when reincarnation invades

Chapter 136 Spoiler

Chapter 136 Spoiler
From Lucian's point of view, the successful beheading of the three elders of the vampire gave Lin Bin finally the confidence to develop the alien.

During this period of time, he hunted vampires wantonly, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to continue to expand the team of aliens.

And all of this was actually his miscalculation.

Now even if he has the heart, he no longer has the power to counter the alien race...

That being the case, it was already a mistake and cannot be made again.

If you can't deal with him yourself, you must seek foreign aid.

The werewolf ancestor is the most suitable foreign aid. The transmission intensity of the alien is beyond imagination, but the infection speed of the werewolf ancestor is even more terrifying. As long as the werewolf ancestor can be found, the mere alien is no problem.

And this matter, sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, after the alien group has completely digested all the vampires, even if they rescued the ancestor of the werewolf, they might not be the opponent of Abin.

And vampires...

During this period of time, people who were killed by vampires were in panic.

If he directly proposes cooperation at that time.

In order to survive, these noble blood races would probably agree to his request.

Let the aliens and vampires kill each other first...

At that time, I can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

After getting Serena, Lucian took her without hesitation and rushed to the destination... the land of William, the ancestor of the werewolves.

And through the monitor in Serena's body, all of Lucian's plans were discovered.

Lin Bin finally heaved a sigh of relief, and Xindao finally left.

Just like he was monitoring Lucian, why wasn't Lucian monitoring him in his own way?
So in order to prevent agitating the snake, he never dared to act rashly.

It's just that during this period of time, Lin Bin also found a lot of clues...

For example, the number of werewolves is rare, otherwise they wouldn't be outraged when Lin Bin killed more than a dozen of them before. If they were to be replaced with vampires, even if hundreds of them died, they wouldn't feel distressed.

Because of this, once Lucian devotes himself to one thing, his internal strength is empty, and he will inevitably be neglected.

He can do what he really wants to do.

As for the werewolf ancestor...

Anyone who releases him will be released. Lin Bin's purpose is to kill the ancestor of the werewolf, and he doesn't care who domesticated him.

I'm afraid Lucian would never have imagined that he wanted to win over the ancestor of the werewolf to be his helper, but in fact he was doing a white job for Lin Bin instead.

Lin Bin turned his head to look at Ah Tie, and said, "Okay, let all the aliens gather, we should go to our own business."


Ah Tie responded, flicked his tail out of boredom, turned and left.

And the so-called business is none other than Yuanzu Ke Wennusi!
The werewolves and vampires in this world are not extraordinary creatures in the true sense, but rather they are more like technological mutations...

A virus swept across many years ago, and everyone died, but Corvinus not only survived, but also fused with the virus, becoming the first immortal person.

His eldest son was bitten by a bat and became the first vampire, that is, Marcus who died at the hands of Lin Bin before.

The second son was bitten by a wolf and became a werewolf, the ancestor of the werewolf.

The third son is human, that is, the direct ancestor of the protagonist in the play.

The reason why werewolves and vampires have been so secretive for so many years is that Corvinus has been helping his two sons wipe their asses.

And after his death, werewolves and vampires were immediately exposed to everyone, and then they were liquidated by the entire human world.

From this point of view...

He is actually Lin Bin's greatest enemy.

Because in the plot, he once clearly stated that he could easily kill his eldest son and second son, but as a father, how could he hurt his own children, but in the end he died in the hands of his eldest son.

But now, Lin Bin had the most fundamental conflict with him.

It was his task to eliminate vampires and werewolves, and this time he killed Marcus too quickly, so nothing happened.

But if he wanted to deal with the werewolf William again, he would definitely face him head-on.

In other words, Lin Bin will decide whether this person is an enemy or a friend based on his reaction. After all, if he is persistent and determined to stand up for his two sons, defeating each of them is the best choice.

In fact, the seventh pier where Corvinus stayed was surrounded by the first batch of parasitic aliens sent by Lin Bin long before he decided to attack Marcus.

This is also the reason why Covenus and the others failed to rush to the castle to clean up their tails in the first place.

at this time……

Seventh Pier.

An elderly man with gray hair who seemed to be in his early [-]s was sitting at his desk proudly and dignifiedly, and asked, "Is there any news about the team members you have sent out these days?"

"Yes, we seem to be being targeted by a very scary monster, and they won't let us go out."

In front of him.

Years of able-bodied generals report: "At first we suspected the blood race, but later found that the enemy is better at hiding themselves than the blood race. Our surveillance filmed for a few days, but we didn't even capture the enemy's complete appearance, but they They don't seem to have much hostility towards us, they just want to trap us here, as long as we don't go out, they won't hurt us."

"Are you tired of me meddling?"

Convinus had a complicated expression on his face.

He has been dealing with the matter of the vampire's tail, although he has not told anyone, but he can't hide it from his eldest son.

Could it be that the eldest son's rebellious period has finally reached its peak, so that he is dissatisfied with his old father's meddling in his affairs?

still is……

"Do you need me to bring a group of elites to try again?"

asked the subordinate.

"No need to go, he's already here."

A strange look suddenly appeared on Ke Wennusi's face, and he looked at a figure actively walking towards this side in the surveillance.

And at this time, by his side.

A giant alien with wings growing on its back, a full three meters high, followed behind him. Its heavy body stepped on the battleship, and every step made a loud noise.

Seeing the oddly shaped alien, Corvinus couldn't help being surprised: "It's not a vampire?"

He didn't take action to exterminate these monsters himself, but he was worried that he would annoy his eldest son... Although there were already many conflicts between the father and son, if possible, he naturally didn't want to give the child more ill feeling.

But now it seems that he made a wrong estimate from the beginning.

Seeing the surrounding defense special forces approaching quickly with guns, Covinus sat up slowly and said, "Let him in, first he will surround him without killing him, and now he will take the initiative to come to the door. He is very polite. ...Let's hear what he came for."


The subordinates quickly arranged to go.

On Lin Bin's side, Ah Tie couldn't help making a grunting sound behind him. Obviously, the many hostility around him approached, making him unable to bear the desire to kill.

Fortunately, the next moment, the hostility in one direction quickly dissipated.

Lin Bin took Ah Tie and walked in on his own initiative.

The out-of-the-way route seemed to be a deliberate signpost. Lin Bin didn't go astray at all, and stepped directly into the deepest part of the battleship.

And this time...

The closer he got, the calmer A Tie's originally irritable and impatient expression became.

In the end, it turned into deep vigilance.

Lin Bin was secretly amazed that the iron-blooded blood-sucking alien could be so vigilant. It seems that if this Corvinus was not because of the father-son relationship in the plot, Marcus would never be able to kill him.

He stepped through the wide open door.

The room is not big, only forty to fifty square meters, filled with all kinds of materials in a mess.

Inside the house, there was only one white-haired old man waiting.

He smiled and gestured to the opposite seat, and said, "Hello."


Lin Bin then sat down.

Corvinus asked: "It was you who blocked my range of activities during this time, right?"

Lin Bin nodded.

"What's matter?"

"I want to ask your permission for a few things!"

"You said."

Lin Bin said: "The first thing, I want to kill your two sons, Marcus and William."

Ke Wennusi's face changed slightly, and the hands that were easily placed on the table instantly clenched into fists, and he said coldly, "Are you here to provoke?"

"No, for some reason, I have to kill your two sons, but I don't want to be your enemy, so I have an open and honest talk with you, and I want to know your opinion. If you make it clear that you will protect your two sons, then you are my enemy, and today the two of us may only get out alive."

"Why did you kill my two sons?"

Lin Bin said: "The obvious reason is that Marcus no longer wants to be one of the three elders. He wants to become God. He wants to release the werewolf William, and then the two join forces to dominate the world."

"It does look like something Marcus would do."

Ke Wennusi nodded, and did not doubt Lin Bin's words...

Because he knows his ambitious eldest son well, I'm afraid this is something he has always wanted to do.

He asked: "Then why did you kill William? He's locked up, it won't hurt the world at all, and it's not that simple for Marcus to release him!"

"But he has killed Victor, got the key on him, and got the map. They are now on the way to release William. Although I really want to stop him immediately, but before stopping him, I have to Let the unstable factors settle down first."

Lin Bin talked nonsense, but what he said was reasonable, after all, these things happened in the plot.

So Covenus didn't doubt it, but just took a deep look at Lin Bin, and asked: "You also said just now that this is the reason on the surface, but what about the reality? It can be said that Marcus has his own reasons. The way to die, as a father, although my heart aches, I will not stop you from stopping him...but William...he has lost all his sanity and is locked in a cage again, and you still have to break into his territory , Don’t you think it’s too much to take his life?”

"This involves my origin. In fact, I am a reincarnation, from outside this world, an organization called the Freedom Alliance Reincarnation Association."

Lin Bin said: "And I have two tasks. One is to destroy the extraordinary power of this world, that is, your two sons and his descendants. Second, it is to turn this world into a breeding farm! This is freedom. The task that the alliance issued to me is a task that must be completed."

Corvinus frowned and said, "Outside the world? Aliens?"


"Then how do you turn this world into a farm?"

Ke Wennusi was noncommittal, obviously not believing Lin Bin's words.

Lin Bin pointed to Ah Tie behind him, and said, "It's called Alien, and it's the most powerful technological monster. They can't reproduce on their own, but need to parasitize other creatures to give birth to all kinds of completely different creatures. Alien, the more powerful the parasitic object is, the stronger the alien will be, and my task is to let this alien parasitize the creatures in this world, so our Freedom Federation did not bluntly say that I should destroy the world, just considering The production rate of tens of thousands of eggs per hour of the alien... This is no different from the destruction of the world."

He said, "Ah Tie, show it."

Ah Tie snorted twice impatiently, and the next moment, dozens of wet eggs were sprayed out.

The high speed caused Covinus' face to change slightly.

And at the same time...

An urgent voice came from the channel, shouting: "Sir, it has been detected that a large number of monsters have surrounded our battleship. The number is roughly estimated to be tens of thousands!"

With Lin Bin's appearance, the monster, which was difficult to capture before, no longer hides its traces.

Actively surrounded the battleship...

The dense, dark ocean surrounded the entire battleship.

Corvinus looked at the densely packed aliens in the monitor, and then at the dozens of eggs around him.

At this time, each egg began to bloom like a flower, revealing the embryo inside.

His pupils shrunk.

With a bang, these alien embryos exploded immediately.

The blood spattered, and where it fell, it was corroded into hideous gaps... The steel floor, which was enough to be bulletproof, could not stop the corrosion of these strange-shaped blood.

Corvinus' complexion instantly became ugly.

He asked: "Can an egg produce an alien?"


"So they're not picky eaters, right?"

"They are not picky eaters, they can parasitize cats, produce stalker aliens, parasitize dogs to produce messenger aliens, parasitize humans to produce combat aliens... and there are also reverse species aliens, wrathful queens, deacon aliens, steel bones, etc. All kinds of different types of the opposite sex."

Lin Bin introduced the alien categories one by one.

The content of his explanation is extremely detailed, completely interpreting this system.

The more Corvinus listened, the more solemn his face became.

He has lived for countless years, even if he just listens, he can tell that what Lin Bin said is true.

Aliens really have the ability to destroy the human world.

Lin Bin wantonly poured dirty water on the Liberty Alliance, saying: "One of the tasks assigned to me by the Liberty Alliance is to let aliens parasitize this world. To put it bluntly, I want to use the human beings in this world as a breeding ground to breed aliens... ...But I really can't bear those innocent human beings to be parasitized like this, so I let the aliens parasitize werewolves and vampires. These two creatures are much stronger than humans, so the aliens have also become picky eaters. Interest... So, I saved the human race by sacrificing vampires and werewolves, otherwise the whole world would have turned into a sea of ​​aliens in at most half a year."

Ke Wennusi looked at Ah Tie's eyes in amazement, and sighed: "Scary creatures, vampires and werewolves are enough to make people frightened, but they are still not as good as this highly adaptable alien. There are so few levels, what kind of free alliance is this, so evil?"

"The evil of the Freedom Alliance is beyond your imagination. I am just an outpost. In fact, there will be a large number of reincarnations entering in the future. I don't want to take action against humans because of my compassion, so I let vampires and werewolves take the blame. But they don't have as many scruples as I do, and they will definitely destroy this world completely at that time, of course this has nothing to do with me, because I will no longer be in this world at that time!"

Lin Bin said seriously: "It's just that the task of multiplying the aliens to the entire human civilization and turning it into a breeding farm was prevaricated by me. If the other task cannot be completed, I will be obliterated by the main god, so for my life, I Marcus and William had to be killed. It happened that Marcus was so ambitious that he killed Victor, and now he was rushing to rescue William. I only know how to go crazy and kill people, but the beast inside has already lost itself, is that really your son?!"

He said: "I have to complete one of the two tasks. If I can't kill the two of them, maybe I really have to find a way to forcibly change the taste of the aliens and let them parasitize humans."

Corvinus frowned suddenly!

the whole human race...

This hat...is too big.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I have ignored my two sons for many years, and I can't control them. If you want to kill them, I'm too lazy to ask, but if you die by their hands, I won't." It doesn't matter, do you understand?"

"I understand. After all, he is your own son. This kind of concession is enough."

Corvinus said seriously: "I can promise you, but the premise is that I want to know more about the reincarnation space and the Freedom Alliance. You only use one alien to say that you are an alien, and the evidence is not enough , In fact, I haven't believed you yet."

"It doesn't matter. Since your Excellency is so sincere, I will naturally not be stingy. I will tell you everything about the Liberty Alliance, and you will naturally trust me when the time comes. The most important thing you need to know is this."

Lin Bin raised the watch on his wrist and said with a smile: "This thing is called a reincarnation watch. It is a standard equipment for all reincarnation people, and it is also an important evidence for you to identify reincarnation people. Reincarnation people will definitely carry this thing when they come, so if you really If you want peace in your own world, if you find someone wearing this thing, you will be killed!"

"Reincarnation table? It seems that you don't deal with those reincarnations."

Corvinus was keenly aware that something was wrong.

"I'm just telling you how to identify them, but I'm just suggesting how to treat them. It's up to you how to do it...I believe you will have your own judgment ability."

Lin Bin smiled and didn't care.

Just kidding... For a red secret realm, he doesn't believe that there will be reincarnated people coming in and not offending the original people.

(End of this chapter)

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