when reincarnation invades

Chapter 124 I can not take advantage, but I must not suffer

Chapter 124 I can not take advantage, but I must not suffer
"What do I need to pay?!"

When Sun Xiaowan heard Lin Bin let go, she immediately became excited, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Lin Bin expectantly.

Lin Bin said: "These two props are of great help to me, and I have spent a lot of reincarnation points to bring them back to the present world. I am quite touched by your love for licking a calf, but the touch returns. Touched, it is inappropriate for me to pay for your deep mother-child relationship. I can not take advantage of it, but I must not suffer it... If you really want, I can give you a chance to use things of the same level and value, and you must let I'm satisfied."

"A very reasonable request."

Sun Xiaowan saw that Lin Bin was so eloquent, even though her eyes were tearing, she still couldn't help showing joy, and said happily: "You are willing to agree, it is already a great kindness to us, even if I give you some extra thanks It’s too much, how can I let you suffer.”

"With Mrs. Sun's words, I feel relieved."

Lin Bin put away the Shuanglong Phantom Sword and Azure Rose, took out a note, left his number, and said, "You can contact me at any time after you have considered it, but first say the ugly thing twice. The two secret realm props are still very useful, so unless they satisfy me, even if you offer something of equal value, I will never exchange them."

"I understand what Mr. Lin means. Thank you Mr. Lin for understanding my love for my son."

Sun Xiaowan took the note, carefully folded it and put it in her pocket.

He bowed his head slightly to Lin Bin, then got out of the car, saluted Lin Bin again, then got into his limousine, and quickly got out of the way.

Lin Bin looked at the car going away.

I couldn't help but sighed, and muttered: "I knew that the background of the reincarnation who can get such a pair of weapons is definitely not simple..."

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Houhou.

After a moment.

"What? Who is the reincarnation that we tortured to death?"

Hou Hou just returned to her own residence at this moment, and buried her whole body in the bathtub.

Because of the length of the tub...

A pair of snow-soft little feet stepped on the side of the bathtub, and the slender and graceful curves were glowing with a faint gleam, which seemed particularly pleasing to the eye.

At this time, she kept playing with the bubbles in the water with both hands, holding up a handful and blowing them in her palms from time to time.

Hearing the voice from the mobile phone, he asked in surprise, "Tang Sanshi? Ask him what to do?"

"Surnamed Tang? What else do you know about him?"

"A sex ghost, after entering the secret realm, he acted madly and killed people like hemp. In fact, he had already killed many innocent people before we did it. We were seduced at the beginning, but we didn't expect to be raped by him on the bed." A disciple was tortured to death, so he was simply captured alive. From this point of view, killing him can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people. Even if Cihang Jingzhai found out, he would have to give us a certificate The award is coming."

Hou Hou asked: "Why, brother Bin, you suddenly found out that Tang Sanshi is your long-lost son. This is to avenge your son?"

"If my son is so virtuous, I would kill him directly, so how could it be your turn?"

Lin Bin said: "The main thing is that I just met the victim's mother. She wants to buy the props in my hand..."

"Ah? You didn't sell the house, did you?"

"If I really sell it, I won't call you."

Lin Bin sighed, and said: "I just remind you to be careful. If you have any props related to that Tang Sanshi in your hand, don't let them see you... This person has an unusual background..."

"You have exhausted both the family and the master, so how can there be any props left?"

When Hou Hou mentions this, he gets angry.

Complained: "He is poor now and still holds the Demonic Double Blades, and he doesn't even have the reincarnation points to upgrade his weapons..."

"We are trading on equal footing, and you are the ones taking advantage of it."

Lin Bin said: "It's fine if you don't have one, remember to keep your mouth tight, and be careful, there will be no big mistakes."

"I understand what you mean, thank you, Brother Bin."

Wan Wan still had a relaxed expression on his face.

Lin Bin hung up the phone.

He muttered: "Mother looks so gentle and polite, but my son is so virtuous? Is it really a loving mother who loses her son? I knew that I would not have used these two weapons to deal with that Wang Ling before, otherwise I would not have used more Here comes the trouble."

That's what he said, but he also knew that this was simply an unrealistic problem.

You can hide it for a while, but you can't hide it forever...

It is only a matter of time before they are discovered.

Lin Bin called Lei Meng again and asked about the Tang family's details.

"The Tang family? You mean the reincarnation family, right?"

Lin Bin asked, "What is a reincarnation family?"

"The strength of the reincarnation is outstanding. To become a high-level reincarnation is almost detached from the human world. If you become a reincarnation, don't you want to pull your descendants into this team?"

Lei Meng suddenly sneered, and said: "Now even writers can be hereditary, not to mention such a delicious piece of fat from reincarnation...Of course, wanting to become a reincarnation family does not mean that there are many relatives and reincarnations around you. The reincarnation family has at least one reincarnation channel behind their backs."

"Reincarnation channel?"

Lin Bin suddenly thought of Houhou.

Said: "Could it be the reincarnation channel when the traverser came out?"

"Or the new reincarnation space will fall into their hands due to fate... The missions released by the reincarnation space are random, but they can enter a certain secret realm fixedly. Although there will be task restrictions, but for this secret realm Knowing it very well has reduced the difficulty of their tasks a lot, and they can use this world as their base to develop their strength."

Lin Bin suddenly realized, and muttered: "So that's the case. In this way, it's no wonder that those transmigrators have to form their own organizations and take care of each other. If they come to this world, they will all become sweets."

Raymond asked, "What organization?"

"It's just the time traveler alliance you mentioned earlier..."

It was only then that Lin Bin remembered that he hadn't told Lei Menghouhou that he had successfully entered the organization of walking in the plane.

But this has nothing to do with Lei Ju in the first place, talking too much is not good for Houhou's safety...

It's better not to say anything.

He asked, "What about the deal proposed by the Tang family..."

"Just treat them normally, give them courtesy, return them with courtesy, give them strength, and fight to the death. You are self-defense. Even if you beat them to death, I can protect you."

"With the words of Lei Ju, I can rest assured. As expected, the soldier of Lei Ju is Xiang. Not leaving the World XX Bureau at the beginning was indeed the wisest decision I have ever made in my life."

Lin Bin took advantage of the opportunity to flatter Lei Meng again...

Lei Meng scolded: "What a shitty World Fork Bureau, don't learn bad things from that bitch Bai Yuekui, it's the World Detection Bureau!"

Lin Bin nodded again and again, and greeted him, thinking that you were right.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Bin felt more at ease.

Drove straight home.

Bought a new car...

Lin Xue was the last to get the news, so she should be happy.

And that night.

Hengyang City.

Inside the Tang Family Manor.

"What? Found Lei'er's weapon?"

When Tang Tianhao, the current head of the Tang family, heard the news from his wife.

I couldn't help but stand up in shock...

He is now 47 years old, in his prime of life, and he can be said to be deeply thoughtful, but even so, the news that it is his only biological blood after all, still can't help but change drastically.

With a serious face, he asked, "Is this true?"

Sun Xiaowan nodded and said, "It's absolutely true, I've already seen those two props from that Mr. A Bin, they are Xiaolei's weapons."

"Then did you ask him from which secret realm he got these two weapons? Has he ever seen Xiaolei's body? And in whose hands did Xiaolei die..."

Tang Tianhao obviously paid more attention than his wife, and quickly asked the most critical questions.

Sun Xiaowan was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, then shook her head and said, "This...no... I didn't think too much about it, I just remembered that since Xiaolei became a reincarnation, he has always treasured these two props, so when he saw the props, I couldn’t help but want to take it back.”

"He agreed?"

"The other party is easy to talk to and is willing to exchange items of the same level... But what he means is that the level and function of the items must not be lower than these two weapons."

Sun Xiaowan looked at Tang Tianhao pleadingly, and asked, "Tianhao, I know this request may be too much, but it is our son's relic after all, if it's okay...if it's really not, then forget it, I'll listen to you... ..."

Tang Tianhao fell into silence upon hearing the words.

After a while, he slowly said: "In fact, it is not a big problem to exchange things with B-level props. After all, we carefully selected these two weapons for Xiaolei. They are impeccable in terms of level and ability... But I know Your thoughts, you think they are Xiaolei's favorite things, and you want to put these two things in his clothes tomb, after all, it will make him happy, and it will also give you, a mother, some relief."

Sun Xiaowan nodded honestly, she knew that her husband had always understood her best.

Tang Tianhao sighed, and said: "But the problem is that if those two things are really taken back, it is more likely that they will be treated as prizes for the family and rewarded to those younger generations who have made contributions to the family. What do you mean... Even if I am the head of the clan, you should know that the reason why I can reach this position is that the old people in the clan have put in a lot of effort. I have no distinction between public and private."

Sun Xiaowan said disappointedly: "Really? Then forget it..."

"I can't forget it. Since Xiaolei had an accident, I have searched for a long time, but I don't have permission, and I can't check his reincarnation records. Now that I finally have evidence, how can I let it go easily?"

Tang Tianhao clenched his fists and said coldly: "Compared with props, it is more important to find a way to recover Xiaolei's body. Also, no matter who hurt my son at the beginning, I will make him pay the price!"

Sun Xiaowan said: "That Mr. Abin is very talkative, don't..."

"I have a measure of this matter, don't ask, I will give you a satisfactory answer then."

Sun Xiaowan said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I always cause you trouble, I can't help you at all..."

"No, you've helped me a lot. If it wasn't for you, how could I have gotten this clue?"

Tang Tianhao murmured: "Abin? This name has gained a lot of fame recently, but I really didn't expect that I could be related to this kind of junior."

He frowned thoughtfully.

He saw the disappointed look on the wife's face next to him, even though he said it was impossible...

But in such a high position, he has no children in middle age and has no idea of ​​divorce or fooling around outside to regenerate his own blood.

Tang Tianhao's love for his wife can be imagined.

She just wants a thought, what's wrong with her?

And this time.

On Lin Bin's side, he took Lin Xue out for a windy drive for more than four hours.

Since Lin Xue injured her legs, she has never left Baishui City. Her range of activities is limited to places that can be reached on foot, because taxis are always in a hurry. For a slow-paced passenger like her, No one is willing to drive her without extra money, and Lin Bin doesn't want her to suffer from that strange look, so no matter what they do, they walk.

Now that I have finally got a car, I naturally want to take her for a good ride, to some distant places, it doesn't matter where, as long as I can't go to places normally.

The two siblings spent a whole night together.

Then I took Lin Xue to eat at an open-air restaurant beside Wanghua Lake, a scenic spot 120 kilometers away from home.

I know that my younger brother can already make money.

Lin Xue didn't save any more this day...

The two brothers and sisters celebrated well.

Didn't get home until early in the morning.

until the next morning.

Lin Bin was woken up by a phone call.

On the other end of the phone, there was a heavy male voice.

"Hi, I'm Tang Tianhao, Sun Xiaowan's husband. I want to talk to you about my son's relics."

Lin Bin asked back, "Have you prepared the props?"

Tang Tianhao said: "I don't know if you have seen a reward offer in the forum exchange area. It may be because it has been a long time ago, so the popularity is not as high as the new post, but our Tang family used to be in two years ago. Release a reward, five thousand reincarnation points to reward the son's remains, and the relics are also counted."

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows, his tone already sneered, "So, you want to exchange [-] reincarnation points for these two B-level weapons in the secret realm?"

"No, the two B-level props will cost 2000 reincarnation points just to bring them back to the real world. If I charge you five thousand, that's trying to overwhelm others. Mr. Abin, you misunderstood. In fact, the conditions you proposed are already very high." For our consideration, it’s just that even if I am the head of the family, I have no right to use B-level props rashly, especially for my own private affairs.”

Tang Tianhao said on the opposite side: "So I am willing to double the weight. Ten thousand reincarnation points will take the two weapons in your hand, plus a favor from my Tang family. If you encounter any difficult secrets in the future, or if you are promoted You need help when you become a saint, and as the head of the Tang family, I promise you that I can help you with all my strength!"

Lin Bin fell into silence upon hearing this.

This really doesn't look like finding fault...

Tang Tianhao said seriously: "With [-] reincarnation points, buying two B-level props may take advantage of you, but this is the greatest sincerity I can show, and you can trust my favor, I won't take it A joke about his own reputation..."

Lin Bin exhaled slowly.

Said: "Mr. Tang, I understand your sincerity, but I'm sorry, my next secret realm is a killing-level secret realm, which is very difficult. I need B-level weapons to improve my combat power. Ten thousand reincarnation points are a lot , but my meritorious service is no longer enough to support me to purchase two more B-level props, do you understand?"

He said slowly: "Also, your favor... If you change any reincarnation, you may be happy, but for me... You must have investigated me, you should know that I have not encountered any in the secret realm. What kind of problem, or if I really encounter any problem, I don't think you can help me, because after all, this is your personal commitment, not the entire Tang family, so I can see your sincerity, but Sorry, if you can't exchange two B-level items, please forgive me."

Tang Tianhao sighed, and said: "I understand, I only proposed this deal because I was lucky after all, it doesn't matter, it's normal to refuse...Since this is the case, I still have another deal I want to make with you, okay? "

"Please say."

The other party treats each other with courtesy.

Lin Bin's tone also softened a lot.


Tang Tianhao slowly clenched his fists, and asked word by word: "I'm willing to pay 3000 reincarnation points, and I want to buy some information from you, is that okay?"

Sure enough.

One knew that they would not give up the investigation so easily.

Lin Bin shook his head and said: "Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have any useful information to give you. I just killed two aliens and then looted the two props from them. As for the specific details, because it involves to some of my privacy, so I can't answer."

"I see, it's okay, I took the liberty to disturb you early in the morning."

"You're welcome."

The phone hangs up.

A hint of ferocity flashed across Tang Tianhao's eyes.

He clenched his fists fiercely and said with a sneer, "It's really interesting, you thought I wouldn't know if you didn't tell me? Or, your concealment has exposed everything."

He glanced at the information on the table.

That is the public information that can be found in the reincarnation community.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary]

[Qualifications: Killing Level Secret Realm Independent Clearance Experience × 1 (Evaluation: A), Adventure Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 3 (Evaluation: S, S, S)]

A stern look appeared in Tang Tianhao's eyes.

This Abin is very powerful, and he doesn't want to be his enemy.

But he doesn't have to...

Growing up too fast made his resume too short.

Then if you want to check, it's very simple, and you don't even need to ask him.

"Xiao Lei, don't worry, I will get your ashes back."

He looked at the group photo of the family of three on the table, and said word by word: "Then, let the whole world be buried with you, this is the true elegy worthy of my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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