when reincarnation invades

Chapter 116 If there is no accident, there will be an accident

Chapter 116 If there is no accident, there will be an accident

One piece of good news followed another.

Just three days later.

Lin Bin's Samsara Space APP received a friend request.

[I am not a little demon girl, I request to add you as a friend, do you agree? 】

Am I not a little witch?

Lin Bin was just stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized who this name was...


Besides her, who else would call such a suggestive name?
After agreeing, a series of news came out like a blowout.

【I'm not a little demon girl: ahhhh finally found an organization, Brother Bin?You really are an honest person, I didn’t expect that your name in reality is almost exactly the same as that in the reincarnation space, fortunately you use the same name, otherwise, people might not be able to find you ヾ(≧▽≦*) o】

[Abin: Wan Wan? 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: That's right, she's Wanhou, how about it, I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to find you, right? 】

【Abin: Where are you now?I will look for you. 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: Hmph, you have a conscience, and you know you're worried about other people's safety. Don't worry, you don't need to look for it. Didn't you say before that you want people to help you break into a secret organization? ?You also said that the organization there is extremely strict, you searched hard for a long time without any clues, and you couldn't even get in their periphery...]

[Abin: I didn’t say that, I just said that this organization is very mysterious, you have to be a traverser to gain their true trust...]

【I'm not a little demon girl: You said it!You absolutely said it!Don't lie, you just said it! (へ╬)】

【Abin: So... what? 】

【I'm not a little demon girl: So this mysterious organization that is extremely strict and strict to you has been successfully breached by others, and they are now sending you messages in this baseヾ(≧▽≦*)o】

It seems that Wan Wan has just learned this kind of text chat, especially emoticons... She is very happy to post, and has to append one after every sentence.

But what she said surprised Lin Bin immediately.

【Abin: Are you saying that you have successfully sneaked into this organization?how did you do that? (⊙⊙)】

This houhou was really beyond Lin Bin's expectations.

He just said something casually.

The specific details, the original intention is to wait until the real world, and then discuss with her in detail.

But who would have expected that the two would get separated on the way, and after contacting again, she was already in that organization.

[I'm not a little demon girl: This is not something that can be done with hands. 】

[Lin Bin: Tell me in detail! ! ! 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: Well, these plane walks seem to have a way to lock the traversers. They have not had time to do bad things when they come to this world, and they appear directly in front of them and invite them Entering their secret base... People have wanted to contact you for a long time, but because there is no contact method, and there are surveillance everywhere, they have no way to call you, they can only contact you immediately after learning simple typing is you. 】

[Abin: Walking on a plane? 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: That's right, do you call them traversers?But they don't call themselves that, but they claim to be walking in the plane, just like what you said, Brother Bin, each of them comes from a completely different plane. 】

【Abin: Do you know the purpose of their gathering? 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: It seems to be hugging to keep warm?Even if there are other purposes, they are not even counted as reserves now, and they are still learning the common sense of this world, so they definitely can't tell me. 】

【Abin: Then let me ask you, is there a person named Changfeng inside? 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: I don't know, I haven't seen it, and I haven't seen many people, and everyone calls each other by reincarnation names. After all, I'm just a newcomer, and they don't trust me too much. 】

[Abin: Alright, then I will give you a task. If you meet someone named Changfeng in the future, find a way to find out his network and connections. Don’t be idle now, try to figure out everyone first. original name. 】

As long as they can get their original first and last names.

For Lin Bin, it was equivalent to figuring out their origins.

When the time comes, you will be able to launch what you want naturally.

【I'm not a little demon girl: But...why do people do this? →_→Is it because of your cooperation with the Yingui sect? If so, then I feel that the strength of walking in this plane is stronger. In fact, the main reason is to report to you that you are safe. As for cooperation or something, people don't think you are more powerful than the organization that walks in this plane. 】

Did the little demon girl drift away just after she found the organization?

[Abin: Don’t want the evil emperor’s relic anymore? →_→]

【I'm not a little demon girl: want to want to want to wantヾ(≧▽≦*)o】

【Lin Bin: Then do a good job. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded. 】

[I'm not a little demon girl: how do you ensure that they are honestly completing the tasks you issued, and that you didn't steal the evil emperor's relics while they were away? 】

[Abin: What’s wrong with eating it secretly? The evil emperor’s relics contain the essence of the evil emperors of all ages. I can’t eat them all in a short time. Work hard and try to complete the task as soon as possible. Then I will definitely give you some leftovers. 】

On the opposite side, Hou Hou puffed his mouth out angrily.

This man is so blatant, he actually said bluntly that he would give her the leftovers if he let her finish the job... Damn it, it doesn't matter if you are lying, at least tell me that as long as you work hard, I will never touch the evil emperor relic This kind of words to comfort me.

And Lin Bin put down his phone, still couldn't help but smile.

He murmured, "Walking in a plane? So, the strength of this organization should be quite terrifying..."

Isn't it?

According to the reliable information I just got from Bai Yuekui a few days ago, every traveler... no, there is a secret space-time rift behind the plane walking.

Just like Wan Wan, this little demon girl didn't mention it the whole time, she really has a lot of eyes.

But if there is no accident, as long as she wants, she should be able to go back to the Datang plane, which is her right to walk as a plane.

But it doesn't matter if you keep it private.

As long as the evil emperor's relic is in my hands, I'm not afraid that this little demon girl won't work obediently. As for other thoughts and so on, Lin Bin doesn't care about her lazily.

On behalf of the Yin Gui Sect, Wan Wan came to the real world, and she also had a mission... From this point of view, the relationship between the two is actually nothing more than a cooperative relationship.

What I wanted to do was accomplished so abruptly.

Lin Bin looked at the pale yellow crystal in his hand, and pondered: "But this witch just came to this world and dared to have other thoughts. After a long time, I'm afraid she will ride on my head? It seems that she is looking for It's just a matter of arresting her at a certain time and training her, and walking in this plane, it's rare to insert a small spy, but it's only reasonable to find the right opportunity to bring this organization to one hand... Bah, bah, bah..."

He quickly put the evil emperor relic into the changing capsule.

He secretly made up his mind that he must not be ahead of the evil emperor relic when thinking about anything in the future, as it is too easy to go astray.

After that, Lin Bin lived a few days of peace.

Except for the occasional harassing words from Houhou, but the little demon girl obviously has nothing serious to do, she simply has just acquired the ability to chat remotely, and she is in a new mood right now.

And Deng Yang.

This guy seemed to have consciously shared a secret with Lin Bin, so he was directly treated as an accomplice.

From time to time, just like a secret meeting, Lin Bin, his private girlfriend at night, discusses with him the clues the two of them currently know.

According to Lin Bin's guess, this guy may be born rebellious, enjoying the feeling of jumping on the verge of death... But this is not a bad thing for Lin Bin.

After all, the enemy hadn't pouted his ass yet, and he already knew what shit the other party wanted to do.

Just like now...

【Yuhuatian: In the recent period, you'd better be careful. 】

【Abin: Did you hear the limelight? 】

[Yuhuatian: It's not too much of a limelight, I'm taking the line of strengthening the blood race, you should already know this, right? 】

【Abin: Well, you specifically asked me about the strength of this blood race enhancement. 】

[Yu Huatian: The strength of vampires depends on the blood they have sucked, so the vampire system is one of the rare strengthening systems that can reach the sky in one step, and just yesterday, my good brother Xu Feng brought me a A bottle of B-level fire unicorn's blood item is said to be able to make up for the vampire's weakness of being afraid of the sun to the greatest extent. After taking it, I feel that I am indeed much stronger than before. 】

【Abin: So...】

[Yu Huatian: So do you think he dislikes my lack of strength and urgently needs my combat power to strengthen my strength, or does he actually regard me as his own younger brother, and he is selflessly cultivating himself? What about your loved ones? 】

[Abin: I understand. Please pay attention to me during this time. Remember to let me know if there is anything. When this matter is over, I will treat you to dinner. 】

[Yu Huatian: No problem, don't worry, I also enjoy the feeling of being in Cao Ying and being in Han. 】


Lin Bin suddenly understood.

This guy really just enjoys the thrill of being undercover.

However, if the other party really starts to strengthen Deng Yang's strength regardless of the cost, it means that they have really started to target him.

During this period of time, if there is no accident...it is very likely that there will be an accident.

Facts proved that it was as expected by Lin Bin.

This morning.

Lin Bin just got up and had breakfast.

Then I received a call from Xu Qian.

"Are you up?"

"Sister Qian, wake up, what's the matter?"

"If you have nothing to do, come to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Reincarnation Association. Sun Ziteng is currently in the hospital. He was assassinated by the enemy."

Grandson Teng?
Lin Bin took a moment to realize who that person was.

His eyes lit up, and he asked, "Have you caught the murderer?"

"We have been sitting on the sidelines for so long, if this is enough to allow the murderer to escape, then us reincarnators can really die."

Xu Qian said: "I caught a big fish this time, and the plan is coming to an end. Since you participated in this mission, it's time to come over now. Maybe you can get some meritorious deeds, and there is also you something of interest..."

"I'll be there right away."

Lin Bin nodded quickly, and told Lin Xue not to go out and run around during this time.

He quickly put on his coat, went out to make a call, and ran towards the location Xu Qian said.

to the place.

Get off the car and see the entrance of the hospital.

A beautiful and fashionable beauty dressed in light white fur, a pure white skirt, and high-top leather boots was waiting at the entrance of the hospital. A pair of slender legs were exposed, making her look extraordinarily tall and beautiful.

And beside her...

A handsome man in his thirties was standing beside her, and the two of them looked... they really didn't match up no matter how you looked at it.

Without him, the man looks handsome and handsome, but his whole body droops out in a sloppy look.

It looked like Ximen Qing who wanted to chat up a girl from a good family.

"Sister Qian."

Lin Bin went forward to meet him.

Seeing Lin Bin, Xu Qian's eyes suddenly lit up.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the young man who was originally very handsome has become much more handsome now, giving people an illusion of being extremely close.

She couldn't help feeling...

But only for a year.

But this young man seems to have changed his person, he really looks a lot better.

After watching for a while, Xu Qian realized that she had lost her composure.

She coughed and said, "Abin, you are quite late, let's go, let's go in."

"Sorry, I'll take a taxi as soon as possible."

"Hurry up and buy a car."


"Are you the legendary Abin?"

The idiotic man looked around Lin Bin, his eyes lit up, and he praised: "Sure enough, he is very handsome. The young man is young, but his appearance is so handsome... Someday we two brothers can compete together."

"you are……"

"He is Li Lei, the person in charge with me. Alright, Abin, there is no need to say anything to him. Let's go. The enemy attacked Sun Ziteng this time, but they fell into our trap and were captured alive by us. Maybe some news can come out of his mouth this time."

Xu Qian obviously didn't want Lin Bin to know Li Lei.

After casually introducing, he dragged Lin Bin to the hospital.

Li Lei followed behind, hehe said with a smile: "Brother, do you want to buy a car? Do you have a driver's license? How about your driving skills? I like the kind of car that starts very fast, can reach the top speed very quickly, and has a better running-in period." Or do you like new cars that no one has ever driven? Do you like to be in first gear for a long time when driving, or do you just go straight to fourth and fifth gears when you just start?"

"Shut up, we are talking about a simple car, not the car you said."

Xu Qian dragged Lin Bin away even faster.

Unhappily said: "That's why I don't want you, Abin, to come into contact with this kind of person... Don't listen to him, your ears will rot."

Lin Bin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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