when reincarnation invades

Chapter 108 The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires

Chapter 108 The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires
The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, killing people and setting fires.

It should have been sunny after the rain.

However, after the torrential rain that day, the sky was still extremely gloomy, the clouds were thick and colorful, and there seemed to be great evil thoughts in the churning.

Night had not yet fallen.

The sky is darker than the night...

Cihang Jingzhai outside.

Zhu Yuyan stared at Cihang Jingzhai in the distance.

Never dreamed that the opportunity would come so soon.

But since it came, she naturally wanted to catch it.

This is the best opportunity to destroy the long-standing enemy of the Yingui faction.

"Get out."

Following Yin Hou's order.

Having received Zhu Yuyan's promise, without hesitation, Zhao Deyan and the others led their elite disciples to rush towards Cihang Jingzhai from different positions at the same time.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan has long been lurking in it.

They naturally cannot lag behind.

Compared with the evil king, their advantage lies in the fact that they have a large number of people. Finding things is not better than hard power. It is obviously more convenient to have a large number of people.


"Cihang Jingzhai, the Buddhist sect is quiet, who dares to be good at... ah... the devil's door... the devil's door is coming..."

"Be alert... ah..."

Accompanied by screams.

The corpses of the first batch of Cihang Jingzhai disciples encountered had been separated.

But these disciples are indeed well-trained.

Even in the face of the most elite masters of the Demon Sect, although they were invincible, they still persistently released a thick smoke.

A loud bang.

Bright fireworks exploded in the sky.

In an instant, all the people in Cihang Jingzhai were aware of the invasion of foreign enemies.

At this time, the wind sparrow was chirping endlessly.

Hundreds of domesticated birds usually keep the entire Cihang quiet and airtight, but now the magic gate is being invaded from all directions, and all these birds are singing, which is extremely loud to the ears...

But hearing it in the ears of Cihang Jingzhai, all of them couldn't help but sink, knowing that the number of enemies who invaded this time was almost appalling.

"Go in, no one will be left alive!"

Zhao Deyan snarled.

For the holy relic, he not only came here for himself, but also brought all the elite masters of the Demon Xiangzong.

In fact, everyone knows the importance of the holy relic, and if they can bring more strength, they will naturally not fight alone. Even Shi Zhixuan knows to find his little brother Anlong to help.

But now, under the calculations of Lin Bin and Zhu Yuyan, this force is all heading towards Cihang Jingzhai.

Just for a moment.

Dozens of disciples who were in charge of patrolling the square in front of Cihang Jingzhai were killed or injured.

Then everyone from the Demon Sect was like a torrent, drowning in Cihang Jingzhai.

At this time, Fan Qinghui was discussing with Ning Daoqi solemnly how to deal with Shi Zhixuan. Shi Zhixuan killed someone but did not show up, and even put his body on the ground to ridicule him.

This move seemed to have completely let go of all his scruples.

This made Fan Qinghui and the others even more troublesome.

Because even if this is their territory, they have nowhere to find it...

I don't know what trick this guy used, but even Fengque didn't respond to him.

But before he found a way to deal with Shi Zhixuan, Fan Qinghui heard the sound of fireworks exploding beside his ears, looked up, and the originally dark night was illuminated by the fireworks like day.

"A powerful enemy has invaded!"

"Master, members of the Yingui Sect, Moxiang Sect, Mieqing Dao, Xieji Sect, Tianlian Sect, and Zhendao's various sects gathered together, and they have already entered our Cihang Jingzhai."

Following a disciple who was full of injuries, he rushed in.

Covering his shoulders with his hands in pain, he said, "The disciples can't hold on anymore, the front hall has already been occupied by them."


Fan Qinghui and Ning Daoqi stood up suddenly at the same time, looked at each other, and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

The threat remains.

A bigger crisis has come.

If this is the case, wouldn't the masters of all factions come together?

Although Cihang Jingzhai is stronger than any faction of the Demon Sect, if the Demon Sect unites, they are definitely far from being opponents.

No one expected it because of a rumor.

It actually made the intrigue, and even the demon sect, which is more discordant than the underworld and the white way, unite.

"Daoist Ning, please go to the front hall to resist the enemy first! Xue Yuan, you go and call your sister Feixuan out, let her help you resist the evil gate, and I will activate our secret weapon of Cihang Jingzhai!"

Fan Qinghui obviously also knew that if the Demon Sect came to an end, unless the four great monks came together, even if she went out, she would never be the opponent of the Demon Sect.

Although she has practiced the Tao all the year round, there is still an uncontrollable killing intent in her eyes.

He said coldly: "This time, I will let them come and go."

Ning Daoqi asked: "Could it be that Master Zhai has some secret means?"

"Before the heavens and humans confused the world, we, as the righteous way of martial arts, naturally wanted to maintain the peace of the world. We had no choice but to kill these heavens and humans, and thus harvested a very powerful weapon. I just feel that this weapon is harmful to heaven. That's why it's sealed up for use, but now facing these monsters from the Demon Sect, there is naturally no need to be merciful."

Fan Qinghui said: "Don't hold back from them."

"Okay, I will temporarily buy time for Master Fan Zhai."

Ning Daoqi waved his big sleeves and walked out, winning the walk in the courtyard, but the speed was extremely fast, and he had arrived at the front hall in just a few steps.

Seeing the tragic situation where the front hall is fighting with itself.

He said with a hearty smile: "Ning Daoqi is here, you all came here uninvited, but it broke the rules."

A short sentence.

The many people from the demon sect who were fighting themselves couldn't help but stop their weapons.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Today's top martial arts master.

One of the three great masters.

Anyone who heard it couldn't help but be a little terrified.

But at this moment, Zhu Yuyan smiled delicately, and said with a smile: "It turned out that the three great masters were in person, and Yuyan is not talented. Today, I have to ask Cihang Jingzhai for advice."

"The old man is not someone from Cihang Jingzhai."

"Huh? Isn't Ning Daoqi the hound that Cihang Jingzhai raises, whoever Cihang Jingzhai tells him to bite? Yuyan couldn't believe such absurd words before, but now, Yuyan has no choice but to believe it." gone."

"Zhu Yuyan, is a person with sharp teeth and sharp tongue only able to show off his tongue?"

Ning Daoqi immediately frowned in displeasure, his heart was already extremely angry from embarrassment.

It's just that he doesn't show it on the face, and his shot is the strongest trick, Sanshou Bapu.

Tens of thousands of infinite changes are all attributed to the eight hands, but the eight hands can be merged into one or countless hands...

Its tricks have long been free from any rules.

Recruit strong, people absolutely.

Zhu Yuyan has been controlled by the net of true energy.

However, Zhu Yuyan giggled coquettishly and said: "Today is not a martial arts competition. No matter how strong Ning Daoqi is, can he still be able to compete with many masters of the Demon Sect like me at the same time? Everyone, if you want to win the holy relic, this hunting dog must be killed." Yes, if you don't help me... If I lose, you will have no chance!"

There is no doubt that Zhu Yuyan is the person closest to Ning Daoqi in strength.

If everyone sits and watches her fight Ning Daoqi with the intention of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, they will win again when she loses the battle.

"Forget it, as long as you help me destroy Cihang Jingzhai today, Holy Relic... I don't want the Yingui sect anymore!"

Zhu Yuyan yelled tenderly, and the Heavenly Magic Force Field unfolded.

The majestic zhenqi was like waves rolling, and the overwhelming energy was under the blessing of Liuyun Feixiu, but the soft flying sleeve was mixed with roars, and it hit the old man in front of him.

Regardless of whether they make it or not, Zhu Yuyan has indeed gone all out.

Zhao Deyan and Xi Ying exchanged glances, and both noticed the determination in each other's eyes.

The other party has already willingly given up the holy relic in order to destroy Cihang Jingzhai.

Killing Ning Daoqi, they went directly to two strong enemies.

Immediately shouted: "Don't panic after Yin, I will wait to help you!"

The two rushed into the battle group together.

In the fierce battle between the master-level masters, the true qi sputtered, making a whizzing sound like bullets, and the Buddha statues in the temple were shot out of deep holes one after another.

The people from the Momen Cihang Jingzhai who were a little closer were immediately affected one after another.

screamed and fell to the ground...

"Everyone, first kill the people of Cihang Jingzhai, and then go to search for the relics. We will deal with Ning Daoqi."

While the four of them were fighting, Zhu Yuyan took the time to give a loud shout...

Her strength is slightly inferior to Ning Daoqi, but with the addition of Zhao Deyan and Tianjun Xi Ying, facing Ning Daoqi, she can attack and retreat.

It's just that Ning Daoqi's scattered and eight-handed attack is too mysterious, even if it is one against three, it will not lose the wind in the slightest.

The two sides stalemate for a while.

Zhu Yuyan took the time to give the order, and many demon disciples responded immediately, and all rushed towards the outside of the hall.

And Ning Daoqi used one against three to hold down the three leaders of the enemy...

Seeing You Niaojuan and Zuo Youxian turned around without hesitation to look for the evil emperor relic.

He had no intention of stopping it either.

As far as he can do, it is the limit to hold the three of them...

It's not worth throwing your own life here, and didn't Master Fanzhai also say that she has a hole card that can turn the tide of the battle?

Just wait.

The disciples of the Demon Sect became even more scattered, and the battle with Cihang Jingzhai had already spread to the entire range of Cihang Jingzhai.

In the process, someone lit a fire.

Immediately, the entire Cihang Jingzhai was engulfed in the raging flames...

"This time, Cihang Jingzhai completely ceased to exist."

Hou Hou looked at Cihang Jingzhai who was already in the sea of ​​fire with some regret, and sighed: "I have imagined an enemy for a lifetime, but I haven't made a move yet... It just disappeared. I suddenly feel a little lonely, I really want to Asking Concubine Shixuan to come out and give him a good meal, can it be regarded as the last dream come true before he leaves this world?"

The voice fell.

A beautiful figure descended directly from the sky.

Lin Bin instinctively raised his hand, and the next moment, the warm and fragrant nephrite was in his arms, and the familiar light body fragrance filled his body.

Wan Wan blinked, looking at Shi Feixuan who suddenly appeared in Lin Bin's arms.

Fairy Shi, who used to be aloof, is now leaning against Lin Bin's arms with a haggard look and her head tilted slightly.

Wan Wan said in surprise, "Mother, has the dream come true?"

Lin Bin raised his head and saw a figure standing above him...

Isn't it Shi Zhixuan?

His expression was still calm, it seemed that Cihang Jingzhai's battle hadn't affected him at all.

He said lightly: "Feixuan is a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai. At this time, if she wakes up, there will be twists and turns, so I point another finger and let her sleep for a while. She is your wife. , you take good care of her."


Hou Hou stared at Lin Bin with wide eyes in shock, then at Shi Zhixuan, instinctively wanting to protect the evil emperor relic behind him, but Lin Bin took a step forward and directly stepped on her tender little feet Come on.

The little girl burst into tears instantly.

Lin Bin solemnly said: "Thank you, Xie Wang."

"I did it for her..."

Shi Zhixuan's figure disappeared like a ghost.

Wan Wan glared at Lin Bin.

Before she had time to speak, Shi Qingxuan's somewhat embarrassed figure quickly chased after her...

Seeing Shi Feixuan who was still sleeping in Lin Bin's arms, he said angrily, "What did that bastard Shi Zhixuan bring Feixuan here for?"

Lin Bin explained: "He is worried that Feixuan will be affected. After all, she has a special status, and he knows that I have some friendship with Feixuan, so he specially entrusted her to my care."

Shi Qingxuan looked dissatisfied at the culprit who caused Concubine Shixuan to reach this point, and asked, "Since when did you two become friends?"

Wan Wan said coolly at the side: "If there is no accident, we should have already made love."

"Give me my sister."

"Give you."

Lin Bin turned his head to look at Cihang Jingzhai, who was already in the sea of ​​fire, and sighed: "At this time, it is better for Feixuan to be unconscious than to wake up...here, your sister..."

Shi Qingxuan took over Shi Feixuan.

He frowned and said, "What a strange feeling... this is... He's Bi?!"

"That's right, it's He's Bi, I'll take it away now,"

Lin Bin said: "Wuhou, you can accompany Miss Qingxuan to guard Feixuan here."

Shi Qingxuan frowned and said: "No need, I don't trust people from the Yingui sect."

"But if Houhou stays here, it can also prevent Feixuan from rushing into Cihang Jingzhai to live and die with Cihang Jingzhai after waking up. I'm afraid Miss Qingxuan won't be able to control her by herself."

Upon hearing this, Shi Qingxuan didn't say any more.

And Hou Hou understood what Lin Bin meant.

The evil emperor's relic needs someone to guard it, and bringing it into the Cihang Jingzhai now is courting death.


A chance to blatantly beat Shi Feixuan.

Wan Wan smiled and said, "It's okay, I will take good care of Junior Sister Feixuan, how about you?"

Lin Bin sighed: "The Cihang Jingzhai will be destroyed today, but what is the inheritance? It is the crystallization of the painstaking efforts of countless predecessors... Since I have this leisure, I will protect the painstaking efforts of the predecessors and do my best."

Hou Hou's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he already knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and then thought of Lin Bin's magical method of disappearing, wouldn't it be appropriate to take something?
At that time, if she acted like a baby and acted cute, she might still have her share.

Hastily nodded and said: "Go quickly, don't worry here, they will definitely protect these two girls."

Shi Qingxuan said angrily: "We are sisters."

She was a little wary and took two steps back with Shi Feixuan in her arms, feeling that there was nothing good about these two people...

If it wasn't for worrying that Feixuan would really want to go back and fight for her life when she wakes up, and she couldn't stop her, she might have hugged Shifeixuan away long ago.

"Understood, understood, hurry up, Brother Bin, you don't need to worry about the rear."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here."

Lin Bin galloped in the direction of Cihang Jingzhai.

And just as it was approaching Cihang Jingzhai.

His figure that was still in mid-air just disappeared so strangely... In the current Cihang Jingzhai, the Demon Sect's orthodox struggle is in full swing, and unexpectedly, someone has already lurked inside.

Headed towards their most secret place.

Sword Canon!

One of the four great books on the plane of the Tang Dynasty.

Now Lin Bin has got the second one... The God of War Atlas is too illusory to find, and the time is far from enough.

But Jiandian is in front of him now.

Especially Lin Bin had been lurking here for several days before, and he had already found out the treasures of Cihang Jingzhai.

It's just that it was inconvenient to reveal his identity before, and there must be a lot of protection around the sword code, maybe there are some guardians like elders of the sect, so Lin Bin didn't take any risks.

But now the entire magic gate has broken in.

Cihang Jingzhai is too busy to take care of himself, and the protection of the sword code is bound to be empty. Lin Bin does not believe that the people of Cihang Jingzhai can bring the treasures inherited from the sect to deal with the enemy, and give the enemy a chance to kill people and explode treasures.

But if they didn't bring them, they gave Lin Bin a chance.

 The number of words is less, but there is no way... Now the temperature is between 37 and 38 degrees, the most important thing is back pain, leg pain, walking with a limp, and no strength...

(End of this chapter)

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