when reincarnation invades

Chapter 119 Can I Trust You?

Chapter 119 Can I Trust You?

Wang Ling is extremely powerful.

To be able to call Lin Bin a mere extraordinary reincarnation, his strength has obviously already surpassed the category of extraordinary.

Even if it is injured, it is not so easy to deal with.

With a wave of the long stick in his hand.

Countless shadows suddenly spread on the ground...

This is the exclusive hospital for reincarnation.

The creatures who died in this hospital are almost innumerable, but now, under the urging of Wang Ling's true power, they turned into one after another ferocious dead souls.

Accompanied by the sound of boundless ghostly cries, it flew towards the two of them.

After Wang Ling successfully cast the spell, he immediately retreated without hesitation, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

He looked at the money sword inserted into his body in pain.

He wanted to stretch out his hand to pull out the sword, but just touching the hilt, a puff of scorching smoke filled the air, as if he was being tortured by welding, causing him terribly painful.

And Lin Bin and Deng Yang were also flustered by his move.

"Deng Yang be careful, this guy is taking the way of strengthening the Necromancer."

Facing this kind of enemy, Lin Bin's Ssangyong Phantom Sword was almost destroyed by half, but the azure rose in his hand could be said to be the nemesis of these dead souls.

One shot at a dead soul.

At this time, he didn't care about the origins of these dead souls. The opponent chose this place for the purpose of stabilizing their geographical advantage.

Put away the double-dragon phantom sword, the three-edged sword in one hand is like a sword shadow piercing flowers, the sword moves are gorgeous and beautiful, supplemented by charged bullets and shot out like money... Longevity Zhenqi is blessed by a special gun chamber, and it is born with a demon-killing effect , although the power is much weaker than live ammunition, remember that in the plot, manipulating Nero to use the blue rose to deal with those miscellaneous fish requires N guns to kill one.

But if it is to deal with these dead souls, it is just right.

As a result, the battle between the two was very different from normal battles. Lin Bin held a sword in one hand and a gun in the other. Mixed with flying blades, they entangled towards Wang Ling in the distance.

Never give Wang Ling the chance to draw out the money sword.

"Thank you for your gift, Mister Wang Ling!"

Standing outside the battlefield between the two, Deng Yang's face turned bloody.

Those dead souls were scattered by Azure Rose.

The power of darkness spread out, and Wang Ling was unable to take it back, so Deng Yang opened his mouth.

The surrounding dead souls were immediately sucked into his mouth, and the recovery of injuries was immediately faster.

He rushed towards Wang Ling.

Wang Ling roared angrily: "Deng Yang, you dare to betray me, I will never let you go, I will make you into my corpse puppet, let you watch me use your bones for the rest of your life .”

"Let's wait until you can survive today."

A sneer appeared on Deng Yang's face.

Having Lin Bin in front of him as an MT attracted a lot of firepower.

Like a ghost, he approached Wang Ling...

Wang Ling staggered back.

There are words in the mouth.

The originally dry environment around him suddenly became extremely dark and gloomy.

You Yougui's cries can be heard endlessly.

The dark power that was originally empty was too condensed, and a few giant ghost claws condensed in the air, tearing towards Deng Yang...

Only in this way, it obviously caused great harm to his body.

Wang Ling spat out another mouthful of blood.

The money sword is like a seal, firmly suppressing the dark power in his body, making it impossible for him to go all out.

Otherwise, facing these two new and identical reincarnators...

next moment.

Wang Ling's complexion changed abruptly.

Seeing that the speed of the dark claw that was grabbing towards Deng Yang suddenly slowed down, it seemed to be forcibly torn by an invisible true energy.

On the side, Lin Bin's face was extremely solemn, and he used all his strength to cast the heavenly magic force field, restraining the dark claw, and shouted: "Deng Yang, go and kill him!"


Deng Yang took advantage of the gap to break through the tight blockade of the Dark Claws, and charged towards Wang Ling.

Wang Ling saw that Lin Bin was desperately trying to create opportunities for Deng Yang.

I screamed in my heart that it was terrible, and under all my efforts, I couldn't hold back any more.

The wrestling with Lin Bin's Heavenly Demon Force Field has won an absolute victory in just a short moment.

The ghost claw's speed increased sharply again, and Deng Yang was directly caught in it.

He heaved a sigh of relief, looking at Deng Yang who was so close to him, he knew in his heart that if he had reacted a little slower just now, this time it might really be bad luck... Wait...

He suddenly came back to his senses.

But I saw a figure that was already very close.

"Oops... Oops..."


Deng Yang is just a bait... How can these two people have such a high tacit understanding?

Are they not sworn enemies?
Wang Ling wanted to retreat, but at this time Lin Bin was already in front of him, and he was able to easily overcome the obstacles of the layers of dead souls just now.

In a state of tacit understanding.

Lin Bin was very close to the enemy at this time, but his mood was peaceful.

The next moment, the divine descending technique was activated, concentrating all the strength of the whole body into one punch.

Go straight to Wang Ling.

Wang Ling couldn't dodge in time, and a dark shield appeared around his body...

But Lin Bin attacked one point in a row with palm, fist and finger.

The subtlety of the imperial envoy's moves can be called the pinnacle of ingenuity.

Shengsheng tore a small gap in the dark shield, and directly attacked the money sword stuck in his chest.

There was a sharp pop.

The money sword that had penetrated into the gut was once again forced, and it was directly blasted out of the body.

Accompanied by Wang Ling's painful screams.

His fierce eyes quickly lost their expression, and he knelt down powerlessly on the ground, without making any more sound...

And with his death, those gloomy souls roared crazily as if they had turned into headless chickens.

It's just that the strength is not enough, and finally slowly turned into ashes.

Lin Bin withdrew from the telepathic state, picked up the money sword and dodged back.

He glanced at the money sword in his hand, which looked like a pearl covered in dust.

He carefully wiped off the blood on it, and sighed: "This guy is so strong. If he hadn't used the money sword to severely injure him in advance, the two of us may not be his opponent together."

"No matter how strong I am, I'm dead. Do you really think I'm the kind of mindless person who doesn't care about anything for revenge? His biggest mistake is to believe me. I'm sorry, I'm an undercover agent."

Deng Yang smiled gloatingly, then sat down on the ground weakly.

If Lin Bin's movements were a little slower just now, or if the tacit understanding between the two was a little bit worse, he would be torn to pieces by those ghost claws.

Deng Yang sighed and said: "I didn't expect that in the end, the two of us joined hands to kill this person. You owe me a favor."

Lin Bin asked, "Who the hell is he?"

"I don't know, Xu Feng was supposed to help me deal with you, but I didn't expect him to be airborne suddenly... But judging by the way he usually talks to Xu Feng, his status should be higher than Xu Feng, it should be this time The mastermind behind the scenes is undoubtedly."

Deng Yang sneered and said: "Next, as long as I get rid of this Xu Feng, I can live in the sun openly and aboveboard, and my parents will be safe. No matter what, thank you, Abin."

Lin Bin shook his head and sighed: "In order to deal with me, there is such a reincarnation who is at least at the saint level. If I don't know my identity is clean, I almost suspect that I am the time traveler."

Just a few breaths.

The zhenqi consumed in his body has been fully recovered.

Lin Bin glanced at the light curtain above his head, and said, "Wait, wait until the ability of the mind mirror dissipates, and outside support comes in, we will be safe... Sister Qian..."

The voice did not fall.

The door was knocked open with a bang.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Xu Qian rushed into the toilet.

She was panting slightly, her fair and pretty face was slightly stained with blood, and with that pure white beret and pure white cashmere coat, it seemed that she was a little more glamorous than the milky milk she had before. feel.

Seeing that Lin Bin was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Abin, are you okay? I was dragged by those people just now, and after I killed him, I found that you disappeared..."

"Sister Qian, don't worry, I'm fine."

Lin Bin stood up and asked, "How is the situation?"

"The enemies have all been brought under control. They sneaked in a dozen or so internal agents. It really caused a lot of trouble. Fortunately, it all subsided. Where's Sun Tzu Teng?"

Lin Bin said: "Sun Ziteng is dead. The enemy has controlled his body and tried to attack me from behind. I almost fell into his trick..."

"What? Is Sun Ziteng dead too? In this way, their goal has been achieved one step further."

Xu Qian sighed, glanced at the long staff, her eyes suddenly lit up, and said in surprise: "Wait... This... Isn't this the Lion's Grip Staff?"

"Sister Qian, do you know the origin of this weapon?"

"I only know that the Staff of the Lion's Grip came from a secret place on the side of the Freedom Federation, and was later auctioned off by people from the Freedom Federation at a high price."

Xu Qian took the staff.

Said: "I didn't expect this matter to involve the Freedom Federation, Abin, you have made a great contribution."

She glanced at the dead body that had no sound.

Seriously said: "The situation is not stable yet, you just hide here and don't move around carelessly. That bastard Li Lei has already gone to unlock the restrictions of the mirror, and leave with me when the time comes, you know?"

Lin Bin nodded honestly.

In the battle just now, it seemed that the rabbit was ups and downs and the falcon was down, clean and neat.

But in fact, if the money sword hadn't been inserted into Wang Ling's body in advance, the outcome would be hard to say.

If he meets another opponent like this, he will cry so hard that he doesn't know how to cry.

It's better to be a cat.

Xu Qian hurried to get busy.

Half an hour later, with the fall of the light curtain.

The previous protective measures slowly disappeared, and the Samsara Association quickly controlled the situation.

Deng Yang declined the invitation to go back with Lin Bin to cooperate with the investigation...

"I still have some things to deal with here."

He patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and said: "I always thought you were annoying before, but now I suddenly like you a little bit. When I get rid of the last tail, then you treat me to dinner, and I treat you Wash your feet."

"no problem."

"By the way, lend me this sword for a while, and I'll make a few more wounds on my body to cover people's eyes and ears, just in case."

Deng Yang was referring to the Double Dragon Shadow Sword.

This sword is very powerful, but its damage to him is extremely low...

Coupled with the physique of his blood clan, it is perfect for making bitter tricks.

two hours later.

An ordinary three-bedroom and one-living room.

In the room, Xu Feng was concentrating on his mobile phone, waiting for news to arrive at any time.

at this time.

There was the sound of the door lock being turned.

A figure covered in blood just rushed in and exclaimed, "No...it's not good, Brother Xu, it's not good..."

Xu Feng was startled by the blood-stained appearance.

Seeing that it was Deng Yang, he said in shock: "You...how did you come back alive?!"

It wasn't until Xu Feng finished speaking that he realized the grammatical flaw in his words.

Hastily remedied: "No, I mean Xiao Deng, you... why did you come back? Didn't I tell you? After killing Lin Bin, flee immediately, as far as you can..."

"We failed."

Deng Yang's body was covered with bruises, as if he had been tortured by someone.

He cried in pain, and said: "Mr. Wang... he... died... I... I was also seriously injured. I was fine in the end, but Mr. Wang..."

"My lord... is he... dead... dead?!"

Xu Feng's body shook, his face showed a bit of absurdity and disbelief, he said in shock: "But...but...he is a saint-level reincarnation."

"But there are too many enemies."

Deng Yang directly lifted off his clothes, revealing the hideous scar on his chest that almost cut him in half, and said word by word: "I tried my best to block this wound for Mr. Wang, but even so No...Mr. Wang failed to escape and was killed by the enemy with a restrained weapon, brother Xu, I know you have the ability to distinguish whether others are lying, I am not lying, you should be able to tell."

He said in pain: "It's all my fault. I killed Mr. Wang. It would be fine if I didn't take revenge. I killed Mr. Wang with my own hands."

"you you……"

Xu Feng was stunned.

He looked at the wound on Deng Yang's chest, just like Deng Yang said.

His strengthened speech ability does have the ability to discern other people's lies.

But because of this, he could hear that Deng Yang's words were really true.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xu...it's all my fault..."

Deng Yang quietly held the weapon pinned to his waist.

"No, we have to run away quickly."

Xu Feng suddenly called out.

"Brother Xu, don't worry, I came back very carefully and didn't expose... I have already killed Mr. Wang, how can I kill you?"

Xu Feng suddenly turned his head, looked at Deng Yang, and asked, "Deng Yang...can I trust you?"

Deng Yang, who had just drawn out his weapon, put away his weapon calmly, and said in pain, "You still don't trust me, I killed Mr. Wang... I have failed your trust..."

"No... If Lord Wang Ling is already dead, then we have to run away quickly."

Deng Yang asked: "Why?"

"Because Master Wang Ling is from the same organization as I am... and he is one of the decision makers of this organization. Now that he is dead, I'm not sure if these reincarnators can extract any information from his body With clues, we are likely to be exposed, and this place is no longer safe."

Xu Feng sighed and said: "Oh, I won't hide it from you now, Xiao Deng, you have already gained our trust with your behavior, come with me, I will take you to join the organization!"

Deng Yang froze for a moment.

Confused: "What... what organization? Why don't I know?"

At this moment, he felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Could it be that……

Am I actually an unstable person who naturally pursues excitement and the great pleasure between life and death?
(End of this chapter)

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