Chapter 107
Shi Zhixuan has gone crazy.

In the entire Datang plane, if someone can defeat Shi Zhixuan, although it is indeed difficult, it is not impossible.

But if Shi Zhixuan really puts aside all his hypocrisy and resumes his identity as the killer of Butian Pavilion, no one is not afraid of him.

They are all from the family, even though the strength is comparable to the evil king, but how can the disciples, family members and relatives resist the fatal blow of the evil king?
Shi Zhixuan came to Cihang Jingzhai in just one day.

He directly killed dozens of Cihang Jingzhai disciples without anyone noticing.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness, a death sign was placed on the square.

In fact, according to Shi Zhixuan's methods, he would have disdained to use such low-level methods.

The normal approach should be to kill the fewest people, cause the greatest panic, and let everyone live in fear and despair. This is what a killer should really do.

Make killing an art.

But now he couldn't care less.

Because although the Cihang Jingzhai really angered him, but also, there are evil emperor relics in the Cihang Jingzhai.

It is conceivable that the elites of the entire Demon Sect are moving closer to this side...

Shi Zhixuan didn't have enough time to make them fearful and desperate, so just kill them, until they are afraid, until they are desperate, until they dare not even step out of the room.

But even inside the house, it's not safe.

Shi Zhixuan didn't take the initiative to meet Ning Daoqi and Fan Qinghui, who were able to compete with him.

Even if they take the initiative to attack.

He would never get entangled, he would run away if he could, and evade whenever he could, and after he had evaded, he would turn around and kill those ordinary disciples.

There are the Seven Illusions of Immortality and the light body technique.

Even the four holy monks from back then could not stop Shi Zhixuan, who in the world could stop him?

Therefore, in this rainstorm.

The murderous intent brought by Shi Zhixuan is even more serious, because the heavy rain will dilute all evidence and clues, and cover all human voices...

It is a good time to kill and set fire.

But at this moment.

He saw that Concubine Shixuan, who was suspected to be his daughter, was weak and unconscious, and was carried back to the room by his other daughter.

Under the worry in the heart, the Huajian faction once again gained the upper hand, and couldn't help but want to come and have a look.

In the end, he ran directly into Lin Bin whose optical camouflage cloak had failed.

The wicked face of Xie Wang showed a bit of strangeness, playing with the taste: "Reward the good and punish the evil envoys!"

Damn, I was sitting on a mountain watching tigers fight, but I accidentally entered the Colosseum.

Lin Bin groaned in his heart, but his expression remained calm, and he asked with a light smile, "Does the evil king recognize me?"

"Naturally, when the Yingui faction fought with me, didn't you just watch the battle? It's just that you never made a move. Otherwise, once you get close, under Huang Shigong, with your ability, there is a possibility that you want to retreat completely." Insignificant."

Shi Zhixuan regained his composure.

He smiled lightly and said: "But it's also thanks to you, I heard Xibai report to me about rewarding the good and punishing the evil. I snatched the Heshibi from you, but I didn’t want to be provoked by Yuyan. It was precisely to deal with you. I wore the bulletproof vest I took from the hands of heaven and man, and I carried Huang Shigong close to me. Otherwise, I would have survived that battle. I'm afraid I have to suffer serious injuries to escape, and from this point of view, I have to thank you."

"The evil king is too polite."

After all, your Yuyan was actually called by me.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "It seems that I blocked the way of the evil king... If the evil king wants to continue to assassinate the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, maybe I can help one or two here."

"Don't worry, now that we meet by chance, please reward the good and punish the evil envoys and hand over He Shibi."

Shi Zhixuan said lightly: "This thing may not be useful to me, but it is of great use to Cihang Jingzhai, and now Cihang Jingzhai and I have become mortal enemies, and it is of great use to them, I naturally want to take it back .”

Lin Bin was surprised: "Do it with me? Is the evil king serious?"

"Of course, every time you kill a celestial being, you can reap a lot of benefits. Since the celestial being is in front of you, why should I miss it?"

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "I suggest you better not."

"Oh? Could it be that you have some hole cards, so you can die with me?"

"There is a hole card, but there is no need to use it to you, the evil king. I am not your enemy."

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "When I kill people, I don't necessarily have to kill the enemy."

"But the problem is..."

Lin Bin sighed, and said, "You don't want Feixuan's child to lose her father just after it is born, do you? Will her child suffer the same fate as hers?"


Shi Zhixuan's calm expression froze for a moment, and a murderous intent appeared in Lin Bin's eyes.

Coldly said: "You to Feixuan..."

"It's just that we can't help but fall in love with each other."

"I do not believe."

"Xie Wang, you want to kill Cihang Jingzhai's people to take revenge, so you came here, but if I wasn't for Feixuan, why did I come here?"

Lin Bin put the box in his hand back without any trace, and said, "Especially, I still carry the He's Bi that I took from Cihang Jingzhai. How is this different from throwing yourself into a trap?"

"You are the enemy of Cihang Jingzhai, how could Feixuan be with you..."

"You are also Cihang Jingzhai's enemy, but don't you still have a daughter of Cihang Jingzhai's contemporary heir?"

Lin Bin sighed: "I don't know the origin of the love, but the love is deep..."

"That's right."

Shi Zhixuan took a deep look at Lin Bin, shook his head and said, "But you are a heavenly being, and sooner or later you will go back to your own world..."

"It doesn't matter, this world will soon merge with the real world. At that time, the two of us will naturally stay together forever. The short separation is just for a longer reunion. Feixuan and I have already made preparations. If love lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night."

"That's right, although I didn't raise Feixuan, her temperament really follows me."

Shi Zhixuan looked back at Shi Feixuan's room for the last time, and sighed: "I know she has a lot of skill, why did she fall into a coma after kneeling for three days, I thought it was because of her mental disorder, it turned out that it was because she was pregnant. Weakness, you are cruel enough, you can really let it go..."

"What can I do? She is too stubborn. I persuaded her in private, but she refused to listen. I dare not kill Jingzhai's disciples. I'm afraid she will annoy me."

"Hahahaha, I'm not afraid anymore. Xiuxin is gone, and Feixuan has been poisoned by Jingzhai. If I can free her, it doesn't matter if I am hated by her."

Shi Zhixuan laughed loudly, and said with a smile: "Boy, treat Feixuan well in the future, if you dare to hurt her... Even if you return to this world, I will take your life."

Lin Bin paused and said, "I will treat her well, but it's definitely not because of you."

"You successfully extinguished my killing intent."

Shi Zhixuan turned his head and left, only halfway there, he suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, have you heard of the evil emperor Sari?"

"Evil Emperor Sherry?"

Lin Bincha asked curiously: "Of course I have heard of it, the precious treasure of the Demon Sect...Why did the evil king suddenly mention this?"

"It's nothing."

Shi Zhixuan thought to himself, it seems that this kid should have come to Cihang Jingzhai long ago, so he has never heard of that rumor.

This time, he really turned around and left.

The Four Great Sage Monks are coming soon, and he intends to win the relic of the evil emperor before the Four Great Sage Monks and everyone else arrive.

Until Shi Zhixuan's figure left.

Lin Bincai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thanks to meeting Shi Zhixuan not far from Shi Feixuan, he was able to fool around.

Unexpectedly, the random sentence I said before would actually get rid of a big enemy for me here.

If the two really fought here, it would definitely alarm the entire Cihang Jingzhai.

By the time……

Due to insufficient information, Shi Zhixuan mistakenly believed that the evil emperor's relic was really in the hands of Cihang Jingzhai.

So don't think too much

But Cihang Jingzhai knew that the Envoy of Rewarding the Good and Punishing the Evil had once provoked Cihang Jingzhai, if he appeared here now, they would definitely think of it, maybe he was the one who spread the rumor about the evil emperor's relic.

Don't stay here for long.

Finally, I took a deep look at Shi Feixuan's house...

Seeing the heavy rain just stop.

Lin Bin turned around without hesitation and flew towards the outside world.

The bait has already been laid, so it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Open the optical camouflage cloak, and the whole person is integrated with the surrounding environment.

Even now, Cihang Jingzhai's precautions have been extremely strict.

But he still escaped easily, but this time the environment outside Cihang Jingzhai was no longer as quiet as before.

There are traces of people everywhere.


Someone has already quietly started to spy on the movement of Cihang Jingzhai around here.

Lin Bin didn't care about these, and went to the place he had agreed with Houhou before.

As expected, Wan Wan had already been waiting for a long time.

It's just that I didn't expect that other than 婠婠...

There is actually one person staying here.

"Hey, there's no way. It was the first time Master brought someone to this place, so Master found this place. Don't think it's someone who is telling you."

He had an innocent smile on his face.

Indicates that it's really not her fault that someone else is here.

And that beautiful woman in a white skirt with a light veil, isn't it Zhu Yuyan?

Zhu Yuyan smiled admiringly, looking at Lin Bin with a woman's innate respect for a powerful man.

She said with admiration: "When Yuyan heard the rumors about the holy relic before, she was still very moved. She wished she could immediately fly to Cihang Jingzhai to take back the holy relic. The game, the young master is really powerful, turning the wind and rain with one hand, the entire holy gate is under your driving, the heavenly man Yuyan has seen many, but it is really the first time in her life that the young master is like this, let alone the young master It has already snatched the holy relic in the hands without making a sound."

Lin Bin asked: "Have all the people from the Demon Sect come?"

Zhu Yuyan replied: "Although they didn't hit it, the people of the Yingui Sect found out that the demon commander Zhao Deyan had arrived near Cihang Jingzhai late yesterday night, and some people found several corpses with traces left by Ziqi Tianluo on them." As for the four disciples of the evil emperor, although there are no traces of them, they must be nearby."

"Well, if this is the case, Yuyan, please help me spread the information inside, and say that the four great monks will rush to Cihang Jingzhai to help in the future, and Ning Daoqi is now living in Cihang Hang Jing Zhai is to protect the evil emperor's relic, if you want to snatch it, now is the best chance... By the way, and... the evil king Shi Zhixuan has already lurked into Ci Hang Jing Zhai."


Zhu Yuyan frowned, then sneered and said: "It's ridiculous that Shi Zhixuan was smart all his life, but this time he became the son's pawn and didn't know it. Yuyan admires how smart you are."

"Stop flattering, your Yingui sect has always been at a disadvantage in the contest with Cihang Jingzhai, now such a good opportunity can use the power of the entire Demon Sect to destroy Cihang Jingzhai in one fell swoop, and your Yingui sect suzerain will personally preside over the overall situation , it is reasonable, no one will doubt you... You can definitely make an agreement with them to destroy Cihang Jingzhai first, and the evil emperor relics will each use their own abilities."

"Young master said, Yuyan will make arrangements now."

Zhu Yuyan talked about the arrangement, but didn't move.

"What, is there anything else?"

Zhu Yuyan pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Young master's mission should be to destroy Cihang Jingzhai. If Yuyan has made such a great contribution for you, how can you reward Yuyan?"

"Isn't it also your lifelong wish to destroy Cihang Jingzhai?"

"But now he is doing things for the young master."

Lin Bin asked, "What do you want?"

"If it succeeds, Yuyan dares to ask the young master to use the evil emperor's relic to practice for Yuyan once."

Lin Bin glanced at Houhou.

Hou Hou stuck out his tongue at Lin Bin, and said with a smile: "Master's skill has improved a lot. Master finds it strange. It's not easy for him to cheat, right?"

"Yes, as long as you make it, I can help infuse the essence of the evil emperor's relic into your body, so that you can eat until you are full."

Lin Bin thought to himself, anyway, I kept all the really good things in it for myself. I can get as much as you can eat... If you don’t agree to such a good thing, I will ask you to agree. Now you do the opposite Please, is there any reason why I shouldn't?
"Yuyan is satisfied with the young master's words, and promises to satisfy the young master."

Zhu Yuyan flew back.

Looking at her receding back, Lin Bin sighed, "Wow, you have to learn more from your master."

Wan Wan was a little dissatisfied and said, "What are you studying?"

Lin Bin said: "Your tea is too superficial, unlike your master. Not only is your tea thick-skinned, you are two rounds older than me, and you can call me son with a sweet smile."

Wan Wan: "……………"

And here.

After Zhu Yuyan returned, she immediately sent her disciples to search for the whereabouts of Demon Commander Zhao Deyan, Tianjun Xiying and others.

As members of the Demon Sect, they have their own clues to contact them.

Today's Momen No. 1 is invited, even Zhao Deyan has to consider the consequences of offending Zhu Yuyan.

Therefore, the crowd came quickly.

Including the perverted Shiyou Niaojuan, plus Tianlianzong Anlong and others...

Never before have the eight masters of the Demon Sect gathered together as they do now.

And after hearing Zhu Yuyan's proposal.

Everyone was shocked, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

The Four Great Sacred Monks are coming soon, and if they come, even if they join forces, they will not gain the upper hand... Naturally, snatching the holy relic will be nothing but empty talk.

And Zhu Yuyan proposed to destroy Cihang Jingzhai first, and then each of them should use their own ability to win the holy relic, so what if the four holy monks come?

Four old bald donkeys, no matter how strong they are, they are old after all, we are going far away, if you have the ability, you come to chase us down?On the way, he had to eat, sleep in the open and die of illness.

But the demise of Cihang Jingzhai is a foregone conclusion.

In this way, even if Zhu Yuyan can't get the holy relic, at least she can be considered to have wiped out her old enemy for many years...with a guarantee.

"But in this way, aren't we all helping the Yingui Sect?"

"Is Cihang Jingzhai just my Yingui faction's archenemy? Believe it or not, if Cihang Jingzhai kills me, Zhu Yuyan, then it will be your turn to be the second one?"

Zhu Yuyan's tone was not as soft as she was facing Lin Bin when facing many fellow students.

She said: "I can promise you here. If you agree to my promise, then this time the evil emperor's relics will be based on their own abilities, and I will not care about others. Relic, then no matter whose hands the Holy Relic falls into, I will not pursue it again... Is this promise enough? But you have to think about it quickly, because as far as I know, the evil king Shi Zhixuan has entered the world of compassion. Hang Jingzhai, his stature is superb, even Ning Daoqi can't catch up with him, you should decide soon, then you will not only face Cihang Jingzhai, but also the evil king Shi Zhixuan."

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was moved immediately.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

Zhu Yuyan's intention is clearly to put the ownership of the holy relic in the Cihang Jingzhai, and whoever gets to leave here will belong to the holy relic.

If you don't keep your word, then you will become the new evil emperor...

And definitely no one will convince her.

As for the evil king Shi Zhixuan, if he really got the holy relic, none of them had the confidence to take it back from him.

"Ben Shuai agrees!"

"I agree!"

Zhao Deyan and Xi Ying each hesitated for a while, thinking that their conflict with Cihang Jingzhai was a foregone conclusion, so they simply beat the snake to death to avoid future troubles.

Even Shi Youniaojuan, Ziwujian Zuoyouxian and others nodded in agreement.

"That's good, I will do my part and take the command this time. Tonight, everyone, attack Cihang Jingzhai!"

Zhu Yuyan paused and said: "Today, the Holy Gate is in vain, and it will never die!"

Speaking of this sentence.

A strange sense of satisfaction welled up in her.

Everyone is running empty, making wedding dresses for others...

She was the only one who had already reserved the qualification to use the holy relic.

This numb feeling of winning... Except for Lin Bin, no one else gave her it.

 I posted it as soon as I finished it... I'm a little late, sorry sorry
(End of this chapter)

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