when reincarnation invades

Chapter 111 Don't Come Here

Chapter 111 Don't Come Here
Shi Zhixuan guessed one thing wrong.

Lin Bin has not returned yet.

Although I have successfully completed my own task, and I have also completed the general task...

It's as if they were asked to fight a small boss in Novice Village, but not only did they fight the small boss, but they also rushed into the enemy's castle by chance, killing the big boss by the way.

It can already be regarded as overfulfilling the task.

The harvest is also quite gratifying.

But Lin Bin knows that this plane is a white plane, which means that the real world is more accepting than hostile to this world.

It also means that after at least a few years in the future, this world will merge into the real world...

Therefore, it is not advisable to run with no pants on after you are done.

Otherwise, there may be a lot of more enemies at some point in the future.

As long as it is laid out in advance, it may be used one day in the future, and it is just a matter of incident.

"Brother Shimin, this is Zhu Yuyan from the Yingui sect, Zhu Yuyan, the suzerain, the Queen of Yin's name, I think you are also like thunder."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Cihang Jingzhai no longer exists. Without the help of Cihang Jingzhai, Brother Shimin, you have no reputation for righteousness. It is not so easy to defeat Li Jiancheng, but if you have Yin Gui With Pai's assistance, I think you should be able to relax a lot... Of course, the most important thing is that the Yingui Sect doesn't need much. You should all look up to them, what the Yingui faction is asking for is nothing more than rectification of names!"

Li Shimin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Seeing Yinhou, the grand master of a generation bowing down to him, performing the courtier's ceremony, said: "Minister Zhu Yuyan, pay homage to His Royal Highness King Qin... The Yingui Sect never wanted to dominate the world, but just wanted to prove that even a woman is enough But compared with men, folk girls don’t have many demands. I heard that Li Xiuning, the younger sister of the King of Qin, is also a heroine. What the folk girls want is to give her an official position that can match her meritorious service after the king of Qin conquers the world in the future. In the same way, If my Yingui sect has made great contributions, it should be rewarded based on merit and not limited to the difference between men and women!"

next to.

Li Xiuning couldn't help but her eyes lit up, she looked at Zhu Yuyan with a little more eagerness, she naturally understood what Zhu Yuyan meant, she seemed to be seeking credit for her, but in fact she was trying to use her status as a woman to win more for the Yingui faction. many benefits.

But she benefits even more.

And the eldest grandson Wugou seemed to have found an organization.

He looked at Li Shimin eagerly.

Li Shimin laughed and said: "Sect Master Zhu really found a problem for this king, but your proposal is very reasonable, and this king will definitely find a way to make it happen."

"If that's the case, thank you His Highness King Qin, the Yingui faction will definitely do their best to help His Highness climb to the top of the Great Treasure and create an eternal hegemony."

Zhu Yuyan's attitude is very respectful...

This is also what Lin Bin ordered her to bow a few more times, and the humility in the attitude will not lose anything.

But relying on Zhu Yuyan's attitude.

Li Shimin is obviously also very tempted by the power of the Yingui faction, and the two sides hit it off.

At this moment, Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but began to regret, did she kill Cihang Jingzhai too early?

I really want to see how the partners they have arranged for many years ago are dug away by themselves.

After coming out.

Lin Binyou was still telling Zhu Yuyan who was following behind him: "You did a good job, remember, it will always be like this in the future, don't always think about letting women dominate men, otherwise no one will be willing to cooperate with you , and now in this society, women are in a disadvantaged position... Instead of thinking about overriding, it is better to seek the most basic rights, such as equality between men and women. You must know that between men and women, either the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overwhelms the east wind, so even if What you are pursuing on the surface is equality between men and women...but as long as you can succeed, in a sense you have already won. Your purpose has never changed, it is just a different way of saying it.

Zhu Yuyan smiled lightly and said, "Master, you are wrong, can't they both stand?"

Lin Bin sneered and said, "Then someone has to bend down and bow their heads, right?"

"This... what the young master said is very true. Yuyan will follow the young master's instructions and cooperate seriously with this Li Shimin, and will never think otherwise."

Zhu Yuyan took a deep look at Lin Bin, thinking that she knows how to do this.

Lin Bin said: "That's fine. Li Shimin has Hu blood in his body, and he doesn't pay too much attention to the dignity of men and women. The hope of cooperating with him to rectify the name of the Yingui sect is the greatest. From this point of view, they are your best." partner."

"Yes, Yuyan will remember the son's instructions."

Facing Lin Bin, Zhu Yuyan obeyed.

If she had thought of using him to some extent before, now she has made up her mind, and she will die on him.

Even Cihang Jingzhai was easily destroyed under his calculations.

This person looks young, but his methods are really dark and dark. I'm afraid Fan Qinghui is still confused about how Cihang Jingzhai disappeared.

Zhu Yuyan didn't want her Yingui faction to unknowingly embark on the old path of Cihang Jingzhai... Since she doesn't want to be enemies, then naturally she can only be friends.

Cooperating with him, in a certain way, the Yingui faction has taken advantage of the sky.

Zhu Yuyan said: "My lord, do you still remember what you promised Yuyan before?"

Lin Bin said: "You mean to help you absorb the evil emperor's relic?"

"The Yingui faction is cooperating with the young master wholeheartedly. In this way, the stronger Yuyan is, the better it will be for the young master?"

"You're right, it's just that I have a problem."

Lin Bin sighed: "The evil emperor's relic contains a unique aura, which will be perceived by all of you in the demon sect. Zhao Deyan, Xi Ying and the others are all in vain this trip, and you will be beaten by the Yingui faction. Bai Gong...they should be upright right now, right?"

"What the young master said is true, but what does this have to do with us? Yuyan wanted to destroy Cihang Jingzhai at that time, but she directly promised them that as long as they help Yuyan, this evil emperor relic gone."

Zhu Yuyan chuckled lightly and said: "So after Cihang Jingzhai was destroyed, Yuyan followed her orders, turned around and left, and took away all the disciples of the Yingui Sect. From this point of view, Yuyan should also be regarded as a sage. And Youxin, even if they turn Cihang Jingzhai upside down in the future, it will have nothing to do with Yuyan... As for the young master's worries, Yuyan has a solution. They all understand it very well, and naturally have a way to control the overflow of their breath."


"Young master, please come with Yuyan, all the preparations have been made."

Zhu Yuyan took a few steps forward and signaled Lin Bin to follow her.

After half an hour.

The two arrived at another camp of the Yingui sect, and the defense inside was a bit tighter than the previous camp.

But when Lin Bin followed Zhu Yuyan into the door, he felt a wave of heat coming...

The house is not an ordinary hall building, but a rather delicate crescent-shaped bath.

The whole body is carved from jade, which looks quite luxurious...

And the pool is not clear water.

It was a pale white liquid, steaming upwards, and a faint light fragrance filled the room.

"This is……"

"This is stone milk jade liquid."

Seeing Lin Bin's stunned eyes, Zhu Yuyan smiled and said, "My lord, there is no need to misunderstand. The millennium stone milk jade liquid is naturally extremely precious, but these liquids have only been formed for a few years. It is indeed precious, but it is really useless, but Because these liquids all seep from the stone, and the inner substance is special, which can have the same effect as mercury, as long as you take out the holy relic under this jade liquid, you will not be noticed again."

"You really put your heart into it."

"Yuyan can get part of the power of the holy relic, and I have to thank you son. Naturally, I have to do my best...My son, Yuyan will change your clothes for you..."

"Wait...you...what do you mean?"

Zhu Yuyan pursed her lips and said with a light smile: "My lord, don't you understand Yuyan's meaning?"

Lin Bin frowned and asked, "Suzerain Zhu, let's open the sky and speak clearly. What do you mean? I know that Suzerain Zhu is charming, but that's just a disguise. You are not a man who can do everything you can." , I don't think there is any bastard in my body, the shock of the tiger's body will make you happy, and you will bow when you accept your head..."

"Young master is joking."

Zhu Yuyan originally felt a little bit wronged by serving others with her body, even though she knew that this was the best choice, but at least a grand master had to use her body to serve others, how could she not feel wronged?
But when she heard Lin Bin's words, she couldn't help but chuckled. She just felt that the kid in front of her was not annoying at all. Now it seems that although she has rich theoretical knowledge, her practical experience is infinitely close to zero?Does that mean she still made money?

She said: "Yuyan doesn't have any other thoughts. Yuyan is willing to serve you wholeheartedly during the time left by the young master. She just wants to ask you one thing. After the young master takes you away, don't let your son walk away." Following in Yuyan's footsteps, let her practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the Dzogchen, so Yuyan is satisfied with your son's great virtue."

Lin Bin nodded, and said as a matter of course: "It's natural, I'm the kind of person who doesn't know the importance... wait..."

He explained: "Wait... I wish suzerain, you misunderstood, we are not the kind of relationship you think, we are innocent."

"Yuyan naturally knows that the young master and Hou'er are innocent now, but in the future without the supervision of Master Yuyan, who knows if she will make any mistakes? Yuyan not only asks the young master to respect herself, but also wants to ask the young master to be in another place A world to perform the duties of the master, if she has a spring heart, the son will be severely punished, the son rest assured, the fate of Yuyan and the son is only as long as you leave this world, it can be regarded as a thank you and reward for the son. "

Zhu Yuyan smiled wryly and said: "Actually, Yuyan didn't want to do this at all, it's just that even the Heavenly Demon Dafa was defeated by the young master. I'm afraid the Yin Gui sect is no longer something that the young master is interested in. If you think about it, the young master is also interested in the girl's Dafa." Are you not interested in Buyang's method? Yuyan thought about it, maybe only her own body can enter the young master's eyes, and Yuyan still has some confidence in this point."

"This... this is so bad, this transaction is too impure... no... wait... what are you doing... what are you doing, witch? Don't come here..."

Lin Bin was a little incoherent.

But Zhu Yuyan seems to be an activist.

Seeing Lin Bin's awkwardness and unwillingness to cooperate, he simply rushed forward, easily restrained Lin Bin's hands, and gently pushed...

this moment.

Lin Bin forgot that if he performed the divine descent technique, he could have the strength comparable to a master-level warrior in a short period of time.

I also forgot that what Taijiquan itself is best at is to remove this kind of pushing force.

He even forgot that he also had plasma pistols and azure roses in his hands, which could make Zhu Yuyan use his weapons.

In a panic, Zhu Yuyan had directly pushed her into the pool.


Young people do not know how good young women are, and mistakenly regard young girls as treasures.

Up to now, Lin Bin truly believes that this sentence is truly a wise saying.

May I ask which teenager does not have a simple and innocent dream?
I hope that when I was the youngest, I could meet a charming and amiable big sister.

This big sister is beautiful, gentle and shy...

Lin Bin's dream has come true.

that evening.

When Houhou and Zhu Yuyan were sitting together for a meal.

Surprised to find that her teacher Zhu's face was full of sadness.

Every so often, he would reach out and tap his waist, looking extremely loss of appetite... There was even a slight sigh and sigh on his face.

Wan Wan asked with concern: "Master Zhu, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly feel... I'm really old as a teacher."

"Master Zhu, what are you talking about? When we go out together, people will say that you are Yu'er's sister."

"Sigh... Although the appearance of a teacher is still youthful, age cannot be deceived. A teacher is old after all."

Zhu Yuyan's tone was faint, and she said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Some things... can't be compared with young people. That kid is like a calf..."

When it came to the last sentence, her voice was already extremely soft.

Apparently he was afraid that Wang Wan could hear him clearly.

Entertaining people with sex is only for the future of the Yingui Sect...

Although Bai Qing'er has been promised to be the next successor of the Yingui sect.

But Zhu Yuyan's mind never changed.

If possible, Zhu Yuyan obviously still hopes that Houhou, who has cultivated the No. 18th level of the Heavenly Demon Dafa, will become the next suzerain of the Yingui Sect. Bai Qing'er is just a sharpening stone.

So even if the master and apprentice were about to separate, Zhu Yuyan still tried her best to pave a smooth road for Houhou, so that she could reach the peak position of the Heavenly Demon Dafa faster.

Zhu Yuyan had thought it through long ago, just these few days, give Lin Bin some sweetness, she will still be a master when the time comes...

Let them toss about the younger generation's affairs by themselves, this Lin Bin can be regarded as an upright gentleman, and it is impossible for him to do something that goes against his word, and when the time comes, she can safely let Houhou leave with him.

As for what happened in the past few days, it was all a secret between the two of them that could not be shared with anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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