when reincarnation invades

Chapter 125 Exchange for New Items

Chapter 125 Exchange for New Items
For Lin Bin, although the transaction failed.

But he was relieved instead.

Whether it is the Zhanlan Rose or the Double Dragon Phantom Sword, although there are restrictions, there must be a short and a long...

Deng Yang is right in saying that the more functional a weapon is, the more powerful it may be among its peers.

The Double Dragon Phantom Sword Killing Deng Yang may not be much better than those weapons that are not of the same grade.

But if it is used to deal with normal people, the lethality is absolutely leveraged, and ordinary B-level weapons are easily incomparable.

At that time, he was also stared at by a lovely and pitiful young woman. Lin Bin only offered to make a move when his heart softened for a moment, but if he could, he actually didn't want to make a move.

Lei Meng obviously also saw what he meant, so he proposed to do what is right, you are welcome, I will be your backer.

However, the other party's easy-talking was beyond Lin Bin's expectation. Originally, Lin Bin thought that according to Tang Sanshi's personality as described by Houhou, since his mother was so easy-talking, his father might not be a good person.

But now it seems...

Lin Bin's expression was relaxed at first, and then turned serious.

The more this is the case, the more it proves that the other party is not the kind of incompetent and furious person.

His son was killed, and he finally got a clue, but his side refused, and his side jumped over it so lightly?

"Even if I have a grudge, it probably won't count against me. If Tang Tianhao really turned against me because of the two props, then he is so short-sighted, and I'm afraid he won't be able to take the position of the head of the Tang family, but he will never be easy give up."

Save others by yourself.

Lin Bin thought to himself that if my son dies, let alone the murderer, I will wipe out all the other nine clans, and all the ashes from the ancestral graves will have to be taken out for him.

Immediately, another message was sent to Houhou, telling her to be careful. Although it is unlikely that the enemy will find her, just in case, don't be too careless...

In the message, Lin Bin especially highlighted the selfless act of that person who wanted to spend [-] reincarnation points to buy him the secret realm props, but was rejected by him.

After receiving the reply from the three loving people in that line of words.

Only then did he let go of his mind and did everything he needed to do. The two parties were just cooperating. He really needed the Yingui faction to appear in the real world in the future to be his help. After all, Zhu Yuyan personally sealed him as the deputy suzerain of the Yingui faction. coming.

But it wouldn't be wrong for Lin Bin to fight a reincarnation family for the sake of the Yingui sect.

He stopped thinking about it, and instead opened the Samsara Space app.

In fact, there is still some time before the reincarnation experience, but because the next secret realm is to open up wasteland, according to Xu Qian, he may have to enter in advance.

And his current equipment is already considered luxurious among Transcendent Realm reincarnations, and it is not inferior to many Saint-level reincarnations.

However, the equipment is too targeted.

Three B-level weapons, the money sword can only target evil things, and has zero damage to normal people.

The Double Dragon Shadow Sword is better, it can only target normal people, but its lethality against evil things is reduced by at least 70%. This is Deng Yang's personal experience.

The azure rose is lethal to anyone, but firearms can only be used as secondary weapons in high-end rounds, and are mainly used to deal with those evil things.

The only normal three-edged sword is just a C-rank weapon.

In this era when reincarnators in the Transcendent Realm are all equipped with C-level and D-level equipment, Lin Bin suddenly found that he was a bit biased.

Especially what I entered next was a killing~killing secret realm.

The reason why Mr. Zombie was able to pass the level so smoothly last time was purely because the plot had not had time to extend, otherwise he would not be able to play with the foresight if he expanded to the underworld. So simple.

Never be careless.

Therefore, it is better to use up the feats that were originally planned to be used to exchange for A-level equipment...

Anyway, with the improvement of strength, meritorious service is getting better and better.

Lin Bin rummaged around in the reincarnation space exchange area, he wanted to find a normal equipment for himself that could target all creatures.

After just choosing for a while, he finally couldn't help being disappointed.

The reincarnation space exchange area is not as rich in content as Lin Bin expected in the reincarnation space. It is basically the equipment that some reincarnators handed over to the reincarnation space in exchange for reincarnation points.

In other words...

In fact, these equipments have been eliminated once. Maybe there are reasons for inconsistent attributes, but there can be factors for inconsistent attributes. It can be seen that the level of the equipment is really not much better.

Except for those reincarnated people who are really strong, the equipment they have eliminated is extremely sophisticated, but most of these equipment will remain in the hands of their juniors. Squat away.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to find a perfect fit.

It's not that suitable, but it's not without equipment that is quite useful for Lin Bin.


[Note: Do you feel that you are not fast enough? 】

Not an imaginary weapon.

And in the equipment of boots, it is not the best.

But he can attack while advancing, and he can defend when retreating. Ti Yunzong himself is good at climbing high and running long distances. If his speed is increased by 60%, Lin Bin feels that his lightness kung fu may become the No. 1 in the entire martial arts plane.

Even in the killing-level secret realm, facing those powerful and terrifying monsters, it shouldn't be a problem if they can't escape.

"With the double dragon phantom sword in the attack and the soft hedgehog armor in the defense, the biggest problem now is to escape. These boots are just right."

Lin Bin fell in love with the boots immediately.

Grade B+?
I thought it was A above B.

It's just that even if it's not A, the price is still obviously beyond his budget. His current merits are only 4 C-levels, and even after the synthesis, there are only one B-level and one C-level.

However, the exchange area cannot bargain.

Lin Bin thought for a while, and looked at Shaying Shura who had been following him for many days.

D-level props.

If you make a move in the exchange area, you can exchange for a D-rank meritorious service.

In particular, it is also equipped with a large number of attribute bullets.

Although the Sand Eagle Shura is only a D-rank weapon, the pistol, a type of weapon, may be more effective than a B-rank weapon in a certain secret realm...

Just like in the martial arts plane, this is simply the legendary Thunderbolt.

If he was really hit, even Ning Daoqi would be dead.

Therefore, even if Lin Bin puts a D-level meritorious service on his side, plus a high price of 1500 reincarnation points.

Still, this side was just hung up, and the other side was directly photographed!
Lin Bin got the D-level meritorious service, and spent all his meritorious service without hesitation, and took the photo of the boots of lightness.

At this point, the merits of several secret realms that have been accumulated through hard work are directly cleared.

Even the reincarnation point has dropped to 2000 points.

But these two thousand reincarnation points can no longer be spent...

It is necessary to keep a sufficient amount of reincarnation points for the failure of the guarantee.

three days later.

Tall, good-looking, and a door-to-door gift from the exclusive customer service of the reincarnation space.

"Hello, Mr. Abin, these are the light boots you bought, please check and accept them."


Lin Bin did a simple inspection and made sure that the boots were 95 new... obviously they had been specially treated.

He nodded in satisfaction, and then handed Sand Eagle Shura and the remaining 180 special bullets to the customer service.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Bin."

The female customer service inspected the weapon carefully to ensure that the attributes were the same as the description, and then said goodbye to Lin Bin with a smile.

Take the special car and return to the Samsara Space Association.

Then he started his next mission, which was to distribute this Sand Eagle Asura weapon.

and many more……

Looking at the customer's order information, the female customer service gradually revealed an absurd look on her face, and she said speechlessly, "What are you doing... are you kidding me?"

At this time, Lin Bin had already put the shoes on his feet.

The boots of lightness are silver and white in color. With the wings on the back, they look quite fashionable. They have the feeling of casual shoes, and they are very suitable for matching with modern or ancient clothes.

And the shoes are on.

Lin Bin felt a sudden lightness on his feet, as if there was a faint breeze lingering between his feet.

He stepped slightly harder.

The next moment, the wind whizzed past, and all the decorations in the living room were blown off the floor, and Lin Bin had already rushed to the huge French windows on the balcony... If there were no windows to stop him, he might have rushed out.

During the whole process, Lin Bin could only see afterimages.

fast... too fast...

"It seems that we need to spend some time getting familiar with these boots."

The 60% faster speed is not a simple numerical increase. The consumption of true energy has increased a lot, but it is nothing to "Longevity Formula".

Lin Bin smiled with satisfaction.

The speed increased sharply, and I am afraid that even the speed of the Qingyi Bat King and Chu Liuxiang, who are talented light kungfu masters, will definitely not be able to match him.

Ever since, the next day.

He rushed to the World Administration early to apply for a training venue.

Lei Meng saw that the second salary thief of the World Administration Bureau came to work strangely after Xu Qian, and asked, "Have you exchanged for brand new props?"

"Well, after all, the next secret realm is a killing-level secret realm, so it's always right to make more preparations."

"You still have fifteen days."

Lei Meng said: "Get familiar with it as soon as possible. After fifteen days, I will send you abroad. The entrance to this secret realm is on the side of the Freedom Federation. Remember to be careful when you get there, and don't lose the face of our country."

"Lei Ju, don't worry."

Lin Bin thought so fast, is there only fifteen days left?

Calculating the time, it should be enough for me and Wanhou to double repair four times... no, five times...

Coupled with the effect of He's Bi's forging bone and cutting marrow.

At that time, my strength should be able to compete with Fan Qinghui in a thousand moves without losing the wind.

That's not counting the gain of the God's Arrival technique...

However, after practicing the Sword Code, the combination of the telepathic state of mind and the divine descent technique, although the lethality of the divine descent technique will be reduced a lot, but the duration has been greatly extended. It seems that in the future, we can find a way to integrate the divine descent technique With a tacit understanding, turn it into a passive skill, so that the strength will definitely be greatly improved.

The reincarnated people in the Transcendent Realm don't have a direct rank order, but even if they are evaluated according to the Transcendent level that is not officially recognized, Lin Bin feels that he will have enough hope to reach the Ninth Transcendent level by then!
It is also the pinnacle of the strength of the Transcendent Realm.

"Remember, safety comes first. If you are really unsure, you can recruit a few reliable teammates."

"No need, I can do it myself."

"You know it yourself, so I won't say more, go to training."


Lin Bin nodded, and went to work happily...

Who doesn't like fishing for a thousand dollars a day?

And while Lin Bin was working hard to strengthen and improve his own strength.

Hengyang City.

Tang family.

Tang Tianhao looked at the report in his hand. Opposite him, a young man who was ten years younger than him was reporting what he had gained in the past few days.

"Patriarch, the matter you want has been found out. According to the strength level of the young master, he is not qualified to enter the killing-level secret realm, so the place where he died must be an adventure-level secret realm. Before that, we had nowhere to go." Check, but now, because of the intersection with that Lin Bin, the scope has been greatly reduced."

"Lin Bin's personal information is actually very simple. He has risen too fast, so there is actually very little reincarnation space for experience. One killing-level secret realm can be ruled out, and three adventure-level secret realms, one of which is in the state of land reclamation, so It can also be ruled out, so one of the other two secret realms must be the place where the young master died!"

"Which two secret realms?"

"We checked all the posts related to Abin in the forum during this period of time, and found a lot of clues. After deduction, we found that the two secret realms were No. B185, code-named Datang, and the other was B147. Codename Iron Blood."

Tang Tianhao asked: "Which one is the most likely?"

"No. B185 Datang Secret Realm!"

Tang Renjie, his right-hand assistant, said: "Because the Iron-Blooded Secret Realm is a secret realm where Abin cooperates with several teammates, in that state, even if he gets two B-level weapons, it is unlikely that he can take them all by himself. He entered Tang Secret Realm alone, so it may be more reasonable to get two pieces of equipment alone!"

"Datang...mysterious realm!"

Tang Tianhao closed his eyes.

A moment later, when he opened his eyes, his eyes were completely empty.

He said: "Send someone to tell the elders that the secret place where Xiaolei died has been found out. Xiaolei's bones don't matter, but the two B-level items he lost are extremely important treasures even in our Tang family. It must be recovered, let them find a way to send people into this secret realm of Tang Dynasty, and try their best to search for Xiaolei's whereabouts."

"But Patriarch, aren't these two props already..."

Tang Tianhao didn't give Tang Renjie a chance to finish, so he interrupted him directly, and said, "You know what to do. After all, I am the head of the family, don't I? They are elders, and we should respect them, but Just because we are elders, we don't have to argue with them, and we use their power to... Anyway, after we kill them in the future, won't everything they own still be ours?"

Tang Renjie lowered his head when he heard the words, and said respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate will erase all information about Lin Bin's possession of these two props, unless he uses these two props in the real world openly in the future... "

"It doesn't matter. I have found reliable information. That Abin will soon enter the secret realm. I don't know when he will come out again. So what if he is exposed? Our goal has already been achieved."

Tang Tianhao said: "I'm not lying, this plane is indeed the place where Xiaolei is buried, isn't it?"

"Yes, Patriarch is wise!"

"Well, let's do it."


Tang Renjie quickly turned and left.

 118 released
(End of this chapter)

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