when reincarnation invades

Chapter 133 Am I Just a Soy Sauce?

Chapter 133 Am I Just a Soy Sauce?

Lucian despises the reproduction mode of the aliens, but this is based on the premise that the aliens lay eggs at a slower rate...

He always thought that among the aliens, only Ah Tie could lay eggs.

In fact, he was right, but he didn't expect Ah Tie's spawning speed to be so much higher than he imagined.

They werewolves bite one and infect the other.

The efficiency is simply not too high.

In comparison, with reproduction and the parasitic mode of the juvenile period, the alien is simply too backward.

But this is pinned on the fact that parasitism is done one-on-one.

But what if it's thousands against thousands?

There are a large number of vampires in the castle, including bodyguards, guards, logistics, staff, etc., probably more than 2000 people.

But now in front of them, how many face huggers did Lucian see?
Flying like a rain of locusts in the entire castle...

It cannot be harmed, and once it is harmed, a large amount of blood will be sprayed out, which has extremely terrible corrosion ability.

But how to avoid it?

Once they are ridden on the face, they will start a parasitic mode.

At that time, there will be no more hope...

Vampires are very powerful, but that doesn't mean they won't die.

On the contrary, after this powerful vitality reaches the alien, it will become an even more terrifying killer!

"No wonder this man named Abin is so confident. It turns out that his trump card turned out to be tens of thousands of parasitic eggs. We have underestimated him before, but this time we really shot ourselves in the foot. .”

Lucian's face turned cold.

He understands...

After this battle, Lin Bin's strength may usher in at least a hundredfold increase. Every vampire that exists will probably give birth to an alien.

Lucian can ignore the horror of the alien.

But the other werewolves couldn't be ignored.

The original intention was just to use the aliens, but Lucian was shocked to find that it was just a war, but the combat power of the aliens had improved so much that they were even comparable to werewolves!

He said in a deep voice: "It seems that we have to change our plan."

The right-hand man beside him asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, go catch that vampire named Serena, and avoid these aliens carefully, they may not be human, I'm afraid they won't show mercy to you!"

Lucian said, "I have to help that Abin."

He felt a sudden crisis in his heart.

Before, I thought the cooperation with Lin Bin was very good, and he took a lot of advantage.

But now, he suddenly began to worry about whether he could really get the control of the werewolf ancestor.

It seems that we have to find a way to get rid of this Lin Bin.

These vampires, give it away.

Anyway, as long as I get the ancestor of the werewolf, no matter how many aliens there are at that time, I believe that with the power of the ancestor of the werewolf, coupled with the accumulation of the werewolves over the past few hundred years, these aliens can definitely be wiped out.

For now, we will continue to pretend to be false, but we must speed up the action of finding the ancestor of the werewolf.

Lucian slowly tore off his black coat, and as his body gradually swelled, his skin began to grow a lot of sideburns.

Even the body has become extremely huge.

Almost two meters away...

Although not as huge as the iron-blooded blood-sucking alien Ah Tielai, it is superior in leanness, and almost every inch of skin contains endless power.

He growled lowly.

The knees that had turned into wolf legs were slightly bent, and the solid cobblestone ground under his feet suddenly shattered and exploded. His whole body had already turned into a ball of cannonballs, rushing towards the pitch-black castle.

And this time.

Lin Bin did not participate in the fight.

What to kill?

This is all baby.

Just like a vampire sees him as delicious food through his breath.

But in his eyes, these vampires are not warm hotbeds that can produce powerful aliens one after another.

Ordinary aliens are really nothing to be afraid of, and the combat power of a single body is probably not as good as that of a fierce tiger.

But why when the aliens really spread, even the Predator can only choose to destroy this civilization to eliminate them?
To put it bluntly, the horror of aliens lies in their secret assassination attacks, and in the fact that they are so numerous that they are overwhelming.

Inside the castle, there are many vampires.

They are all food, there is no fluke at all...

Although after the initial chaos, the death walkers who were born to hunt werewolves quickly joined the battle.

Unlike those pampered vampires, the death walkers fight on the front line of life and death all year round, and their combat power is extremely strong. This is the only way to resist the offensive of the aliens...

But the aliens are killing more and more, and the face huggers are parasitic at any time.

Victory is only a matter of time.

Leaving the main battlefield to Ah Tie and the aliens, Lin Bin walked up.

He could see clearly that just now, Klein, the castle's second in command, shouted to resist and kill all the enemies, but he quietly retreated behind everyone.

Then fled upstairs.

His identity has not been revealed yet, and it is more likely to ask for help than to escape.

Lin Bin's footsteps are not fast, but his movements are light and quick.

Make sure that Klein is always within the range of his spiritual perception.

Although Klein smelled the extremely rich aroma the whole time, the entire castle was engulfed in flames of war, and he didn't care about the source of the aroma.

He just ran quickly to the hiding place where the elders were sleeping.

He can become the second in command here after Victor fell asleep, he is not a brainless person, so after a large number of face huggers appeared, he realized that something was wrong, the enemy was prepared, and those terrible monsters were so Fierce, the strength is even higher than their vampires.

Come prepared, this time their blood race might be in trouble, if they want to save people, they have to wake up Victor.

But just halfway through the run, Klein suddenly reacted to the most critical point.

It was through cooperation with Lucian that he gained such a status among the blood clan.

If Victor Leng was awakened with his own blood, with the memory contained in the blood, he might not be able to hide anything from the other party. Even if the blood race was saved, he would surely die.

The elder must be awakened, but he must not be awakened by himself...

Klein quickly thought of one person.

Thinking about it, he hurriedly turned and ran in another direction.

He didn't notice the whole time, someone continued to walk deep into the castle in the direction he just ran.

On Klein's side, he had just rushed to a remote room, and before he entered, he heard a burst of gunshots.

He hastily slammed the door and rushed in.

Inside the house, a tall, fair-skinned, fair-skinned woman with draped shoulder-length hair was standing on the head of a struggling werewolf, killing him with one shot.

Klein shouted: "Serena!"

Serena looked back at Klein and asked, "What happened?"

"A monster has invaded our castle, and our people can no longer hold on. We must wake up the Great Elder as soon as possible."

Klein said: "It's just that it's not the time for him to wake up, so we need a suitable person to wake him up. I thought of you. The Great Elder has always loved you, so it's best for you to wake him up."

Serena frowned slightly upon hearing this.

I don't doubt that there is him.

After all, she was really attacked by a werewolf just now.

It's just that Klein's expression is even more disgusting...

How did she know Klein's difficulties?Also think that he is unwilling to bear the crime of pursuing responsibility afterwards.

You must know that Victor is extremely rigid, even if an unexpected situation wakes him up, he will definitely be punished afterwards!
I didn't expect him to think of shirking responsibility at such a critical moment.

"I'm going to wake up the elder!"

Serena knew that the situation was urgent, so she didn't procrastinate, she turned around and was about to go outside...

But before taking two steps, two werewolves jumped in from the broken window.

One of the werewolves saw Serena, his eyes lit up, and he let out a high-pitched wolf howl.


The cry spread far away.

Although it is not a human language, Serena, who has dealt with werewolves all year round, can still hear the meaning of his words.

"Found the target."

"They came after me!"

Serena's heart trembled slightly, she raised her gun and fired. The modified pistol was like a submachine gun, and dozens of bullets were poured out in the blink of an eye.

Special silver bullets are extremely lethal to these werewolves.

Before the two werewolves had time to jump over, they were directly beaten into a sieve by Serena.

"No, their target is me. If I go there, I will lead these werewolves over."

Serena looked out the window, and sure enough, she saw more than a dozen werewolves on the wall, like geckos, climbing towards her from different directions.


Klein was stunned.

He glanced at Serena in shock, and thought to himself that this vampire who has nothing but beauty...

Could it be that the enemy is also coveting her beauty?

And this time.

Lin Bin here.

With Klein pointing out the general direction, Lin Bin followed the path he walked, crossing several barriers along the way.

Finally came to the end of the road.

Open the two huge metal doors with heavy protection.

Inside is an extremely wide hall, which is empty, except for a thick stone chair, there are no other furnishings.

It's just that the ground is carved with incomparably complicated patterns.

The three sides are made of pure gold, and the round channel closure like a sewer looks particularly eye-catching.

Lin Bin is well aware of the plot, so he naturally understands that these are three coffins erected...

Vampires like shade and coolness.

Buried in the ground will be considered unlucky to others, but they don't like it.

And the three elders have already felt the boring time in the long years.

Therefore, the three elders are now in power separately.

When one of them presides over the Blood Clan alone, the other two fall asleep in the coffin, taking turns to pass the long time.

And now it's Emilia's hosting time.

So both Victor and Marcus fell asleep down here.

I just don’t know which of the three agencies Victor is in, and which one Marcus is in...

"Victor is sleeping here?!"

Suddenly, Lin Bin heard Lucian's voice behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a werewolf half taller than Lin Bin slowly walked in.

Eyes full of viciousness, but with a human look.

Lin Bin nodded, and said in surprise, "Why did you come so early? I thought you would show up to take advantage of this after Victor and I were both defeated!"

"I just can't allow someone to kill Victor before me, but I won't promise you much until you actually find him."

Naturally, Lucian would not say that he had noticed the change of the alien.

He is more determined to obtain the existence of the werewolf ancestor, so that he attaches more importance to the half key.

He glanced around here.

Said: "Choose one of the three, it seems that there is no rule... depends on luck."

As he said that, he squatted down and twisted the mechanism of one of the coffins.

Accompanied by a rumbling and heavy mechanism engaging sound, the coffin, which was originally level with the ground, was slowly lifted up.

After a moment.

The coffin is hollow inside.

"We are not very lucky, and we can make mistakes in one of the three choices."

Lucian didn't take it seriously, and continued to lower his body, twisting the second mechanism.

With a look of anticipation on his face...

For the time being, he doesn't want to turn against the alien ancestor in front of him. He is the ancestor of the second-generation werewolf. Compared with the original werewolf, it is an advantage that he can maintain wisdom when transforming, but correspondingly, his strength has also weakened a lot. .

Are you smart?In exchange for strength.

But the ancestor of the first werewolf must be different. He must have exchanged all his IQ for strength, and his strength is definitely above him.

If you can get the allegiance of the ancestors of the first werewolf, then you can turn against the water and eliminate these aliens at that time... The confidence will be greater and the loss will be smaller.

Thinking about it.

But when he thought about killing the enemy he had hated for hundreds of years, Lucian still couldn't help being full of anticipation, and the hair on his face couldn't hide his expectation and excitement.

As the coffin slowly rises.

Revealing the shriveled corpse inside, Lucian had a look of anticipation on his face, and a ferocious smile had just been revealed, as if he wanted to say a few harsh words to this old enemy.

But before he could open his mouth, he met a pair of cold animal eyes.

Victor, who was supposed to be in a deep sleep, didn't feel it, suddenly stretched out his shriveled arm, and slapped Lucian fiercely several tens of meters away, hitting the wall far away, making a big hole.


Lin Bin cursed in a low voice, raised his gun and shot.

If this Lucian can get rid of his carelessness and make up for it after killing Victor hundreds of years ago, maybe there won't even be a plot of Underworld.

After suffering such a big loss, he still doesn't want to repent...

Simply too much!
Bang bang bang!
Three bullets hit the coffin directly.

A gray shadow rushed out at a faster speed, and Lin Bin, relying on his keen sense, fired three more shots blindly, all of which hit the places where the gray shadow must pass.

But the gray shadow was as fast as lightning, and every time it avoided it with a slight difference.

He didn't stop until he was sure that all the bullets were empty.

An almost shriveled corpse, but there are more than a dozen tubes inserted into the back, and the tubes contain fresh blood. Obviously, these fresh blood activated his consciousness.

"Do you think that I will hand over my life to someone else?"

The mummy showed a sneer at Lin Bin, and said hoarsely: "If I don't have the means to wake myself up, how can I let myself fall into a deep sleep?"

"You still have the same deep thoughts, but unfortunately it's useless, Victor, I won't be as careless as last time today, and you are not as lucky as last time."

Lucian was badly injured, but acted as if nothing had happened.

It's just that the murderous intent in his eyes is more intense...

He sneered and said: "I still had some regrets before. It is too boring to kill you who has no resistance. There is no pleasure of revenge at all. Now that you wake up, it can't be better. Sangya's revenge, today I want to kill you." Let you fully repay."

Lin Bin looked at the Weng and his son-in-law who were facing each other in surprise.

Is it an illusion?

It always felt like he was suddenly an outsider.

But well...

He turned his head and his eyes fell on the third coffin.

Compared to killing Victor, he cared more about the blood of the blood ancestor in this coffin!

(End of this chapter)

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