when reincarnation invades

Chapter 129 Vampire Alien Werewolf Enters the Hub

Chapter 129 Vampire Alien Werewolf Enters the Hub
"You monster..."

Emilia howled in pain. As a vampire, she could keenly sense that the monster that had just been fed into her stomach was entangled in her internal organs, and began to absorb the power in her body.

In just a short moment, she already felt extremely weak.

She screamed terribly, and after a few breaths, her white palm turned into ferocious sharp claws, grabbing towards her chest.

Obviously, he wanted to pull out the foreign body in his body.

To a normal vampire, torn internal organs are fatal injuries.

But for a vampire elder like her, there might still be a glimmer of life left.

But if she doesn't do it, hundreds of years of experience and instinct are desperately warning her that something terrible will happen soon...

next moment.

Jian Guang cut through.

The three-edged sword can be classified as a C-level weapon, and the sharpness clearly cut off Emilia's palm without any doubt.


Emilia wanted to raise her other hand.

But since he became a vampire, his heart, which had been beating extremely slowly, suddenly beat violently like a radium drum.

The next moment, there was a pop.

There was a big bloody hole in her chest.

Amidst the dripping blood, a shape with sharp fangs broke out directly, making a hissing sound like a strange beast.

Emilia's delicate skin gradually shriveled, and she stared at the strange beast on her chest, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

She could clearly feel that as the monster broke out, the vitality in her body was gradually disappearing.

"What... strange... thing..."

A vampire with extremely strong vitality, without being fatally injured or having its head cut off, died like a normal person....

And with her death.

A more terrifying monster was born from her corpse.

"The super werewolf Lucian in Underworld has been looking for a way to have the blood of vampires and werewolves at the same time. If he is both a werewolf and a vampire, his strength can surpass all werewolves and vampires. At the same time, he has the blessings of Predator and human Qi. How powerful is an iron-blooded blood-sucking alien of vampire blood?"

Lin Bin carefully opened his hand to the strange beast, which was no more than the size of an arm.

My heart couldn't help becoming tense.

But the little beast jumped into his palm quite obediently and hissed at him, revealing the metal-like teeth inside, but it was no longer as flat as before...

The previous aliens relied more on the small head in the mouth to kill the enemy.

But the iron-blooded blood-sucking alien teeth are like vampires, uneven, sharp and ferocious, and they seem to contain extremely terrifying lethality.

Lin Bin could feel its closeness to him.

"After all, it was my blood that was born as the beginning."

Lin Bin glanced at Emilia's corpse next to him, raised his gun, and charged it. Three seconds later, an attack no less powerful than a plasma gun directly bombarded it. Ash.

"Let's go."

Lin Bin carried the little alien and walked outside.

Next, we need to experiment with its IQ, the degree of attachment to him, and its parasitic ability to ordinary vampires and even werewolves.

Being bitten by a werewolf is also an infection, and being bitten by a vampire is also an infection...

That being the case, let the aliens replace werewolves and vampires and become the darkness of this world.

Maybe it can give some surprises to those subsequent reincarnations.

In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later.

At this time, Lin Bin was in an unoccupied single-family house.

This bungalow had been empty for a long time, so Lin Bin immediately occupied the magpie's nest.

In the past three days, he has been trying to domesticate the iron-blooded vampire.

As for the effect...

Very impressive.

"Raise your hand!"

Lin Bin sat on the sofa and said to the pitch-black monster squatting on the ground that was nearly three meters in front of him.


The monster roared, and the anthropomorphic impatience could be clearly heard in the tone. It seemed that he felt insulted, or was he tired of playing this dog-like game?

But it obediently put its dark and ferocious claws into Lin Bin's hand.

"A Tie is so good."

Lin Bin looked at this iron-blooded vampire. Compared with the iron-blooded alien he saw in the Alien Plane, its posture was slightly different.

The body is taller, and a pair of black bat wings are derived from the back. Although it is not capable of flying because of its too large body, the wings can make it faster whether it is gliding or assisting in running. ghost.

Claws are sharper.

The original flat iron teeth were turned into sharp blood-sucking teeth, and they also had the ability to suck blood to strengthen themselves.

At the same time, it has the powerful regenerative ability of a vampire and the powerful fighting instinct of a predator.

More importantly, it is not afraid of sunlight and ultraviolet rays.

Obviously, what the alien absorbs are the advantages in the DNA, and the disadvantages will be replaced by the DNA of other organisms.

And the most important thing is that while it is full of endless killing instincts, it is indeed extremely attached to Lin Bin...

The premise is, let it kill a happy one.

He played a master-servant game with the alien named Ah Tie for a while, making sure that even in the state of killing~killing, it would not have any murderous intent on him.

Lin Bin was relieved a lot.

Get up and go to the next bedroom.

Push open the door.

There is another world inside the door.

It was full of the kind of disgusting mucus, and in the middle of these mucus, about 20 people were pasted.

They have all fallen into a coma, and with Lin Bin's keen hearing, he can hear the thumping sound in their bodies...

It's not their heartbeat anymore, but after the aliens occupy their internal organs, they are absorbing their nutrients to fill themselves, that is, these people can't move, otherwise they will go out immediately and desperately suck blood to maintain their rapidly declining vitality .

These people are all vampires who came here during this period of time, smelling the fragrance that filled Lin Bin's body.

Without Ah Tie, this might still be a trouble for Lin Bin.

It's also annoying to kill endlessly...

But with Ah Tie's words.

Come one, and there will be another alien beside Lin Bin.

He couldn't directly order these aliens, but the aliens had their own strict group consciousness. Atiena's submission to Lin Bin from the instinct of blood made Lin Bin the king of the aliens in the true sense.

Several black shadows flashed past.

It is a blood-sucking alien that has hatched out of the body.

It is at least two sizes smaller than Ah Tie, but its teeth and wings are equally sharp. Obviously, in terms of lethality alone, the blood-sucking alien may not necessarily be inferior to the ordinary iron-blooded alien.

Just three days.

However, Lin Bin has already pulled together an extremely terrifying team from the previous single-handedly.

This is why he suppressed it deliberately, and put most of Ah Tie's eggs into the changing capsule.

The space inside the changing capsule is huge, and the attributes of the alien eggs are the same, so you can hold a lot of them in one changing capsule.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this city has now become a production base of aliens.

"Instinctive memory can be formed in three generations. If I control the parasitism of the alien eggs so that they only target werewolves and vampires, and with the influence of Ah Tie's consciousness, after a few generations, they should be disdainful to have them again." To parasitize feeble creatures like humans."

Lin Bin pondered, Xindao face huggers only have a parasitic instinct, so he can only try his best to do this, if it is impossible, in order to protect himself...he can't care so much.

The life and death of the world?
Lin Bin is not that magnanimous. In order to deceive him, those people from the Freedom Federation would not hesitate to use this world as bait. They don't care about the life and death of this world, so why should he care?

Maybe by chance, you can also get world-class props?
In the past few days, he has also thought of a specific implementation plan for completing the task in his mind.

Plus these aliens...

"It's time to start. The time to eliminate Chaofan is only three months. I'm very nervous."

Lin Bin patted Atie's steel-like back and said, "Let other aliens move freely and try to capture some werewolves back. I want to see how powerful werewolf aliens are, and only such powerful creatures are worthy of becoming Your host, a weak creature like human beings, is not worthy at all, if the alien you give birth parasitizes human beings, kill it, they are not worthy of living in super aliens."

"Ho ho ho..."

Ah Tie frequently nodded his huge head, which looked a bit ugly and naive.

Obviously, it also highly approves of Lin Bin's words.

The memory carried in the gene lets it know how weak the aliens born after parasitizing humans are...

Of course, it may have been very powerful in the past, but now it is hardly worth mentioning compared to werewolf aliens and vampire aliens.

An alien that does not want to become stronger is not a good alien and must be destroyed.

"If possible, it's best to attract the attention of those werewolves so that they can also be aware of my existence."

Werewolves are different from vampires.

Because of Lin Bin's special physique, the vampires had already cut off the possibility of cooperation between the two parties. Lin Bin was afraid that they would suddenly pounce on him and insisted on biting him.

But werewolves are different.

They are contagious too, but more out of a violent element of hurting others than out of blood-sucking cannibalism.

No matter how abundant Lin Bin's essence is, it has nothing to do with ordinary humans for them.

Coupled with Lin Bin's foresight, there is a possibility that the two parties can use each other.

So wouldn't it be nice to drive away wolves and tigers?
Especially the werewolf Lucian, he could think of using technology to fuse the blood between vampires and werewolves to create a super monster.

It can be seen that he was originally a person who did not stick to the rules.

Such people……

He will not reject cooperation with humans.

But for Lin Bin before, how to find him was a problem.

But now, it is not a problem.

Let the aliens catch them, they can easily find out where the werewolves are, especially the aliens seldom kill people, most of the time they capture the living creatures to the side of the alien queen and let them parasitize, this is their natural desire to reproduce~ see.

From this point of view, aliens that actively pursue reproduction are more suitable for this world than vampires and werewolves.

Sure enough, following Lin Bin's order.

More than 30 blood-sucking aliens, plus Ah Tie, all launched their actions.

That night, more than a dozen huge werewolves were captured by the vampire.

They hide among ordinary people, even vampires can hardly find them unless they are hurt by silverware.

But even so, in the eyes of the aliens, their so-called hiding is nothing to hide.

After being caught, they were directly pasted on the wall by Ah Tie, and the alien embryos were forcefully poured into their mouths...

This is where the Iron-Blooded Alien is better than the Alien Queen. It doesn't have to be parasitized by the face hugger, but can directly lay eggs in their body.

Ever since, the next morning.

Around Lin Bin, there were seventeen more werewolf aliens.

He has lost his wings, but his body is even bigger, almost reaching the height of the iron-blooded blood-sucking alien, but his temper is also more irritable, and there are even faint signs of disobedience to Ah Tie's discipline.

It was just that after being slapped to death by Ah Tie's two paws, they all behaved obediently. Obviously, the gene of werewolves submitting to the strong is still engraved in their bodies.

"Looks like we have to move."

The room with a full three to four hundred square meters has almost completely become a paradise for aliens.

Lin Bin muttered, thinking now, the other party should know of my existence, right?

It is difficult to find each other.

Then the other party can only come to the door.

But the facts were exactly as Lin Bin expected.

In the war hundreds of years ago, most of the uncontrollable werewolves died in that war because Lucian's strong man cut off his wrist.

It was also from that war that the remaining evolved and self-controlling werewolves hid in a deeper darkness, and even the vampires didn't know their existence.

For the next few hundred years...

They are still developing descendants, but they are much more careful than the random development before. Therefore, the existence of each clan member becomes more precious.

At this time, in the sewer.

In an extremely simple but secret laboratory.

A tall, thin and bearded man stood in front of an experimental bed with another scientific researcher in a white coat.

On it, was tied a painful and howling werewolf.

It's just that even if he regained his werewolf form, he still couldn't break free from the shackles of these restraint belts.

"It's helpless."

The scientific researcher carefully checked for a moment, and said: "That weird creature has completely entered his heart, unless we remove his internal organs, we can't completely transplant it out."

Lucian asked, "Isn't he dead after entering the heart?"

"Because it's paralyzing and healing him."

The researcher's eyes sparkled with interest, and he said: "It's very interesting, it regards him as its mother body, and the reason why Jason is still alive now is not because of his strong vitality, but because this monster is actively protecting him. risk his life."

He looked at Lucian and said, "After Jason dies, can I keep this monster as a collection? I have a hunch that this monster has its own system of reproduction. This is so interesting, I'm so interested... ..."

"No, I will catch you again in the future if I want, but I can't do it now."

Lucian said: "It is this kind of monster that killed nearly twenty of our compatriots in just one day. If, as you said, this kind of monster really has a group, it will definitely run away after it comes out. To its headquarters."

"Understood, I can find a way to help you install a tracker in its body."

The researcher said: "If it were an ordinary person, this level of surgery would kill him in an instant, but the werewolf's vitality is very tenacious, maybe he can hold on..."

"Then let's do it. Our compatriots are used to kill the blood race, and cannot be a breeding ground for other monsters."

Lucian said coldly: "No matter who did it, I will make him pay the price!"

(End of this chapter)

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