Chapter 118


Sun Tzuteng looked at the lightsaber protruding from his chest in shock, and said in surprise, "You...what are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just think that this plan is a little too superficial, it's as if it's so superficial that I can see through it on purpose."

Lin Bin slowly inserted the Ssangyong Phantom Sword into it.

Said: "Just now I heard the fight on the mobile phone, that person is obviously not Sister Qian's opponent, that is to say, even if I show up in the ward, that person may not be able to kill me, then what is the purpose of you deliberately luring me here?" What is it? Is that person just a decoy? The real culprit behind the scenes is actually someone else... For example, when I hurriedly avoided the attack of that person, I'm afraid I couldn't guard against the plot from behind."

Sun Tzuteng stared at Lin Bin in disbelief, and said intermittently, "Just...just because of this assumption, you just...killed me..."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "That's right."

of course not.

Since absorbing He's Bi.

Lin Bin is extremely sensitive to all life breaths around him.

But this grandson Teng, although his expression was no different from ordinary people, when he approached Lin Bin, Lin Bin couldn't even feel the slightest bit of warmth from his body.

who is this...

It was clearly a corpse.

Xu Qian said before that Sun Ziteng survived the attack by luck, but now it seems that Sun Ziteng is already dead, but someone manipulated his body in a strange way.

I don't know what method was used to hide Xu Qian and others.

But unfortunately, for Lin Bin who had just absorbed He's Bi, he could easily see through his identity.

But of course, such words cannot be said to the enemy.

Taking the initiative to explain one's abilities is something only a fool would do.

"As expected, he is a selfish reincarnation who can kill a killer just because of some doubts..."

The painful look on Sun Tzuteng's face slowly disappeared.

He showed a weird smile at Lin Bin, and the originally flat skin on his face slowly twisted, stretching out countless granulation.

The next moment, Granule forcibly tore Sun Ziteng's skin into pieces, turned into countless blood arrows and shot at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin drew his sword and turned around.

Glancing at the double dragon phantom sword in his hand, the next moment it was replaced by a three-edged sword. With a flick of the blade, the two flying blades slashed directly at Sun Tzu Teng, and a huge head rose directly into the sky.

Block the countless granulation with the blade.

It's not good that Lin Binxin's weapons are too targeted. Needless to say, the power of the Shuanglong Phantom Sword has its own curse attribute.

But this Sun Tzu Teng had obviously been turned into something like a living dead, and as a result, the lethality of the Double Dragon Phantom Sword dropped drastically, and it was actually not as practical as the Three-Edged Sword.


An abandoned bathroom on the eighth floor of the Medical Technology Building.

In the women's restroom.

A middle-aged man in his 40s showed a gleam on his face, and said in a deep voice: "What a shrewd reincarnator, this Abin is really insidious and cunning, and he did not hesitate to plot against him just because of a little doubt." My puppet, the plan has failed."

He turned his head to look at the young man with a handsome and evil face beside him, and sighed: "Oh, I originally wanted to lure this Lin Bin here, and then let me assist you to kill this Lin Bin, but I didn't expect him to be so cunning, he noticed our trap just because of some clues, and he didn't fall for it..."

"Mr. Wang, why don't you forget it."

Deng Yang looked a little cold, and said: "This is a personal grievance between the two of us, and I don't want to make it so big. Then Lin Bin made me unable to be a man, even if I die with him... No, Mr. Wang you The fire unicorn blood that was given to me before improved the purity of my blood, and now I have full confidence that I can kill him."

"Don't be careless, this Abin is not as easy to deal with as you think. If I don't help you, you may not be his opponent."

Wang Ling glanced at the scapegoat they had already prepared.

Said: "This opportunity is once in a lifetime, don't worry, I owe Xu Feng a huge favor, since he asked me to put the favor on you, I will help you deal with them."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Deng Yang touched the phone, but he still had some scruples after all, and he didn't dare to send Lin Bin a text message to warn him.

But he couldn't help feeling a little worried in his heart, thinking of the strange power of Mr. Wang that he saw not long ago...

Xindao Laozi is just an undercover agent, don't really kill Abin this time, right?
To be so.

These people will definitely cross the river and tear down the bridge, and even the Samsara Association will not let me go... Wouldn't I be offended by both ends?
Abin, Abin, you have to hold on longer.

And this time...

On Lin Bin's side, Sun Ziteng's body was chopped into three pieces.

It seemed to set off a signal.

From upstairs, countless black shadows smashed through the windows and rushed out.

These people are all wearing the exact same clothes...

Mortuary clothes?
These people are corpses.

Lin Bin quickly recognized the identities of these people, thinking what kind of strange ability is this?Is it the T virus?Or undead spells?still……

Watching these corpses fall from the third, fourth, and fifth floors, they fell to the ground like dumplings, and their brains burst, but it didn't stop them from standing up, thinking about Lin Bin and rushing forward.

"It's no wonder that these people want to assassinate me here. The enemy can use these corpses, and even launch killing moves against me without showing my real body."

Lin Bin lifted the blue rose.

The thick muzzle burst into flames.

While the flames were spitting out, the few corpses that rushed to the front fell to the ground without moving.

A few bullets were exhausted quickly, but the firepower of Lin Bin's Azure Rose did not weaken at all. The power of the quiet-colored energy bullets was not much inferior to the bullets. The purity and strength of his current longevity qi can easily make up for the deficiency.

Although the consumption is a bit higher, in a sense, this gun does not have the worry of missing bullets.

bang bang bang bang~~~
In the dense bombardment sound like a continuous cannon.

The twenty or so corpses that rushed out all fell to the ground.

Eighth floor.

Inside the women's restroom.

The face of the middle-aged man who was sitting cross-legged turned ugly in an instant, and he said angrily: "This hateful Abin, he actually has a secret prop specifically aimed at me..."

"I'll deal with him, Mr. Wang Ling, just cover me from behind!"

Deng Yang seemed unable to suppress the anger in his heart any longer, and said: "This is my business. If this Ah Bin dies at the hands of others, then I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life."

After all, he rushed out.

Wang Ling did not stop him.

Although he intends to make a move himself, he doesn't intend to leave a tail behind. If it doesn't work, it would be more appropriate for Deng Yang to make a move directly.

And Deng Yang didn't even walk the stairs lazily, and jumped down directly along the eighth floor.

Although he has not yet become an extraordinary reincarnation, he has strengthened the system of the blood race, making his combat power far beyond that of an ordinary reincarnation.

Who still takes the stairs honestly?
Fall from the sky.

The bloody wounds drawn by the impact on the glass recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked down at Lin Bin who was standing among the corpses downstairs, and shouted angrily in a sharp voice, "Abin, do you still remember me?"

"Deng Yang!"

Lin Bin raised his head and met Deng Yang's eyes.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Lin Bin soared into the sky without hesitation.

He drew out the Shuanglong Phantom Sword, the shadow of the sword was like ink, and the black light criss-crossed, forming a cumbersome sword net, which directly engulfed Deng Yang.

"Lin Bin!!!"

Deng Yang only had time to let out a cry of surprise. After all, his combat experience was far less than Lin Binlai's. In the blink of an eye, he cut him several swords one after another, and his body was covered with dark scars.

The next moment, he was directly kicked by Lin Bin into the parallel third floor.

"Deng Yang, it turns out that everything is your fault, and I will never let you go."

Lin Bin rushed into the third floor with his sword, and then the two fought fiercely to the death.

Accompanied by violent gunshots, the sound of weapons clashing.

"Hahahaha, Lin Bin, you didn't expect to see this day, did you? Have you seen these dead souls? They are your lesson from the past!"

"Deng Yang, you dare to disturb the peace of the dead, I want you to atone for these dead souls!"

The sound of fierce weapons colliding, mixed with the sound of two people shouting and shouting angrily, and the sound of fighting...

Listening to Wang Ling who was following the battle from the perspective of a living corpse, he couldn't help but nodded slightly. His heart was indeed worthy of being an enemy of life and death. The moment he met, he was fighting for life and death. However, it seemed that Deng Yang was far from this even after being strengthened. Lin Bin's opponent.

After all, the strength gap between ordinary reincarnations and transcendental reincarnations is not so easy to bridge.

And this Lin Bin is indeed worthy of being a born reincarnation, and his aptitude is really much stronger than ordinary reincarnation.

It seems that Deng Yang needs to be given some help, otherwise, he has no chance of winning at all.

Wang Ling chanted a cumbersome and convoluted mantra.

The ghostly energy spread along it, manipulating the remaining living corpses to rush into the corridor again, and quickly rushed to the third floor where the conflict broke out between the two.

But at this time, the shouting and scolding accompanied by the fierce battle had already rushed to the fifth floor.

There was blood and minced flesh everywhere.

It can be seen that there is a real life and death situation between the two.

"Come up."

Without hesitation, Wang Ling manipulated the living corpses to continue chasing them up.

Catch up to the fifth floor.

But at this time, the enemy had already reached the sixth floor. It could be seen that one of them was fighting and retreating. It should be Deng Yang who was defeated.


Arrived on the sixth floor.

But found that the enemy was fighting on the seventh floor in full swing.

"Damn it, if you keep fighting, you'll be on my floor? Don't you know how to hide where you are and wait for my rescue?"

Wang Ling couldn't help feeling a little worried.

But soon...

Even without the perspective of the living corpse, he could hear the sound of fierce confrontation, accompanied by Lin Bin's wild laughter, there is no doubt that he has the absolute upper hand at this moment.

It could be heard that Deng Yang was almost unable to hold on.


The door of the women's restroom was directly blasted open.

A figure stood arrogantly and unruly at the door, holding a corpse-like person in his hand that was dripping blood continuously.

Isn't it Lin Bin?
At this moment, with a flamboyant smile on his face, he sneered, "This is what you guys prepared for me? No way, son, Dad is very disappointed in you."

"Yes...I'm sorry...Mr. Wang Ling, I...I let you down..."

The corpse in Lin Bin's hands made intermittent sounds, wasn't it Deng Yang?
Obviously, he not only failed to kill Lin Bin, but was slashed by Lin Bin severely. He looked miserable at this time. If he hadn't strengthened himself with blood power, he would have died at this moment.

"Isn't it good to kill him and run away obediently? Do you have to stay and die?"

Wang Ling slowly stood up straight.

He sneered and said: "Or do you think that you are really invincible because you are just a superhuman reincarnation? Young man, your road may have been long, but now, it is narrow, you know?"

"But your way has come to an end."

Lin Bin threw Deng Yang in his hand at Wang Ling, and rushed towards him with his sword.

Wang Ling sneered.

Raising his hand slowly, a cloud of dark energy emerged in his palm...

Seeing that they were about to collide with the opponent's weapon.

Deng Yang, who had been injured so badly that he was almost dying, suddenly straightened up again, abruptly blocking the sword that stabbed at Wang Ling.

Spit out a mouthful of blood.

He turned around and shouted, "Mr. Wang Ling, hurry... run away!"

"Very good, just grab him like this, and I will kill him for you!"

Wang Ling was overjoyed. Seeing that Lin Bin couldn't get rid of Deng Yang who was hanging on the sword, he felt a touch of emotion in his heart.

This person is actually quite good. If he can survive this battle, then he might not be able to use his real skills for himself. Anyway, after he killed Lin Bin, he will not be allowed in the Reincarnation Association, so he can just do some dirty work for him. work hard.

He laughed out loud.

He took out a long stick and hit Lin Bin directly on the head.

Seeing that Lin Bin was about to die under the long stick.

However, Wang Ling felt a sense of weakness in his chest...

He looked down, only to see that Deng Yang, who was casually hung on the sword by Lin Bin like a rag, was holding a short weapon in his hand, and at this moment, the weapon had been directly inserted into his chest.

until there is no handle.

There was a ferocious smile on Deng Yang's face, and he said with a low smile: "Hahahaha, idiot, you have been tricked, do you like this surprise?!"

Lin Bin even drew out the blue rose directly, pointed the gun at Wang Ling, and rang the board machine.

A loud bang.

Wang Ling was hit by two people at the same time, and was blown away by the recoil of the huge bullet.

At this moment, he still had a confused expression on his face, obviously he didn't understand why these two deadly enemies, who were fighting each other with blood splashing everywhere, suddenly joined forces?
Get rid of evil.

Lin Bin didn't give him a chance to react, and at the same time as the three-edged sword shook off the two flying blades, the sharp sword pierced his throat.

"Get out of here!"

Acute pain.

Betrayed anger.

If Wang Ling didn't understand that Deng Yang was acting from the beginning, then he was stupid.

To be taken for a fool...

He screamed angrily, and the black energy spread in all directions, like shock waves, directly sending Lin Bin and Deng Yang flying.

Lin Bin took two steps backwards, leaned on the door with his feet, and rushed towards Wang Ling again.

The enemy is at least the strength of a saint-level reincarnation.

If he hadn't stabbed the money sword into his body at the beginning, he would only have a chance to escape now.

"A golden opportunity, don't let him go."

Deng Yang's injuries were not as serious as they appeared. The Shuanglong Phantom Sword was too targeted, and its lethality to creatures with dark attributes was almost doubled. In addition, as a blood race, Deng Yang's recovery ability was extremely strong. .

It looks scary, but if you really want to recover...

You can return to the beginning in two or three minutes.

He was also like a wild beast, with all his limbs on the ground, he rushed towards Wang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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