Chapter 112 The Return
The master and apprentice were talking to themselves, but they saw Lin Bin walking over with a refreshed look.

Lin Bin is also in an excellent mood at the moment.

And not just because he's grown up.

More because of the problem that bothered him before... it turned out to be not a problem at all.

That's right, it was really defeated at the beginning.

However, Lin Bin's physique is too good, and he regains his energy too quickly, but he slowly cultivates his experience.

In the end, he turned out to be the one who won outright.

Are your senses too sharp?This is a good thing. You must know that the "Longevity Formula" does not bring about a simple improvement of the senses, but a collective progress from the inside out.

think too much.

Sister Yuyan is a good person, which saved me a hidden worry.

Lin Bin threw an ancient gold thread book on the table, and said: "Zhu Zongzhu, you are professional in kung fu. I have read this sword manual a little before, and I don't know much about it. Could you please help me?" Take a good look, when the time comes I will ask you for advice again?"

"Sword Code?!"

Zhu Yuyan's eyes lit up.

Next to him, Hou Hou even showed greedy eyes, and quickly reached out to pass the sword ceremony.

Just as he was about to open it, he suddenly closed it and said, "I heard that Ning Daoqi vomited blood and quit because of reading this book..."

"He's babbling."

Zhu Yuyan took the sword code and said: "Unless he opened it and started to practice, the practice is just a practice. Even if he denied everything he had cultivated in his past life, he wouldn't vomit blood... My Heavenly Demon Strategy Fellow of the Holy Gate It is one of the Four Great Strange Books, and it is much more brilliant than the Sword Code, is there such nonsense? Isn’t it just that the Cihang Sword Code is raising their value.”

"I wish the suzerain see clearly."

Lin Bin smiled and said: "I wish the suzerain is as powerful as the sky. The most important thing is that he has been an enemy of Cihang Jingzhai for many years. He must have his own unique understanding of the sword code. Now that he sees the original, he should be able to understand a lot of truths quickly. , this sword code is given to Zhu Zongzhu."

Zhu Yuyan looked up at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin smiled and said: "Don't be surprised, I also have my own selfishness, no matter my skill or experience, I can't compare with Zhu Suzerain, so before I leave, I would like to ask Zhu Suzerain to learn more as soon as possible, and then leave it all to me. "

"My lord is using Yuyan as a tool."

"Not only to use, but also to squeeze out the last drop of your use value."

Lin Bin smiled at Zhu Yuyan with a pun.

Zhu Yuyan suddenly understood in her heart, it seems that the holy relic...she still has a second time to, many times to absorb the opportunity.

Lin Bin is making the best use of everything.

Cihang Jingzhai was destroyed.

He no longer has the meaning of staying in this world.

The reason why I haven't returned to the real world until now is not to search for more martial arts. The exercises obtained in the space are not directly poured into the body, but need to be cultivated by myself. This determines Lin Bin Don't spend too much time on other martial arts.

Just like the Heavenly Demon Dafa, its power is infinite.

Lin Bin did not comprehend it, but directly obtained some characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Dafa through the fusion of skills with the two masters and apprentices, Houhou and Zhu Yuyan...

Although there are many subtle tricks that he can't use.

But at the very least, even Fan Qinghui felt that his heavenly magic force field was authentic.

In terms of mystery, the Sword Code is not inferior to the Heavenly Demon Dafa, so Lin Bin has no reason to miss it.

Even if you can only get part of the essence.

It's just that if it takes too much energy to comprehend it by yourself, wouldn't Zhu Yuyan be a proper tool person?
And to be honest, Lin Bin also yearned for the kind of teacher who was blushing with sorrow and had to endure the discomfort to teach him games at the same time.

It's a pity that there are no pointers and black silk here, but it doesn't matter, Zhu Yuyan's appearance makes up for everything.

In fact, Zhu Yuyan did live up to Lin Bin's trust.

She is not only for Lin Bin, but also for Houhou.

Lin Bin brought the exercise to the master and the apprentice, obviously promising that both of them could practice this method... The time she can teach Houhou is only a few days, how can she not be careful?

In the next few days.

During the day, she teaches Houhou and comprehends it by herself.

In the evening, I went back to the pool to teach Lin Bin, and I didn't dare to keep anything. If I didn't give my lectures carefully, even if I couldn't answer some of Lin Bin's questions, he would be taught by him.

In addition, strictly speaking, this sword manual has the same origin as "Tianmo Dafa", and they are all born out of Tianmo's strategies.

Who could have imagined that Cihang Jingzhai's supreme skill is actually the background of the magic sect used?

But this made Zhu Yuyan comprehend the sword scriptures to an extremely profound level in just a few days.

And a master-level master is under the personal and in-depth teaching.

Lin Bin also quickly grasped part of the essence of the Sword Code.

The Sword Code is different from the "Longevity Jue" method of self-cultivation, and also different from the "Heavenly Demon Dafa" method of self-cultivation.

This is a pure method of cultivating the mind.

The so-called tranquility, keeping, emptiness, emptiness and many other essentials are all about ensuring one's own peace of mind under any circumstances.

And the cultivation system in it is completely based on this state of mind.

Once the state of mind is broken, the state will be greatly reduced...

It can be said to be a practice with great benefits, but correspondingly, great restrictions.

However, Lin Bin didn't intend to major in the Sword Art, but came up with a whim. Anyway, as Zhu Yuyan said, the Sword Art itself and the Heavenly Demon Dafa are both born out of the Heavenly Demon Strategy, and they can be regarded as the same origin.

He has proficiently mastered the true energy of the demon.

Directly using the Heavenly Demon True Qi to operate the Sword Code method, the effect is surprisingly good.

Especially if it is combined with the state of God's descent.

The absolute clarity of mind can allow him to maintain the consumption of true energy more perfectly, but it can greatly improve his battery life.

In just a few days, Lin Bin has been completely transformed.

Although he is still powerless against master-level masters, he is already strong enough to protect himself.

Especially after taking part in the Cihang Sword Code.

Lin Bin's already handsome face was a bit more dusty, he looked kind and amiable, kind and simple...

Extraordinarily trustworthy.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary]

[Qualifications: Killing Level Secret Realm Independent Customs Clearance Experience × 1 (Evaluation: A), Adventure Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 2 (Evaluation: S, S)] (The first three items are visible data for all reincarnations)
[Merit: C-level merit × 1]

[Reincarnation points: 2300 reincarnation points]

[Equipment: Money Sword (B), Optical Camouflage Cloak (B), Soft Hog Armor (B), Wrist Controller (B), Three-Edge Sword (C), Sand Eagle Shura (D)]

[Items: Holy Blessing Potion (A), Compass (D), Storage Belt Soul Guidance Device (D), Great Returning Pill False (D)]

[Enhancement: None]

[Cultivation method:]

[Level B: "The Secret of Longevity" (51%)]

[Level B: "Heavenly Demon Dafa" (42%)]

[Level C: Fragments of the Sword Code (62%)]


[Level B: God's Arrival (38%), Tai Chi Sword (45%), Heavenly Magic Force Field (59%)]

[Level C: Ti Yunzong (83%) Taiji Qishangquan (81%)]

Compared with when he first came to this world, Lin Bin's strength data panel is almost completely reborn.

Especially the "Longevity Jue", it has only been a year since I practiced the "Longevity Jue".

But Lin Bin's progress is so great that I am afraid it is far better than Ssangyong in the plot.

On the premise of not absorbing He's Bi......

If not the three-month time limit expires.

Lin Bin was almost too happy to think about leaving.


Those who are reluctant to think about Shu may also have Zhu Yuyan.

When she learned that Lin Bin was going back the next day, although she had already prepared herself mentally, she still felt an indescribable sense of loss.

That night, it was a desperate flattery.

in pool water.

The evil emperor's relic has already been put away.

There is no way, the stone milk jade liquid is just such a pool, and it was wiped out by the two of them in a few days.

Now the pool is just a pool of clear water.

And the pool is in the middle.

Zhu Yuyan supported Lin Bin with both hands, her slender arms were as soft as bones, and could barely support the weight of her upper body.

With melancholy on her face, she said: "After tomorrow, there will be no such relationship between you and me. Yuyan regards you as her own daughter. Since you are talking about friendship with her on the same level, Yuyan will not be with you. Relationships can't last long..."

Lin Bin didn't get too entangled in this issue, and said: "In the future, if new reincarnations come here, if they dare to harm you, you don't have to show mercy, just kill them directly. The reincarnations are all for missions. There is nothing human to talk about, when the time comes, you can wear the reincarnation watch first, and then you can control the reincarnation weapon at will."

"Well, Yuyan understands."

Zhu Yuyan nodded, and said slowly: "Yuyan can't do much for you, so I can only use today to broaden my knowledge for you. As the deputy suzerain of the Yingui Sect, it's really true that she has such little experience in matters of men and women. It's unqualified... Yuyan will teach you a lesson at the end..."

Lin Bin: "sensei..."


Early the next morning.

Within the residence of the Yingui Sect.

Lin Bin had already tidied up early in the morning.

And Houhou was carrying a small package, holding Zhu Yuyan's hand with tears in her eyes, full of reluctance.

On Lin Bin's side, what should be said has already been said.

He looked at his reincarnation watch.

[Secret Realm Mission: Destroy the Cihang Jingzhai series of missions - capture Heshibi! 】

[Task time limit: three months]

[Task reward: 1000 reincarnation points! C-level meritorious service × 1! 】

[Failure penalty: 800 reincarnation points]

[The task has been completed, do you want to return to liquidation? 】

Lin Bin chose to return without hesitation.

[Secret Realm Mission: Destroy the Cihang Jingzhai series of missions - capture Heshibi! 】

[Task time limit: three months]

[Task reward: 1000 reincarnation points! C-level meritorious service × 1! 】

[Failure penalty: 800 reincarnation points]

[The task has been completed, and the contribution is being liquidated...]

[Secret Realm Mission Evaluation: S. (You have over-completed the series of missions and mainline missions, and you will receive 200% rewards for this mission, 2000 reincarnation points, and C-level merits x 2)! 】

[Note: Because you have completed the follow-up side task ahead of time - capturing the evil emperor's relic.Additional 1000 reincarnation points, C-level meritorious service × 1]

[Obtain the B-level secret weapon Double Dragon Shadow Sword: Do you want to spend 1000 reincarnation points to bring it back to the present world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 800 reincarnation points. 】

[Shuanglong Phantom Sword (B-level secret realm weapon): Dark attribute lightsaber, the blade contains the intent of death, has a strong restraint effect on all living beings, and the wound is difficult to heal. If you are cut by this sword, there is a certain chance of entering a cursed state. The lethality against ghosts, ghosts and evil creatures will be greatly reduced. 】

[Note: Hold this sword, please choose your opponent carefully. 】

[Obtaining the B-level long-range weapon Zhanlan Rose, should I spend 1000 reincarnation points to bring it back to the present world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 800 reincarnation points. 】

[Zhanlan Rose (B-level plot long-range weapon): The gun personally modified by Nero, the son of the devil, in order to kill the devil. It has a huge recoil and at the same time, the lethality has reached the limit of gun weapons. It can fire two bullets at the same time. Because of the unique inscription engraved on the gun body, it has an additional bonus against ghosts and evil monsters. It can fire solid bullets or energy bullets through charging. The power depends on the charging intensity and time. 】

[Note: Hey, goblin, take a shot at me. 】

[To obtain the D-level Gongfa Zen Gong, whether to spend 300 points of reincarnation to bring it back to the present world, if you choose No, you can exchange for 100 points of reincarnation. 】

[Meditation skills (D-level skills): monks practice meditation and sitting skills, which can ensure the peace of mind. 】

[Note: I don't care, I don't care about anything]

With the settlement of the task.

While reluctantly talking to Zhu Yuyan, Bie Houhou suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the space-time crack that suddenly opened in the courtyard in shock, and said in surprise, "Crack... cracked?"

Zhu Yuyan wondered, "What's cracked?"

Wan Wan was startled and said, "Master Zhu, can't you see it?"

"Without the samsara watch, you can't see the crack. Let's go."

Lin Bin came over to motion for Houhou to follow him, and he nodded to Zhu Yuyan.

Then he pulled Houhou's sleeve and stepped into the crack.

Bai Qing'er witnessed the whole process, seeing with her own eyes that the senior sister she feared the most disappeared inexplicably.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly felt an indescribable anxiety... She knows her senior sister so well that she never takes any disadvantages, maybe this time, she really took advantage of it.

And not long after the two left.

Zhu Yuyan has not yet recovered from the lonely mood of parting from her disciples.

A familiar voice sounded next to his ear, saying: "Look, Feixuan, I said earlier that I have set my hands on that Lin Bin, and I know exactly where he is."

"Stone House!"

Zhu Yuyan raised her head warily and looked up, only to see the wall not far away.

Shi Zhixuan, Shi Feixuan, and Shi Qingxuan were standing on the top of the wall.

"Yuyan, don't worry, I'm not here to embarrass your Yin Gui faction, I just want to take advantage of this space crack."

Shi Zhixuan said with a hearty long smile.

Zhu Yuyan looked back, but she still couldn't see anything, but her heart sank slightly, and she wondered if the crack wasn't closed immediately after they entered?

After Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, he looked at Shi Feixuan, and said: "Feixuan, you can go there first, after I kill one more reincarnation, I can take your sister to visit you together."

Seeing Shi Feixuan's expression that hesitated to speak.

Shi Zhixuan said with a hearty smile: "You also know that the reincarnated people are not good people, many of them are bloody people, my father will try his best to select the wicked people to kill."

"Thank you very much."

Concubine Shixuan thanked her somewhat coyly for making the legendary evil king change her principles for her, and Concubine Shixuan was actually quite flattered to say such soft words.


Zhu Yuyan yelled angrily: "Shi Zhixuan, are you treating my Yingui sect like nothing?"

Shi Zhixuan turned his head, facing other people he did not have the kindness of Shi Feixuan.

He sneered and said: "Yuyan, I just sent Feixuan away, I don't want to have more troubles with you today, if you don't want your Yin Gui sect to be left with only a bare commander in the next three months, you might as well stop me !"

Zhu Yuyan was speechless for a moment.

Concubine Shixuan held Shi Qingxuan's hand reluctantly, and said, "Qingxuan, Concubine Xuan is gone."

"Feixuan, remember to take care of yourself."

Shi Qingxuan was also worried about Concubine Shi, but now that she knew that Shi Zhixuan had prepared several reincarnation props for Shi Qingxuan, and after she heard about the effects, she was no longer worried about Concubine Shi.

I'm just worried that the people in the opposite world are unfamiliar.

"Feixuan understands."

Concubine Shi Xuan jumped down from the wall, and solemnly bowed to Zhu Yuyan as a junior, with a somewhat awkward expression on her face.

After all, at this time, she can be regarded as a member of the Demon Sect... Before, they were not the sworn enemies of each other.

But for the safety of the world.

Shi Feixuan gritted her teeth, and walked towards the crack.

Bai Qing'er's face suddenly showed anger and unwillingness... It would be fine if it was just Wan Wan alone, but now even Shi Feixuan has to go there.

It's over.

This time she was really at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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