when reincarnation invades

Chapter 128 Blood Elder Alien Parasitism

Chapter 128 Blood Elder Alien Parasitism (Two Updates Today)
[Expansion Tinder (a-level item): When used while entering the secret realm, the rewards of this secret realm mission can be greatly increased, and the corresponding difficulty will also be increased to a certain extent. 】

[Note: Want to be stimulated?Exciting enough? 】

Lin Bin looked at the props in his hand in a daze. Before he started his formal training, he got an A-level prop first.

Moreover, it is also a prop that can affect the entire secret realm.

After a breath, he wanted to understand everything.

Raymond also reminded him before that there are not many good things in the Freedom Federation, and he must be careful of their tricks. He was not treated coldly or plotted against on the way when he came, so it should be that there should be no sinister schemes this time...

But I didn't want to be here waiting for myself.

Killing~killing level secret realm, the difficulty is already extremely high.

The two groups of werewolves or blood clan, although their number is far less than that of humans, are still groups of people.

One can imagine the difficulty of destroying it.

But the previous mission was not impossible. As long as Lin Bin chose to join one of the camps, and then used its power to carefully operate it, it might be possible to succeed.

But this inflated fire directly doubled his mission.

Let him destroy the two major ethnic groups at the same time, which prevents him from using one of the ethnic groups in depth.

It seems that this is also the reason why they dared to use Expansion Tinder on him.

Because even if the inflated fire temporarily fell into his hands, it would be extremely difficult for a reincarnated person in the Transcendent Realm to break into the killing-level secret realm. Maybe it can be described as extraordinary talent, and he can barely pass the level...

But if the difficulty of the task doubles sharply, then, no matter how strong he is, he will be completely powerless in this world.

But in fact, the situation was even worse than he imagined.

Especially the strength of these dark species is likely to be stronger than his imagination.

Lin Bin looked at the woman with a dignified expression as she slowly flew down as light as nothing, her face was charming and charming, but when she looked into his eyes, she could hardly suppress her salivation.

If it was before, he might have thought she was coveting his beauty.

But now he knew that she was coveting his body.

And this light posture is not light work.

It really seems to be free from the shackles of gravity.

The action of removing his head just now was so fast that even Lin Bin couldn't see clearly.

Sure enough, this is a vampire, how could it be possible to punch and fight like a boxer in a movie?
Their power is far beyond the limits of human beings, and they are completely different systems from martial arts.

Strong physical fitness, recovery ability to quickly recover from any injury.

Even judging by Lin Bin's current strength, the woman in front of him is still a formidable opponent!
It seems that in this experience, it is almost impossible to use the blood race...

After all, no one wants to partner with good food.

And the beautiful woman looked at Lin Bin, and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

The previous anger caused by the betrayal of his descendants also dissipated.

He said in a soft tone: "I smelled the moving aroma, I knew there would be a big meal today, but I didn't expect the deliciousness of this meal to be beyond my imagination, young man, I'm really curious, you How did your mother make you so handsome?"

"My sister is also very beautiful."

Lin Bin took a step back slowly.

He held the blue rose tightly in his hand.


After knowing that this world is the world of Underworld, this name is naturally familiar.

One of the three elders of vampires.

In the plot, she was also the first elder to receive the lunch box, but this does not mean that she is a waste.

In fact, three elders.

Victor is the most powerful among them because he has a strong army as his backing.

And Marcus is the world's first vampire, and even spread rumors that as long as he dies, all the family members will not be able to survive...

Of course, this was later proven to be a lie.

And this Emilia can be as famous as those two.

Definitely not an ordinary person.

"Then do you want to stay with my sister forever? Don't worry, my sister won't kill you. She just wants you to be my family member and give you eternal life... You may not feel it now when you are young, but when you get older You know what a beautiful thing it is.”

Emilia flirted with her mouth, but her body began to approach Lin Bin very honestly.

She couldn't resist the strong breath.

Lin Bin took two steps back slowly, and asked, "It's so good, sister, can you let me bully you?"

"Of course, you can bully as much as you want... Although you are my family in name, but in fact... in private, you can be my master if you want

"That's great, to be the master of my sister."

Lin Bin responded, raised his gun and shot.

Silent night.

Suddenly, two bursts of light flashed in the alley, and then quickly went out.

There were passers-by who heard the gunshots, and none of them had any surprised expressions, but wrapped their scarves tightly and walked around one after another.

For them, the Liberty Alliance is naturally a daily shootout.

Going into such a secret place at night deserves to be shot.

And deep in the alley.

Emilia dodged bullets as quickly as a cheetah, with sullen eyes flashing in her eyes, and sighed: "Brother, sister is very kind, and you actually answered like this, really disappointing sister..."

If anyone else dared to be so rude to her, she would have sucked his blood dry long ago.

But Lin Bin's taste is too delicious.

Even if she was in the castle, she was inexplicably attracted by the breath of the wind...

So now, she doesn't want to kill him, but wants to develop him into a family, and she still understands the reason why he has a full meal.

It's just that he is so bad, he will have to be chained to the bedside for a few days before he can understand what it means to be stronger than people.

It was not surprising that Lin Bin missed two shots.

The power of firearms is indeed astonishing, but after all, you still need to pull the machine, which gives the enemy a chance to predict.

In the face of creatures with amazing dynamic vision like vampires, especially Emilia's level, unless it is a sneak attack, the possibility of Zhanlan Rose's frontal attack trying to hit is very low.

He shook his hand and threw out the three-edged sword.

Two flying blades swept towards her, and said with a smile: "You said that I could be your master, and now the master wants to hit you with such a big gun, and you dare to hide... Sure enough, even a slave is a slave!" Unqualified, since that’s the case, what else do I ask you to do?”

Emilia passed by, and was about to go forward to arrest Lin Bin, but heard the wind behind her head.

Seeing that the flying blade flew out, it flew back again.

She admired: "What a unique toy..."

In the middle of the probe, he held the two flying knives in the palm of his hand one by one.

Twice chi chi.

Blood splattered on the palm.

But the next moment, in front of Lin Bin, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Lin Bin had already rushed over.

Taiji swordsmanship is an orthodox Taoist unique skill, and it complements the "Longevity Jue" with each other. As the "Longevity Jue" becomes more and more powerful, its swordsmanship experience becomes more and more profound.

The three-edged sword drew several sword circles, mixed with surging sword energy, like wind and thunder.

Emilia gasped in surprise, seeing that the other party fired a bullet-like attack with an ordinary weapon.

My curiosity about this young man has grown a bit... As for power...

Several deep scars were cut on her body, and blood spurted out immediately.

But she didn't care at all, instead she went upstream from the endless sword net, letting the blade hit her body, and the next moment she had already grabbed Lin Bin's arm.

The next moment he called out.

There are already several dense wounds on the palm.

In a daze, he tried to exert more strength, but Lin Bin was already slipping like a swimming fish by taking advantage of the momentum. With a slight shock, he had already shaken off Emilia's shackles.

Although he broke free from the enemy's shackles, Lin Bin still couldn't help but groaned irritably.

Facing this kind of opponent who doesn't care about damage at all and likes to exchange injuries for injuries, the power of his swordsmanship has been weakened to the greatest extent.

They don't care about your fake tricks and real tricks, so they just rushed over.

Especially his eyesight is astonishing, his speed is as fast as lightning and flint, he will kill you directly from the place where the damage is weakest, even if you are injured, he will kill you.

So unless there is a targeted weapon, if you fight against a vampire, you will trade injuries for injuries, and in the end the opponent will win without injuries.

Exercising lightness kung fu, he tapped lightly on the wall one after another, and he has already rushed out of the dark alley.

"It seems that little brother, you need to be well tuned~taught."

Emilia giggled, not angry because of Lin Bin's evasion, but more interested.

After living for so many years, she has never seen such a magical boy...

Even though she was only a human being, her speed was faster than that of a vampire, and she could hurt her body with bare hands.

If such a human being is transformed into a vampire, I really don't know how powerful he can be.

Never let him go.

She jumped towards Lin Bin and chased after him.

Even with the blessing of the Lightness Boots, Emilia's speed is not slow at all. On the contrary, because of her unique physical fitness, she is faintly faster.

Two figures, as fast as lightning, shuttled away in the dark night city, one behind the other.

The figure in the back was obviously faster than the front, catching up from time to time, and there was a fierce confrontation between the two sides...

Lin Bin's sword moves were like rain, and most of them could hit the target, but unfortunately, the opponent took advantage of his own attack, and when Lin Bin froze, he directly hurt Lin Bin.

That is to say, he has a soft armor body armor.

Several fatal injuries were avoided by Lin Bin, but severely injured Emilia behind him.

But even so, Lin Bin was still uncomfortably entangled.

It's disgusting not to play the cards according to the routine...

Lin Binkong has a whole body of power, but no matter how fast the blade is like a shooting star, the opponent always takes advantage of his slow gestures to entangle him.

Make him unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Little brother, aren't you tired?"

Emilia became more and more excited as he fought more. Lin Bin's gun was very lethal, but as long as he focused his attention, it was not difficult to avoid it.

His sword is flashy, but its lethality is seriously insufficient.

Overall, flashy.

Although she is not slippery, she has unlimited endurance as a vampire. As long as she persists, it will be a matter of time before she captures him.

"Fart, I could fuck you all day."

Seeing that it was still early in the morning, Lin Bin was like a ghost, borrowing strength along the roof of a stone house, he flew high, and shouted angrily: "Don't force me to use a unique trick, you will be too much for it!"

"Oh? Brother's trick, I really want to eat it."

"Then I'll let you get to know him well."

Lin Bin was in the air, but suddenly drew a black lightsaber...

The jet-black sword light was filled with an ominous atmosphere, and the sword body made entirely of light gave people an illusion of infinite power.

Emilia's expression turned serious. She had lived for hundreds of years, but this was the first time she had seen such a weapon made entirely of light.

Seeing Lin Bin strike back with a sword, she didn't dare to do anything wrong, and hurriedly dodged and flew back.

In the blink of an eye, the two people, who were still as fast as lightning just now, were already standing on the same roof.

Lin Bin held the sword and said coldly: "This sword is called the Double Dragon Demon Shadow Sword. There are endless curses on the sword body. It is impossible to heal after being injured by this sword. Your resilience is amazing, but in this sword It's just a joke, if you don't want to die, just back away obediently."

Emilia looked strange, and then turned to chuckle.

Said: "You lie, I don't believe you."

"believe it or not."

Lin Bin rushed towards Emilia with a sword in hand.

Emilia said she didn't believe it, but she really didn't dare to hide like before. It's just that Lin Bin came aggressively, and the weapon in her hand couldn't be touched easily. She couldn't dodge a few moves, and she was already in a panic. The pair of bat wings stretched out, and the whole person flew towards the sky.

"I know you're at your wit's end, so die!"

Lin Bin looked confident, seeing the opponent's wings were forced out, his confidence suddenly became stronger.

Without hesitation, he gave up all the back roads, jumped up high, and rushed towards Emilia who was flying higher and higher.

A sword went straight to Zhonggong.

A horrified look appeared on Emilia's face, as if she didn't expect Lin Bin to be so desperate, and it was too late to escape.

He was directly pierced by the black light sword.

With a snort...

Blood splattered.

Emilia hits the sword.

The terrified and painful expression on her face turned into playfulness, and the hands that had turned into sharp claws directly strangled Lin Bin's arms, lightly licked her fangs, and motioned Lin Bin to look at a shallow scar on her arm .

Obviously, she couldn't dodge the first strike of the Double Dragon Phantom Sword at all.

But it was also because of this that she figured out the opponent's cards.

She said with a low smile: "Little brother, teach you to be good... Our blood race is the embodiment of curse and ominousness. Your sword is indeed very powerful. It feels so comfortable to cut it on me. Thank you for giving me away." Such a beautiful treasure."

"Really? This sword is very comfortable, what about this sword?"

Lin Bin also gave a low laugh.

There is a small golden sword in the palm...

The blade is too short and too small, unless it is extremely close, it is difficult to injure the enemy.

But as soon as the sword appeared, it made Emilia's heart palpitate.

Oops, hit the jackpot.

This guy already knew that the Shuanglong Phantom Sword would not do much harm to me, so he deliberately showed weakness to the enemy.

Emilia immediately understood that the boy in front of him looked young, but with a figure of 130 jin, he might be 120-[-] jin because of his heart.

She lived for hundreds of years and was spoiled by a young man.

trying to break free...

Lin Bin finally showed his full strength.

The heavenly magic force field is fully opened, and the surrounding gravity is torn apart.

Control the heavenly magic field with the realm of tacit understanding.

The body that was going to flee upwards was torn off, and then the money sword pierced into Emilia's chest fiercely.

Emilia wailed in pain...

Both of them fell down from the height of more than [-] meters.

With a bang, the smoke and dust filled the air, and a deep pit was smashed out on the flat stone floor.

Lin Bin landed successfully using Emilia as a pad.

At this time, Emilia had already been smashed beyond human form.

It's just that this kind of serious injury can be easily recovered in at least a few tens of breaths...

But this time.

The golden sword of money suddenly appeared.

Unexpectedly, her recovery speed was restrained.

It's just that although it is a weapon against evil spirits, it has a different system.

It seemed that even the sword of money could not kill him completely.

But curbing her recovery obviously caused her to be seriously injured.

Holding the azure rose, Lin Bin started accumulating energy and pointed it at her forehead...

There was a bit of panic and pleading in Emilia's tattered eyes.

The energy-storing light of Lin Bin's muzzle slowly faded away.

Emilia can be regarded as the weakest of the three elders, so that she hastily received a lunch box in the first part.

But even so, now that the Ssangyong Phantom Sword has been abolished.

It took so much Lin Bin's painstaking efforts, calculations and stalemate to kill her.

With his absolute strength, even with conspiracy calculations, it seems like an impossible task to destroy the extraordinary power of this world.

Got overcast!
This time I was really overwhelmed...

Lin Bin hesitated for a moment, and then a decisive light flashed in his eyes.

He remembered Raymond's previous reminder.

"Thinking to kill me in this secret realm?! It's cruel enough. If I don't return it, wouldn't it be obvious that I, Abin, are too incompetent? I will completely destroy your world!"

He opened his storage belt.

A small transparent jar was taken out of it.

Inside the full nutrient solution, a light and transparent alien is curled up in it, sleeping sweetly.

Iron-blooded Alien!

Received the blessing of longevity zhenqi.

At the same time, it has the best genes of Predator, Human, and Alien.

And now...

Lin Bin took a deep breath.

Looking at Emilia, whose eyes were filled with hope for survival, he opened her mouth, opened the jar, and forced it into Emilia's mouth.

The Jagged Alien Embryo seemed to be aware of Lin Bin's intentions.

Under Emilia's horrified gaze, he directly forced it into her mouth.

Only then did Lin Bin pull out the money sword.

Losing the containment of the money sword, Emilia quickly regained her human form...

She strangled her throat desperately in horror, but she couldn't spit out what she had just swallowed.

With the natural keen sense of a vampire, she can clearly sense that there is something extra in her body.

"What did you feed me?"

"It's nothing... Aren't you vampires monsters in the dark world? What I feed you is a monster more terrifying than you!"

Lin Bin took two steps back.

Said: "I want to replace you werewolves and vampires with aliens in this world!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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