Chapter 132
Lucian's movements were indeed quick.

In less than a day, he had successfully obtained what Lin Bin wanted.

Victor's hideout.

And the topographic map of this castle...

I don't know what method he used to deceive that insider, after all, there are quite a lot of insiders named Klein.

But Lin Bin didn't care about these things. With these things, he could first take action to destroy the most powerful lair of the blood race.


Previously, the iron-blooded blood-sucking aliens were only breeding and parasitizing in a small area, and they did not bring out the most terrifying advantages of the aliens at all.

That is the ability to reproduce.

Lucian still thinks that the aliens are not a threat... It is because the number of aliens is not large, and they are basically caught by Lin Bin using himself as bait.

Then just continue to misunderstand like this.

Lin Bin immediately started to act...

It's just that he didn't send these vampire and werewolf aliens as assistants, but directly sent them all to another place.

His task is too difficult, coupled with the tight time.

It has to be done both ways.

Anyway, with Ah Tie here, he is already the most powerful assistant.

Let Ah Tie follow his breath, while Lin Bin took the train and drove to the destination on the map.

The three vampire elders lived not close together. Lin Bin took the train for seven hours, then rented a car and drove for three hours.

This is the destination.

An ancient manor castle with an extremely large area.

From the outside, it looks dark and gloomy...

In particular, there are a large number of extremely high canopy and dense plants planted in the manor, which envelopes the whole manor, making it even more lonely and cold.

"Don't be surprised, vampires are monsters who are afraid of the sun, so even if it's their residence, they can try not to install lights, and it's very reasonable to plant some trees."

Behind him, Lucian's voice sounded.

He had obviously been here long ago.

Said: "I don't know how you killed Emilia, but I can warn you in advance, don't take chances just because you killed an elder. Compared with Victor, Emilia is not in the top class." Very well, she is just an elder who was supported by Victor to restrain Marcus... And this is the strongest lair among all the vampires, even if all the werewolf powers are gathered, it will not be too late. Impossible to be their opponent!"

"I know, in fact, I'm just dying."

Lin Bin said: "There will be a battle between me and them sooner or later. If that's the case, it's better to catch them by surprise before they know about my existence. Maybe there's still a glimmer of life."

Lucian asked, "What do we need to do?"

"Help me guard the perimeter to prevent these vampires from escaping. Also, capture a female vampire named Serena. She is the daughter of the craftsman who made the ancestor of the werewolf, and is now the only one who knows where the ancestor of the werewolf is held. people."

Lin Bin said: "And I am responsible for killing all the vampires here."

Lucian asked, "Where are your little aliens?"

"They are all hidden in the dark, which is why I dare to come here, because my alien is more adaptable to the dark than the vampire. Although it is in the enemy's lair, I am the one who occupies the right place."

Lin Bin waved his hand, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

Lucian couldn't help being stunned by this magical method...

Immediately he exclaimed, "What a miraculous technological means, but if you don't hide your smell, I'm afraid you won't be able to hide it from them. The blood race should be very sensitive to your breath."

"It's enough to hide from those technological cameras, but it's not easy to find the source of the smell."

Lin Bin, this is also a shallow attempt.

Seeing that even in invisibility, Lucian can still speak to his position...

He immediately understood that the optical camouflage cloak was abolished in this world because of his keen sense of smell. It would not be of much use in the face of werewolves or vampires. Fortunately, he did not rely too much on this before. equipment.

That is, there are aliens, otherwise, the possibility of completing this task is very slim...

Lin Bin quietly crossed the high and wide courtyard wall, easily avoided the detection of those modern technologies, and entered the manor.

"Are we really waiting here?"

The strong black man asked in a low voice.

"Wait, if he can't, we can just watch him die here. Anyway, we have gotten so much information from him, we have already made a lot of money."

Lucian gently stroked the delicate pendant necklace on his chest, and said word by word: "If he can really destroy this lair, I don't mind helping him. Victor has lived for so many years, and he can If he dies, I don't mind that so many years of hard work are ruined!"

And this time.

Lin Bin quietly entered the manor.

The area of ​​the manor was too vast, and no one found his trace.

And those vampires who were supposed to be able to smell his breath were staggering and unconscious at this moment.

Accompanied by ho-ho gasps, a tall figure quietly appeared behind Lin Bin, elusive like a ghost.

It is iron-blooded blood-sucking alien Ah Tie.

It itself is a creature that is very good at darkness, and it lurked in with ease, and these vampires guarding the gate had no power to fight back against the iron-blooded vampire.

It is easy to be parasitized by it.

If it wasn't waiting for Abin here, it might have rushed in and killed wantonly.

But at this moment, it flicked its long whip tail, and stared at Lin Bin expectantly, as if it was waiting for him to open his mouth.

Lin Bin patted Ah Tie's head and said, "Go, Ah Tie, parasitize all the living creatures you have ever seen, and turn this place into your lair!"


Ah Tie responded cheerfully, flicked his huge tail, and disappeared into the darkness again.

And Lin Bin quietly lurked into the castle from another direction.

He didn't go straight to Huanglong immediately, or cut the enemy's wings on the outside first, but opened the changing capsule.

The spawning ability of alien queens is astonishing. As long as they are willing, they can lay tens of thousands of alien eggs in a day...

Lin Bin did not restrict Ah Tie's spawning, but collected all these eggs, just to save them for this time.

Like pouring seeds, a large number of facehugger eggs were poured into those hidden corners.

These eggs are extremely sticky and take root when they fall to the ground.

Then it began to develop slowly.

Along the way, Lin Bin kept sowing seeds like a hardworking old farmer...

He didn't hear the sound of killing. It seemed that Ah Tie, like him, was silently parasitizing instead of massacring in a big way.

Compared to killing, aliens prefer to use them as embryos to give birth to their own compatriots!

Seeing that a large number of face-huggers had completely surrounded the castle, Lin Bin used his lightness skills and jumped to the top of the castle... First he waited quietly for a cooldown.

Then sneak in.

Start to arrange inside the manor.

At this time, inside the manor.

The night is a carnival for vampires, so even though it was late at night, none of the vampires slept.

All the vampires gathered in the hall, enjoying the atmosphere of a banquet...

After living for too long, apart from this kind of people gathering together to hold lively banquets and gathering people to suck blood, other activities have hardly aroused their interest.

just today...

One of the vampires shrugged its nose and said, "What a fragrant blood? Are there any unique events today?"

Immediately, more vampires also smelled this breath.

Filled with rich vitality.

In comparison, the blood they drank before was like the handwashing water in the latrine, bland and tasteless.

Everyone sat up one after another, and looked eagerly at the long-haired man who was the leader of the crowd.


The blood hero who killed the werewolf Lucian.

Now that Victor is sleeping, he is almost in charge of the entire vampire group. If there are any novel surprises, he is the only one who is qualified to arrange and arrange them.

Klein's face was inscrutable...

My heart was equally full of confusion.

Is there any surprise, he still doesn't know?

But the scent is... so enticing...

Following his breath, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the top of his head.

The castle is extremely high, and the central position is completely hollow, from here you can directly overlook the sky tens of meters above.


He frowned, and seemed to see a black spot, but through the frosted glass top, it couldn't be seen clearly...but the crack on it...

Wait, Rift!
Klein yelled, "Everyone, get out of here!!!"

After the words fell, with a violent explosion, a black shadow descended from the sky and slammed down on the ground fiercely.

They are very familiar with this person.

Ace is in charge of the patrol.

"There is an enemy invasion, everyone be alert!"

Klein yelled, and instantly thought of Lucian.

Could it be that the guy wanted the map of the castle not to avoid this area, but to invade here?

Is he stupid?

If he really appeared here openly, wouldn't I just...

But what happened next didn't allow him to think too much.

As Ace's body fell, a petite but extremely ferocious monster burst out from his chest, and screamed fiercely in front of all the vampires.


It was a monster that had never been seen before, and it was born from the body of a vampire, which made all vampires feel a chill in their hearts.

Klein raised his hand and shot the alien larva.

Just smash it into pieces...

Everyone raised their heads and continued to look up, only to see a figure standing above, and the aroma that everyone had been looking forward to before suddenly came from that person.

But at this moment, his expression was flat.

Open something facing the inside of the castle.

next moment.

Countless abnormal-shaped embryos fell down like rain.

clap clap clap...

It's like a torrential rain.

And as these odd-shaped embryos collided with each other, almost all the facehuggers rushed out of the eggs in mid-air.

The facehuggers and embryos mixed together and fell under the castle.

"A lot of bugs, be careful, avoid these disgusting bugs, they will attract us!"

"Shoot fast!"

Many vampires suddenly became chaotic.

It's just that in the banquet, everyone is having fun.

Except that Klein carried two pistols with him, and the vampire's special weapon, the pistol had almost 50 rounds of ammunition, and it even had a repeating device!
The two pistols fired at the outside world like miniature machine guns.

A large number of face huggers in the air were blown up, and corrosive green blood sprayed down...

When it landed on the face of the vampire below, there was a scorching chisel.

The vampire who originally showed his sharp claws and planned to tear the bugs apart saw the miserable state of his companions, and his expression changed drastically.

Shouted: "Don't touch this blood, this blood is very corrosive... Get out quickly."

Seeing these face-hugging bugs falling down quickly, although the bugs are small and fragile, their speed is astonishingly fast, flying around indiscriminately.

Dazzled, many vampires couldn't react, and had been directly covered in face by these face-huggers. After tightening their necks, they fell powerlessly to the ground and twitched.

Everyone hurriedly retreated, planning to go out to find weapons.

Just rushed to the door position, with a loud bang.

The entire door was directly smashed open.

A giant alien shape nearly three meters high strode in.

The unique wings of the vampire on the back spread out, roaring at these vampires, the sharp fangs, and the terrible fierce breath made all the vampires feel chills...

No matter how obedient they are, they are also aliens.

Ah Tie did listen to Lin Bin, but that was in a normal state, and if it fell into a killing state, all it could guarantee was not to hurt Lin Bin.

Therefore, before Lin Bin didn't show his figure, it quietly lurked and plotted.

But now Lin Bin took the initiative to show up.

It also started a wanton killing mode, roaring.

From behind it, thirty or forty blood-sucking aliens one size smaller rushed into the castle.

"Kill them all, rush out!"

"Others go get weapons, we are responsible for holding these monsters!"


Dozens of aliens fought with hundreds of vampires instantly.

Immediately, blood flew everywhere.

Dozens of aliens were slammed into the air.

But more vampires were directly penetrated into the brain by the alien tail thorns, and then they were dragged to their side, biting their necks with their mouths, and began to suck the blood in their bodies.

Vampires are powerful and extremely fast.

But in the face of vampire aliens, they do not have the slightest advantage. They are just an underage predator, and the alien born after being parasitized can crush an elite-level predator head-on.

After the alien parasitism, the strength of the individual is obviously much stronger than these vampires, especially the blood of the alien is also corrosive, which abolishes the sharp claws of the vampires and their ability to suck blood.

In particular, Ah Tie walked steadily, walking among the crowd like a gigantic giant, with every claw torn out, he could directly hammer a vampire into a pulp.

It roared up to the sky with excitement...

It has been suppressed by Lin Bin for so long, now this is its nature to explode.

Kill all creatures seen.

Parasitize them!

Let the whole world become an alien world.

It grabbed the neck of one of the vampires with its backhand, directly tore open his mouth, and then spit out the small tongue. The vampire struggled desperately in pain, his throat was throbbing continuously, and a large number of embryos had been poured into his mouth.

There are many vampires...

However, it is obviously difficult to compete with the extreme technological products.

Even, a crushing defeat!
Lin Bin took a deep look, then turned and walked into the distance.

These are just little guys, he has more important tasks.

Whether it is Serena or Victor, there is absolutely nothing to lose.

At this time, the entire castle was completely in chaos.

Many vampires got their weapons and rushed out of the castle, but this alarmed the face huggers that Lin Bin had placed in advance.

For a moment, the entire vampire castle became a sea of ​​aliens.

The accumulation of nearly ten days was released all at once, and it was really dense, like a rain of locusts.

outside the castle.

Lucian looked pale and asked in surprise, "Why do they have so many eggs? Is there no limit to their laying eggs?"

Too much.

No matter how fragile they are, these bugs possess almost invincible power.

After all, bugs seem small, but they have never been defeated.

He suddenly discovered that he didn't like the ability of aliens to reproduce, so he agreed to cooperate with this Abin... Maybe it was the stupidest decision he had ever made in his life!

 Fixed BUG: The main task was changed from destroying the extraordinary to destroying the werewolves and vampires.Because the vampires and werewolves in the legend of the night are actually the products of the combination of viruses and humans, not supernatural creatures... But it's just a change to the mission description, it has no effect on reading

(End of this chapter)

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