Chapter 117
Lin Bin understood a little now why Xu Qian didn't let him get involved in this task.

At that time, it was just a symbolic assignment for him to protect his sister.

Before, he thought that the other party was afraid that he would take her credit, but now he realized that Xu Qian was trying to protect him.

This man is too flamboyant.

Especially when seeing Lin Bin's handsome face, it was as if he saw someone of the same kind.

"Little brother, have you studied cars? In fact, this car is like a woman... Let's drive, is it a car? It's the most beloved woman, so if you want to buy a car, you have to buy what you like. For example, this...well... this car is not bad. It is 29 years old and is at its peak. It is about 1 meters long and is in good condition. It must be powerful, but the engine noise is too loud after cranking! The gap between the cylinder and the piston is too large, but the cylinder is seriously scuffed. It is not recommended for beginners, and only experienced drivers can fight.”

Li Lei sighed with longing, "Oh, I'm so yearning for a car with rich driving skills and good condition."

Lin Bin followed Xu Qian, listening to Li Lei, who was walking in the front, spitting out non-stop, thinking that this refers to Zhu Zongzhu?
Unexpectedly, my first experience was cheating, and I could make such a hungry ghost feel envious.

It's just that Lin Bin listened to it quite novelly at first, but after listening to it for a long time, he couldn't help but feel irritable...

Almost every time he passed a woman, he had to comment on it, which made Lin Bin unable to bear the slander in his heart, thinking that this person might not be in heat 24 hours a day, right?
He simply ignored the man.

In a low voice, she asked Xu Qian why she specially called him over.

Xu Qian has been able to ignore the flirtatious words of the person in front of her very skillfully, she whispered: "We may have caught a big fish this time."

"Sister Qian, what do you mean..."

"Someone assassinated Sun Tzu Teng secretly before, almost using all possible means, but we were on guard and killed and injured many elites, but luckily we managed to capture the enemy alive in the end. The identity of the person behind it came, but I didn't expect that the other party had already used the shut-up tool in advance, without saying a word."

Xu Qian said in a low voice: "It's not that they haven't been caught alive before, but they are basically dead men. They committed suicide when they were caught, but this time, not only did this person not commit suicide, but someone specially rescued him. We guessed this." I'm afraid that the person's status is not low, so Li Lei applied for the A-level prop from the above, which can reveal all his secrets. I remembered that because of your sister, you are very concerned about this I am very interested in this matter, so I will ask you by the way."

Lin Bin nodded.

Suddenly, Deng Yang's warning came to mind.

They were already planning to attack him.

Could it be related to this captive?

There is no doubt that Xu Qian is kind-hearted. She knows that Lin Xue's legs are injured. Unless the source of pollution is found, it will be difficult to cure completely. It is very reasonable to want to help.

But the timing of the two is too coincidental.

After only a few days of warning from Deng Yang, some of them were arrested there...

Lin Bin asked: "Sister Qian, let me listen in on this matter, who else knows besides you?"

Xu Qian asked, "What do you mean?"

Lin Bin said: "I'm just worried, will this be an attempt to lure you into the urn? For example, just as I showed up, the enemy jumped up and killed me."

Xu Qian fell into silence after hearing the words.

She pondered: "Indeed, although the enemy's goal is probably to kill people, they have no idea of ​​finding a target among you at all, but are persistent in holding the goal of killing all of you. You approaching him... It is indeed one of the enemy's tricks, Abin, you are right, I was negligent, so, don't go in, if you want to know anything, you can tell me in advance, and I will ask for it. "

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Actually... there is a better way."


After a moment.

With her mobile phone pinned to her chest, Xu Qian kept in touch with Lin Bin, and stepped into the caged ward with Li Lei.

"Bring me the shackles and add four more, tie his limbs to death, don't give him a chance to fight back when he is dying."

Just came in.

Xu Qian issued the order directly.


Soon someone answered.

As a result, the prisoners who had already been bundled into zongzi were trapped more tightly.

Xu Qian then looked at Li Lei and said, "Let's get started."

Li Lei asked in surprise: "Aren't you waiting for that little brother Abin?"

Xu Qian shook her head and said, "No, he is one of the mission targets after all. Meeting the killer rashly may lead to unpredictable changes. It's better to be safe."


Li Lei whispered to the phone: "It's time to start."


There was a response from the opposite side.

The next moment, inside the huge medical building.

An inexplicable feeling appeared so strangely, and golden ripples emerged, like flowing water, slowly sealing the entire building in it.

A-level props are extremely important, especially treasures such as mirrors that involve idealism, and there is no possibility of losing them at any time.

this moment.

Almost the entire building was completely sealed off with props, solidifying it as one.

No one can get in or out of it.

After ensuring the safety of the surrounding area.

Only then did Li Lei slowly throw out a golden mirror in the palm of his hand. The mirror was about the size of the palm of his hand. As he left the control, it gradually changed from real to virtual, enlarged and expanded, gradually showing the struggling figure on the hospital bed. shrouded.

"Now, I ask, you answer."

Li Lei said: "In order to ensure that you are really controlled by the light of the mirror, let me ask you a little question first, with whom did you lose your virginity for the first time? When?"

"It's... 14 years old, with my neighbor's 22-year-old cousin..."

The figure who was struggling desperately answered honestly, although the answer was gritted, but it was very honest.

"Let's get down to business."

Xu Qian frowned and said.

"Okay, you enviable bastard, this time, I'm going to take out all your underpants."

Li Lei asked, "Let me ask you, why did you assassinate Sun Ziteng?"


Interrogation in the ward.

And it was several hundred meters away in a straight line from the house.

Lin Bin hid in a VIP room, and while listening to the live broadcast from his mobile phone, he muttered, "For safety's sake, it's better not to meet him face to face. Deng Yang won't lie to me. The enemy's purpose is not to find him at all. The target is to kill all seven of us. In this case, I am also one of the targets. It is not wise to approach these people without authorization, especially if you know that they are likely to attack me... um ?etc……"

A solemn look slowly appeared on his face.

Listening to Li Lei's pressing questions in the room.

This Li Lei seemed unreliable, but in fact he asked every question to the point.

The man desperately wanted to resist, but he still made his purpose clear.

He seemed to have used some props to resist the interrogation... But when the Samsara Association used the mirror, he no longer had any luck.

And the reason why these people targeted the seven of them became clear.

"The traverser has a world-class prop in his hand, do these people want to get it?"

Lin Bin frowned, thinking what is a world-class prop?
But it's good to know the other party's purpose, it seems that this trip is really the right one.

He was continuing to stare at the interrogator.

Suddenly, a probing voice sounded from behind, asking, "Hi, are you Lin Bin?"

Lin Bin glanced back and saw a middle-aged man about 35-[-] with a pair of black square-rimmed glasses on his face. His expression was a little flinching, and he asked, "Excuse me, is your name Lin Bin?"

Lin Bin nodded and asked, "Who are you?"

"My surname is Sun, Sun Ziteng. I was also a survivor of the attack three years ago."

When the man saw Lin Bin nodding, he immediately became happy, and said, "I didn't expect to see people with the same disease and pity here, ouch, I've been really annoying to death during this time, even if I narrowly escaped death before." I didn’t expect that I wouldn’t even be allowed to go to class. During this period of time, I was nestled in this reincarnation association every day, and I felt depressed.”

Lin Bin hummed casually.

I ignored him and just looked at the phone seriously.

And inside the phone.

When Xu Qian heard the word world-class props, her expression became extremely dignified.

She said: "Li Lei, if you ask them about their background, it must not be easy to dare to use world-class props."

"Understood, let me ask you..."

"Hey~~ The plan has changed, I can't wait, let's do it!"

The figure tied to the bed suddenly roared loudly.

Needle-like sideburns burst out from his whole body, and his body swelled by more than double.

The extra restraint belts did not restrain his movements at all.

With a few loud bangs.

All the binding straps have been torn to pieces...

He raised the sharp blade that had turned into a claw, and grabbed Li Lei beside him.

"Fuck, I can really break free!"

Li Lei let out a strange cry, and his whole body was directly torn by sharp claws, and exploded into a ball of spray.

Xu Qian's complexion tightened, remembering that the plan had changed just now.

Could it be that the boy Abin was right...

This guy was caught on purpose, and then lured Lin Bin over, and he took the opportunity to catch Lin Bin and kill him?
His target is Lin Bin?
As for so many such actions?Why not shoot him directly?

But at a critical moment, Xu Qian didn't have time to think about it.

Instead of retreating, advancing, the delicate fist also grew fluff like a lion. The next moment, he punched the prisoner who had completely turned into a monster, and directly overturned him.

She yelled into the phone: "Abin, their target is you. They deliberately led you into this trap. There must be other means against you. Run away!"

"Huh? Escape? Then...then what should I do?"

Next to Lin Bin, Sun Ziteng screamed in panic.

"Sun Tzu Teng is here too, that's great, escape with Lin Bin, Lin Bin, protect Sun Tzu Teng."

Xu Qian's voice fell.

The monster rushed towards her again, but was sent flying by her backhand punch.

In a hurry, Xu Qian's mobile phone was directly sent flying, and fell into a black screen.

And Lin Bin here.

"Sure enough, I've fallen for the trick. Che, the enemy seems to know me very well."

A serious look appeared in Lin Bin's eyes, and he looked at the buildings in the distance, the windows of several houses suddenly exploded, and countless glass shards flew out... Obviously, someone inside was fighting for life and death.

By this point, the enemy's plan was evident.

What kind of shit important person...

This man was probably arrested on purpose.

The purpose is to attract Lin Bin to his side, and then surprise and kill him. As for how to blame Deng Yang, Lin Bin is not sure.

It's just that they never thought that Lin Bin really came.

But he didn't fall for it at all.

On the contrary, it was the information they used to lure the enemy into taking the bait, and it almost became a free gift.

So much so that they had to launch a surprise attack hastily.

Thus, such an extremely absurd scene was created...

The enemy launched a plan, but the mission target was not in their encirclement at all, and even hid outside to watch the excitement.

Lin Bin held the blue rose on his waist.

Watching the confrontation in the distance for a while, the hospital's protection is very tight. Although the protective equipment was activated, the entire hospital was completely sealed off.

While the enemy can't get out, foreign aid can't get in at all.

But in fact, the number of enemies who sneaked in was quite limited, so the riot seemed to be suppressed soon.

But the enemy has spent so much effort, so naturally it is absolutely impossible to only have this level.

"Come on, I'll take you to a safe place."

Lin Bin held the blue rose in his hand and motioned for Sun Ziteng to follow him.


Sun Tzuteng's face was pale, as if recalling something terrible, his pale face became even more frightening.

He timidly followed behind Lin Bin, and suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Wait, I know a safe place. Miss Xu arranged for me to live there. I have been recuperating there during this period of time. That room is It has been specially made to withstand all the attacks of the enemy, and if we hide there, we will be safe."

"Well, lead the way."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "The enemy's target is us. It's more important for the two of us to hide, otherwise if we fall into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Come with me."

Sun Tzuteng looked timidly inside the hospital where fierce fighting was erupting, and hurriedly walked to another building.

But he just turned around.

Behind him, Lin Bin still kept a smile on his face.

However, he had already taken out a simple and simple hilt in his hand. Under the stimulation of his true energy, two black rays of light extended out of the originally bladeless hilt.

It seems that two black dragons intertwine and extend, forming a sharp black light sword blade.

From behind, he stabbed directly into Sun Ziteng's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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