when reincarnation invades

Chapter 114 Absorbing He's Bi

Chapter 114 Absorbing He's Bi

Although the whereabouts of Houhou are still unknown, at least her safety has been confirmed.

Lin Bin said seriously: "Thank you, President Bai."

Bai Yuekui glanced at Lin Bin who didn't want to go, and asked, "You came to see me for more than just this one thing, right?"

"Yes, there is one more thing about this plasma pistol."

Lin Bin put the plasma pistol on the table and said: "About this pistol, we have signed a series of lease agreements before, but now I want to ask, if I sell this pistol permanently to the Technology Enhancement Association, What props can the Science and Technology Association exchange for?!"

Bai Yuekui said in astonishment: "Oh? For sale forever? You don't want to use it anymore?"

"It's too troublesome. The value of things that can't be carried with you will be discounted after all, so if the Science and Technology Association can give me a suitable price, I can sell this gun to you."

Of course, the main reason is that Lin Bin has already experimented specially.

The power of the plasma pistol is indeed very powerful, but after all, it is only a single shot.

And his new azure rose can fire both live bullets and energy bullets... Especially the energy-stored ammunition, after being charged to the extreme, the lethality it explodes is not much worse than the plasma pistol.

Compare the two.

A plasma pistol purely made up of technology, and an azure rose with the ability to destroy magic.

In terms of value, it is naturally clear at a glance.

But value is relative. Plasma pistols, a purely technological weapon, are different for the Science and Technology Association.

Bai Yuekui nodded and said, "Thank you for your priority, I understand what you mean, so is there anything you want to replace?"

Lin Bin thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

He really didn't know.

Although he has just become an extraordinary reincarnation, his current equipment can already be called a combination of offense and defense.

There is really nothing missing...

"Leave that gun with me for now. I will coordinate the props of the Science and Technology Association here, and I will give you a few options at that time."

"Thank you."

Lin Bin bid farewell to Bai Yuekui.

After leaving the Science and Technology Association, he hailed a taxi and ran home.

He murmured in his heart, it seemed that he had to buy a car, at least it was more convenient to travel in modern society.

As for Wan Wan...

Just make sure she's safe.

Lin Bin has nowhere to find her. Thinking about it, after she gets acquainted with the real world, she will definitely contact him as soon as possible.

With the evil emperor relic in hand.

Lin Bin was not at all worried that the little girl would run around.

And in fact...

at the same time.

Another bustling neighborhood.

"Finally came out alive."

Wearing a pure white skirt and bare feet, Houhou finally climbed out of the deep mountains and came to the human world after exhausting all kinds of hardships.

Just when you see the bustling city.

The little girl was even more confused.

She heard Lin Bin give her a popular science about the iron box that came and went, and called a car.

But those tall ones almost cover the sun, so what is shining outside?floor?How many layers does this have?
And those girls... 噫...the clothes are too indecent, they only show a pair of small feet, they...they even expose the roots of their thighs? !
But there is one thing to say, this kind of clothes that completely expose the legs, if she wears it, it will definitely be super beautiful.

While watching, Wan Wan muttered in his heart and slowly mixed into the crowd.

It's just that he didn't take a few steps, and when he crossed the road, he was shocked by a piercing sound, making his whole body tremble.

"You're blind, why did you run a red light... Do you know that I just braked and slowed down, and you went to see Hades?!"

The bald head protruding from the truck was full of viciousness.

Looking at the ugly face that was facing her with a fierce look, Hou Hou showed a sweet smile at him, but the bald head couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the person who ran the red light was such a cute little girl.


Wan Wan laughed.

After half an hour.

In a rather magnificent hotel, a single room was reserved.

All kinds of exquisite and gorgeous dishes were brought in like flowing water.

"Miss Houhou, this is the mobile phone you mentioned just now. It is the latest, highest and most expensive model that you bought according to your instructions."

The bald man just now looked like he was licking a dog, and handed the purple packing box in front of Houhou.

"Oh? You don't look as useless as people think, you can afford the most expensive mobile phone."

Hou Hou said a word of admiration.

Then feast on it, and then eat with a smile on your face.

I just feel that the dishes here are so delicious that I have never tasted them before. She was really hungry, and she finally came out after climbing and rolling in the mountains for a full half day.

He waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, thank you, I will pay the bill here, and then leave all the money in the wallet and you can go."

"Yes, Miss Wanwan."

The smile on the bald face was even happier.

Even he himself didn't know what was going on with him, since he had already poured all the money he earned in the past three months into it.

But just seeing the smiling face of the girl in front of him, he felt full of fulfilment. He wished she wanted the sun in the sky, and he would run over to pick it off for him... It seems that as long as it is for her, he can do anything, even if it is When the college entrance examination papers from that year were brought out again, he would have the courage to take the exam again.

Ever since, a stack of red banknotes was left on the table, and the bald head left with a sense of humor.

Wait until you are full.

Wan Hou was holding a toothpick in his mouth very sloppily, stepped on the chair next to him, played with the brand-new purple mobile phone in his hand, and muttered: "Well, listen to what Brother Bin said, use this thing to bind it If you get a butt, you can officially have all the identity certification of a reincarnation, and then you are a person with an ID card? How do you tie this ass?"

"It's very simple, as long as you stick out your butt obediently and let me spank you a few times, won't you get a spanking?"

Beside, a voice with a narrow smile sounded and said.

"Nonsense, if a few spankings were enough, that little scoundrel would have done it himself long ago, and he would have waited until now... This is a good opportunity to take advantage of the Holy Maiden."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

"and many more!"

Wan Hou raised her head warily, but she met a pair of eyes full of smiles.

I saw that the person who came was just a cute little girl of eight or nine years old, but her complexion and hair were all pure white, she didn't look like a person from Middle Earth.

She warned: "Who are you?"

"We are specially here to pick you up, Sister Traveler..."

The little girl said with a sweet smile on her face.

Wan Wan: "..."


at this time.

Lin Bin has returned to his home.

It has been three full months since Lin Xueyi was separated. Although she knew that she could actually take care of herself by herself, what restricted her before was only the old threshold and the rough ground at home.

But if you haven't seen it before, don't worry too much.

Now that they are about to see each other suddenly, the longing in Lin Bin's heart can no longer be contained.

I haven't seen you for three whole months, and Lin Xue hasn't changed much...

Her life is always very regular.

It seems to be sitting in a wheelchair forever, basking in the sun with squinted eyes.

Except for the extra layer of blankets on the legs due to the climate, everything else has not changed, as if the two have only been separated for a few days.

And come back this time.

Lin Bin immediately took off Lin Xue's shoes and socks, and warmed her legs with his own immortal energy.

Before, he couldn't do it with weak skills, but now after three months of rebirth, he especially instilled a large amount of evil emperor relics and evil essence into Zhu Yuyan, and all of his essence fell into Lin Bin's body. Improvement, but after a few days, it is also a great benefit and improvement.

Even the vitality with longevity true energy is more abundant.

"how do you feel?"

Lin Bin was sitting on a small saddle.

Putting Lin Xue's legs on her own, gently inhaled the true energy from the Yongquan acupoint with both hands.

Lin Xue was surprised: "It's hot, itchy, where did you learn this massage technique?"

While doing the massage clumsily, Lin Bin said: "This is not as simple as a simple massage, it involves the use of true energy... That's right, it's the exercises in the secret realm."

Lin Xue asked, "Is it the practice of reincarnation?"


"How did you know the reincarnated people's exercises? I heard that if you want to buy the reincarnated people's exercises, the price is very expensive, and ordinary families can't afford to practice."

"Our leader looked up to me and felt that it was too inferior to just let me be a non-staff member, so he tried to make me a trainee reincarnation for a period of time. Unexpectedly, I did a good job, so he helped me become a regular by the way. chant?"

Lin Bin laughed and said, "Didn't expect me to be so talented?"

Lin Xue hummed lightly, and asked, "So... are you a reincarnation now?"


"Then is it dangerous for you to become a reincarnation?"

"It's not dangerous, it's better to say that others are dangerous, that is, the business trip may take longer in the future."

Lin Bin didn't hide it anymore.

There is no way, this experience will last for three months.

How long will it be next time...

Lin Bin suddenly understood why the reincarnated people's vacation time was getting longer and longer. It was not simply because of the danger, but also because the time spent in the secret realm was too long. At that time, I am afraid that it may cause cognitive errors.

"It's fine if it's not dangerous."

Lin Xue looked at Lin Bin, who was sitting on the saddle, who was a head shorter than her, tried to lean over, touched his head with a smile, and said, "Anyway, you just need to know that I will stay with you at home." , if you leave, I will wait for you at home."


After Lin Bin confessed the truth.

My heart is also much more comfortable.

After massaging Lin Xue for a while, she steered the wheelchair into the kitchen to help him cook.

That night, the meal was very rich.

It's all Lin Bin's favorite food.

After dinner, Lin Bin specially pushed Lin Xue out for a walk... I heard that when she was alone, her range of activities never exceeded the community.

Even the purchase of ingredients is settled in the convenience store inside the community.

After three months, it is depressing enough to think about it.

On this day, Lin Xue rarely went to bed early.

When I came back, I washed my feet.

The two sat in the living room and chatted for a long time.

Talking about the hard times in the past, talking about the life that is much better now than before...

Imagine the future.

In the end, Lin Xue fell asleep in the wheelchair, and even when she fell asleep, she still had a smile on her face.

Lin Bin carefully carried her into her room and covered her with the quilt.

Back to his room.

Only then did he open the big suitcase he had brought back.

It was borrowed from Lei Meng. Others thought it was luggage, but no one knew that it contained the two most precious treasures of the Datang plane.

Take out the He's Bi.

If possible, mission items like this can be sold to the reincarnation space at a high price.

But Lin Bin naturally didn't intend to sell it.

He's Bi is something that can change people's bones. In the secret realm before, Lin Bin was concerned about the completion of the task, so he tried his best not to touch it.

But now, don't hold back.

As He's Bi was removed from those layers of shackles.

In the small room, strange forces that seemed to be absent began to linger in the air, and then spread outward.

Lin Bin didn't delay, but directly pressed He's Bi with both hands, and the Longevity True Qi rushed in, building a bridge.

The next moment, He's Bi suddenly burst into white light.

All the supernatural powers were gathered in Heshibi at the same time, and rushed towards Lin Bin's body along the channel built by Lin Bin through the longevity zhenqi.


That is to say, Lin Bin's skill has improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time, and even the toughness of his tendons has also improved a lot, otherwise he might have been unable to help but scream out in pain.

But the force entering the body is still like a knife, rasp and sword twisting, freely shuttled through his veins.

In an instant, Lin Bin was already sweating profusely from top to bottom.

He slowly closed his eyes.

When it was opened again, it was already an ancient well without waves.

Let the strange power add to the body, but it is difficult to shake the slightest ripple in his heart.

Sword Code - a tacit understanding.

This is the result of Zhu Yuyan's earnest teaching during this time.

Thanks to his hard work during this period of time, Lin Bin has been able to temporarily use the state of mind of the Cihang Sword Code for his own use. This is also his purpose. The Cihang Sword Code is originally for cultivating the mind. Its mind-cultivating essence, when used in battle, can indeed greatly improve it.

And in such a state of mind, Lin Bin's technique of controlling the supernatural power with his long-lived true energy is also more like an arm-driven, smooth and easy.

Lin Bin, He Shibi...the two formed a perfect communication.

From the unbearable pain at the beginning, it gradually fell into calm.

Lin Bin felt as if he had become a third person, condescending, and clearly watched He's Bi's strange power pouring into his body like a tidal wave, transforming and widening his internal organs and meridians.

this moment……

Lin Bin felt a balance from the inside out.

(End of this chapter)

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