when reincarnation invades

Chapter 123 As long as you look good, the 3 views follow the 5 officials

Chapter 123 As long as you look good, your three views follow your five senses

Hengyang City.

An extremely luxurious and spacious manor.

In the most sunny room, although no one has lived in it for a long time, it is still kept spotless. It can be seen that someone has put a lot of effort into this room.

At this time, in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The sun is shining brightly, through the shade of the trees outside the window, it has been cut into broken and delicate shades when it falls, and sprinkles a little mottled on the slightly shaking rocking chair.

At this time, a gentle young woman in her early thirties with a gentle and charming demeanor was sitting on the rocking chair.

This young woman is extremely beautiful, but her sideburns and hair are slightly gray, making it hard to tell her real age.

At this time, she was sitting on the rocking chair, her body was gently shaking with the rhythm, her fingers were flying nimbly, and she was knitting a sweater.

To be able to live in a manor, the family must be either rich or expensive.

But for young women, how can what they give their children be measured by money?No matter how luxurious and expensive the clothes are, they can't match the warmth of the clothes woven by mother's own hands.

Therefore, she knits very seriously.

Even if the phone rings...

She didn't connect it immediately, but stubbornly finished the stitch.

Only then did he put down the sweater, picked up the phone, and seeing the name on it, his delicate brows could not help but frown a little.

After thinking about it, he still connected the phone.

Not giving the other party a chance, she said softly directly: "Hey, cousin, what's the matter? If so, do you need me to call Brother Hao for you? I don't know much about the outside world, you have to talk to him Negotiation is the only way."

For this greedy cousin, she understood his virtue, and every time she approached her, she would beg for all kinds of trivial matters, but she didn't want to cause trouble to her husband, so she spoke first and blocked his mouth.

"Xiaowan, I'm not looking for you to ask for help, but because I discovered something very important here."

The young woman called Xiaowan asked, "What is it?"

"I saw Ah Lei's relic!"

The voice fell.

The young woman was shocked, and the sweater in her hand fell to the ground... her face had turned extremely pale.


And this time.

Lin Bin had already driven to Baishui University.

Lu Linlin, one of the four people still alive today.

She was in her third year of high school when she had the accident.

Up to now, I have been in my junior year.

Lin Bin parked the car, then stood at the school gate and waited.

A handsome young man with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, a handsome face, and a calm demeanor...

Especially the gentle temperament emanating from the inside out, making people unconsciously want to trust the handsome young man in front of him.

In a sense, the Sword Code is exactly the same as the charm technique of the Yingui School.

It's just that they are more clever, not because they are reminiscent of desires and other low-level thoughts, but because they are so high and gentle that people can't bear to be violated.

Before taking part in the Sword Art, Lin Bin's appearance could only score 8 points.

But practicing the sword code, coupled with Heshibi forging the bone and cutting the marrow, the skin is more fair and tender... Now he can barely score 10.5 points, the kind of full score of [-]!

He stops there.

It immediately attracted the attention of many female college students.

The more daring ones took the initiative to get up and ask for contact information.

Lin Bin smiled and refused, his gentle attitude, even if he refused, was so gentle that people couldn't feel disgusted at all.

Waited more than half an hour.

Finally saw a familiar face.

Although we met for the first time, the photos have already been seen countless times.

The young and beautifully dressed girl walked briskly towards the school gate with her skirt fluttering.

Lin Bin's gaze unconsciously lingered on her slender legs for a while...

It's not that he's a pervert, but it's because of Lin Xue that he pays special attention to healthy girls' legs, and he always looks at legs first when looking at people, especially women's legs, which he favors even more.

It's not because of good looks.

It wasn't until Lin Bin's too hot~hot gaze attracted the girl's attention, the girl turned her head a little unhappily, and then saw Lin Bin, her eyes softened a lot, and her anger dissipated.

See each other notice yourself.

Lin Bin walked forward with a smile and said, "Miss Lu, right?"

The girl asked: "Are you..."

"My surname is Lin. You can call me Abin. Like you, I have experienced the disaster at the Shahe Bridge three years ago."

"Oh? So the two of us still feel sorry for each other?"

When Lu Linlin heard Lin Bin's self-introduction, her tone became more intimate immediately, and she said with a smile: "To be honest, I haven't been to school for several months because of this matter. Recently, I heard that the crisis has been lifted, and I can finally be free Going to school, alas... My college life has been canceled for several months because of this, and it is annoying to death."

"Yeah, actually, I came here this time to ask for something."

Lin Bin said: "I want to ask, have you heard of world-class props?"

Lu Linlin's eyes widened in confusion, and she asked curiously, "What is that?"

"It's nothing, I just want to ask. If you have a world-class item in your hand, I would like to borrow it. Of course, you don't have to give it to me. You can just hold it yourself... And as a thank you, I can give you a B-level item. As a reward for borrowing!"

Lu Linlin's expression of joy at seeing the handsome guy quickly faded, "You also suspect that I'm that damn timetraveler?"

"I actually hope you are."

Lin Bin said: "You have got rid of the influence of that incident, but I haven't..."

He described his affairs in detail.

Said: "My sister's leg is still recovering. According to my guess, it may be related to that world-class prop, so if you are, I hope you can lend it to me. I have no malice, and you don't have to hide it from me. Identity, after all, at this point, it is meaningless to hide it. My sister and I are definitely not time travelers, either you or him... just borrowing it can get a B-level item, it shouldn’t be a loss, right? "

"Sorry, what you said makes sense, but I really don't."

Lu Linlin sighed: "You said that your sister and you are definitely not, but in my opinion, I am definitely not... In fact, the three of you are more suspicious, and as you said, you can get a B just by lending Grade B props, although I am not a reincarnation, I also know how precious B grade props are, so I have no reason to refuse."

Lin Bin hesitated and asked: "Actually, I have a wishing candle in my hand. As long as this candle is lit, no one can lie under the light of the candle. If you don't mind, can you let me have a try?"

"Is there such a magical function?"

Lu Linlin looked at Lin Bin's face, nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay... come with me. It's too windy here, and the candles can't light up. You need to be in the car. My car is over there."

Lin Bin led the way, and after being baptized by He's Bi, his already extremely sensitive spirit stretched toward the rear.

Of course he didn't have any wishing candles.

But he said this matter, if Lu Linlin is really the time traveler, she will either resist it, or prepare some countermeasures in advance... After all, it is only a C-level prop, the time traveler can hide so deep , there must be a way to deal with it.

But whichever is possible.

As long as she really is, she must give some reaction.

And as long as she has even the slightest change, she will definitely not be able to hide from the prying eyes of my spiritual sense.

After all, I'm afraid no one would have imagined that someone could be sensitive enough to rely on their own feelings to become brand new eyes... or supercilious.

Lin Bin thought to himself, walking briskly, he seemed very happy.

Heartbeat is a little fast, it's panic...

No, it should be excitement.

You are so excited, if you have any props, use them quickly.

In a short 5-minute journey, Lin Bin almost swept Lu Linlin's body up and down more than a dozen times, but her performance was really the same as that of an ordinary girl, except that she was somewhat erotic...

Well, but his current face, sometimes I can't help but want to lick it when I see it, her behavior is normal... I have to get used to it.

Got inside the car.

Lu Linlin got into the car without worry, as if she was not afraid of what Lin Bin might do to her.

Lin Bin said, "I've lit the candles."

"Come on."

Lin Bin lit the candle, and the warm candle light immediately illuminated the space inside the car.

And Lu Linlin's performance was completely in line with the reaction of ordinary people, with some curiosity.

She said seriously: "You ask, I also want to try what it feels like not to lie, but let me tell you first, you are not allowed to ask how old you are when you wet the bed, your body size, bust, waist, etc... If you really can't help but want to ask, we Blow out the candle and ask again."

Lin Bin: "........."

He helplessly blew out the candle, and said, "I'm sorry, maybe I really made a mistake, so don't ask, you can go."

Lu Linlin asked in surprise, "Is this the end?"

"It's over."

Lin Bin concluded that this Lu Linlin was either a great actress with outstanding acting skills and deep acting skills, or she was really innocent.

"Okay, I'll go."

Lu Linlin paused, then took out her mobile phone and said, "Please add a contact before leaving, maybe I am really the time traveler, but I have amnesia and I don't even know my identity... If I do Thinking back? What if I am really a time traveler and have superpowers?"

Lin Bin: "Your superpower is changing color, right?"


"Nothing... ok."

Lin Bin couldn't be too ruthless for the other party to cooperate so well.

After adding the number.

"Goodbye, I'll ask you out next time. I'll wear stockings then... Let me tell you, I look really good in black stockings."

Lu Linlin smiled sweetly at Lin Bin, got out of the car and ran away quickly.

Her skirt is flying, she is obviously two years older than Lin Bin, but she feels like a little girl...

But this is a normal little girl.

Lin Bin looked at the ordinary candle in his hand.

Sighing: "We can only wait for that Zhou Min to come out, and try him again. If he is not, then I will put my arms around Lu Linlin's thigh~leg and beg her. It should let her leak."

He starts the car.

As soon as the wheels moved, an oncoming car with no brand name, which should be a special black limousine, ran over the curb directly from the side road, blocking in front of his H9.

Lin Bin was unfamiliar with the car, he didn't give the accelerator enough, and immediately turned off the engine.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, thinking in his heart that this was really looking for him directly.

With a sneer, he touched the blue rose on his waist.

The other party was not kind, but he was not afraid...

Just kidding, I just killed a saint-level reincarnation, and I just spent a whole night in double cultivation with Houhou.

It made him more confident now than before.

He opened the car window and looked into the opposite car. After the bodyguard opened the door, a gentle young woman in an apricot cheongsam and a knitted white shirt got out of the car.

Seeing Lin Bin, she couldn't help but pause slightly.

Inexplicably, I recalled the handsome and clean face in the sun when I first met my husband.

She was in a trance for a moment, then recovered, smiled apologetically at Lin Bin, and said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Abin, I took the liberty to block you in this way...I'm really in a hurry, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with you, if there is any offense, I apologize to you on behalf of the driver."

The attitude of the other party to stop was unexpectedly domineering, but the attitude of the hostess was unexpectedly kind.

Lin Bin nodded and said, "It's nothing, what's the matter?"

"It's true that I want to consult with you on some important matters... Could it be convenient for me to get in the car and talk about it?"

Lin Bin asked back, "My car?"


The bodyguard wearing sunglasses shouted in a low voice, "Madam..."

"It's okay, Mr. Abin and I are not enemies, he won't do anything to me."

The young woman opened Lin Bin's car door and got into the passenger seat.

Admired: "Mr. Abin can become an extraordinary reincarnation at a young age. He must not be short of money. He can still support China's domestic production like this. Although he is a little young, he is quite stable."

Lin Bin ignored the other party's rainbow fart and asked, "Are you..."

"My surname is Sun, and my name is Sun Xiaowan. I'm just a full-time wife at home."

Sun Xiaowan smiled and said, "But my son is Tang Lei, and like Mr. Abin, he is a reincarnation, but he has already died in the secret realm. When he left, his age was not much different from yours, Mr. Abin. "

Speaking of this, a bit of loneliness appeared in her eyes.

Lin Bin praised: "You are so young, you don't look like someone with a 19-year-old son."

"Mr. Abin can really talk..."

Sun Xiaowan said: "Mr. Abin, I won't talk nonsense with you, let's get straight to the point."

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Sun Xiaowan asked: "I want to ask, did you harvest two items related to the secret realm in the recent secret realm, a gun and a black lightsaber?"

Lin Bin's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Xindao, this woman's movements are fast, I only made one shot when I dealt with Wang Ling, and in the end I was targeted.

And it was not what he expected.

When he first got these two props, Lin Bin felt that these two props were not simple, and the compatibility of these two weapons was too perfect, giving people the impression that they were specially matched suits.

And to be able to obtain such an extremely matching weapon in the identity of a reincarnation in the Transcendent Realm, the identity of this reincarnation may not be easy.

Now it seems……


Lin Bin glanced at the elongated black car outside, nodded and said, "That's right, during my last experience, by chance, I got two B-level secret realm props, Double Dragon Shadow Sword and Azure Rose , and then brought back to the real world."

Sun Xiaowan asked eagerly, "Can you lend me a look?"

Lin Bin instinctively wanted to refuse, but he looked at the young woman's eyes that were instantly moistened, and her frail look with her lips pursed as if she was about to cry at any time.

He nodded and took out the two weapons.

"It really is them!"

Sun Xiaowan didn't reach out to take it, but broke down in tears the moment she saw the weapon.

He choked up and said: "It's them, it's really Xiaolei's weapon... I still remember that he treasured these two props so much that he always hugged them when he slept."

Lin Bin handed over a tissue.

Sighed: "My condolences, ma'am, you don't want your son in the sky to see you so sad, do you?"

"I know...Thank you, Mr. Abin."

Sun Xiaowan took the tissue, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "Mr. Abin, I have a heartfelt request, is it okay?"

"Since it's an unfeeling request, what's the point of mentioning it?"

Lin Bin knows the elegant meaning when he hears the stringed songs.

Said: "These two weapons may indeed have belonged to your son, but they are mine now, and since your son is also a reincarnation, you must know some rules, these weapons are not picked for nothing, I also paid for it." It took a lot of money to take them out of the secret realm, and you want to take these two weapons away just because you say you love the calf, isn't it appropriate?"

Sun Xiaowan begged: "Of course I won't let you suffer, Mr. Abin. I am willing to make up for your loss. Please see that my son has died in a foreign country. We can only use his old clothes to build him a clothes grave." Now, sell me his beloved thing, and give me a chance to miss it."

Lin Bin sighed: "I like these two props very much, and I also need them..."

Sun Xiaowan broke down in tears and said, "Mr. Abin..."

"Actually, it's not impossible to sell things."

Lin Bin looked at the sobbing appearance of his mother in front of him, couldn't help sighing, and said, "But it depends on the price you can pay, madam."

 The previous chapter was blocked. I am already working hard to apply for lifting the ban, but it doesn’t seem to be going well so far... Let’s skip it for now, it will definitely be released within two days, and ask for a monthly ticket to support it...

(End of this chapter)

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