when reincarnation invades

Chapter 115: All of them are wheel-chapters. After entering the secret realm, you can be a little cr

Chapter 115 You Are All Reincarnation
That night.

No sleep for one night.

The next day, as the sky brightened.

Lin Bin slowly opened his eyes.

Then, I saw the real world.

Absorb the power of Heshibi for your own use.

It was obviously the same scene, but in Lin Bin's eyes, the whole world was different.

Everything in the world seems to have layers, and the moving colors are more vivid and clear. Even under concentration, Lin Bin can distinguish the shape of each fallen leaf under the howling cold wind, and the exact reflection when they landed. , will it be broken in half.

Lin Bin could hear the children's babbling in the distance, and was forcibly woken up from the bed by his mother, and slowly put on his clothes with a drowsy sleepiness, ready to go to school.

I could hear the footsteps of the female college student dragging her weary footsteps away in the security room, as well as the comfortable snoring of Old Dong.

Looking up, you can even see the burning fireball above your head, and you can feel that when its warmth spreads over your body, the rays of energy are absorbed by you.

Obviously many things are invisible to the eyes, but only through perception, he can actually outline a complete picture in his mind.

Even if it's behind me...

This terrifying perception ability is like a 360-degree white eye with no dead ends, allowing him to clearly perceive everything that is happening around him.

Although I knew that He's Bi had the ability to reborn.

But after a night.

Feel the perfect fusion of yourself and this world.

Lin Bin was still shocked.

He let out a long breath, quietly feeling the vitality brought by the warm sunshine, enjoying the feeling of being reborn.

The external changes are so great, but the internal changes are only clear to Lin Bin himself.

The tendons have been widened more than a few times?

This is several times, dozens of times of improvement...

The power level of the "Secret of Longevity" has not been increased, but the upper limit has been directly raised to 200%.

It's a ceiling lift, and it's not just a ceiling.

It seems that the strength has not increased much, but the level of 200 is raised from 100 to [-], and the level of [-] is increased from [-] to [-]. The difficulty is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Every one of his tendons and acupuncture points has become a bottomless pool. It is conceivable that he will be in a state of rapid improvement for a long time to come.

"Good baby."

Lin Bin glanced at the shattered Heshibi, except for one of the gold-encrusted corners which remained intact, the rest had been broken into residues.

He carefully put away these residues, planning to make tea later.

Then I got up and went to take a shower.

The whole night, he seemed to be rolling in a mud nest, and his whole body was full of fishy smell.

First go to the shower to wash away all the mud on your body.

He obviously didn't sleep all night, but Lin Bin didn't feel any discomfort, instead he felt extremely transparent all over his body.

After washing.

Lin Xue had already prepared the breakfast, and even the kitchen was cleaned up.

Lin Bin finished eating.

He tried again to warm Lin Xue's legs with his own true energy, and wanted to see if He's Bi's extraordinary power could help her...

After the experiment, the effect was better than last night's, but after all, the disease was not right, and the force could not completely dredge the tendons in her body.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry.

His strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he will see a wider world at that time, and he will find a cure sooner or later.

Immediately pushed Lin Xue out, first purchased a large amount of supplies, and filled the refrigerator.

Then the siblings watched TV all day in the living room.

Lin Bin operated in the Samsara App intermittently, creating a team for himself.

He still remembered Raymond's reminder.

With teammates and without teammates, there are two completely different ways of experience...

Although what Raymond said is indeed correct, although without the reincarnation teammate, he will lose the ability to deal with various changes. After all, the reinforcement direction of the reincarnation is inevitably monotonous.

But Lin Bin's biggest reliance is not his teammates, but his foresight of many plots and plot characters.

And in this way, there will be no competition, and there will be as many bowls of rice as there are skills.

【Team Name: Team S】

【Captain: Abin】

[Team Strength: Transcendence]

Creating a team is very simple, you only need to pay 500 reincarnation points to activate it.

Then, Lin Bin announced the recruitment of players in the team formation section of the secret realm.

He threw the phone away and concentrated on his daily life with his sister.

But his recruitment information directly set off a big storm in the entire secret team formation area.

Someone in the forum immediately discovered the trace of Abin's appearance.

[Handsome and compelling: Damn, have you seen it?The reincarnator, Abin, got back an S-level evaluation. 】

[The head of the widow's village: I don't want to explain the fraud, but he even took the initiative to recruit teammates in the recruitment area?If anyone becomes his teammate, it’s still cool to get the S rank... The name is called the S team, it seems that they are going to fly, if you are interested, hurry up and have a look... Damn... When I didn't say... Σ(°△°|||)︴】

[Little Match for Selling Girls: What's the matter, could it be that recruitment is extremely difficult... um... I heard... reincarnators need to spend 500 reincarnation points to activate it if they want to form a team. Could it be that this Uncle Abin is really There are so many reincarnation points that you can't spend them all, and you actually use this method to squander them? 】

The head of the widow village immediately sent a link.

[The Transcendent Realm S team is officially recruiting players, the team requirements are as follows:]

[Requirements: Can fly, can breathe fire, can shake concrete with one hand, can install and remove tractor bearings, can install starship main guns, can use the meta field, can use physical skills, and can directly use eight armors and one armor when encountering a strong enemy. Foot Yekai, who knows ninjutsu, fire escape, and whoever repairs the dam. 】

[Note: Because I have high requirements, I would rather be short than excessive. If you don’t meet the requirements, please don’t bother. 】


【Chai Yujie: Khan, this is for fun, can he do it on his own?I was really moved just now. →_→]

[I really want to cheat in the secret realm: But the number of views is quite high. I have to mention the shadow of the famous tree. Although Abin is just a newcomer, his past performance is so ideal that everyone likes him. 】

Isn't it?

From entering the secret realm, except for the time when he was dragged down by the trash and failed to get the S-level, every other experience has successfully obtained the S-level evaluation.

This achievement is only unprecedented, but at least it is absolutely unprecedented.

Therefore, the information about Abin organizing a team and recruiting players was naturally extremely popular in the reincarnation section, and after the recruitment information was exposed, it directly aroused everyone's amazement.

I'm afraid even Lin Bin himself can't imagine that he has faintly become a star reincarnator, and his words and deeds in the reincarnation space app will cause quite a stir.

And not long after the release of this teammate recruitment, he put on the D-level martial arts secret realm he got.

Lin Bin received a call from Lei Jun.

"Brother Lei, what? Do you want to join the team? No, no, really not... It's not that I look down on Brother Lei, but I can't drag you down anymore. The lone star of Tiansha is doomed to be lonely in the secret realm. If you walk with others, you will definitely punish your teammates. The reason why I set the conditions so high is that I don’t want to implicate you, Brother Lei. I heard that your second F-level is not I can log out, I feel bad... Do it, don't worry, if you can cooperate in the future, you will definitely cooperate, but you must not be a teammate who gets along day and night, let me go and blame others, I'm sorry Lei Ge, okay, tonight See you or leave, today I will be the host...what, you treat me? Oh, I'm so sorry...well, you're welcome..."

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Binyou couldn't help feeling that Lei Jun was indeed an honest person.

It was another reincarnator who teamed up with him and got two F grades in a row. He was afraid that he could hide as far as possible, but he even took the initiative to rush forward.

This alone is impressive.

In the future, if he needs it, he must not refuse it, and it is not certain who will ask for it. For example, if he encounters a promotion task again, it is absolutely safe to find Lei Jun, the old koi...

Listening to Lin Bin's call, Lin Xue asked, "Aren't you going to eat at home tonight?"

"Well, our chief's younger brother invites me to dinner. You know, the younger brother of the immediate boss, it's not easy to push."

"Drink less."


That night, Lei Jun sincerely invited Lin Bin to his home for a small gathering.

Then he asked his wife to cook some delicate side dishes...

The two brothers drank heartily.

These days, being willing to entertain guests at home shows that Lei Jun really treats Lin Bin as the third younger brother of the Lei family.

And when he was drunk, Lin Bin slept at Lei Jun's house.

Early the next morning.

Lin Bin then received a call from Bai Yuekui.

"Come here if you have nothing to do. I found a few reincarnation props that are of great help to you. Let's see if you like them."

Lin Bin rushed to the Science and Technology Association before he woke up.

Bai Yuekui had been waiting for a long time, when she saw Lin Bin coming, she kicked the table lightly and said, "Look at these things, do you like anything?"

Lin Bin was pleasantly surprised: "Take so many things in exchange?"

Bai Yuekui said, "You think too much."

"Hahahaha, just kidding."

Lin Bin looked at the four or five things on the table and began to fiddle with them seriously.

As the item was held in his hand, the information and data of the item were also revealed.

[Wishing Candle (C-level Secret Realm Props): After being lit, no one can tell lies or refuse to answer any questions in the place where the candle shines.The exchange requires a C-level meritorious service and 600 reincarnation points. 】

[Note: We need to be honest with each other]

[Random teleportation scroll (B-level one-time mystery item): tear the scroll when encountering danger, and can be randomly teleported to any place in the local world to avoid fatal crises.The exchange requires a B-level meritorious service and 1200 reincarnation points. 】

[Note: Guess where I will appear next moment? 】

[Change Capsule (C-level secret realm props): A box of seven capsules, which can hold seven items. There is no limit to the item level, and the upper limit of the item volume is 1000 cubic meters.A C-level secret realm is required for exchange, and 1400 reincarnation points are required! 】

[Note: Come on, pretend, let you see my belly. 】

[Haluo (C-level secret realm item): An artificial intelligence robot that can learn independently, can also serve as bodyguards and pets, and can also assist in data calculation. Reincarnation points 1500 points. 】

[Note: Ha Luo, it's not a bad comment from the hostess of the beauty. 】


Lin Bin frowned and said, "Is the level of these things too low?"

"No way, no way, there won't be reincarnators who simply use the level of items to measure their value?"

Bai Yuekui pretended to be exaggerated and said: "You have to understand that the plasma pistol is just a pistol. If it weren't for you, if someone else took the plasma pistol in exchange, I wouldn't even take out this random teleportation scroll. Although it is only a one-off, it is a life-saving thing, and there is also a changing capsule. Do you really think I can't see the mystery of the suitcase you brought when you came the day before yesterday? The treasure is exposed, but it is very dangerous... Ha Luo too , This is the Hagong that has been strengthened by the Science and Technology Association, and most of the knowledge of the Science and Technology Association has been loaded inside. It can translate any language in the secret realm, and it can also decipher passwords, autopilot, etc., with many auxiliary functions. "

She said: "These things are what you need urgently. You can exchange the plasma gun with you, and you won't lose money... If you really think it's a loss to exchange the B-level for the C-level, you can exchange for the random teleportation scroll."

Lin Bin was lost in thought.

Bai Yuekui was right.

After a while, he said: "Can I choose the random teleportation scroll and the changing capsule?"

"It's cheap and a little big."

"I can exchange it with other things, but I need these two things very much, so I want to ask President Bai to give up his love. Don't worry, President Bai will never let you suffer."

Lin Bin's attitude of asking for help is very firm.

He's Bi has been shattered, so there is no trouble in this regard.

But the evil emperor's relic still exists, so it's not easy to carry, especially because there are so many evil spirits inside, it will undoubtedly be a big trouble to put it outside.

However, the level of the storage belt is too low to fit it, if there is this changing capsule...

As for the random teleportation scroll, Lin Bin still remembers his nuclear bomb with an explosion range of 300 kilometers and a range of only [-] meters. If there is a random teleportation scroll, this really big killer will have the capital to use.

In fact, the other two are also extremely important to Lin Bin.

But relatively speaking...

You can only choose between the two.

And looking at Lin Bin's determined face, if you don't agree, I will kneel down and hug your thigh and cry with a serious expression.

Bai Yuekui hesitated for a while, but finally chose to agree, and sighed: "I knew it, I was too concerned about your affairs, and you were really tempted... This time, you took the initiative to think of us, to save you, don't make an example. "


Lin Bin and Bai Yuekui made an agreement.

Pay an extra compass in exchange for a changing capsule... One B and one D are exchanged for one B and one C.

It seems that Lin Bin has made a profit.

The value of the plasma pistol is originally a matter of opinion for the beholder.

Moreover, the most fearful thing for technology enhancers is probably the ghost opponent. The existence of the compass can clearly show the existence of ghosts and ghosts, and it is also an extremely important item for technology enhancers.

It's hard to say who takes advantage and who suffers.

Everyone can be considered happy.

after the transaction.

Lin Bin happily went back with the props...

The evil emperor's relic is such an important thing at home, he is really afraid that Lin Xue will accidentally bump into the evil emperor's relic when cleaning up the room, and it will be bad if he has evil thoughts in his heart.

Hurry back and put it on.

Coupled with the existence of random teleportation scrolls.

This time, Lin Bin thought in his heart that I would become a Bodhisattva of nuclear bombs, and then enter the secret realm to be more arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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