when reincarnation invades

Chapter 113 It's Okay, I Will Shot

Chapter 113 It's Okay, I Will Shot
Back, unlike any previous one.

This time, I brought a local aborigine out...

Especially in a completely strange place, looking at the twisted and bizarre world around.

Hou Hou was obviously a little timid.

At first, she was still holding Lin Bin's sleeve, but slowly, she turned to holding his hand tightly, and Lin Bin even felt that she was slightly wet.

A teenage girl after all.

No matter how mature she looks on the outside, once she comes to a place where this kind of martial arts can't help, she will be beaten back to her original shape.

Thinking about it, Lin Bin held her instead and continued walking forward without saying a word.

It's just that seeing the exit of the space-time passage ahead is about to appear, Hou Hou suddenly screamed behind him.

"Oops... I can't walk anymore..."

Lin Bin glanced back, and sure enough, she saw that there were bead-sized beads of sweat on Houhou's forehead. She was exhausted after he walked on a smooth road like walking on flat ground.

Noticing Lin Bin's surprised gaze, Wan Wan explained with a bitter face: "It feels so heavy, the more difficult it is to walk forward, it's like being crushed by a rock..."

Lin Bin said: "I don't know if this is normal, because I am not a time traveler, so I don't know how it feels like a time traveler to enter the real world, but one thing I can be sure of, I know that time travelers can indeed enter the real world Of...be patient."

Wan Wan obediently let out an oh.

The two continued to walk forward.

Soon, they arrived at the light source.


Lin Bin snorted and walked out on his own initiative.

The next moment, the world was clear.

The familiar environment, surrounded by strange mountains and rocks, is magnificent and magnificent.

Isn't it the entrance to the secret realm?

Lin Bin looked at his hand in astonishment, and then glanced at the space-time crack that still existed, and he... didn't follow.

"Mr. Abin, congratulations, you have successfully returned from training."

Bu Shuang leaned over and said with an admiring smile on his face, "We have received a notification from Samsara Space. Congratulations, Mr. Abin, you have received another S-level evaluation!"

Her eyes were full of longing, with a light of reverence.

Another S class.

It is said that although the reincarnation person in front of him is an extraordinary reincarnation person, it has only been about a year since he became a reincarnation person, but even so, all his experience has ended at S level.

The lowest time was still an A-level evaluation, but it was not because of him, but because of the pig teammates.

Lin Bin casually said a few polite words, and there was nothing rude or arrogant about it.

The civil and military students in the college entered the logistics and front lines respectively...

This is a difference in the division of labor. Strictly speaking, there is no difference in the levels between the two parties.

It's just that the reincarnated people are getting stronger and stronger as their strength grows.

In the face of powerful people, the weak will always instinctively please and show weakness.

Over time, it is obviously an equal status.

Gradually, the status of the reincarnated people has inexplicably increased, and many reincarnated people are even arrogant because of this, and they are crazy, and they regard those support staff as slaves.

Lin Bin would not do such a stupid thing...

If you really annoy these people, even a little stumbling behind your back can completely disgust you to death.

He turned his head and saw Yu Hui, and nodded with a smile. He wanted to ask Bu Shuang about Houhou, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

The existence of Houhou is still a secret, it will be more reliable to ask Lei Ju at that time...

Lin Bin said: "Arrange a special car, I'm a little tired and want to go back."


10 minutes later, after a routine physical examination.

Lin Bin took the special car to leave.

But Bu Shuang looked at the data left by Lin Bin in shock, with a look of extreme shock on his face.

Just three months.

When he went in and when he came out, he had almost become two completely different people.

"He has become so much stronger? Whether it is muscle strength, nerve response speed, or strength, they are almost approaching the peak of an extraordinary reincarnation."

A bit of gloom appeared in Bu Shuang's eyes.

He signaled everyone to pack up their things and seal up this secret place.

She got in her special car, turned on the interference system in the car, then turned on the radio system, and dialed to a special channel.

A rough voice sounded from the opposite side, and he asked in a deep voice: "You contact me suddenly without an appointment in advance, don't you know that it is easy to expose my existence?"

Bu Shuang said respectfully: "This subordinate has discovered something very important. The strength of the reincarnated Abin seems to have been greatly strengthened in this secret realm. I don’t know if your lord has any plans against Abin, but if there is, this subordinate thinks it is an unstable factor and must report it to the higher authorities as soon as possible.”

The other side was silent for a while, nodded and said: "You are right, this Abin really cannot be judged by common sense, how about this, quietly copy a copy of his physical fitness report, and give it to me."


Bu Shuang asked: "My lord, do you..."

"It's okay, I'll do it."

Bu Shuang was startled when he heard the words, but he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, then the subordinate will continue to lurk. If there is anything that requires the cooperation of the subordinate, please just order it."


Bu Shuang hung up the communication.

He let out a long breath, and patted his chubby face.

After getting out of the car again, she turned into a big sister who was slightly fat but had a very friendly smile.

She smiled and said: "Okay, okay, this task has been successfully completed, pack up your things, and sum it up, we should leave. After this time, everyone will have half a month's vacation..."

Everyone immediately cheered.

On Lin Bin's side, he took a special car.

Having just slept in the secret realm, he naturally wouldn't feel tired.

Turn on your phone.

Hundreds of messages popped up inside.

Among them, Lin Xue's words accounted for about one-tenth, and they were all words reminding him to pay attention to eating, remember to dress and so on.

Lin Bin suddenly realized that he had been away for three months.

Now the weather has started to turn cold slowly.

His heart is warm...

Many of the remaining messages were sent by reincarnators.

For example, Lei Jun happily sent him a piece of good news a month ago, saying that he had successfully completed an experience in the secret realm, and also got a good grade A, but in his opinion, there is no Bin is not a teammate, and I feel that even if I get the A-level, I still feel a little bit uncomfortable. I hope that Bin can cooperate better in the future.

Lin Bin returned some kind words to him.

And Deng Yang...

This guy seems to be worried that he will be misunderstood if he hasn't reported the information for too long?

I also specially reported to him, telling him that he had entered the secret realm for training, then came out again, and then went in again...

As a newcomer, Deng Yang's reincarnation frequency is relatively high, entering twice in three months.

And Xu Qian sent over all the details about the cases that Lin Bin was concerned about during this period. Obviously, she knew that Lin Bin was actually very concerned about these matters. Even if Lin Bin was still in the world of reincarnation, she would let After he came out, he grasped the detailed information as soon as possible.

During these three months.

Those people really aren't idle.

Among the remaining five survivors, Zhou Min was attacked twice, but he was a reincarnation himself, and he had someone to protect him, so he didn't suffer any serious injuries. On the contrary, he killed the other two enemies , and then they stopped for a long time.

Lin Bin first called Lin Xue to report that he was safe, and told her that he had returned from a business trip safely and would be home soon, after chatting with her for a while.

Start to restore other people's messages one by one.

By the time I finished reading it, the car had driven back to the World XX Bureau.

In the office on the top floor, Raymond had already been waiting for a long time.

"Good boy, you did a good job, and even brought back an S-rank."

His expression was still stern, but for Lin Bin who knew him well, he could still see the relief in his eyes.

It's just that I have been surprised many times in the end.

He was much less surprised this time.

After seeing the real master, Lin Bin finally couldn't wait to ask: "Lei Ju, I have something very important to ask you."

"You said."

Raymond sat down calmly.

"It's about a time traveler I brought back."

Lin Bin roughly talked about the fact that he reached an agreement with a certain organization in the secret territory, and the next successor in the organization came to the real world ahead of schedule.

Raymond, who was listening, couldn't help being stunned, and exclaimed: "Your ability to move is fast enough, I just found out about the Transmigrator Alliance, you are so good, you are planning to plant spies inside it? So, are you worried about what happened to her?"

Lin Bin said: "I obviously dragged her towards the exit, but after I came out, she disappeared."

"I don't know about that."

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "You don't know either?"

Lei Meng sighed: "Travelers and reincarnations are probably different, but I don't know exactly what the difference is. Although I have not been in contact with time-travelers, but for the way they came to this world, they are probably the same. It's very contradictory, you may wish to ask President Bai about this, she is a time traveler, she must know why, do you need me to help you connect?"

"No, I'll ask her later. It just so happens that I have some personal matters and need to go to the Science and Technology Association. It's okay to go early."


Raymond nodded and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"There are still some personal matters."

Lin Bin said: "About this experience in the secret realm, I am actually doing it alone. I think you should know that."

Raymond nodded and said, "Well, your temporary teammate is dead."

Lin Bin was stunned and said, "What?!"

"It's normal. It's better not to refuse the selected secret realm given by the reincarnation space, because every rejection will increase the difficulty of the next time by a certain percentage, especially the one born to the sea whose strength has reached Transcendent Realm Nine. level, he is about to participate in the assessment of the saint-level reincarnation, so he entered the secret realm again a month later, the difficulty increased, and he died inside."

"Yes, that's a pity."

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "What does the ninth level of the Transcendent Realm mean?"

"It's just some unofficial level certification. They are both extraordinary, and their strengths are also strong and weak. Those who have good things will arrange nine levels from one to nine in the first realm of the extraordinary. This way, we can also know the strength of the reincarnated people more intuitively. Weak, but this level ranking is not recognized by the official, because many people who first entered the extraordinary can beat a lot of old extraordinary reincarnations, so this level certification is not rigorous at all, just refer to it, there is no need to take it seriously, At least you are definitely not at the ninth level of extraordinary now, but I don't think you will be much weaker than people at the ninth level of extraordinary."

"Yes, Xie Lei Bureau compliments."

Lin Bin said: "I have a problem here. This time I practiced alone. To be honest, I was much more comfortable than every time before. I suddenly discovered that I seem to be very suitable for acting alone. I want to ask if there is another secret realm in the future, can I..."

"You can apply for the reincarnation team."

Raymond said: "Then raise the requirements for the players a bit higher, so it's okay if you can't recruit any players?"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, when it comes to teammates, many reincarnators would rather be short than indiscriminate. As an excellent reincarnator, it is completely understandable that you have higher demands on your teammates."

Lei Meng said seriously: "It's just Abin, I have to remind you that it's true that one person loses intrigue, but it also loses the diversity of reincarnated people. You may not be able to eat in many places."

"At that time, we can recruit some temporary teammates to make up for the shortcomings. Don't worry, Lei Ju, I understand."

Lin Bin was overjoyed, it really made sense to say so.

"Okay, let's go home and rest for a few days. After rest, go to Xu Qian, she should use you."

"Yes, by the way, Lei Ju, I want to borrow a box from you."

"Okay, go to the logistics to find it."

Lin Bin nodded, turned and left.

It's just that he just walked to the gate of the World Bureau, and he still couldn't help sighing...

It seems that I still have to get things done before going home.

But it is not surprising that many people are polite.


Lin Bin thought for a while, and went to the 4S shop at the nearby corner. The engine oil there was a bit more expensive, at least it was authentic.

This is something to drink in the stomach, which is very different from those used in cars...

Can not buy fake myself.

an hour later.

Lin Bin has been brought to the president's office by K88 again.

on the sofa.

It seems that the white-haired girl who is about the same age as Lin Bin is playing with the knife in her hand, the long knife, and the beauty looks extraordinarily stern and gorgeous.

Seeing the milk Lin Bin put at his feet.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "It's not surprising that you are so polite."

"President Bai cleared the game?"

"That kind of game, don't you just play it and pass it?"

Bai Yuekui asked casually: "You should go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, right? I just checked, and it seems that you just came out of the secret realm and came here without even returning home. Is there anything you want to ask me?" ?”

"There are indeed some puzzles, mainly because I lost one of my companions."

Lin Bin repeated the question he had asked Raymond before.

It's just that this time Yin went to the Yingui faction and the cooperation, and only said that she was not a bad person, so since she wanted to come, she brought her along.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to care so much about a time traveler."

Bai Yuekui glanced playfully at Lin Bin, and said, "Is it a girl?"

Lin Bin hummed.

Bai Yuekui nodded and said, "You're right that you can't find her. In theory, she can't get out of that exit."

Lin Bin asked, "Why?"

Bai Yuekui said: "Don't think that with the reincarnation table, you can enter and exit the secret realm at will. In fact, when you enter the secret realm, you will leave something like a mark or brand at the entrance. This thing serves as your entry and exit. The certificate, plus the reincarnation table, can achieve your capital to freely enter and exit the two worlds, but the other party has not entered this world, in other words, she has no brand, so her coming to this world is not a return, but an invasion... Intruders like those secret realms."


"For the world, an invasion is an invasion. Regardless of people and worlds, what does a world invasion look like?"

"Cracks in time and space are born."

"Yes, so she will be squeezed out from the new space-time rift."

Bai Yuekui said: "Fortunately, you came to look for me. Apart from me, no one else knows about her existence, right?"

Lin Bin said: "There is also Lei Ju, who directed me to come to you."

"That's good, remember not to tell others her origin... otherwise, you understand."

Lin Bin's expression was solemn, and he already understood Bai Yuekui's meaning.

A brand-new space-time rift is controlled by the official and unexpected channel. It can be said that whoever controls the houhou will control this channel.

(End of this chapter)

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