when reincarnation invades

Chapter 135 This wave, I am in the atmosphere

Chapter 135 This wave, I am in the atmosphere

Lin Bin took a deep look at Lucian, but didn't expose him.

I don't know what kind of thoughts this guy has, but the benefits on his side are actually obtained.

"Okay, remember to save her life."

Lin Bin casually ordered, and cooperated with Lucian separately.

Inside the current castle.

The aliens went crazy.

Their strength is not too terrible. Although the combat power of a single player is better than that of the blood race, it is not crushing.

However, there are too many face-hugging insects, and they are invincible, so they must always pay attention to protecting their mouths and noses from being parasitized...

With Victor's broken body was thrown in the hall.

Seeing his elders die.

The vampires suddenly lost their backbone...

The resistance of the organization before was suddenly defeated.

In addition, the aliens follow the lead of A Tiema.

The war quickly came to an end.

In the castle, there is no more living vampire. The biggest lair of vampires has been in the castle for hundreds of years...

At this time, the inside was eerie, covered with sticky walls, and more than [-]% of the vampires were controlled by the walls and lost consciousness.

These monsters are different from humans. During the parasitic process, they are likely to fight back and use their strong vitality to forcibly tear out the alien embryo...

Although in this way they themselves will be seriously injured and die, but maybe some people can survive by luck.

Therefore, the genetic memory of the facehuggers tells them that for safety reasons, once the vampires are parasitized, they must be paralyzed and put into a coma.

By this time, the werewolves had all exited the lair.


When Lucian heard the news reported by his subordinates, an angry look appeared on his face, and he shouted, "With so many of you, why can't you catch a little vampire?"

"She's so slippery."

The tall black~werewolf said guiltily: "And the silver weapon in her hand did us a lot of damage, and we didn't dare to kill her. We only had to lose more than a dozen brothers before we considered her seriously injured." , but in the end she was allowed to escape!"

Another werewolf said: "She obviously has a lot of experience in fighting against werewolves. Although we chased her out, we still lost her in the end."

"Find her, at all costs!"

Lucian stared fixedly at the castle in front of him. Obviously all the vampires had died, but in his opinion, the current castle was even more eerie.

He understands...

After this campaign.

A race that was much more terrifying than vampires had begun to multiply in this world, and he missed the best chance to kill this race just because he underestimated the enemy.

"We must find our ancestors. There will be a battle between us and the alien sooner or later. Only with the help of our ancestors can we have a chance to win!"

Lucian paused word by word: "And this woman is our only chance to find our ancestor, we must hurry up!"


Many werewolves dispersed one after another.

As for the old castle, no one dared to enter it anymore.

It has become a lair of aliens.

Inside the castle.

Lin Bin was walking in the base that has now become a den of demons.

He didn't go to Victor's residence, and he didn't get any good things when he went, and he needed to pay extra reincarnation points to take it away.

Just overseeing the overall situation.

In particular, the aliens don't have much desire to kill~kill~, or rather than kill~kill, they prefer to leave a breath for their prey, and then drag it back to let the alien parasitize.


Although a large number of vampires have been parasitized, for the alien group, a few thousand aliens are nothing at all...

At this moment, a large number of seriously injured vampires were dragged back and thrown into the alien egg.

Ah Tie didn't move anymore, but started laying eggs again. The area of ​​this ancient castle is hundreds of times larger than the previous bungalow?
It can finally lay eggs unscrupulously, letting its alien eggs spread all over the castle.

At this time, Lin Bin was looking at one of the vampires dragged back by the alien with a strange face.

Although I have never seen...

But that was wrapped in a leather jacket, revealing a sexy and obscene figure.

And fair skin and a good face.

Caucasian women's skin is generally poor. At first glance, it looks okay, but upon closer inspection, the large pores and unpleasant odor can instantly reduce their charm by three plus signs.

But even in a coma, this woman still revealed a bit of pitifulness, and she looked particularly pitiful.

Lucian did everything he could to get someone.

Lin Bin with an extremely strange expression drove away the facehugger who wanted to fly to her and pour her mouth.

He knew that if Lucian wanted to monopolize the werewolf, after obtaining the two key fragments, the only thing missing was Serena in front of him.

I just didn't expect those werewolves to be so useless that they couldn't catch her...

Or is it the will of the world?

Because she is the heroine, can she escape from the net of heaven and earth?

It's a pity that he didn't escape completely, and was finally picked up by the alien.

"Go parasitize other people, I am useful to this woman."

Lin Bin directly clamped her around his waist and walked to Victor's room.

Throwing her on the bed, seeing her defenseless and helpless appearance, a smile appeared on Lin Bin's face... just so convenient for him.

Ah Tie was called.

Asked: "Can you read other people's memories through blood?"


Ah Tie nodded.

"This woman, I leave it to you, don't kill her...I want a map in her memory, where the ancestor of the werewolf was imprisoned."

The iron-blooded vampire nodded, and carefully raised Serena's arm.

Facing its huge body, Serena's thin arms were as slender as toothpicks. It was very careful not to bite off her arm, swallowing her blood in small mouthfuls.

Then he squatted on the ground, closed his eyes, and showed a digesting expression.

The vampires in this world have the ability to read memory by sucking blood... Even powerful vampires can directly resonate with their descendants and read memories directly, but this must be extremely powerful vampires.

At present, only Marcus is known to be able to do it.

But if it sucks blood, many powerful vampires can do it.

Parasitic on Emilia, today's iron-blooded vampires obviously also have this ability.

After a moment.

It reopened its eyes.

"Well, did you find the address?"

Lin Bin asked.

It nodded heavily.

"Find a way to tell me!"



a few hours later.


Serena groaned in pain, and slowly opened her eyes.

What I saw was the familiar ceiling.

too familiar.

I remember that when she first came here, she was afraid of the too gloomy environment, so she would often sneak into Victor's room...

"Why am I back here again?"

Serena covered her head in pain, and what happened before suddenly flashed in her mind.

She and Klein teamed up to kill those werewolves, but happened to see Victor being killed by a werewolf.

The two escaped helplessly. She planned to go to a nearby lair to ask for support, but was suddenly attacked and injured by Klein from behind.

He actually cooperated with werewolves a long time ago...

But now, seeing that the vampire elders were all dead, what she wanted was to ask for help, but what he wanted was to throw himself directly into the arms of the werewolf.

Klein didn't know what Lucian wanted Serena to do, but since he wanted it, he gave her to him, which was considered a great contribution.

At that time, even if he is a blood clan, he might not be able to eat in the werewolf clan.

It's a pity that Klein calculated well, but he still underestimated Serena's instinct to fight between life and death all year round.

That blow did seriously injure her, but she was not unconscious at all.

She braced herself faintly and killed Klein instead.

Then he fled outwards, but unfortunately he was directly attacked by a pitch-black figure before he ran far.

I thought I was dead at first, but unexpectedly, I returned to this castle again.

Especially considering Victor was dead.

Before she had time to be sad, she suddenly smelled the breath of a stranger.

Hastily retreated on guard...

"Don't be so vigilant. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

Lin Bin waved his hands, threw the two pistols over, and praised: "This gun is really good, but it's a pity that blindly expanding the capacity of the magazine has greatly reduced the accuracy. It's too shameless. Return it to you."

Serena looked at Lin Bin warily, and asked, "Who are you? Wait... what is this?"

He looked at the wall in shock.

On the wall at this time, a world map was drawn with a sharp knife.

Extremely detailed capabilities.

And at a location on the world map, a cross was thoughtfully marked out, marking this as the destination.

"Are you familiar? It was taken out of your memory."

Serena looked at the familiar map and suddenly felt a tingling pain in her brain.

She covered her head and asked, "Where is this place?"

"Your parents were responsible for building a prison in which William, the ancestor of the werewolves, was imprisoned. Because he was worried that killing it would make his werewolf slaves die, Victor was reluctant to kill him and did not want others to know, so he They sent someone to build such a prison, and then for the sake of secrecy, they killed all the people responsible for the construction of the prison, leaving only you as an orphan to be raised by your side as a daughter...Of course, this is not important, because Victor She is already dead, even if you know the truth, there is no way to seek revenge from her!"

Lin Bin sat beside Serena's bed.

Looking at her pale face that lost all blood in an instant, she said: "So there is no need for me to lie to you, because you look like Victor's daughter, and this is the reason why you can survive...I will tell you now, Can you vaguely remember it?"

Serena didn't speak any more, but her breathing became more and more rapid.

Obviously, as Ah Tie sucked her blood, this part of the relevant memory was read.

It even stimulated her, and made her vaguely remember the thought of playing in that place when she was a child.

She said painfully, "Why are you telling me this?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you about your life experience...By the way, you are still alive because you are useful to me."

Lin Bin directly took out his huge gun, pointed it at her face, and slowly began to recharge it. It seemed that a strong torrent of energy could be gushed out at any time to drown her.

He asked, "Selina, would you like to make a deal with me?"

Serena asked, "What deal?"

"You are the only person in this world who knows this place. Originally, these memories only existed in your mind, but now, I have pulled them out of your body, and you also know this place."

Lin Bin said: "And Lucian wants to rescue William, the ancestor of the werewolf, and that's why he wants to arrest you."

Serena took a deep look at Lin Bin and said, "What do you want me to do? Since it's a deal, what are you going to give me?"

"It's very simple. I want you to tell him this address. It's best to take him there personally and help him rescue William, the ancestor of the werewolf. As for what I can give you... When was the last time you basked in the sun?"

Serena was taken aback.

"I can let you bask in the sun freely without any harm, and truly enjoy the warmth of the sun, instead of being like a damp and dark bug that can only hide in a dark corner and be attacked by cold wind and rain. Sample?"

Serena asked, "Why should I trust you?"

"It's very simple. You are now in my hands. I have already obtained the position. You are not of high use value to me. I will not lose much if I kill you. At worst, I will take Lucian to find the werewolf by myself." Ancestor, I just thought it was a waste of time, so I entrusted this task to you, I have no reason to lie to you."

Serena took a deep look at Lin Bin and said, "Okay, I promise you, what should I do next?!"

"I was caught by Lucian without a trace. Don't worry, he won't hurt you. You need to remember this location, and then take him there. Just let me know when he comes out."

"What are you going to do?"

"Kill the ancestor of the werewolf! The ancestor of the werewolf is irrational and will attack all living creatures crazily, and the creatures attacked by it will be assimilated into werewolves. If it breaks into the downtown area, it will be troublesome. Therefore, I plan to escape after it Kill it before, otherwise Lucian will always think about it, and sooner or later there will be a successful day, it is better to cut off his thoughts directly!"

Lin Bin asked, "Is this reason enough?"

Serena smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have no right to refuse."

"If you don't agree, there is no use value, then you have to become a tool of my alien parasite, and you don't want a monster to jump out of your heart, do you?"

"Okay, I agree, but I want you to keep your word."

"Don't worry, I keep my word!"

Serena said: "Can I be alone for a while? After half an hour, I will leave... At that time, Lucian will definitely catch me."

"Well, you understand this aspect, and you don't need me to teach you too much."

Lin Bin got up and went out, continuing to inspect his new territory.

Vampires can absorb memory through blood. This time the attack wiped out the castle or not. Even with the information possessed by so many vampires, it is enough for Lin Bin to know where all the vampires are hiding.

The real busyness has only just begun.

three days later.

Serena, who was seriously injured, was finally arrested after beheading four werewolves in a subway.

And get this information.

Lucian was overjoyed and went to interrogate immediately.

As a death walker, Serena does have an extremely tenacious will, but unfortunately, now that the vampires have been wiped out, she has already lost all fighting spirit, and the reason why she is struggling outside is nothing but unwillingness to die.

Arrested now...

The defense was broken, when she learned that Lucian could help her kill those aliens and avenge Victor.

She quickly revealed the location and was willing to take them there.

So far, two keys and one map are in hand.

After coming out, Lucian asked his subordinates, "What has Abin been doing these days?"

"He is expanding his terrain like crazy."

The subordinate replied: "In the past few days, he has attacked three vampire lairs one after another. We don't know where he got the information, but so far, the number of aliens may have exceeded five figures."

"Sure enough, we helped him a lot by seeking skin with the tiger before. It seems that these aliens also obtained their abilities after parasitic vampires."

Lucian said: "Very good, fortunately we didn't let him parasitize Victor, otherwise, I'm afraid we won't even be able to keep this map. Very good, he is busy expanding the terrain now, and he doesn't care about us. We happened to rescue the ancestor , the contagious power of the ancestor must be higher than him, when the time comes, we can create an army of werewolves to eliminate the aliens, it will be a breeze, contact us immediately, and set off tomorrow."


The subordinates immediately went to prepare.

And this time.

Lin Bin, who implanted a monitor in Serena's body, listened to the news inside, with a playful smile on his face.

Sighed: "This is the benefit of foresight. You thought you were on the fifth floor, but I'm afraid you didn't expect that I was in the atmosphere, right? When you enter that secret place, I can do it without any scruples." What I really want to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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