when reincarnation invades

Chapter 130 I'm Really Sincere

Chapter 130 I'm Really Sincere


After just one hour...

The werewolf finally stopped the painful struggle, and the next moment, a monster that Lucian and others had never heard of broke out of his body.

The hair of the curly beard and the ferocious sharp teeth.

The scientific researcher shouted in a low voice: "This little thing grows very fast. If you want to kill it, you'd better do it now, otherwise it will become a complete body in two or three hours at most, and the werewolves who are alone will definitely die." It can't be its opponent. Let me say it again for the last time, Lucian, maybe this little thing can give us a big surprise. It directly enters the werewolf's body, obtains the best genes of the werewolf, and then integrates into its own body. if we……"

"Don't worry, we have lost more than a dozen compatriots, that is to say, if there are no accidents, there are still dozens of such little things. Are you afraid that you won't be able to get them if you copied their lairs?"

Lucian waved his hand and said to the subordinates beside him: "Let everyone disperse and let the passage exit out..."

"It can think of protecting the host, which shows that its IQ is not low. Your clumsy conspiracy may not be able to hide it."

"It's okay, I'll take the shot so it doesn't have time to think about it."

Lucian reached out to grab the little alien, but the alien moved extremely fast, jumped out like a mouse, and escaped along the corner of the wall.

Lucian snorted coldly, his pupils turned into ferocious animal pupils, and strode after him.

He won't give this alien time to think, with his ability, he can easily deal with a small monster.

In a narrow sewer.

One big and one small, the two monsters quickly chased me and fled.

Just an hour.

Lucian watched helplessly as the opponent grew rapidly from a cat-sized monster to a figure of more than three or two meters, much taller than his pre-transformation state.

This is the complete body of the opponent.

After the alien had grown into a complete body, it seemed that it wanted to kill the person who was chasing after him, but it was a pity that he turned around to kill... but was directly scratched on the head with a fierce claw, and four bloody wounds were torn out.

Lucian was merciful in the first place, and after tearing apart the opponent's body, his fingers were in severe pain.

The five fingers were corroded and almost only bones remained.

He immediately understood that this is a kind of monster born to kill~slaughter, they can parasitize any powerful creature, and their blood is as terrifyingly corrosive as sulfuric acid.

Where did this monster come from?
The opponent's speed was so fast that Lucian had to also transform into a huge werewolf and run fast on all fours to keep up with the opponent's footsteps.

And the other party rushed out of the sewer at an extremely fast speed, and came to a wider world, where it quickly disappeared into the night.

Lucian also rushed out, his nose constantly shaking, and he could only lock on the other party's smell through smell.

Follow along.

With the foot strength of a werewolf, the distance of tens of miles is only half an hour.

When Lucian slowly regained his human form, he looked at the single-family house in front of him, which looked quite warm from the outside, but he unconsciously showed a dignified expression on his face.

In the eyes of others, this place is just a simple bungalow.

But in Lucian's view, this place is almost a hell on earth.

Even if the distance is tens of meters away, his keen sense of smell can clearly smell the complex atmosphere in this room.

Vampires, werewolves, and some... monsters like the one he chased and captured before.

This is indeed the enemy's base.

It's just that if the enemy can really parasitize casually, then at this moment, there must be at least nearly a hundred monsters inside.

Lucian has been far stronger than ordinary werewolves since he was a child, and he can keep himself awake after being transformed into a werewolf. He can be regarded as a super werewolf.

Because of this, he has his own plan, so naturally he won't be stupid enough to break in directly.

Go back and call your own people to destroy this place directly.

Thinking about it, Lucian turned around and was about to leave, but a voice suddenly sounded above his head, saying, "Your guest is here, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Lucian's heart shuddered suddenly, and he smelled an extremely fierce wind in his nose, and a sense of deadly threat rose from behind him.

He was extremely fast, and suddenly rushed forward for dozens of meters before standing still and turning back.

Then the pupils shrank...

At the position where he just stood, a huge alien with a length of more than three meters was standing there, with a long tail like a steel whip swinging leisurely behind it.

And its face is hideous and terrifying, compared to the alien being chased by him just now, it is not a creature of the same dimension.

What attracted Lucian's attention even more was the pair of huge bat wings behind it...

There are a lot of vampires.

But to be able to grow bat wings directly from the back, at least one must be an elder-level figure.

This is……

"This is A Tie, who was born after being parasitized by Emilia, one of the three elders of vampires."

On the top of his head, Lin Bin slowly landed, and said: "Mr. Lucian, it is very presumptuous to invite you here in this way, don't worry, if we really have malicious intentions towards you, Ah Tie wouldn't just follow you just now. Say hello, but directly shot."

Lucian sneered and said, "Do you think I'm something you can handle at will?"

"Of course not, the super werewolf who almost killed Victor, and now the leader of the werewolf, I don't underestimate you at all."

Lin Bin said, "Otherwise, why would I bother asking you to come and find me?"

"Did you lure me here on purpose?"


"What do you want to do?"


"Cooperation for what?"

"I want to destroy the blood race. I heard that you and the blood race are also mortal enemies. An enemy's enemy is a friend. Can't we cooperate?"

"Why do you want to destroy the blood race?"

"Because there is no way out."

Lin Bin showed a bitter smile on his face, and said: "Either destroy the vampires, or become the food of the vampires... For me, there is no third way to choose, but my group does not have the ability to resist vampires." strength, so we can only ask for foreign aid.”

Looking at Luciana's still alert look.

Lin Bin said: "Mr. Lucian, you don't have to be so vigilant. I regard you as my partner, so I won't hurt you. If you don't believe me, just walk with me in the city. Let me tell you about my origins in detail, then you will understand why I want to cooperate with you."

"Interesting, I really didn't expect that besides werewolves and vampires, there would be a third species in the dark world. To be honest, I'm really curious about you."

Lucian suddenly laughed.

Speaking of bloodlines...

His vigilance dropped by half.

And he is naturally very confident, this monster really feels extremely oppressive to him, parasitizing Emilia, one of the three elders?
Didn't he, Lucian, almost kill Victor, the head of the three elders?If it weren't for the fact that the old guy's vitality was too strong, and he was in a turbulent mood at that time, so much so that he ignored the most critical last knife, the current situation of the werewolf would definitely not be as miserable as it is now.

Facing these two people, he was really not afraid...


There is still a period of weakness after parasitism. In comparison, werewolves and vampires can transform each other into the same kind as long as they bite each other.

This kind of monster is indeed terrifying, but Lucian hasn't regarded this thing as a life and death threat.

"Let's go, Ah Tie, you can move freely."


Ah Tie responded, turned around and disappeared into the depths of the street lightly.

Lin Bin said: "Mr. Lucian, if you walk around the street with me, you will understand why I want to cooperate with you."


Lucian followed in Lin Bin's footsteps, and the two walked towards the city.

After half an hour.

Lucian looked at Lin Bin with astonishment in his eyes, and said in shock, "How did you survive until now?"

Just half an hour.

The two were attacked four times in a row, with an average of one attack every less than 10 minutes, and each time the attack was by a vampire... These vampires had already stopped sucking human blood, but began to eat artificial plasma. The regular elder Victor used his power for personal gain and often went out to drink human blood, but most vampires actually seldom cannibalized.

But after they met Lin Bin.

But it's like a hungry dog ​​who has been hungry for a few days saw a delicious big bone.

No matter what kind of vampire it is, when it sees Lin Bin, it will be unconsciously attracted to him, and then attack.

It was the first time in his life that Lucian was disgusted by vampires for the second, third, and fourth time. Tell him to leave, so as not to affect their eating.

Lin Bin said bitterly: "Now, do you understand why I want to cooperate with you?"

Lucian nodded, "It seems that sucking your blood is of great benefit to these blood races. They don't even bother to suppress their own desires, for fear that you will be preempted by others, but I want to know the reason."

Lin Bin sighed, and said: "The name of our ethnic group is Alien. I am the king of the Alien family. I originally lived in China. I have practiced in Qingcheng Mountain for more than 700 years before I lost the shape of the alien and possessed the human body. body."

"One thousand eight hundred years?"

Lucian repeated in shock.

"It's not surprising, your history is a bit short. One thousand and seven hundred years ago, this place was just a wasteland, but in China, with a history of 700 years, I can be said to have witnessed countless ups and downs."

Lin Bin sighed: "And after many years of cultivation, I finally wanted to develop my ethnic group, because I couldn't bear to hurt the human beings in my country, so I traveled across the ocean and came to this place outside the territory, but I didn't want to see me. After 700 years of penance, my blood has already concentrated countless essences. This is the favorite thing of blood races. They all want to kill me and eat me...Emilia even wants to be my Slave, as long as I am willing to give her my blood, but I know that once I am bitten by her, I will become her family."

He smiled wryly and said: "Now that I have entered the sight of the vampires, even if I want to escape back to China, I can't. These vampires will never let me go. They will eat me at all costs. If I want to live, I need Just kill all the vampires."

"Is that the main reason you want to work with me?"

"No... The main reason why I cooperate with you is because you have a secret that can destroy the blood race!"

"What secret?"

Lin Bin said: "The ancestor of the werewolf and the ancestor of the vampire were originally a pair of brothers. The ancestor of the vampire is still active, but the ancestor of the werewolf has no sense at all from the beginning, only knows about killing~killing, and the people it kills are transformed into Werewolves are utterly irrational. In the end, the ancestor of the vampire was worried that all human beings would be transformed into werewolves, so he had to turn to Victor to transform him into a vampire when he was dying, and captured the ancestor of the werewolf with his army. , and because the ancestor of the vampire still had feelings for his brother, Victor took this opportunity to become the great elder of the vampire, which is why he was able to surpass the ancestor of the vampire. As for the ancestor of the werewolf, he was imprisoned by Victor It got up, and no one else knew its whereabouts except him."

Lucian asked, "Where did you know such secret news?"

"Emilia was also involved in the siege at the time, and I made false claims with her, and I took out everything she had."

Lin Bin directly used the biggest excuse.

Anyway, Emilia had been clearly arranged by Lin Bin from the inside to the outside, and she couldn't survive to explain that she didn't say anything.

"So your cooperation is..."

"I want to release the ancestor of the werewolf and use the power of the ancestor of the werewolf to destroy the vampire!"

Looking at Lucian's instantly alert look, Lin Bin explained: "Don't worry about the ancestor of the werewolves taking your position. In fact, the original werewolves were irrational at all. They were bloodthirsty. The reason why the ancestor of the werewolves were arrested Let’s face it, it’s because he killed too many people… But if we can rescue the ancestor of the werewolf, we can tame him into our most loyal dog just like taming a wolf. At that time, it will be no problem to use its power to destroy vampires. "

Lucian said in a deep voice: "You know a lot, and I don't even know this information."

"After all, I have lived for many years, and I have been here many years ago, so I am very clear about some old information."

"But since you know everything, why do you still cooperate with me?"

"Because the key to open that mechanism was in Victor's hands. Later, by chance, half of it was taken away by someone and kept with him as a souvenir."

Lucian touched the delicate pendant on his chest.

Lin Bin sighed: "Of course I can think of a way to kill you and get the key, but to provoke werewolves while already being regarded as prey by vampires, I have to be so stupid to do such a stupid thing... At the same time provoke Two terrible dark races."

This is said with sincerity.

If it weren't for the expansion of the fire, he really didn't want to face two terrifying races at the same time.

Lucian took a deep look at Lin Bin and said, "That's why you want to cooperate with me, but how do you share the benefits?"

"The ancestor of the werewolf is the ancestor of your werewolf, and I can help you domesticate him."

Lin Bin said: "But correspondingly, I want all the vampires..."

Lucian asked, "What do you want them to do?"

"They want to eat me, but they don't know that my people also want to eat them. I want to transform them into aliens and become our compatriots. I want to replace vampires and become the new king of the dark world!"

Lin Bin looked at Lucian and said with a smile: "Of course, when the time comes, our two races can watch and help each other. Wouldn't it be better than fighting with these vampires all the time?"

"I can't seem to refuse this proposal, but the premise is that you have to prove to me your sincerity. You said all of this casually. I don't believe it, but at the same time, I don't believe it completely."

"You can rest assured that I will show you my sincerity little by little."

Lin Bin smiled.

Lucian took a deep look at Lin Bin, and also smiled.

The two hands holding each other's ghosts directly held together.

drive away wolves...

Lin Bin thought, at least for now, I really want to cooperate with you very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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