when reincarnation invades

Chapter 127 Underworld Legend Mission Change

Chapter 127 Underworld Legend Mission Change
Within the territory of China.

The entrance to another secret realm.

A reincarnation team is planning to enter the secret realm to practice, but the composition of this team is quite strange.

Apart from the two ordinary Transcendents, the other two members were recruited as temporary members, both surnamed Tang.

And the status of these two people seems to be so high that even the two reincarnated people who are in charge of the mission are in awe of them.

Even Tang Tianhao, the Patriarch of the Tang Family, personally sent him off...

"I've worked hard for you two on this mission. Remember, the mission comes second, and safety comes first. I don't want Lei'er's tragedy to happen to you again."

Tang Tianhao first said a few words of concern to his two nephews, and then turned to look at the other two reincarnations.

A flashing light bulb, peak ~ peak elementary school student.

Two reincarnations from the Transcendent Realm.

Facing these two reincarnations with no background, Tang Tianhao's attitude was very modest, he took the initiative to hold their hands, and said: "Thank you for your assistance this time, if it weren't for you to pull Xiaohao and Xiaolie If the two of them join your team, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to enter this secret realm, let alone have the chance to recover the lost props of our Tang family. After you come out, I will hold a banquet in person, and the two brothers must be there, and we will not go home until we are drunk!"

"Patriarch Tang is being polite."

"Don't worry, we will definitely be there."

A saint-level reincarnation, and the head of the reincarnation family...

As long as the strength reaches a certain level, it is natural to understand what kind of power the reincarnation family should be.

But he was so kind to them.

What's more, the flashing light bulb and the primary school student Dian~feng really didn't expect that they were assigned to this secret realm of the Tang Dynasty just by chance, but they didn't want to climb to the top because of it.

If there is a relationship with the Tang family.

Didn't the reincarnation experience in the future go much smoother?

Therefore, the two were very flattered and even flattered.

And Tang Tianhao said a few more polite words to the two, and when he turned his head to look at Tang Lie and Tang Xiaohao who were behind him, his face immediately became gloomy.

He raised his eyebrows slightly to indicate.

The two nodded seriously, indicating that they would definitely complete the task.

Although what they said to those two people was just to find the lost things of the Tang family, in fact, the reincarnation family has a long history, and they have somewhat of the style of the apostles, and they don't take the aborigines in the secret territory seriously .

This trip is not just about finding treasures, but also taking revenge along the way.

Tang Tianhao watched the four of them enter the secret realm.

Some shadows appear in the fundus of the eyes...

He hated the murderer who killed his son even more.

Why are these two juniors so enthusiastic about his mission?

To put it bluntly, isn't he still thinking about the position of the Tang Family Patriarch after him?

But if Xiao Lei didn't die, how could it be their turn to be the head of the family?

Tang Tianhao stood quietly for a while, until the staff came to inquire, then he turned and left.

And at the same time.

Lin Bin is walking through a long and narrow passage of time and space...

Because no one had ever entered before, this passage was quite tight and narrow, and it was very hard for him to walk.

But the harder it is, the newer this secret realm is.

Therefore, it can be regarded as painful and happy for him.

After walking for half an hour, the passage became wider and smoother.

Until it suddenly dawned on me.

At this time, Lin Bin had already appeared in a dark alley.

The time in the real world is different from that in the secret territory. It is only early morning in the real world, but it is late at night here.

The gorgeous lights around him clearly reminded Lin Bin that this is a modern society.

Lin Bin walked out of the alley slowly.

The outside is a modern city that looks quite prosperous, but the buildings are not all high-rise buildings in the city. There are many classical houses made of stone in the middle, which are quite a bit of Victorian style.

It can be seen that this city has existed for a long time.

"In this way, it should not be a future technology battle."

Lin Bin walked slowly on the street, browsing the surrounding environment, trying to see if he could find some familiar impressions.

But nothing was found.

On the road, pedestrians are always coming and going in a hurry, just like an ordinary modern city with a very fast pace of life, you can't find any...

Well, except the inhabitants are a little more savage.

A bit of sarcasm appeared on Lin Bin's face.

Not long after he walked onto the main street, he was silently staring at three strong men behind him... It's not surprising that he was being targeted, as he was surrounded by Caucasians with different skin colors. Seeing Lin Bin alone It's strange that people of yellow race don't bother him when they walk on the street.

"It's just right, I want you to inquire about the common sense of this world."

Lin Bin's footsteps were suddenly a little faster. It seemed that he was eager to escape after he realized that he was being followed. He turned a corner quickly, and then immediately accelerated again.

"He found us!"

"Come on!"

Behind him, the three strong men in leather clothes exchanged glances with each other, and hurriedly chased after him.

Turning the corner... I found that Lin Bin had already run far away, and his figure had disappeared into a gloomy alley.

"It's a dead end there, and this idiot has blocked himself in a dead end."

"Chasing after him, don't let him run away, this is a treasure!"

The three of them ran in big strides and chased them to the corner...

But where did you find any panicked yellow people?
On the hood of a car at the end of the alley, Lin Bin was sitting leisurely with his legs crossed, and asked, "Are you three looking for me?"

Seeing Lin Bin's leisurely attitude, the three strong men immediately realized that they had been tricked.

"Hey hey hey, it seems that this Chinese can learn Chinese Kung Fu, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident."

"That's right, Chinese kung fu is really powerful, but it's a pity that when we meet..."

The three strong men suddenly laughed at each other, completely ignoring Lin Bin.

Lin Bin snorted softly, snapped off the wiper on the car, and shot at one of the strong men.

The strong man stretched out his hand and held it directly.

Lin Bin gasped in surprise, and then his face turned serious, and he asked, "Aren't you ordinary people?"

After several times of training with Houhou, together with He Shibi's calcined bone and marrow cutting, the bottleneck of his current "Longevity Formula" has disappeared, his progress is extremely fast, and he is a brand new self almost every day.

Up to now, the level proficiency has reached 71%.

The pure and deep skill, even if it is not as good as Zhu Yuyan, is definitely a master of the same level.

At his level, flying flowers and falling leaves can hurt people, and even a casually thrown wiper is no less powerful than a bullet.

As a result, the other party grabbed it with bare hands.

"It's too late to find out now."

One of them rushed towards Lin Bin with strides, and grabbed his neck with his hand, but the next moment his eyes blurred, Lin Bin had already appeared on the roof of the car.

He didn't see clearly how he flashed.

But Lin Bin was condescending, and the Shuanglong Demon Shadow Sword in his hand fell down unceremoniously, stabbing into the man's shoulder, nailing him to the hood of the car, and sneered: "You may be very special, but I am more related to you." The difference is just right, the more special you are, the more you will know."


The strong man let out a painful scream, and suddenly opened his mouth, revealing four sharp fangs.

Even if you are crucified.

He still didn't lose his viciousness, and directly reached out and grabbed Lin Bin's arm...


Lin Bin was neither surprised nor panicked.

After all, it is not surprising that such monsters appear on the side of the Freedom Federation.

I just don't know which plane it came from.

Lin Bin understood why he was still alive and well after being stabbed by a B-level weapon.

With a sneer, his shoulders trembled, and he immediately shook his arm away, pulled out the huge revolver, and directly pressed it against his head.

A loud bang.

Even half of this vampire's head was blown off... He twitched a few times and didn't move.

The other two strong men saw their companion's body lying on the ground, unchanged for a long time.

His face changed suddenly.

Shouted: "This is a trap... run away..."

The next moment.

There were two sharp bangs.

The two flying knives flew towards their faces directly, and then flew back at a faster speed.

Two shallow scars were left on their faces, and they healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But they dare not move...

Lin Bin got out of the car without knowing when.

A long sword gleaming with cold light rested on the neck of one of them, and a blue rose rested on the head of the other.

"Speak well if you have something to say, and answer my questions. After answering, I will let you go."

Seeing Lin Bin's elusive speed.

One of the strong vampires exclaimed: "Ghost...you are a ghost..."

"Being called a ghost by a vampire, I am really a ghost."

Lin Bin charged with true energy, and shot the vampire's shoulder. A huge blood hole was blasted out of the shoulder immediately. The wound was scorched black, as if it had been burned by flames.

Sure enough, facing these dark creatures.

Zhanlan Rose's lethality has been greatly improved, but the Double Dragon Phantom Sword has been abolished.

It's been a while since I got the Double Dragon Phantom Sword, but its effect has never been shown at all...

Lin Bin's heart was full of depression, and his face naturally showed impatience.

He said coldly in English: "I keep my word, answer my question, I will spare you, or just kill you!"

"Ask, you should ask first. If you don't ask, how do you know that I won't tell you? What's the matter if you shoot first?"

The strong vampire cried out in pain.

"Okay, I don't ask, you two pick up what you know, about your species, strength, and how to transform, etc., I will let whoever talks a lot, and I will kill the one who talks less. Drop him, this is also to protect the safety of another person, you should understand."

"I said...I said..."

"I... I know more..."

The two suddenly became anxious.

Knowing that Lin Bin should be interested in the ethnic groups of the two of them, without hesitation at the moment, the two rushed to speak actively.

You speak my word.

Instead, Lin Bin, who was listening to the content, gradually became serious.

Turns out it wasn't just vampires.

Vampires, werewolves, slavery, centuries of war...

For others, maybe clues are just clues.

But for Lin Bin, these clues are the keys to help him understand the truth of the world.

Just listening to his description, Lin Bin already understood that this world is indeed the world of Underworld!
What made Lin Bin more concerned was...

"You mean, you smelled me when you were three kilometers away from me?"

One of the strong men didn't know what specific things Lin Bin wanted to know, so he poured out everything, but let Lin Bin know some unexpected information.

For example, why was he being targeted by these three vampires before he had gone far.

"No... that's right..."

One of the vampires raised his head and looked at Lin Bin with timid eyes.

But even though he was timid, he still couldn't hide the covetousness inside.

He said: "You have a very fragrant smell on your body, so we can't control ourselves, and we can't help but want to suck your blood..."


"It's not the aroma of your body, but the aroma filled in your blood, which makes us feel that your blood should be much more delicious than normal human's!"

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses.

It should be He's Bi's calcined bone marrow, so that although he is still a human being, he is completely free of those unnecessary impurities.

Coupled with the blessing of the essence of the evil emperor's relic.

Sperm are deposited in the body.

Whether it is for humans, ghosts or other creatures, it is of great benefit, so that even vampires are not immune.

In this way, doesn't it mean that in this world, I will become the target of all vampires?Like a walking Tang Sanzang...

Lin Bin thought this is really bad news.

I don't know what the task is, if the task is to stand on the side of the werewolf, it's okay, but if it's on the side of the vampire, with this extra debuff, wouldn't I be under attack?
After listening carefully for a while, after confirming that the information the two of them knew had been exploited by him.

Lin Bin pointed the gun at another vampire's head regretfully, and said, "Sorry, I keep my word. He talks the most, so I'll spare his life, but for his safety, you can't live." .”

Say it.

A loud bang.

Another vampire fell to the ground again.

The powerful resurrection ability of the vampire did not play any role under the blue rose.

Lin Bin put away his weapon and said, "Let's go."

The surviving vampire said in amazement, "Are you willing to let me go?"

Lin Bin was surprised and said, "Could it be that you think I'll break my word? Then why do you know everything and say everything?"

"Just in case..."

"Then congratulations, if you show up, let's go, of course you want to expose my existence, but you have leaked so many secrets to me, if you really tell me about my existence, then you will definitely Incompatible with your clan."

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you!"

Seeing that Lin Bin really didn't intend to kill him.

The man was overjoyed, turned around staggeringly and fled back...

Just haven't escaped a few steps.

His head flew straight up, blood sprayed like rain, and the rest of his body staggered a few steps before falling to the ground.

The head didn't die directly, but shouted with horror: "Ai...Master Emilia..."

next moment……

The head exploded into blood mist.

A tall, blond ladylike beauty walked over slowly with graceful steps.

Looking at Lin Bin with fiery eyes, he licked his tongue lightly at him, showing a salivating expression.

Explained: "He is no longer tolerated by my ethnic group."

Lin Bin's pupils shrank slightly.

Just that moment...so fast...

Even if he had the Smart Boots, he could barely react.

But at this moment.

With the appearance of this lady.

Then the reincarnation watch beeped, and the task rang.

[Secret Realm Mission: Battle of Factions]

[Mission description: In the world of the night, there are constant conquests, choose one of the camps, and assist it in destroying the other camp. 】

[Completion reward: 2000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 1! 】

【Task time limit: 1 month】

[Failure penalty: 1000 reincarnation points]

[Because you used the expansion fire, this secret mission will be expanded! 】

【Secret Realm Mission: Destroy Vampires and Werewolves】

[Mission Description: Destroy all werewolves and vampires in the local world! 】

[Completion reward: 4000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 2. 】

[Task time limit: 3 month! 】

[Failure penalty: 3000 reincarnation points. 】

[Props have been used, would you like to take back the expansion fire? 】

Lin Bin: "........."

He tilted his head in confusion, and chose yes.

next moment.

In the sky, a burning flame fell directly into his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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