when reincarnation invades

Chapter 131 Who will eat and who is not sure yet

Chapter 131 Who will eat who is not sure
Cooperation reached!

Lin Bin smiled happily.

Drive away the wolves and eat the tiger, and then the fisherman will benefit...

All this seems to be going well, but in fact, because of the existence of aliens, he is no longer the single person he was before.

It is also because of the alien that he has the qualifications to communicate with these two races on an equal footing.

There are too many operability in the middle.

And this time.

In a hidden sewer base.

Lucian also received doubts from his companions.

"Are you really going to work with someone who doesn't know the details?"

Knowing the cooperation reached during his trip, a tall and strong black bald man worried: "Aren't you afraid of some conspiracy trap?"

"Maybe there are traps, but what he said is true, the enemy of the enemy is a friend."

Faced with this loyal comrade-in-arms who had been a slave to the vampires with him back then, and now worked hard to accompany him for hundreds of years, Lucian did not hide his thoughts.

He said: "I can tell whether the coveting is real or fake. This Abin really has the substance that vampires desire so much. As long as he stands there, he will attract the hatred of all vampires...not to mention him. He also killed Emilia, one of the three elders of the vampires, to investigate this matter, although he has no reason to deceive me, after all, this is too clumsy, but we can't be careless."

The researcher who witnessed the birth of the alien with him adjusted his glasses and asked, "Do you want to continue the plan here?!"

"Certainly continue."

Lucian sneered and said: "I cooperated with him to obtain the power of the werewolf ancestor, and if he could use his hand to weaken the power of vampires, why not do it, but even if we get the werewolf ancestor, it is not us Our own power, if we can combine the power of vampires and werewolves at the same time, it will be our own power. We can implement both at the same time and continue to experiment. When the time comes, when the vampires are destroyed, maybe we can give that Abin What a surprise."

"You want to kill them after using them?"

"Two dark races are too many. In the world of the night, one race is enough... It's wishful thinking that he even wants to replace the vampire, but it doesn't prevent us from temporarily cooperating with him."

Lucian said: "Don't worry, I won't let the werewolf be his tool, rather, I will let them become the werewolf's shield."

The black burly man said: "I'm afraid it's not that simple, this person obviously has a lot of eyes."

"The big deal is not to cooperate, it depends on the sincerity of the other party."

Lucian smiled gloatingly.

He saw it with his own eyes, and even with his werewolf's keen five senses, he could clearly feel that vampires could smell him from several kilometers away.

Then come running.

No vampire can suppress his desire to suck blood. Similarly, even if he does nothing, he will attract all the vampires around him.

While talking, the phone in his hand suddenly rang.

Lucian connects.

After saying a few words, he slowly put down the phone.

He smiled and said: "What do I say? He is more anxious than me... Just now we have negotiated a cooperation, and he can't wait to make a move. I don't know how he knew that we have an internal agent among the vampires. He let I will find a way to help him find Victor's hiding place, and he must first take the other half of the key."

Lucian said emphatically: "His meaning is obvious. I'm in charge of the map, and he's in charge of the killing. If Victor doesn't show up, we don't have to make a move. It's a good proposal, isn't it? Don't you want to kill Victor yourself? "

"Of course I do."

Said the strong black man.

"I'm afraid he wants to take the opportunity to reproduce that alien?"

The researcher said: "We have all seen with our own eyes that these monsters need to lay their eggs in the enemy's body to reproduce."

"I have already found out this point. The alien that parasitizes Emilia is the strongest, and only it has the ability to lay eggs. Their grouping method is similar to that of bees. There is only one queen bee. The others are just worker bees. Compared with all our werewolves, this alien has the ability to infect. Although this alien is more powerful, but this kind of parasitism, even if we let them parasitize, how many can they parasitize? ?”

Lucian calmly said: "And don't forget, if the story about the werewolf ancestor is true, as long as we can get the werewolf ancestor, he will be useless no matter how many parasites he has. With the power of the werewolf ancestor, we can directly capture the thief first. King, kill the alien queen, and half of their power will be crippled first."

The scientific researcher in the white coat exclaimed: "Good idea."

The black burly man also said: "I don't know much about the twists and turns in this area. Anyway, as long as you are sure, we will cooperate if you think it is suitable!"

"Well, I agree."

Lucian said: "Although we are not ready yet, the vampires are not ready either. If Victor can be killed in advance, I don't mind. You continue to capture suitable bloodlines. I will contact Klein. This matter still needs to go through him.”

They quickly agreed on the next steps.

At this time, Lin Bin also hung up the phone.

The time is only three months, and his task is too difficult, and a little bit of time must not be wasted.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the living room.

Not long after he came back, four more vampires chased after him...

And through these four vampires, Lin Bin discovered something that surprised him.

During this period of time, vampires and werewolves have been parasitized continuously. In just a few days, for the aliens, there have been dozens of waves of parasitism.

He found that the embryonic facehuggers were obviously not interested in humans.

Surrounding them are blood-sucking aliens that are so agile that people can't see them clearly, and powerful and huge werewolf aliens. Compared with them, the parasitic aliens are too weak and cannot be included in the group.

In the past two days, there were thieves around, and they were parasitized by aliens. As a result, as soon as they grew into adults, they were directly slapped to death by the werewolf aliens next to them.

too weak.

As far as the aliens are concerned, they have the genetic memory of the ethnic group.

The face-huggers are supposed to be ruthless, but their queen is too powerful. She is also a powerful warrior, human, vampire, and alien. In addition, the hosts of the embryo parasitism are powerful vampires and werewolves. As time goes by... There is more information in the genetic memory of the alien race.

For example, a host body must be strong enough to produce more powerful aliens.

And when all the aliens maintain the strength of a single body, then the aliens can evolve to another level.

For Lin Bin, this is good news.

What he worries most about releasing the alien is that it will affect those ordinary people.

He could destroy all werewolves and vampires without hesitation, not only because of the deep-rooted not-me race in his mind, the idea that his heart must be different, but also because the task was arranged in this way.

For the reincarnation space, the difficulty of the task can be increased, but the nature must be the same, all to prevent the invasion of this world.

In other words, this secret realm is likely to be the red secret realm...the kind that must be destroyed.

But even so, he would still feel a little guilty for letting him deal with those poor people who had done nothing evil at all and didn't even know anything.

Although the aliens were only relative terms, if there were no vampires and werewolves, it would be unknown who they would parasitize... But by then, this mess should not be a headache for him.

Let the reincarnation of the Freedom Federation worry about it.

And Lin Bin only has a little compassion for human beings.

But for vampires, there would be no such worries.

Just like these four vampires, because they chased after them following their breath.

For them, it was just a picnic. Although the vampire race had issued a decree that it was not allowed to drink the blood of living people, this was also to make the continuation of the vampire race more smooth.

But in fact, except for some honest vampires, most of them didn't take this explicit order seriously, they just changed their blood sucking from the bright side to the dark side.

As long as my hands and feet are clean enough, there is no breach of contract.

It's a pity that when the four of them lurked over quietly, they opened the door of the house.

Then he met forty or fifty pairs of eyes full of boundless murderous intent.

It was a look that even the vampires would be terrified of, without any emotion.

But Lin Bin didn't let Ah Tie parasitize the four blood races.

"You guys are lucky. The bungalow can't hold the number of aliens long ago, so I sent extra aliens out to hunt. The four of you managed to get here without encountering a single alien. This luck is not to buy a lottery ticket. Pity."

Lin Bin looked at the terrified expressions on the faces of the four people who had been bound by the mucus and had already lost their ability to move, and sighed: "Maybe it's bad luck."

He took out the evil emperor relic.

Surroundings, evil spirits moved accordingly.

The aliens didn't feel anything, but the four vampires only felt a sudden burst of relief, as if soaked in hot spring fluid.

But the expressions on their faces were even more frightened.

They understand that the reason why they have not died until now is probably because the enemy wants to use them to do even more terrible things.

The facts are not what they expected.

Lin Bin held the Evil Emperor's relic in one hand, and pressed his other hand directly on his chest.

Essence then poured into his body.

Every time I practiced double cultivation with Houhou before, Lin Bin almost had an illusion...

Only when the evil emperor relic is with Houhou can it be absorbed smoothly.

But in fact, it was entirely out of humanitarianism, a compromise that no one had to make in order not to hurt anyone.

If Lin Bin could be more cruel, disregarding the life of the other person, and forcibly expel those impurities into other people's bodies, it is actually completely possible to do so.

This approach is somewhat wasteful.

After all, the true essence of these evil emperor relics is actually the skill that the evil emperors of the past have worked hard to cultivate. They have excellent effects on Houhou and Zhu Yuyan, and they can also buy people's hearts. Splurge and extravagance.

But after the previous battle with Emilia.

Lin Bin has vaguely realized that it is still extremely difficult for him to gain an absolute upper hand in the contest with the vampire elders with his current strength.

Although with Ah Tie's help, for the sake of safety, his own strength must also be improved.

At this time, there is no need to waste anything.

"What do you want to do? You are...wait a minute...what a strong force...something is entering my body..."

The female vampire's frightened expression gradually changed to one of surprise.

He could feel that what poured into her body like a sea tide was not the hateful and dirty thing he had imagined, but instead shook her spirit, and her whole body was filled with a feeling of unhappiness.

She was so excited that she couldn't help but want to scream...

I feel that I have become so strong that I even have enough confidence to challenge the elders.

"A little more, a little more, I want more!"

She screamed with happiness!

But soon, that feeling of excitement and happiness disappeared quickly.

Instead, there is boundless panic.

There are no exercises and running routes.

The true energy in her body was like a stormy sea, without any stop, and it kept crashing wildly between her internal organs, without any rules at all.

The originally slim and tall figure gradually became full of swelling.

next moment……

A loud bang.

The female vampire who wanted to eat Lin Bin could no longer contain the excess qi and exploded to death.

Ah Tie at the side flicked his tail regretfully, staring at A Bin full of resentment.

Such a waste……

One vampire and one cub.

And Abin also sighed with some regret. In the past few days, he has conducted experiments with many animals one after another.

Like those ordinary small animals, they simply cannot contain those extremely powerful true qi.

The words of the blood race are slightly better. Their internal organs are indeed much stronger than that of humans, and they can withstand the consumption of these true qi.

But it can only forcibly contain these true qi in the most brutal way, and the effect it can achieve is naturally half the result with twice the effort.

It's a pity that Lin Bin doesn't know the skills of these evil emperors, otherwise, it would be an excellent choice to teach these blood races... Anyway, it's no problem to kill them afterwards.

Lin Bin followed suit.

None of the four blood races could escape.

But the combination of these four blood races, the effect is only comparable to double cultivation with Wanwan once.

The efficiency is really too low.

It can only belong to the state of sharpening the gun in front of the battle, unhappy and light.

But in this way.

"I always feel that I have completely become a big villain in this secret realm."

Lin Bin thought to release aliens, parasitize and destroy bodies, intrigue, and wanton killing~killing... Whichever white plane should this be placed in, I must at least be a boss at the level of the great devil of the Demon Cult.

Especially where he lives now.

With the death of these four blood races, the whole room was filled with strange mucus and sticky blood. It looked like a proper purgatory on earth.

but it does not matter.

To paraphrase the words of righteous people.

There is no need to talk about morals with these evil heretics, just kill them...

This is the Red Secret Realm, a world that is doomed to destruction, and with such a mission, what Lin Bin can do is to try not to affect those ordinary people.

And just absorbed a lot of real yuan.

He went to his room, the only piece of pure land in this bungalow, and began to practice seriously.

Early the next morning.

He received a call from Lucian.

"Have you determined the location and the detailed map inside? Are your movements very fast?"

"Because I'm afraid that if I'm late, you will be wiped out by those blood races."

Lucian was in a good mood, and made a joke very acquaintedly.

"It's not certain who will eat who."

Lin Bin glanced at the pool of blood on the ground.

Xin Dao said that this can only be said to be an expedient measure. The true qi cultivated by the evil emperors of the past is too precious, and it really shouldn't be wasted so profligately.

Or after leaving this plane in the future.

Maybe we can use the "Heavenly Demon Dafa" plus the true energy of these evil emperor relics to cultivate a confidant of our own?At that time, it will not be limited to only one person, and it will be more convenient for dual cultivation in the future, won't it?
(End of this chapter)

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