when reincarnation invades

Chapter 134 Sorry, I Lied to You Again

Chapter 134 Sorry, I Lied to You Again

What is the purpose of becoming a reincarnation?
Curb the invasion of the secret realm?
That is the intention of the reincarnation space... The purpose of the reincarnation is very simple from the beginning.



And the power beyond ordinary people!

The benefits exchanged with reincarnation points are undoubtedly beneficial, but the benefits obtained in the secret realm...

It is also a benefit, both are benefits, and there is no essential difference.

What are the benefits of this plane?
There are endless strong players in the Underworld series.

William, the ancestor of the werewolf, Marcus, the ancestor of the blood clan...

The giant werewolf in the later stage, and the new leader of the werewolf, Maris, who let out the blood of the hero and sucked his blood to increase his strength.

But apart from the original ancestor, the other super werewolves are inseparable from one person.


A super blood-sucking wolf who has the direct bloodline of the original ancestor, has the bloodline between vampire and werewolf, and claims to have unlimited evolutionary possibilities?
Anyway, the one who died in the end was quite miserable, and as the male protagonist, his neck was cut and his blood was drained.

but in fact……

His so-called infinite power is because he was first bitten by Lucian and obtained the blood of a werewolf, and then he was bitten by Serena and obtained the blood of a vampire...

Thus merging with the Yuanzu blood in his body.

That's how it survived.

Strictly speaking, Michael's blood is a diluted version that has been passed down for generations.

In addition, although Lucian claims to be the ancestor of the second-generation werewolf, in terms of strength, there should still be a big gap compared with William, the ancestor of the werewolf.

Not to mention Serena.

An ordinary vampire can't even do the most basic operation of awakening...

The combat effectiveness may be good, but the purity of the bloodline is really not that good.

But even the mixture of these three bloodlines had a great impact on the entire dark world.

It's just that the descendants have such purity, so what if Michael is upgraded to the original ancestor Corvinas himself?
You must know the origins of vampires and werewolves in this world. It was actually a virus attack that killed everyone. Only the ancestor Corvinas survived by luck. Not only did he survive, but he also directly fused with the virus, thus obtaining An immortal body.

And one of his three sons became a vampire because he was bitten by a bat.

One who is bitten by a wolf becomes a werewolf.

One who was not bitten became a human!
Therefore, when Lin Bin first came to this world, an idea came up in his heart unconsciously.

If he replaces Michael with the ancestor Corvinus himself, then upgrades the blood of the werewolf to the ancestor of the werewolf, and upgrades the blood of the vampire to the ancestor of the vampire.

What kind of powerful blood did you get?

Of course, although Legend of the Underworld is a killing-level secret realm, in fact, the upper limit of this secret realm is limited. Even a mixed race like Michael was directly captured alive by a shell.

Therefore, Lin Bin did not intend to use this blood himself.

But as long as you can get this kind of treasure, even if you sell it for reincarnation points, you will definitely be able to sell it at a very high price...

It is also a very suitable way to buy suitable props to strengthen yourself.

At this time, under his feet was Marcus, the ancestor of vampires.

look the other way...

Victor and Lucian have old grudges and new grudges, and they are too lazy to talk.

The longer the vampire survived, the stronger it became. Lucian obviously didn't waste his time in the past few hundred years.

The strength of both sides has greatly improved, especially the vampire is as fast as a ghost, and the werewolf is so powerful that it can open mountains.

These undead species don't need to delve into how to dodge at all, they only need to avoid fatal injuries. The so-called fighting is really tearing and killing, completely exchanging injuries for injuries.

And beat and beat.

Lucian was suddenly exposed and was blown out.

Victor didn't pay any attention to Lin Bin, and went straight to chase Lucian. Obviously, this time, he didn't want to tell the difference between life and death, and he would never stop!

"That's good, it saves me a lot of effort!"

Lin Bin originally meant that he wanted to deal with Victor first, just like brushing the BOSS, and after killing him, he wanted to attack Marcus...

Now Lucian didn't know why he went crazy, and he insisted on charging ahead.

It saves my energy.

Lin Bin squatted down and was about to turn on the third switch. At this moment, he had the feeling that the snake demon was going to deal with the gourd babies one by one.

But recall the paw that Lucian suffered just now.

Just like Victor claimed, these old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, if they hadn't prepared themselves well enough, they would not easily let themselves fall into a deep sleep and hand over their safety to others inside.

thinking about...

The hand that was about to open the coffin mechanism stopped there.

Lin Bin held the blue rose.

On the barrel of the gun, a faint blue energy began to gather.


After three seconds, the charging has come to an end.

But now Lin Bin has a more nuanced control over the longevity zhenqi, and forcibly prolongs his duration.

After another three seconds, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He just pulled the trigger.

A loud bang.

When it erupts, the power is more than doubled?It has even directly surpassed the plasma guns that have been used before.

The top of the coffin made of pure gold was blown away, accompanied by a shrill scream... blood spattered.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Lin Bin took out the test tube that he had prepared long ago, and quickly flew in the air, sealing the embassy after a while.

The blood of the ancestor of vampires has been obtained.

And as expected, the ancestor of the vampire probably woke up as early as when they pulled Emilia's coffin for no reason. After all, if he was one of his own, it was impossible not to know that Emilia was not sleeping here at all... …

It can only be the arrival of the enemy!
It's just that he didn't say anything, and hid himself to try to trick the enemy.

It's a pity that they hunt geese all the year round, but now they are pecked at the eyes.

The ground under Lin Bin's feet cracked inch by inch.

Countless broken stones flew across...

Lin Bin put the blood in his belt, and then dodged to avoid the countless bullet-like gravel.

A blood-stained gray shadow rushed out.

The two pairs of huge bat wings on the back were in dilapidated condition at this moment. Obviously, at a critical moment, the other party sensed the coming of the crisis and used the bat wings to protect the top of their heads, barely escaping from Lin Bin's shot.

But even so, half of his shoulder had already been blasted with a torn scar, and he could even see the beating heart inside.

If it was Emilia who received this shot, I am afraid that he would have died at this time...

It can only be said that the vitality of the ancestor of the vampire is much stronger than that of other vampires, but even so, after being hit by the pistol personally modified by the demon hunter, it has already directly killed Marcus half-life.

"Despicable human beings are shamelessly attacking secretly!"

Marcus roared in pain, with a bit of panic mixed with the pain...

He found that the extremely serious injury showed no sign of healing at all, instead the wound became more and more painful, as if there was a flame burning on it.

That gun is weird!
But the next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he found that Lin Bin had actually raised a long sword that was burning with black luster.

The lightsaber is like a dragon, its head and tail intertwined, it seems that it is extraordinary.

Double Dragon Phantom Sword!
The lethality against dark creatures is indeed not very good, but its special effect value is absolutely full...

Who would dare to imagine that the lethality of such a gorgeous weapon is actually so low that it is outrageous?

Seeing Lin Bin slashing at him with a sword, Marcus hurriedly backed away in embarrassment.

"Hahahaha, today is your way of taking death!"

Lin Bin misses with one sword strike, and then strikes again, with a three-point reduction in force and a four-point reduction in speed.

But the sword moves continued continuously, chasing and killing Marcus like a hedgehog.

Seeing that the opponent was approaching menacingly, Marcus could only retreat... and then retreat...

Dodge in embarrassment!

During the action, the wound continued to deteriorate, and a large amount of blood sprayed along the wound.

"Damn it, what kind of gun is this?!"

Marcus roared angrily, but he didn't dare to be stained by the black lightsaber anymore...

That unremarkable gun was already so terrifying, he couldn't imagine how powerful this sword was!
"The specially modified firearms of the Demon Sword Cult were created to deal with dark creatures like you!"

Devil Sword Cult?

Marcus was very surprised, he had never heard of it before!
But this person said it so naturally, he must not be lying.

I don't know the origin of this sect, but it must be aimed at their dark creatures, perhaps it was quietly established by humans.

So, this sword must be specially made...

Having personally experienced the power of firearms, his heart is already full of fear, and he thought that if he was hit by a sword again, he would probably be dead.

The speed of the two chasing and fleeing became faster and faster.

Lin Bin was blessed with the boots of lightness, and Marcus was seriously injured.

The speed of the two was evenly matched.

And Marcus's most proud self-healing has lost its effect, and [-]% of his strength has been abolished.

Lin Bin was finally able to display his strength to the fullest, and the one who chased and killed Marcus was in a state of embarrassment...

The figures of the two were as fast as lightning, and they chased each other, and the confrontation was extremely fierce.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Marcus roared angrily, and wanted to grab the sword several times, but the opponent's fighting skills were far superior to his, an old vampire who had been fighting for hundreds of years.

Several shots were made, but he easily countered them. Even if the opponent was not a human being and reacted a little slower, he might have been injured by the opponent's sword.

It's just that although it is not difficult for him to dodge, the opponent's speed is extremely fast, but it also makes him have no chance to get rid of the opponent...

The two chased and fled, and finally broke away from this narrow battlefield, entangled towards the periphery.

And just rushed out.

Then I saw a young vampire rushing over.

See help coming.

Marcus was about to surprise him and ask him to come over and help block this hateful human like a bone maggot, even for a moment.

But suddenly at the corner, a pitch-black monster rushed over, biting the vampire's neck, splashing blood, dragging the vampire back to the corner forcefully.

There was a long bloodstain on the ground.

Seeing Marcus, the vampire yelled in pain as if he saw a savior: "Elder, save me, save me!"

What the hell is this monster?

Marcus looked at the unheard-of pitch-black monster, and couldn't help wondering how many hundreds of years he had slept?

Could this world have been invaded by some alien creature?
Lin Bin chased after him again.

A sword slashed, but it just happened to be a little bit off, Marcus swooped and rolled on the ground...

While moving, pull the wound.

The tearing of the wound is even more terrifying.

With blood spattering...

After being seriously injured, there was no chance to bandage the wound. Marcus' eyes were dim for a while, even though he knew in his heart that as long as he found another person to suck blood at this time, the injury would slowly recover.

But in the current situation, it was clear that he was about to lose too much blood and die.

The other party didn't want to give him a breath of breathing time.

He wants to consume him to death!
Marcus has never been so aggrieved in his life, he has always been aloof, even if he is riding on the head of Victor, the other party still gives him the most basic respect.

But now...

His heart surged with ferocity.

He yelled: "You want my life, I will drag you to hell with me!"

Facing the opponent's inevitable sword, he no longer dodges, but counterattacks. No matter how terrible the opponent's weapon injury is, as long as he can bite the opponent's neck and suck the opponent's blood, maybe the recovery speed will be faster. too hurt!
For a brief moment, Marcus had already thought of his only chance of survival.

He growled, bracing himself for mortal wounds.

There was a chirping sound in his ears, and the Shuanglong Phantom Sword had already passed through his chest directly.

He froze there for a moment.

no pain...

No, it's not that it doesn't hurt, but it's far less painful than imagined.

This sword can't hurt him at all.

"Yes, sorry, I lied to you."

The other party took the initiative to send it to the door, and the door opened wide open in a daze, Lin Bin showed a tricky smile on his face.

He found that the extreme targeting of these two weapons is actually beneficial. At the very least, defrauding the enemy will make them hard to defend against!

Emilia is so dead.

Now, Marcus will die like this.

There was no sincerity in his apology.

However, the black hands were not polite. The Tai Chi Seven Injury Fist moved the blocking hammer, and directly knocked Marcus out fiercely. The energy of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang rushed into his body frantically, destroying him. internal organs.

Marcus fell by the window, smashing the glass with the back of his head.

He sat down among the shattered glass shards on the ground...

The face is dull.

Looking at Lin Bin, his eyes were full of disbelief.

The cause of his death was excessive blood loss, and he jumped up and down crazily because of a serious injury that could not be healed, but what he thought he was dodging was actually avoiding a weapon that could not hurt him at all.

He stared at Lin Bin, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

But eyes wide open...

Don't rest your eyes!

"They're all dead, don't waste the last bit of blood!"

Lin Bin took out another test tube, cut his throat, and began to collect blood...

Connect the two test tubes.

Marcus did it completely, obviously the blood had been completely drained during the escape just now.


Lin Bin's Azure Rose charged up again and shot him in the head.

A loud bang.

Marcus was directly blasted into pieces.

Only then did Lin Bin turn around, following the intense movement, he ran towards the battlefield between Lucian and Victor.

People haven't arrived yet.

The fierce confrontation gradually subsided.

Obviously, the fierce battle finally decided the winner.

The strongest werewolf and the strongest vampire in modern times, Victor failed to recover to a perfect state, Lucian was young and strong, fighting with the strength of his body, and finally Lucian won the victory.

The hideous wounds all over his body showed that the victory in this battle was not easy.

At this time, Victor's head had been ripped off, and his stomach was disembowelled, so as to prevent the possibility of his resurrection.

Noticing Lin Bin approaching, he saw the blood stained on Lin Bin's body and asked, "This is..."

"The three elders of the vampires are all dead."

Lin Bin asked, "Did you find the other half of the key?"

Marcus shook his head and said: "No, it seems that he didn't carry it with him, it should be in his residence, we will divide the work and cooperate, I will catch that Serena, you are responsible for going to Victor's residence, and search The whereabouts of the other half of the key."

Very reasonable request.

Let Lin Bin search for it so that he can hold the other half of the key. The sincerity of cooperation is enough to move any collaborator to tears.

But Lin Bin glanced at Victor's torn chest from the corner of his eyes.

He nodded and said, "Okay."

And in his heart, he has already understood, it seems that this guy is planning to abandon himself and go to find the werewolf's treasure alone.

Have you ever deceived others, or him who knows the plot?

Victor obviously put the key in his chest, this guy even cut his chest open, but he said he didn't see it...

What about fooling the ghost?

(End of this chapter)

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