when reincarnation invades

Chapter 122 Make a Patch

Chapter 122 Make a Patch
This time the training lasted extremely long.

In addition to calling Lin Xue in the middle, saying that he drank too much with Lei Ge again, and he will sleep at Lei Ge's house tonight...

Lin Xue knew that Brother Lei was actually the younger brother of Lin Bin's immediate boss, so she naturally didn't dislike the two of them getting too close, but just told Lin Bin to drink less.

It wasn't until early in the morning that the two of them had finished their practice.

In fact.

To Lin Bin, those miscellaneous and impure true qi are nothing but discarded things. If they enter his body, they will destroy the purity of his long-lived zhenqi. Although it can improve his strength in a short period of time, but In the long run, it does more harm than good.

But no matter how you say these true essences are obtained from the painstaking efforts of the evil emperors of the past generations, it is a great tonic for Houhou who has practiced the same origin technique.

Just one night.

But it made the little girl feel that the true energy in her body was surging, which was enough for her to practice hard alone for two months.

Vaguely, he felt as if he had reached the peak of the seventeenth floor of "Heavenly Demon Dafa".

If only I could come a few more times.

Maybe you can find a way to plan to break through the No. 18 layer of the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

Thinking about it, Wan Hou rubbed her sore little feet from sitting cross-legged for too long, and complained: "Since it is used for cultivation, why don't you buy an RV? There is also a bed, sitting is not more comfortable than this ?”

Lin Bin drove the car clumsily.

According to Li Lei's teaching, advance slowly in first and second gears.

Slowly continued to the third gear, and then explained: "The caravan seems to have more space, but there are too many trivial things, and the range of activities is actually smaller, especially the bed, the two of us may not even be able to stand up in it. Straight, when the time comes, I can only practice lying down, which is too inconvenient."

Wan Wan doubtfully said: "Really? It can't be because the caravan is too expensive, right?"

"No, you can trust my character."

Hou Hou nodded and said, "Stop the car in front, people get off here, by the way, when will we next time?"

"Wait for me to contact you."

"Oh, I happen to be hungry too. Shall I treat you to a meal? Although he is poor, he can still afford to treat you to some street hamburgers and the like. Thank you for giving the real essence in the holy relic to others."

Lin Bin rolled his eyes and said, "Excuse me, your thank you is too cheap, isn't it? You want to repay the favor of the evil emperor Sari with just a hamburger? I can't afford this kind of hamburger."

"Hmph, if you don't eat and go to the ball, if you eat hamburgers with others, you will pay for it as a treat. If you are willing to treat, it is already a great deal of face for you."

The little girl waved to Lin Bin.

Jumped out of the car, and sauntered into a high-end burger shop nearby.

Although she doesn't feel hungry, she likes this kind of fried junk food very much, and she can't feel happy without eating.

Lin Bin watched her go in.

Also drove away.

Just one night.

Houhou's skill has improved greatly, and his harvest is actually even greater.

Jingyuan can't directly improve one's own skill, but it can fill one's own energy, so that the progress of cultivation is faster, the mind is sharper, and the energy is more vigorous.

Although the improvement of absolute skill is not as good as that of Houhou, but he has improved in an all-round way... The gains are no less than hers.

Lin Bin didn't go home directly, but drove to the Samsara Association first.

First, I contacted Xu Qian and asked for Li Lei's number.

Then dialed the phone.

After a moment.

The other person connected, "Hello?"

"Brother Li? I'm Abin."

"Oh? Abin?"

The voice on the other side suddenly became louder, and said with a smile: "You are a rare visitor, do you have anything to do with me? Could it be that you want to learn from each other..."

"Brother Li, are you in the Samsara Association now?"

"I'll be there soon."

While talking, Lin Bin saw a hurried man holding pancake fruit in his hand, wasn't it Li Lei?

He pressed the window and said hello.

Li Lei's eyes lit up, he sat in the car with a smile, and praised: "Good eyesight, the brand name of h9 is not loud, and the quality is not strong, but it has a lot of power, so let's drive it with all our strength...it has a fragrance..."

The way he looked at Lin Bin suddenly became intriguing.

Lin Bin smiled helplessly, and explained: "Brother Li, you think too much, it's just giving someone a ride... I don't know what you want to say, but I can be 100% sure that you definitely want it It's too crooked."

Li Lei rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but was held down by Lin Bin directly.

He begged: "My good brother Lei, please don't talk anymore. I really came to you with something. If you say a few more words, this chapter will be blocked again. It's not easy for me to type. It hurts even more when I read it, and more importantly, readers will scold me if the update is late, if I don’t update that day, even my full attendance will be ruined, I can’t afford to lose.”

"I don't understand what you're talking about at all. Tell me, what are you looking for?"

Li Lei patted his chest and said: "Actually, I already knew that you are a fellow-worker, don't worry, let's not mention that you have made such a great contribution to me, and let me make a big name, so I rushed to us The common hobbies of the two... your business is my business, good brother, what is the matter?"

Lin Bin said with some embarrassment: "I really need to ask you for this trip. Some personal matters may embarrass my elder brother."

Li Lei said hesitantly: "It's not about asking or not. If you need brother, brother will definitely do it for you. If you really can't do it, it's useless even if you ask me."

Lin Bin said with satisfaction: "With the words of the elder brother, the younger brother can rest assured that what I asked for is not a difficult problem for the elder brother."

10 minute later.

The two came to the Logistics Alert Department of the Reincarnation Association.

"All of you, go out. We have some relatively high-end content that needs to be identified. It is not convenient for a third person to see it. Just leave it to me."

Li Lei said in a big way.


Several staff members didn't say much, and all turned around and left.

Li Lei looked at Lin Bin and asked, "Brother, what can I do for you?"

Lin Bin said: "Actually, there is a video about the attack on the hospital... I want to ask my elder brother to delete it for me. I heard that my elder brother is responsible for this incident, so I found my elder brother."

Li Lei said, "Oh? Could it be the part where you killed Wang Ling?"

Lin Bin nodded.

"You kid is so smart. Could it be that you are afraid that some ghost organization will seek revenge on you? Don't worry, this is a very reasonable request. I thought it was something embarrassing, just a trivial matter."

Li Lei smiled and praised: "That Wang Ling hid in the women's toilet, thinking that there must be no surveillance inside, but he didn't expect that the location of the Samsara Hospital is special, not to mention the women's toilet, even the men's toilet has extremely secretive needle cameras... ...It's just that everyone is not qualified to call it because of the privacy involved, but it's an abandoned women's toilet, so it's no problem to call it out."

As he spoke, he manipulated the keyboard skillfully.

Lin Bin waited obediently beside him.

Li Lei quickly called up the video, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten up after watching the content.

Asked: "Is it all deleted?"

"No, just delete the second half."

"Brother, I like you more and more, how about I make a copy for you? Yin Ren is too suitable."

Li Lei already understood what Lin Bin meant.

"No, just clear the second half completely, crop it appropriately, and try not to let people see the broken frame. I'm just in case, and I don't want to piss anyone off."


"Thank you bro."

"Why are you being polite to my brother...have you eaten? I invite you to eat the most delicious meat buns. Let me tell you, I know that the buns from the family next door are white, soft and big, especially their proprietress, tsk tsk tsk...Look Eating steamed stuffed buns with steamed stuffed buns feels like eating steamed stuffed buns, let’s go, I’ll take you to learn more.”

"I'm sorry, brother, I still have something to do here... I'll be the host another day, and I'll treat you to dinner..."


Li Lei suddenly understood what was happening, glanced at Lin Bin's Xiasan Road, and sighed: "I was negligent, brother has not recovered his combat power, so he probably has no interest, another day...or another day. "

Saying goodbye to Li Lei, Lin Bin escaped quickly.

It's exhausting talking to this guy...

The purpose of his trip is simple.

That Wang Ling is only the Eleven Apostles, and he is already a saint-level reincarnation. The combat power of this organization is absolutely beyond imagination, and there may be spies planted in the reincarnation space.

They certainly didn't expect that some of these videos would be deleted in advance.

It's fine if they don't check, if they have to check... then they will find out how loyal Deng Yang is.

It's a patch that I hope will never be used.

Lin Bin drove to Baishui University in Baishui City.

He had already inquired about the specific situation before.

Now three of the seven people have died, and the three who died naturally ruled out the suspicion.

He and Lin Xue were also not suspected.

Then only Zhou Min and Lu Linlin were left.

That Zhou Min was practicing in the reincarnation space and couldn't get out for the time being, so he could go find that Lu Linlin and find out her background.

His purpose was only to save people, and Lin Xue's injury must be related to that world-class prop.

If you can borrow that world-class item... even if you don't leave it, the other party will help you use it.

Lin Bin felt that it was still possible to discuss it carefully.

Lin Bin had left, and Li Lei didn't stay in the editing room anymore.

Wait until Li Lei leaves.

These staff members have just returned to work...

"What did this unreliable thing just do?"

"Who knows, he is responsible for this matter anyway, and he can do whatever he likes."

"I'm afraid that if something goes wrong, if he throws the blame on us at that time, won't we have nowhere to cry?"


Several people angrily scolded Li Lei for increasing their workload, but there was nothing they could do about this being the leader.

I can only start to seriously check the surveillance videos they are editing. Unfortunately, since Li Lei is in charge of this matter, he is obviously quite professional in post-production. He blurred the follow-up videos to cover up the frame drop problem, and then Gradually overdo it...it seems very natural.

They didn't notice anything wrong either.

All of a sudden I breathed a sigh of relief...

It's just that one of the staff members named Ding Dian watched the videos from the several surveillance cameras, and after careful inspection this time, he really found some problems.

His eyes lit up.

He carefully glanced at several colleagues around him.

Those who should listen to music listen to music, those who should watch TV watch TV...

Anyway, the screen is big enough to put a small window without delaying their normal work.

Only in this way, the spirit is obviously more scattered.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, he quietly took out a USB flash drive, took screenshots of some of the videos, and carefully transferred the screenshots into his USB flash drive.

On that day, work normally.

At noon, everyone ordered takeaway together.

Then, get off work.

It wasn't until he sat back in his own car that Ding Dian gasped for breath.

Excitedly, he took the phone and clicked on the photos he had screenshotted before.

In the photo, a handsome young man holds a huge revolver and shoots quickly at the dead soul in front of him. In his left hand, a dark lightsaber shines brightly, like a black hole trying to absorb all the surrounding light.

The man is extremely handsome.

Even if the photos are taken casually, there is no dead angle at all...

But what he cares about is not that handsome face, but the weapon in his hand.

Whether it's the huge revolver, or the extremely brilliant and unique lightsaber.

are very recognizable.

So Ding Dian immediately remembered where he had seen this weapon before!
He dialed a number, and when he got through, he shouted, "Brother Sun, I found out a big secret... Do you still remember that we drank with Mr. Tang before, and Mr. Tang showed us that he became a reincarnator? Show us his weapon?"

Hearing the words Mr. Tang on the opposite side, he snorted immediately, and said contemptuously: "Bah, what a piece of shit Mr. Tang, you have to call me uncle in terms of seniority, don't take your elders seriously, something will happen sooner or later, and you will die in a secret place It's a very reasonable thing, right?"

"No, he must be dead, but I have seen his props!"


The voice on the other side suddenly became excited.

Asked: "Are you sure? We are not reincarnators, and we don't know about secret realm props, so don't misread them."

"You can't go wrong, such a big revolver is rare, especially that lightsaber... Can I still recognize the lightsaber? It's still a black light, it's a black light, just by looking at the light, you know it's priceless .”

Ding Dian excitedly said: "If we sell this news to the Tang family, we will definitely make a lot of money... It depends on your connections, I think Mrs. Tang should want to retrieve her son's body Bar?"

"Good way, I'll go find my cousin right away."

Sun Dong on the opposite side moved quickly.

The Tang family has a big business. If the information they provide is true, there is no doubt that rewards will be indispensable.

A single hair from the reincarnation family falls on them, it is a mountain of gold, silver, and jewels, which will never be exhausted in a lifetime of eating and drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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