, too fake...

But now, she realized how stupid, stupid, and stupid she was.

She was so dumb that she couldn't help but care.

"Feixuan knelt down not because of Master's punishment, but because her heart was really messed up."

Concubine Shixuan sighed softly: "As Brother Bin said, there may never be definitive evidence for this matter, so we will never be able to determine whether it is true or false... Even blood-drip recognition is unreliable, and it can still be confirmed." What should I do? This matter may be true or false, but Feixuan has slowly begun to accept the fact that it is not known whether it is true or not."

She raised her head, pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Because to Feixuan, having a sister named Shi Qingxuan is really very good, but after doing this, Feixuan has no more love in her heart."


Watching the heavy rain fall.

A small umbrella can't cover the bodies of the two of them at all.

Shi Qingxuan took two steps forward, knelt gently behind Shi Feixuan, put her arms around her shoulders, and sighed: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, anyway, I'm convinced... Shi Zhixuan's presence can't change this. The fact that you are too stupid, if I am not by your side, I am really worried that you will be cheated and sold by others with just a few words."

Shi Feixuan complained in dissatisfaction: "It's... not that stupid, Feixuan is the most outstanding descendant of Cihang Jingzhai in the contemporary era."

"Martial arts and wisdom are two different things."

The two sisters embraced each other affectionately.

In the end, Concubine Shi Xuan was carried back by Shi Qingxuan.

After all, how can a mortal body survive without eating or drinking for three days?

When it rained heavily, she fell into a coma.

Shi Qingxuan never cared about Fan Qinghui, and directly carried Concubine Shixuan back to her room, helped her change clothes, and let her rest.

Just before leaving, she looked back to a corner in the distance.

There, there are tiny electric sparks flickering.

"She actually found me a long time ago?"

Lin Bin was quite surprised, but thinking about Shi Qingxuan's fusion of good and evil, his martial arts skills are good, and he may have practiced some magic techniques.

In other words, she could sense the existence of the evil emperor relic.

"It should be turned off, too."

Lin Bin gave a low laugh, anyway...everything that was supposed to come had already come.

If the evil emperor's relic is not put away, he will really become the target of public criticism.

He sealed the lockbox.

So far...

The breath of the evil emperor relic completely disappeared.

Then I found a place to lie down, planning to wait for the rain to disappear before reactivating the optical camouflage cloak, and immediately Cihang Jingzhai.

Just a few days.

Although he hadn't come into contact with external objects, he could sense through the dignified atmosphere inside Cihang Jingzhai that this place was gradually becoming the core of the storm in the entire martial arts world.

And Cihang Jingzhai's search became more and more rigorous. Even with the optical camouflage cloak, he was not fully sure that he could continue to hide.

Time to leave.

All he needs to do is wait for the rain to end.

Then just leave and watch Cihang Jingzhai's jokes.

And in fact.

Before the rain was over, Cihang Jingzhai's joke had already come.

In the rainstorm... more than a dozen corpses were placed on the square of Cihang Jingzhai.

Wrote a dead word.


Cihang Jingzhai ushered in the strongest assassin in Butian Pavilion ever-the evil king Shi Zhixuan!

And Lin Bin didn't expect that on the first day when Xie Wang came to Cihang Jingzhai.

The heavy rain directly abolished his optical camouflage cloak.

No matter how strong his concealment ability is, it cannot be stronger than Shi Zhixuan...

Therefore, when he was cornered by Shi Zhixuan, he was full of resentment and scolded his mother.

I'm here to watch the fun, why are you blocking me?

 It's sunny, it's so uncomfortable... The saved manuscript used today is on top, and it may not be updated on time tomorrow, it depends on the situation

(End of this chapter)

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