when reincarnation invades

Chapter 126 Increased Difficulty of Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 126 Increased Difficulty of Entering the Secret Realm
Only fifteen days left.

Lin Bin is very busy.

He has to be busy getting used to the acceleration of the Boots of Lightness, just like when Kakashi's Rachel was just developed, he could only aim at the target, and then rushed over with no time to change direction...

To put it bluntly, the speed was too fast, and his dynamic vision simply couldn't keep up.

Lin Bin is currently in a state similar to this.

That is to say, after his body has been honed by He's Bi, the sharpness of his facial features has also been greatly improved.

He could barely keep up with that extremely fast speed, but he still needed to adapt to two different speeds at the same time, and be able to completely integrate with his own instinct.

There is also an increase in skill.

Every three days, he looks for Houhou.

Every time the two of them practice double cultivation, it will be of great benefit to their cultivation base.

Lin Xue was quite worried about Lin Bin's absence at night, but after an occasional ride in Lin Bin's car, she seemed to smell something.

She didn't say anything more.

And on the ninth day.

Wan Wan proudly declared that her current skill has reached the peak of the No.17 layer of Heavenly Demon Dafa, and the next step is to accumulate the foundation, so as to prepare for breaking through the No.18 layer.

But she has no chance for the time being.

After obtaining the reincarnation table, she also has the identity of a reincarnation.

Moreover, he completely inherited Tang Sanshi's qualifications.

Right now, it's time for her to enter the reincarnation space.

She could only bid farewell to Lin Bin reluctantly, and told him to never steal food behind her back.

Then double repair on the same day, and the next morning.

There was only a young girl, Youxiang, in the car, but the person had disappeared.

Received a message on the phone.

[I'm not a little demon girl: I'm going to the secret realm, I plan to go back to my hometown when the secret realm is over, and bring some special products back to Teacher Zhu ヾ(≧▽≦*)o. 】

Lin Bin wrote back to her again.

No one has replied, and I think it should have entered the secret realm.

The little girl looks delicate and soft, but she has her own opinions. From the beginning to the end, she never told Lin Bin which secret realm she experienced and who her teammates were.

Lin Bin didn't ask either.

Although the frequency of the two meeting during this period is even higher than that of ordinary couples.

But in fact……

The two of them are just in a relationship of mutual use.

What Lin Bin likes is the potential of her and the Yingui sect behind her.

And it's not like Houhou didn't take advantage of Lin Bin's thoughts. Her acting like a baby to him was just a means to achieve her goal.

As Hou Hou admitted, in just a few months, she has kept dozens of licking dogs on her phone.

Lin Bin once saw her turn into a soft and cute little lolita when she was on the phone with someone, sometimes Yujie was cold and cold, and sometimes she was romantic~ all kinds of things...it was very changeable.

If it is true that because of her closeness, he has an extra sense of responsibility towards her, then he has fallen into her trap.

Therefore, if Houhou really died in the secret realm because of her lack of ability, it can only be said that she is not worthy of cooperating with him.

However, with those plane walkers taking care of them... I guess it would be difficult to die even if you wanted to, even if you planted a flag, it would be difficult to die.

in a blink.

Half a month passed.

this day.

Lin Bin prepared everything early.

He had already confessed his identity to Lin Xue, but in order to prevent Lin Xue from worrying, Lin Bin said that he was not alone, but followed a group of extremely experienced veterans, and he was just mixed in to make soy sauce.

Although Lin Xue was worried, she could only accept it.

World XX Bureau.

Lei Meng looked at Lin Bin who was ready and ready to go, and said: "This time, the secret place to enter is abroad. Although we maintain a harmonious atmosphere with the Freedom Federation on the surface, in fact, we are in private~ The friction has been constant, and we even have many reincarnations who have been plotted by them because they entered the same secret realm with them, and there are many casualties, but there is still no evidence on the surface, so there is no way to attack. "

"So this time you go to the Freedom Federation, you will probably receive a lot of cold reception. Remember, you are not representing yourself when you go out, but our entire Reincarnation Association. Don't be cowardly, don't be afraid, anal them hard!"

"Don't worry Lei Ju, I've never suffered a disadvantage."

"I'm relieved with your words."

Lei Meng said coldly: "Go, try to bring back more props, let them bleed hard once, this time, if I want them to sleep at night, they will suddenly cry."


Lin Bin took a deep look at Lei Meng, and thought that there must be grievances after hearing this tone.

"The helicopter is already waiting for you in the logistics department. It will take you directly to the capital, and from there take a passenger plane to Taylor City in the Free Federation! The entrance to the secret realm is at that location, so be more careful with those people, although they You should not dare to use any conspiracies, but they will be responsible for the logistics staff, so you need to be careful."


Lin Bin said goodbye to Raymond.

Went to the back office...

There, a helicopter has been waiting for a long time.

Lin Bin sat on it, and with the loud roar of propellers, the helicopter carried him and flew towards the sky.

Two hours later, the helicopter stopped at the capital's airfield.

It was the first time he came to the capital of Huaguo, but Lin Bin didn't even have time to wander around for a while, and immediately boarded the passenger plane to Taylor City, the Free Federation, under the escort of exclusive personnel.

But Raymond is still very interesting.

High-end business single room for travel on public funds.

It's not a spacious single room, but it has all internal organs inside.

There is even a bed... and because of Lin Bin's handsome face and gentle temperament.

The blond-haired and blue-eyed stewardess came in two or three times to ask Lin Bin if he had any needs. No matter what kind of needs, she could satisfy him...

It's a pity that the woman looks really good, quite exotic.

But now Lin Bin's sense of smell is too sensitive, and he can clearly smell the strong body odor under her strong perfume.

Very politely declined.

He didn't mind what happened, like before when Zhu Yuyan forced him, he half-pushed and half-obeyed... He, a big man, will not suffer from such things.

But the question is, although Zhu Yuyan is a bit older, she is excellent in both appearance and figure. How can this flight attendant who seems to have experienced many battles in front of her compare?

I fell asleep as soon as I got on the plane.

Lin Bin slept for a full six hours.

When the plane started to descend, he opened his eyes just in time.

Looking down through the window...

Below, there is already a bustling modern city.

Compared with the civilization and prosperity of the Chinese cities, the high-rise buildings here are more prosperous, but they have one thing in common.

The density of buildings here is also extremely dense.


Because of the existence of secret realms, the Freedom Federation also has concerns about overpopulation.

Lin Bin's eyes were so bright that he could even see the back of the bustling street, which was almost full of homeless people.

"Sure enough, no matter how prosperous a city is, it has a dark side."

Lin Bin sighed, got up, and put on his boots.

If it is within the reincarnation space of Huaguo, you may need to consider the ancient background and modern background, but in this free federation, you don't have to worry about this.

It saves a lot of space for the storage belt.

The plane slowly stopped on the tarmac.

Passengers got off the plane one after another, and Lin Bin waited for more than ten minutes.

He specially waited until the end, seeing that everyone had almost left, and then he carried a box symbolically and walked out with both hands empty.

Just got off the plane.

Someone came forward, a black-haired girl about thirteen or fourteen years old?

The maturity period of the Free Federation is obviously much earlier than that of Huaguo.

The girl is not very old, but she has good skin and deep facial features. She looks like an exotic beauty.

She smiled and said in fluent Chinese: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Abin?"

"Yes, I'm Abin."

She smiled and held Lin Bin's hand, and said, "Hello, my name is Infidi Alice, and I am in charge of your overseas trip. If you need anything, you can tell me, no matter what the request is, I can satisfy you."

Lin Bin shook hands with her and said, "My request is very simple, to enter the secret realm as soon as possible."

"I understand, don't worry, if there are no accidents, you will be able to enter this secret realm early tomorrow morning, because it is a brand new killing-level secret realm, which may contain many unknown dangers, do you need us to do it for you? What preparations are there?"

"No need, all the preparations have been made, please arrange it."

"Okay, please follow me, the hotel has been packed."

Infidi took the initiative to take the suitcase in Lin Bin's hand and led him forward.

The place where I was sitting was a hotel with more than 60 floors, with a large swimming pool and a leisure club, which seemed quite luxurious.

And all the way...

Infidi's performance is extremely meticulous, caring for every detail of Lin Bin.

From whether there are any taboos about eating and drinking, to many details about personal living habits...

Lin Bin responded casually.

It wasn't until she took the elevator to the presidential suite on the 37th floor that she had booked in advance that she delivered the suitcase to Lin Bin, and said goodbye politely. Before leaving, she also handed him a mobile phone, expressing that You can use this phone to contact her.

She didn't leave directly.

Instead, go directly to the 36th floor.

Entered the same location, but in a suite on a different floor.

In the suite, there are more than a dozen people from the Free Federation gathered...

Seeing Infidi's return, a bald and dark-skinned man who was the leader said, "Infidi, did you find any useful information?"

"It is undoubtedly a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm, and Huaguo has not deceived us about this!"

Infidi thought for a while and said: "His steps are very light, giving me a feeling that he may fly easily at any time. He should be a reincarnation who takes the light route, and his breathing is long and steady, almost inaudible. From a distance, his strengthening direction should be martial arts strengthening, and the attainment of that kind of true energy is already quite deep, even among the reincarnated people in the Transcendent Realm, he should be among the best."

"No matter how outstanding you are, you are only in the Transcendent Realm. Hua Guo dares to send such a person into our killing~killing level secret realm."

Another reincarnation named Gerrit speculated maliciously: "Could it be that Huaguo sent such a dead man on purpose, I guess he actually has a nuclear bomb on his body, and he is waiting to enter the secret realm Just blow up the whole world..."

"No, this reincarnation is very confident, not the kind of reincarnation like a dead man."

Infidi thought for a while, and said: "Maybe...he is really sure that he can pass through an unknown killing-level secret realm with the strength of the extraordinary realm? I have checked the information of Huaguo, and this Lin Bin's resume is very good. Simple, but also amazing. He has never entered an ordinary-level secret realm, and whether it is an extraordinary-level secret realm or a killing-level, his evaluation is above A-level. Although he is only single-handed this time, he may be really sure indefinite."

"That is to say, this reincarnated person is a rising star in China in recent years?"

The black-skinned man Darien sneered and said: "It seems that the Huaguo Reincarnation Space Association is always arrogant. It's ridiculous that they think they can pass through this reincarnation and snatch the treasures in our secret realm, but they never thought about it. If the reincarnation dies in the secret realm... then, they just want to have a fit, and there is no reason."

Infidi thought of the gentle and watery temperament of the young Huaguo reincarnation along the way, especially when she tilted her head and listened carefully to her words. It was obviously a normal behavior, but it gave her an inexplicable sense of self. A feeling of being valued and respected.

She hesitated: "Wouldn't it be worth using an A-level item in order to deal with a Transcendent reincarnation?"

"If it is a samsara who is expected to reach the highest level, then A-level props are not at a loss at all, and he dares to break into the killing-level secret realm, and he must carry a lot of important props on him. After he dies, we will immediately send samsara If someone enters this secret realm, he may be able to recover his props, and we may not lose money by then!"

Darian said: "Didn't you also try to break through his defense line along the way? This kid doesn't get in, and there is basically no possibility of instigating rebellion. If that's the case, let him sleep in the secret realm forever." Bar."


Infidi bowed her head and answered earnestly, and couldn't help sighing faintly in her heart.

Then secretly startled.

I just met, how did this young man make me feel so good about him?

He even wanted to tell him that the secret realm was not easy, especially with the secret hands and feet of these reincarnators, it would be even more difficult at that time, and he had no possibility of success at all.

Is it Huaguo's charm?

Her mental strength is already extremely high, and she is basically not affected by those external forces.

The temperament that this person exudes is only gentle.

it's wired……

Walking with him all the way, my whole person became strange.

Infidi carefully lowered her head so that no one could see the strange look on her face.

Early the next morning.

Infidi set off with Lin Bin.

Not far from the hotel.

Came to a military base, surrounded by all kinds of advanced thermal weapons, and even some high-power props brought out in the secret realm.

It can be seen that the protection given by the Freedom Federation is very strict for this brand-new killing-level secret realm. At least, it is much stricter than the adventure-level secret realm that Lin Bin has been to.

And the patrols along the way are all professional military special forces.

Obviously attaches great importance to this existence.

Infidi led Lin Bin unimpeded all the way to the innermost space crack.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, this is the killing-level secret realm. According to your level, you are actually not qualified to enter this secret realm, and you don't have a reliable teammate. If you are alone..."

"It's okay, thank you Miss Infidi for your concern."

"You must be careful, the killing-level secret realm is not as simple as you think."

Infidi can only talk so far, even to this point, she herself feels strange, obviously just made up her mind yesterday, why today... why is this man so gentle?


Lin Bin saw that the concern in the other party's tone didn't seem fake, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the people of the Freedom Federation are still very hospitable.

This little beauty has a pretty good personality.

"I'm in."

He greeted and walked towards this brand new secret place.

The figure was gradually submerged in it.

And until Lin Bin's figure could no longer be seen...

Darian and the others slowly came out from the darkness.

"let's start."


Another person was wearing gloves, and carefully took out a blazing flame from the completely sealed suitcase.

Expand the flames!

A-level props.

And its efficacy has been verified by someone. Entering the secret realm with this flame can greatly increase the task reward!

The difficulty will also be greatly increased.

It can be regarded as a prop with good and bad.

He glanced at it reluctantly, and threw the flame into the secret realm as well.

(End of this chapter)

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