when reincarnation invades

Chapter 109 Is this going to take the technology and fantasy routes respectively?

Chapter 109 Is this going to take the technology and fantasy routes respectively?
Cihang Jingzhai.

At this time, he was already deeply engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and he could not care about himself.

Naturally, Lin Bin was allowed to come in and out freely.

Even with the blessing of the optical camouflage cloak, there will be faint ripples when walking, and I'm afraid it won't be able to hide it from these sharp-eyed martial arts people on weekdays.

But at this time, everyone's eyes were red-eyed.

Where else would you notice these?

5 minutes was enough for Lin Bin to walk thousands of meters to the most secret place of Cihang Jingzhai.


Inside, it contains the treasures of Cihang Jingzhai for hundreds of years, many of which may even be exquisite martial arts and martial arts taken from the hands of the demon.

But Lin Bin turned a blind eye to these.

He will not lose the big because of a small one, and the kingly way is to get the sword code first.

The storage location of the sword manual is on the top floor of the library.

There is no mechanism.

In the Datang plane, exercises are naturally extremely precious.

But it doesn't mean everything.

Just like Shi Zhixuan, the imprint of immortality created by him painstakingly, is placed in Shi Qingxuan's hands, and it is almost barrier-free for people from Cihang Jingzhai to read it.

To put it bluntly, exercises are dead, but people are alive.

Only in the hands of Shi Zhixuan can the imprint of immortality exert its strongest lethality. Even if Shi Feixuan has read the imprint of immortality and targeted the enemy, isn't she still Shi Zhixuan's opponent?
Therefore, although the sword tome is precious, it is not well-preserved by the people of Cihang Jingzhai.

When Lin Bin stepped onto the top floor.

Then I saw behind the piles of full bookshelves.

In the very center of this floor, there is a small stone platform carved from bluestone, which is only the size of a book.

On it, an ancient book full of ancient meaning is placed on it.

I don't know what kind of material the gold thread and black silk are made of, but from the appearance, it can be seen that its value must be very expensive...

The content inside is even more imaginable.

Lin Bin walked over slowly.

Seeing the word "Sword Code" written in that book, isn't that what he was looking for?
Lin Bin didn't flip through the pages, and just put the book away.

He remembered that it was said in the plot that Ning Daoqi flipped through the sword manual, then vomited blood and retreated...

Although I don't know whether this matter is a hot topic or real, but this kind of time is not suitable for injury.

When he went back, he read it slowly. There was still about half a month before the end of the plot, which was enough for him to memorize the book thoroughly.

There is also the collection in the Cihang Jingzhai.

You must know that these exercises are actually of the highest value.

Bringing it back to the real world, the deducted reincarnation points are much lower than other props.

And if you memorize it by heart, discard the original.

That is white whoring.

Now that the sword code is in hand, if there is enough time next, then you can make ideas about other martial arts.

Lin Bin smiled lightly, turned around and left...

And the moment he turned around.

Behind the stone platform.

The bookshelf full of books opened with a bang, and Lin Bin's ears heard the crisp sound of mechanical gears meshing.

A red figure stepped out.

The two just bumped into each other...

On the opposite side, the stunned and beautiful face, although the crow's feet can be seen at the corners of the eyes, is still elegant and refined, and it is difficult to conceal the temperament of a banished fairy.

Even the bloated and ill-fitting battle armor couldn't hide her charming demeanor.

The two looked at each other.

"Fan Qinghui, why are you here?"

Although it was the first time we met.

Lin Bin still recognized the identity of the visitor at a glance. With such an expression, who else could there be in the entire Cihang Jingzhai apart from Iron Man Fan Qinghui?

But right now Cihang Jingzhai is in crisis.

As the majestic master of the family, instead of saving Cihang Jingzhai from the fire and water, she came here to put on a battle armor for herself...

It was really beyond Lin Bin's expectation.

"How dare the thief steal my Jingzhai Sword Code?!"

Fan Qinghui followed Lin Bin to look at the empty stone platform behind him, and was furious.

He raised his palm to point at Lin Bin, and the white light in his palm had already started accumulating energy.

Lin Bin then instinctively took out the plasma pistol from his waist and blasted it out.

next moment……

There were two loud bangs.

The two of them dodged instinctively at the same time, and the plasma pistols and palm cannons emptied one after another, bombarding the bookshelves behind them, and countless broken books and pages flew out of the huge library.

"Thief, hand over the sword code!"

Although she was wearing steel armor, Fan Qinghui was obviously more used to her own martial arts.

The next moment, the catcher grabbed Lin Bin.

Oops, danger!
Lin Bin's eyes flashed brightly.

The immortal qi in his body began to boil. During this period of time, his zhenqi cultivation has more than doubled compared to when he first entered this plane?

Under the blessing of the God's Arrival Technique, the "Longevity Formula" is like an overloaded engine, frantically pumping out true energy.

Block, transform force, exert strength.

The national art Tai Chi was almost like a violent storm, and it was submerged towards Fan Qinghui.

Fan Qinghui's hands were as fast as lightning, and he took all of Lin Bin's moves in an instant.

One of the two has a plasma gun, and the other wears a steel armor.

But at this time the distance is too short, it is inconvenient to use it, but it is the most thrilling life-and-death fight.

Fan Qinghui didn't know who the other party was, but he was able to steal Cihang Jingzhai's sword code at this time. If the people in the Demon Sect said they wanted to destroy Cihang Jingzhai, then the man in front of him wanted to destroy Cihang Jingzhai. The inheritance of Cihang Jingzhai.

He is more hateful than Demon Gate.

At the moment, the murderous heart is already on the rise.

And Lin Bin was even more merciless. Fan Qinghui's appearance was unexpected, but he understood that for some reason this woman was able to manipulate the steel armor. Maybe she also got the watch of the reincarnation.

Once pulled away by her.

At that time, his only reliance will be Sand Eagle Shura and Azure Rose.

I'm afraid I can't match the various types of weapons in the steel armor in front of me, hell... I, a reincarnation, should worry about being suppressed by the natives?
Lin Bin has no good feelings for Fan Qinghui, and he is merciless in his actions.

In just a short moment, the two of them have passed more than twenty moves.

White smoke filled the air above his head.

Almost raised the power that he could erupt to the extreme.

Even a strange pulling force has begun to faintly appear around the body, pulling Fan Qinghui's palm strength to shift...

"It's "Heavenly Demon Dafa"! Good boy, you are actually a member of the Yingui sect, let alone keep you."

Fan Qinghui's eyes became even more murderous, and there was the sound of gears meshing.

With steel armor as protection, she completely gave up all defenses.

The lethality of the Cihang Sword Code was almost brought into full play by it.

Using the finger to activate the sword energy, the boundless and magnificent sword energy cut towards Lin Bin's body like a storm like a storm, engulfing him completely under the sword net.

She is an old expert in dealing with the Heavenly Demon Force Field, and quickly figured out that Lin Bin's "Heavenly Demon Dafa" is not deep at all, but pure in skill, almost better than her disciple Shi Feixuan. few.

At the moment, the fear in my heart is even heavier.

in a blink.

It's already a hundred tricks out of shopping.

Lin Bin's face was flushed, but his heart was greatly surprised...

As far as he can tell, when he first entered this plane, he could barely keep up with him.

But now, facing the No. 1 Fan Qinghui of Cihang Jingzhai, he can still catch her with all kinds of moves without losing the wind.

Although with the help of the power of God's descent.

But the improvement of his strength can be seen for real.

If I absorb the evil emperor's relic and He's Bi at that time, I'm afraid it won't be long before I can truly reach the level of grand master.

but now……

Can't stand it anymore.

Lin Bin divided yin and yang with his palms, and the majestic energy was almost like an invisible air shield protecting his body.

But Fan Qinghui's attack was fierce, and he thrust out his palm with sharp sword energy, which was the nemesis of the air mask... easily tore the air mask in front of Lin Bin, and then reached forward with his palm and pressed it on Lin Bin's chest.

He shouted: "Thief, die for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the palm of the metal-gloved hand hit Lin Bin's chest, and then the palm cannon charged up with a bang.

First Qi, then technology.

Lin Bin ate two moves in a row, and his face was suddenly defeated, and he exclaimed: "It's amazing!"

He staggered and flew backwards... stumbling, staggering, staggering...


Fan Qinghui originally thought that this blow would definitely kill the enemy.

But he found that Lin Bin was stumbling and stumbling, stumbling around and getting closer and closer to the window, but he tried to chase him again, only to find that Lin Bin was sitting by the window. Although the corners of his lips were bleeding, his expression was still intact, and he didn't look like he was seriously injured. ?
He made a gesture of goodbye.

The whole person fell down from the window.

"Damn it, I fell for it."

Fan Qinghui clumsily manipulated the steel armor and rushed out of the window, only to find that the surrounding air was light, how could there be the villain just now?

She screamed in disbelief, seeing that the enemy's figure had disappeared, and she didn't know how the enemy's figure disappeared so quickly.

Hastily put on the mask and turned on the search system.

The system immediately beeped.

Ji Li Gua La chattered nonsense, it should be Fan Bang's words, as if asking her how to operate it, it seems that this mech is quite magical, there should be a way to find the trace of that person.


Although Fan Qinghui has a heart, but he has no culture.

Even if you are so angry that you can do everything, you still can't say the word YES...

He could only control the steel battle armor and fly in the direction of the square in front of Cihang Jingzhai.

There are too many enemies.

Cihang Jingzhai was in dire straits, she didn't have much time to entangle with a single enemy.

And not long after she left...

Lin Bin's figure slowly appeared under the window, exhaled a foul breath, and sighed: "This world is too crazy. The people in Cihang Jingzhai have all put on armor, plus Shi Zhixuan's Huang Shigong and Yin Gui Pai's Shuanglong Phantom Sword, is this going to take the technological route and the fantasy route separately?"

The power of the Palm Cannon was limited, but it didn't hurt Lin Bin much.

But that palm directly hurt his lungs through the soft armor.

In particular, Fan Qinghui was also wearing armor, and the palms of his hands naturally blocked the barbs of the soft hedgehog armor...

But in this game, blood is earned.

Suffered a little injury, but directly harvested the martial arts of Jiandian.

And this time.

The front hall of Cihang Jingzhai.

In just a moment, Fan Qinghui has successfully arrived at the location.

With Fan Qinghui joining the battle.

Cihang Jingzhai, who has already been in the midst of life and death, is equivalent to ushering in the most powerful new force.

The power of the Iron Armor may not be very strong.

But being able to fly will make Zhu Yuyan and everyone else helpless.

Fan Qinghui flew in the air and never landed. The palm cannons in both palms seemed to have turned on the burst function, and bombarded the Demon Sect people below.

Gravel flew everywhere.

Smoke filled the air.

The entire Cihang Jingzhai was completely engulfed in flames of war.

But this time...

The one who died was a member of the Demon Sect.

The palm cannon's dodge can only be predicted on the eve of the firing, but Fan Qinghui is a master with great vision, and can easily lock the evasion route of the people below.

At this moment, she really hit the nail on the head.

The guns hit.

In just half a stick of incense, the demon disciples suffered heavy casualties.

Immortal Zuo You's swordsmanship was superb, but he had no choice but to deal with enemies that were out of reach from the sky. His right leg was broken, and then he was thrown down by a boulder, turning into a lump of flesh.

You Niaojuan was in a stalemate with Ning Daoqi, but after a short step back, he was shot in the face, and a huge blood hole the thickness of an arm was blasted out of his chest.

Ning Daoqi was no longer in a stalemate, but drew back and flew back, laughing heartily: "Hahahaha, I don't think that Master Fanzhai has such a magical weapon. It is really powerful. Today, the entire army of the Demon Sect will be wiped out."

With Ning Daoqi's departure, Zhu Yuyan became the key target.

She is not someone who just sits and waits to die. She flies up and rushes towards Fan Qinghui like lightning.

But she was not sensitive enough in the air, Fan Qinghui just dodged a little to avoid Zhu Yuyan's attack, and fired a cannon casually.

Zhu Yuyan blocked it with the Heavenly Demon Blade.

A loud bang.

She had nowhere to borrow strength, and she was directly and severely blasted down.

Angrily, she gritted her teeth tightly and shouted: "Fan Qinghui, you bastard, come down and fight me!"

"Today, when you invade Cihang Jingzhai, you already have your own way of death, and you still want to have a fair fight with you? It's just a dream!"

Fan Qinghui fired several shots one after another.

Even without knowing what system was turned on, the shoulder-head-shoulder cannon also extended several miniature missiles, flying towards the bottom with green smoke.


There was a violent explosion, forcing all the members of the demon sect to dodge and retreat.

Cihang Jingzhai had already been completely destroyed under the fierce artillery fire.

I'm afraid even Fan Qinghui couldn't imagine that the person who really destroyed Cihang Jingzhai... was her.

And just when Zhu Yuyan was at her wit's end, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ear, saying, "Fan Qinghui's weakness is the light source on her chest, which is the energy source of her armor, breaking it, Fan Qinghui will definitely die !"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she shouted: "The light source hitting her chest is the evil emperor's relic. Fan Qinghui actually hid the evil emperor's relic in her chest, and she couldn't hide it from me!"


When everyone heard this, their eyes turned red.

How can you care about the fierce enemy artillery fire?
At the moment, they all climbed towards the surrounding buildings, obviously wanting to use their strength to snatch the relic of the evil emperor...

"Zhu Yuyan, poor nun wants you to die!"

Fan Qinghui snarled, and the palm of his hand shot at Zhu Yuyan as if he didn't want money...

Zhu Yuyan could only flee in a hurry.

And right now.

Suddenly a gray shadow flashed across the sky, as fast as lightning, and fell on the steel armor flying in the air in an instant.

It was Shi Zhixuan.

He snorted coldly, reached out his fingers into claws, and grabbed the light source on Fan Qinghui's chest.

Fan Qinghui let out a shriek, and the whole person flipped back and forth...

Desperately trying to get rid of Shi Zhixuan.

The two fought in the air.

Such a fierce event immediately surprised everyone.

And when Shi Zhixuan restrained Fan Qinghui for a short time, she could only turn around in an inch.

In the distance, a faint blue bullet shot out like a ball of light.

Right in the middle of Fan Qinghui's chest is the energy ark.

With a bang...

Fan Qinghui screamed, and suddenly felt that the armor lost its response.

The whole person fell towards the bottom, and landed below with a bang.

Lin Bin, who was hiding in the dark, blew on the blue rose in his palm, and praised: "It is better to use a repeating rifle. I understand why single-shot rifles have been eliminated."

This shot, without a doubt!

He is the one who won the MVP!

(End of this chapter)

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