when reincarnation invades

Chapter 110 The great task of saving the world is entrusted to you

Chapter 110 The great task of saving the world is entrusted to you
Fan Qinghui died.

One of the things she regretted the most until death was probably not being able to master a foreign language.

Otherwise, relying on the ability of the steel armor, it is still not a problem to escape...

Especially in the martial arts plane, it is almost impossible to fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

From this point of view, the Iron Armor, which has fully mastered the ability to control the air, can almost conquer this world.

Therefore, when the Four Great Sacred Monks finally arrived long overdue.

What he saw was Cihang Jingzhai, which had become ruins.

And Fan Qinghui's dilapidated body.

And the enemy... has already dispersed.

Cihang Jingzhai will be destroyed!


When Shi Feixuan woke up from the nightmare, it seemed that she had a terrible dream.

She didn't even know what happened in the dream, but she only remembered that it was all red, as if a sea of ​​fire swept across the sky, even covering the sky.

She sat up straight in horror, her whole body was already wet like water, she panted heavily, and looked around in panic, trying to make sure that she was still in the familiar environment.

But found that she should be in an inn at this time.

With the help of the unfamiliar environment and her superb skills, some noises from downstairs could be heard.

At this moment, the beautiful girl sitting next to her said with concern: "Feixuan, you're awake."

"I... Qingxuan, how is my master?"

Hearing this, Shi Qingxuan showed a little unbearable expression on her face, but she still didn't hide it, but said bluntly: "Not long after you fell into a coma, the Demon Sect invaded Cihang Jingzhai on a large scale, Ning Daoqi fled in embarrassment, Fan Qinghui died in battle, Today's Cihang Jingzhai...is in ruins."

Shi Feixuan turned pale instantly.

Moist eyes said: "How... is it possible? Cihang Jingzhai has been passed down for so many years... Feixuan... Feixuan fell into a coma at such an important juncture? Ah... Feixuan's head..."

She clutched the back of her head in pain, only feeling a splitting headache.

It was as if someone had hit the back of the head a dozen times with a stick.

"Wu Wan did it."

Shi Qingxuan's tone was full of resentment, remembering that every time Shi Feixuan was about to wake up, that stinky witch would directly stab her in the back of the head.

It is also plausible.

"I'm actually saving Fairy Master. Otherwise, in the current environment, if she wakes up, she will definitely rush into Cihang Jingzhai. At that time, wouldn't she just live and die with Cihang Jingzhai? You don't want to, okay?" The easy-to-find sister is gone, right?"

If it was such an explanation with a face of embarrassment, Shi Qingxuan could barely accept it.

But the cheerful appearance of the witch.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt a sense of public revenge, but her words were so reasonable, she could only endure it.

"Wu...Senior Sister? What's going on? How did she appear beside Feixuan?"

Concubine Shixuan's head hurt even more.

I just feel that during my coma, many things that she doesn't understand seem to have happened...

"No matter what, you're fine."

At this time, a deep and magnetic hoarse male voice sounded.

Only then did Shi Feixuan realize that there was a third person in the room.

She turned her head to look, but saw a middle-aged man sitting upright at the round table next to him. He looked about [-] or so in appearance, handsome and unrestrained, but his temples were gray and vicissitudes.

Although meeting for the first time.

However, according to Bi Xiuxin's handwriting that she had read, Shi Feixuan recognized the identity of the person at the first time, and exclaimed: "Evil King?"

Shi Zhixuan nodded and said, "It's me."

Concubine Shixuan didn't dare to say it: "You destroyed Cihang Jingzhai?"

"I do have this idea, but I haven't had time to implement it. The six sects of my Holy Sect gathered at Cihang Jingzhai. You should know the strength of your Cihang Jingzhai. Just one Yin Gui sect is enough to make you feel like an enemy." , not to mention there are seven more sects, Cihang Jingzhai is not lucky."

Shi Zhixuan walked over slowly.

He took a deep look at Shi Feixuan's face.

Although it was the first time we met, he felt...

The girl in front of her was indeed somewhat similar to Xiuxin whom she met for the first time.

Even in a certain way, she is more like her mother than Qingxuan.

Thinking about it, his tone became a little more gentle.

He comforted him: "This is the end of the matter, it's a foregone conclusion, don't be too sad, otherwise if it affects the fetus in the womb, it will be too late to regret."

Even in the midst of pain and confusion.

Master is dead.

The fellows are all dead.

She has become the only survivor.

Even so, upon hearing Shi Zhixuan's comfort, Shi Feixuan was still confused and asked, "What child?"

Shi Zhixuan asked: "Aren't you pregnant with the child of the heavenly man Lin Bin?"

Concubine Shixuan hesitated when she heard the words.

After all, it was Yunying's unmarried girl. Upon hearing this, a tinge of embarrassment and anger appeared on her pale delicate face, and she said angrily: "Concubine Xuan has never been married, how could she conceive someone else's child...and...or Bin? Brother...you...do you think that everyone, like you and Uncle Xiuxin, secretly decides to live forever?"

Shi Zhixuan thought thoughtfully: "So, this kid really lied to me?"

As usual.

Shi Qingxuan could hardly talk to Shi Zhixuan.

But now there is more Shi Feixuan.

She said: "That Lin Bin is very eloquent, as long as he talks to him, he will definitely be tricked... You were also deceived by him?"

Shi Zhixuan didn't take it seriously and said: "I saw him in Cihang Jingzhai, I wanted to snatch He's Bi from him and return it to you, Concubine Xuan, but he said that he and you have already made a private decision for life. With his child, I saw what he said came to life, so I let him go."

Concubine Shi Xuan glared at Shi Zhixuan with her face flushed.

The pain of the sect being destroyed in my heart really dissipated a lot.

Shi Qingxuan couldn't help ridiculing: "The majestic evil king was tricked by someone. Should it be said that Lin Bin is too cunning, or are you too dull?"

"I do have doubts, but even if there is a one-ten-thousandth possibility that it is true, I can't take this risk."

Shi Zhixuan shook his head and said: "I have failed Qingxuan and you a lot, and I have failed Feixuan even more, how can I hurt her again?"

Shi Qingxuan snorted lightly, but she didn't even realize it...

Father, like son.

Seeing that Shi Zhixuan attached so much importance to his other daughter, she vaguely understood that maybe he didn't ignore her all these years.

Shi Zhixuan said: "Besides, I didn't want to kill him in the first place, so I took advantage of the situation to spare his life...it is also a reasonable thing."

"Don't want to kill him? Why?"

Shi Zhixuan asked: "Do you all think that I am bound to gain the holy relic, and when I hear the news of the holy relic, I will immediately attach myself to it like smelling a stinky fly?"

Shi Qingxuan nodded and said, "Didn't you always want to use the evil emperor's relic to cure your heart disease?"

"But the holy relic is called the evil emperor, so it is full of evil spirits inside, so it is better to kill all the good thoughts in my body than to cure it... At that time, Xiuxin, Qingxuan, and your concubine Xuan... your existence will no longer shake my mind, even if I try to kill you, I will not have the slightest hesitation or hesitation."

Shi Zhixuan said: "Such Shi Zhixuan is a pure evil king, invincible in the world, cold-hearted and indifferent."

Shi Qingxuan asked softly: "You don't want it?"

"Of course I want to. The holy relic is the most precious treasure of my holy gate. How can anyone in the holy gate not want to get it?"

Shi Zhixuan sighed faintly, and said: "But the three of us sit together like this, talking and chatting calmly, isn't it good? If it is possible, who doesn't want to sit in the warmth of the family and enjoy the family happiness? Especially me There is another way."

He said: "In the world of heaven and man, there is a professional term for my disease, which is called schizophrenia, or dual personality... It is not a very rare disease, and even the highest one has ever appeared in that world. There are 27 personalities, so my disease is not difficult to cure in the world of heaven and man."

"Do you want to go to the world of heaven and man?"

Shi Zhixuan raised his left wrist, revealing the reincarnation watch on it.

Said: "This is the ticket. With this ticket, you can go to the world of heaven and man through the passage opened by heaven and man. There may be twists and turns in the middle, but there are indeed people who have succeeded in this way. My initial idea was to find that Lin Bin, after he opened the passage, killed him, took the reincarnation watch in his hand, and handed it to Qingxuan, and took her to the real world together."

Shi Qingxuan frowned and said, "Why are you so sure that I will be willing to go to another world with you?"

"I don't care whether you want it or not. Even if I force you, I must take you there. This is for your own good."

Shi Qingxuan said unhappily: "Is it that overbearing idea that is for your own good and doesn't need your understanding?"

Shi Zhixuan explained: "Because the crisis has come to this world, haven't you noticed that the arrival of the heavenly beings is irregular. This time Lin Bin's mission should be aimed at Cihang Jingzhai, but next time? Will it be Targeting the holy gate? Will it be targeting you? The mission is random, and once you become the target of the mission, you will not escape the plot of the reincarnation. Even if you escape once, there will be a next time... and even if you successfully avoid all Our world is already broken, and will soon merge with the main world, and by then only a very small number of people will survive, and most people will die in the process of integration."

He said: "The majority are said to be tens of millions. This probability is too great. I cannot let you take this risk. Therefore, healing and escaping can happen at the same time. Just like Zhu Yuyan and Na Lin Isn’t the reason why Bin started to cooperate to go to the world of heaven and man in advance? It’s just that I have more information than her, so I know more than her.”

Concubine Shixuan said in shock: "Ten million people in this world will die? What's going on?"

Shi Zhixuan shook his head and said: "I don't know the details, I have pulled out all the information about the reincarnated person I caught, but he is not a major person, so what he knows is very limited. If the concubine Xuan, if you want to know more inside information, you may need to go to the main plane through that Lin Bin."

"Where is Brother Bin now?"

"I don't know, he should have returned, right? After all, his mission has been completed, and there is no point in staying in this world anymore."

Concubine Xuan was astonished and said, "Then how is Concubine Xuan going to find him?"


Shi Zhixuan put a blood-stained reincarnation watch on the table and said, "Although I didn't get Lin Bin's reincarnation watch, your master also wore one. After she died, I took this watch off her body ...I guess it's God's will, for you to inherit this reincarnation watch, and then go to the real world to save the innocent lives in this world, isn't this also your Cihang Jingzhai's long-standing ambition?"

"Then how should I find him..."

"You rest well first, I have my own way."

Shi Zhixuan said: "Reincarnated people are also human beings, and as long as they are human beings, they will be counted... Lin Bin did deceive me at the time, but I didn't know that I was also using him. Ruo Feixuan, you really want to go to the real world, I can Help you find a way, but right now, you need to take a good rest, then I won’t attack lightly, you may have blood congestion at the back of your head, so let’s get rid of it first.”

"Well, it's also... also good..."

Concubine Shixuan shyly turned her head away, as if she was not used to Shi Zhixuan's concern.

After all, the person in front of him is Cihang Jingzhai's arch enemy.

She took the samsara watch and began to meditate cross-legged.

Shi Zhixuan winked at Shi Qingxuan, and the two left the room.

Come to the main hall.

Shi Qingxuan was hesitant to speak halfway through hearing it, and now that Shi Feixuan is not around, she finally couldn't help asking: "I see what you mean, do you want to send Feixuan to the real world?"

Shi Zhixuan sighed: "The Cihang Jingzhai is gone, and Feixuan staying here will only add to the sentimentality. It is better to find something for her to do. Since she has compassion, I will entrust her with the task of saving the common people. , it’s better than letting her face all the past in this world and feel sorry for herself. Career is really the best way to make a person forget the pain. I have experience in this.”

Shi Qingxuan worried: "Let her go by herself?"

"Otherwise? There are only two reincarnation watches, and this thing will be bound when worn on the hand. I tried it. I first chopped off the hand of the reincarnation person and put on this reincarnation watch. Although it can be worn, it does not respond... …didn't feel the bond until I killed him."

Shi Zhixuan asked back: "If I leave with Feixuan, what will you do?"


"Feixuan has a tenacious personality and looks pedantic, but she has her own opinions. I don't worry about where she can go, especially if Lin Bin is clearly impressed by her... The reason why I believed him at that time was because He really went to visit Feixuan quietly because she was in a coma. It can be seen that Feixuan is really different to him. As long as she can meet Lin Bin, she can live a good life in the world of heaven and man. In this regard, I think I'm sure, and I have a lot of reincarnation props in my hand, which can also help Feixuan defend herself."

Shi Zhixuan said: "But you can't, if I leave with Feixuan, I'm sure you won't be able to grab the reincarnation watch, and you won't be able to go to the real world by then, what's the matter if we leave and leave you behind?" ? This is not my partiality as a father, but after I have really thought it over, I think it is the best decision."

Shi Qingxuan was silent for a moment, and then quietly asked: "Do you all think so long-term? I have always thought that heaven and man are miraculous, and there is a feeling of being superior, but in your eyes, it seems that even heaven and man are you A calculable goal."

"Heaven and Man are not as magical as you imagined, and there is nothing more than an ordinary world."

Shi Zhixuan said proudly: "The reincarnation is indeed very remarkable, but in our world, the evil king Shi Zhixuan, isn't he the most remarkable one?"

 The fever is gone, and I'm almost useless... Now I can't even jump up with my legs, my whole body is soft, and I still cough, coughing, it feels like my tonsils are about to explode o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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