when reincarnation invades

Chapter 120 The right to open up wasteland in the killing-level secret realm

Chapter 120 The right to open up wasteland in the killing-level secret realm
"To sum up, I failed to kill Xu Feng, and the two of us have escaped now... I thought Xu Feng was already behind the scenes, but I didn't expect that there was an extremely large organization behind him. If this organization is not found out, I'm afraid they will find out that Wang Ling's death is related to me, and I will still be missed by them at that time, so I decided to go deep into the enemy camp and uproot them. It seems that you owe me that meal The meal may not be returned until later.”

Deng Yang said with emotion on his face, "It seems that my lurking road will continue."

It's so strange, it's obviously a regretful tone, why do I hear excitement from your tone?
Lin Bin asked, "Do they trust you?!"

"I discovered this by accident before. That Xu Feng has the ability to read minds. Of course, he can't read the specific content, but he can tell if I'm lying. So I told half of what I did. , I kept half of it, I don’t tell lies, I just have reservations... He naturally trusted me, he told me a lot of secrets, by the way, there is one more thing, there should be surveillance in the toilet at that time, you put The first half of the video of me blocking the sword for Wang Ling is kept, and the second half is deleted."

Deng Yang said: "I will find a way to get Xu Feng to look up information about this. It's a pity not to let them see such a spectacular sight for the Eleventh Lord. This is a good way for me to be promoted to a higher position." , I think no one can refuse the support of a loyal subordinate who can shield himself from the sword at critical moments."

Lin Bin frowned and said, "Master Eleven?"

"This is another secret I intend to tell you."

Deng Yang said, "Lin Bin, you have stabbed a hornet's nest."

"Be specific."

"This Lord Wang Ling is actually not alone, he belongs to an organization."

"What organization?"


Deng Yang paused and said: "And that Wang Ling is one of the eleven apostles, Xu Feng."

"Wang Ling's lowest strength is also at the holy level. If you hadn't plotted against him before, and the money sword is the nemesis of this kind of evil person, it is impossible for the two of us to join forces to be his opponent. No. 11?"

Lin Bin said: "It seems that I have to ask Bureau Lei."

Deng Yang said with emotion: "The money sword is indeed very powerful. At that time, I was only holding the hilt of the sword, and the palm of my hand was burned badly. This sword has a single function, and in a sense, the more simple the tool, the more powerful it is. In my opinion, the value of this sword is even higher than that of your Double Dragon Shadow Sword."

"Do you have any other information?"

"I only know that the eleven apostles died, and there must be new apostles to fill in... Xu Feng should also have the qualifications to participate in the competition, so he won me over, probably because he wanted to temporarily increase his combat power. , especially I am still loyal to Lord Eleven Apostles."

Deng Yang said: "Next, I will continue to lurk and try to find out the root of this organization."

"Well, let me ask Bureau Lei."

Lin Bin chatted with Deng Yang in detail for a while, and then hung up the communication.

After thinking about it, he didn't directly use his mobile phone to contact, but went directly to the World Administration.

Some things are better discussed face to face.



When Lei Meng heard these two words, he stood up suddenly, with a dignified look on his face.

Lin Bin asked, "Lei Ju, have you heard of this organization?"

"Do you know what an apostle means?"

Lei Meng didn't wait for Lin Bin to answer, and he replied directly: "It means the messenger of the gods. The apostle organization was very prosperous many years ago. At that time, the reincarnation space was just established, and many reincarnations had a sense of superiority. They regard themselves as gods, regard the aliens in the secret realm as natives, and think that they are superior to others... Not only that, they entered the secret realm, searched and killed them wantonly, and did a lot of things that angered people."

Lin Bin: "Still an old organization?"

"But gradually, the reincarnated people finally discovered that they are not different, and they are not the only ones who have the ability to travel through time and space. Those natives can also have their power, and then they were backlashed... Especially with the As the rules of the reincarnation space are gradually perfected, this organization will gradually disappear in the long river of time."

Raymond said: "Basically, this is a product of a mistake in the development of the times. If you hadn't mentioned it, I would almost think that these self-proclaimed apostles of God have ceased to exist."

He paused, and said: "Deng Yang entered this organization? Very good, you contact him, just tell me what I said, if he can find out the identities of all the apostles, I can make the decision and reward him with an apostle." Level secret realm props, let him choose!"

"With Lei Ju's words from you, he will definitely be very motivated."

Lin Bin paused and asked, "Lei Ju, there is one more thing I don't understand. I want to ask, what is a world-class prop?"

"World-class props? This is actually related to the apostles."

Raymond took a sip of his tea.

Explained: "The existence of each world fragment has a core. When these fragments are destroyed, its core will appear and then exist in the form of parasitic items. Its unique ability is also a world-class item...Of course, Putting it another way, you will understand, S-class props! Although the organization of the apostles has acted too aggressively, the reason why they are notorious is because they used to collect world-class props as their main purpose for a while!"

"I see."

Lin Bin understood what Raymond meant. The appearance of every S-level prop was accompanied by the destruction of a world fragment.

In the middle, how many innocent people will be killed or injured?

So, that traveler has an S-level item in his hand?And this is also his way of taking death?

Just as he was thinking, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

Xu Qian rushed in hastily.

She ran to the water dispenser, picked up the cup and poured water for herself, but after pouring for a while, the shallow water flow really didn't satisfy her.

He simply picked up the pure water bucket and blew it into his mouth.

The fashionable girl with a delicate and slim appearance makes such a rough gesture...

Not to mention, it's extraordinarily beautiful.

It can only be said that she is worthy of being a beauty. She has an elegant posture when she does normal movements, but she is free and unrestrained when she does abnormal movements. She looks good no matter what.

Drank for 5 minutes.

Most of the bucket of water went down, but the slender waist didn't bulge at all.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lin Bin, her eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "Abin, you are also here, it just so happens that some things are related to you, by the way, you don't have to worry about assassination, you have already It's safe."

Lin Bin was stunned and said, "What?!"

"The person you killed was called Wang Ling. He was a reincarnated Chinese from the Freedom Federation, and he was also the leader of an organization called Ghost. It was this ghost who did the thing against the seven of you before. Now the leader They were all killed, and the ghost organization was also liquidated. We followed the vines and arrested many of them. Although a lot of them escaped, they can't make any waves anymore."

Xu Qian said: "This time you can finally rest assured."

"Well, I see."

Xu Qian wondered: "You don't seem to be very surprised?"

"Because I'm also interested in that traverser, or the S-level props in his hand."

Lin Bin said: "Seven people, three of them have died so far, and if my sister and I are removed, His true identity seems to be revealed."

Xu Qian sighed: "If he has world-class props in his hands, then there may be other secrets behind the tragedy, but the investigation can no longer be continued."

Lin Bin didn't answer.

He knew what Xu Qian meant.

If the traverser really has an S-level item in his hand, then there is only one possibility, the fragments of his previous world were destroyed...

Then that attack was most likely not the raging of the traversers, but the killing of people with ulterior motives, or the killing of treasures.

"By the way, there is one more thing...boy, you have made a great contribution."

Xu Qian said: "Because you killed that Wang Ling, the credit should have fallen on you, but now the credit is divided equally between me and Li Lei."

Raymond continued: "It's a good job. This is what Abin promised me before, and I won't take any credit."

Lin Bin nodded and said, "Thank you, Sister Qian."

Xu Qian patted Lin Bin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Hey, it's good that you can understand my sister's hard work."

Lin Bin said: "It's not just the credit that was stolen, but also the grievances. In the future, if the ghost organization wants to take revenge, it won't find me. Sister Qian, don't worry, if they really seek revenge from you, I will never stand by and watch."

"With your words, my sister can rest assured."

Xu Qian smiled and said: "Don't worry, that Li Lei is not a good person, but he has a good impression of you. We have taken the fame and credit, but the actual reward is given to you. We have returned the Lion's Grip, and by the way I condemned the Freedom Federation. The reincarnation of the Freedom Federation dared to enter the interior of China to make troubles. If they can't give a reasonable explanation, I believe that in a few days, the territory of the Freedom Federation will be more The reincarnation of our Hua Kingdom is doing something inside."

Lin Bin was shocked and said, "So tough?"

"Reincarnated people have to report when they enter other countries. Entering quietly is almost the same as provoking, especially this Wang Ling dared to hurt people inside us. This is even more excessive. That is to say, he is Chinese. Those people have a say, otherwise this could involve diplomacy."

Xu Qian sneered and said, "Do you know what it means to become a saint? That has surpassed the limit of what human beings can achieve. If you really want to do something, it will cause a huge storm."

Lin Bin understood.

He thought to himself that it was like strolling on the streets of Kyoto where he was carrying explosives all over his body.

It seems to be fine, and they must be strictly guarded... Otherwise, their magic toilet will be gone in a matter of minutes.

Xu Qian said: "Wait a few days, if the reward is suitable, we will not snatch it from you."

Lin Bin nodded.

There is also some anticipation and relaxation in my heart.

Looking forward to the next prizes.

You don't have to worry about Lin Xue's safety anymore, you can go to Zhou Min and Lu Linlin to have a good chat with Zhou Min and Lu Linlin when you are free.

Just like Xu Qian said, if the traverser really has world-class props in his hand, then it is very likely that he is not the murderer at all, but he is also the sufferer.

Although Lin Bin's parents died in that incident.

But Lin Bin naturally wouldn't have any resentment towards the victim because of this incident...

Even if there is, it is better to lower your posture if you need something from others right now.

Instead of waiting a few days.

Negotiations between the Reincarnation Space Association and the Koehler Freedom Alliance were quickly settled.

The Freedom Alliance explained that Wang Ling is of Chinese descent, and many of his actions are not restricted by the Freedom Federation, so this is entirely his freedom, and the Freedom Alliance should not bear the responsibility in this regard.

The Huaguo Reincarnation Association nodded bluntly in agreement. They also have a lot of white people, and they will be out of control when the time comes...

Liberty Alliance is at a loss.

Especially when the other party returned the Lion's Grip, it was obvious that they looked down on such a mere prop.


half a month later.

The rewards are down.

"A brand new killing level secret realm."

Xu Qian said excitedly: "The location of this secret realm originally belonged to the Kohler Freedom Alliance, but now, they have to hand over the first mining rights to us as compensation... Abin, congratulations, this is a A new secret realm that has never been reclaimed before. Aren’t you very good at reclaiming wasteland, Abin? So we specially fought for this place, and it took a lot of effort, and the other party also nodded in agreement when they knew that the Transcendent reincarnation had entered. "

Lin Bin frowned and said, "That's all? Only enter once?"

"The first time is always extra important, and it will even affect the relationship between the fragments of this world and the real world."

Raymond said with a straight face: "Not only are the reincarnations making judgments on the secret realm, but even the secret realm is also making judgments on the reincarnations. You are not from the Free Federation, so you can act more unscrupulously. You can do whatever you want in it." Do what you want, even if you go too far, it is not a problem to abolish this world and make your own S-level props, because they allow you to enter it, and they have to swallow it by themselves go down."

Lin Bin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's that simple? It's a killing-level secret realm...With my strength, it's quite remarkable to be able to protect myself in it. What more world-class props, and destroy the entire world?" The world or something, my kindness will not allow me to do this."

"Then try your best to squeeze out the potential of this secret realm!"

Lei Meng said coldly: "Squeeze out the foundation of the whole world..."

It was only then that Xu Qian came to her senses, and said in surprise, "I heard what Lei Ju meant, Abin, do you want to solo the killing-level secret realm?"

"This kid has set up a reincarnation team, you can take a look at his recruitment conditions."

Raymond rolled his eyes in a rare way, and said, "I reckon that if I pull all the samsara people from the entire samsara space, none of them will be qualified."

Xu Qian said: "Why don't I go in with you to practice together, so that we can take care of each other, but I don't know if they will allow saint-level reincarnations to enter."

"Let's talk later."

Lin Bin shook his head and said, "The main thing is that I don't know what dangers are in the killing-level secret realm. It's better to make full preparations now."

He looked at his waist.

There is only one precious jade inlaid with gold left in Heshibi, but after all, it is also a treasure that symbolizes the inheritance of the plane of the Tang Dynasty. Even the remaining precious jade is extremely important, so it has been preserved extremely intact.

But the evil emperor relic is still intact...

At this moment, he thought of Wan Wan.

Grinding the gun before the battle, unhappy also light.

If it is really a killing-level secret realm, his current strength is definitely not enough.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to let this girl sharpen the gun for him.

(End of this chapter)

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