when reincarnation invades

Chapter 137 Deng Yang: I want to be an apostle

Chapter 137 Deng Yang: I want to be the Eleven Apostles
Just reversed the order, and got the support of the old man in front of him.

At that time, even if he knew that his son Marcus was dead, Lin Bin could confidently say that you would not intervene?
How can a man keep his word?

And saw that the old man was more reasonable than he imagined.

Lin Bin has no reservations!
Give out all the secrets of the reincarnation space on the tray.

Not only to gain the approval of the old man in front of him, but also to put a serious block on those reincarnations of the Freedom Alliance later.

Just imagine, these reincarnations came to this world full of ambitions, planning to do a big job...

But before he could gain a firm foothold, he found himself surrounded.

This world has already laid out a huge trap, waiting for them to come.

Just thinking about it feels exciting.

The old man in front of him was already a warlord more than 1000 years ago. One can imagine how much strength and background he has accumulated in these 1000 years.

If this old man is left behind...

On the premise of fulfilling his own purpose, it will have no effect on him at all.

But for the Liberty League...

With the addition of aliens, it will not only abolish this world, but make this world a swamp of the Freedom Alliance. The reincarnations who come here need to accept simultaneous strangulation from humans and non-humans...

At that time, how many people can escape from this swamp?
And following Lin Bin's description.

Corvinus listened very seriously, and at first he was scrutinizing, after all, the aliens were too absurd.

But as he listened, he understood.

it is true.

Judging by his 1000+ years of experience, this is absolutely true!

This Abin holds the alien in his hand, and indeed has the power to destroy human beings, but he didn't do that, but chose to sacrifice vampires and werewolves instead.

Unexpectedly, these monsters can make such a contribution to this world.

He asked: "You tell me so much, aren't you afraid that you will be liquidated when you go back?"

Lin Bin smiled wryly and said: "If I fail in the main task, I have violated the taboo of some people. Even if I complete another task to avoid punishment, there will definitely be people who will look at me unhappy, but I really can't do it. If It's just one or two, I close my eyes, it's okay to kill directly, I'm not that great, I sacrifice myself to help others, but this time it's too much..."

"It's not righteous, you are the reaction that a normal person should have."

Corvinus asked: "Can you tell me about this Freedom Alliance in detail? I want to know more about my enemies..."

"Yes, but I also have a request from my side."


"I want some tubes of your blood."

Lin Bin said sternly: "No other intentions, in fact, in our reincarnation space, there is also a vampire enhancement system, and I have a brother who is going to use the vampire enhancement system!"

He said in detail: "He got rid of the coldness by drinking the blood of our four auspicious fire unicorns, but he still can't look directly at the sun, so I want to ask for your blood to let him face the sun again."

At this time, far away in another world.

Inside an extremely wide stone castle.


Deng Yang couldn't help but sneezed.

"what happened?"

Beside him, Xu Feng looked at his most trusted brother with concern.

"No...it's nothing, maybe this stone castle is too shady."

Deng Yang was wearing a round cap and a high coat covering his entire face, looking rather mysterious.

He said: "I just came from under the sun and caught a little cold."

Xu Feng said in surprise: "Don't vampires prefer the dark? You also catch cold?"

"It's probably not long since I became a vampire, I'm still not used to it, I still don't feel comfortable going out for a walk, even if I wrap myself into rice dumplings, I always want to go shopping..."

"Get used to it as soon as possible."

Xu Feng glanced around.

At this time, nearly a hundred people had already arrived in this huge stone castle.

He whispered: "The thirteen apostles, each apostle has its own sub-organization, and when the apostle dies, it will be presided over by three apostles, and a successor will be found in this dead apostle's organization. Become the leader of this organization and the new apostle, I hope you can help me, this is why I brought you here!"

Deng Yang said anxiously: "But I am soft-spoken and my strength is low..."

"That's right, your strength is indeed very low, and your status as a reincarnation is actually just an ordinary reincarnation, but you may not know that you have already entered the eyes of the upper echelon."

Xu Feng patted Deng Yang on the shoulder and said: "To tell you the truth, we have people in the Samsara Space Association. They transferred the battle scenes at that time, and they all saw part of the battle scenes with their own eyes. You did not hesitate to risk your own life. Master Wang Ling blocks the sword... Strength can be cultivated, and with your qualifications, you can be on your own in a year or two at most, but a loyal person will be liked anywhere."

"This... I... I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought that Lord Wang Ling came here for my sake, how could I let him die because of me..."

Deng Yang secretly rejoiced, thanks to his many thoughts.

Lin Bin, good brother, I will definitely treat you to dinner when my lurking is over...Damn it, why did I think this person was hypocritical and annoying before?Obviously so attractive...

Xu Feng said regretfully: "In fact, your aptitude is too shallow and your strength is too weak. Otherwise, to be honest, it would be logical for you to inherit the positions of Ghost and Eleven Apostles, but if I become Ten An apostle’s words, brother, don’t worry, my first thing is to establish you as the successor. After I die, you will be the new master of ghosts and the eleven apostles. The Lord of Ghosts is perfect!"

"Brother, you look down on me too much. Will I help you because of this? If I want to help you, it must be because of your care for me during this time!"

Deng Yang said angrily: "I was so bullied by that damn Lin Bin before, if it wasn't for you, big brother, I would still be powerless and furious like a defeated dog up to now, but now, at least I have the opportunity to take revenge." Opportunity, although I failed, but I have more than one chance... I will definitely not fail next time!"

"Good brother, when I become the Eleven Apostles, I will help you arrange revenge immediately."

"No, no, wait for me to be alone, and then you can help me get revenge, big brother."

"Alright, brother, you have the final say!"

Xu Feng whispered: "The three apostles are here."

Deng Yang raised his eyes hastily, but couldn't help his eyes blurring slightly.

At this time, three figures had already stood on the stage.

One is tall and thin, one is majestic and mighty, and the other is graceful... It is impossible to see their true colors, and even their original appearance may be a deliberate disguise.

The eleven apostles are all saint-level reincarnations.

These three are definitely stronger...

Deng Yang didn't dare to look at it for too long, and hastily lowered his head.

And with the arrival of the three apostles.

Inside the stone castle, there was also a sudden dead silence, and even the slightest breathing gradually became inaudible.

"let's start."

Among them, the figure who seemed to be the roughest said loudly: "Wang Ling, this waste, died in the hands of a small extraordinary reincarnation, but the eleven apostles can't hang in the air. Our kingdom of God can be passed down to this day. The traditions that have been passed down for many years have never been trampled on, so we will choose a truly suitable leader from among the ghosts!"

And another figure took a step forward, and said in a clear and sweet voice: "Who is Deng Yang?"

"it's me!"

Deng Yang got up, with a shy and innocent smile on his face.

"Come here."


Deng Yang went forward to meet him.

"You have done a good job. You have proved your loyalty with your own actions, and loyalty should be rewarded. Although you are a ghost, ghosts belong to the Kingdom of God. On behalf of the Kingdom of God, I am here to give you a special gift." A big prize!"

The female apostle lifted the box in her hand with a smile, and said, "A grade A item, this is our reward for you."

Grade A props?
Everyone looked at Deng Yang with envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

And Xu Feng was so excited that he couldn't help himself. Looking at the female apostle, he couldn't think that his good brother had entered the eyes of the apostle.

Sure enough, he is a good brother... This time, he is sure.

Sure enough, he saw Deng Yang get the props and smiled at him.

The female apostle smiled and said: "The effect of this A-level item is amazing. You can go back and study the details yourself. For your safety, I will not disclose it, but I can guarantee that I will never let you down!"

"Yes, thank you, Master Apostle!"

Deng Yang's excited nose twitched fiercely, remembering the complicated atmosphere around him.

With such a tight heart, there must be some shady identity behind it, right?
But now that you are so close to me, by then, I will definitely recognize your scent.

"Okay, let's go down, let's get down to business, let's start selecting new apostles!"


Deng Yang saluted respectfully, then turned around and went down.


Everything that happened in the real world, at least so far, has no impact on Lin Bin.

At this time, he informed Covinas of the specific situation of the Freedom Alliance, some of the operation methods of the reincarnation space, and the news that this world was defined as a red secret realm.

Cowenas who heard it was full of sighs and emotions.

He no longer doubts.

The existence of aliens, the reincarnation table, and in order to win his trust, Lin Bin specially showed him the changing capsule and the storage belt...these are completely different products from this world.

He suddenly realized that he had been working so hard for his eldest son for so many years, was he too narrow-minded?
Maybe what he should protect more is this world!
For Lin Bin, this trip went more smoothly than planned, or in the face of an old man who has lived for more than 1000 years, as long as he proves that his words are true...then, his and his goals are actually exactly the same of.

He wants to protect his world.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, wanted to give the Liberty Alliance a backstab!
Two hours later.

Lin Bin took the three tubes of blood that Covinas handed over.

The blood of Yuanzu.

Get it.

He sincerely said: "Thank you for your generosity, then I will go to work!"


Corvinus was full of sadness and loneliness.

He knew what he was going to...

But for so many years, he tried to persuade his eldest son to turn back countless times, but he failed.


"Maybe, even he himself doesn't want me to disturb his great cause."

He smiled wryly.

But at this time, he got the blood of Yuanzu, and also got an unexpected joy.

Lin Bin strode away, and directly asked Ah Tie to drive away all the aliens, and did not allow any aliens to approach here again. This is the ally he found with great difficulty, although he knew that Covinas was not so easy to get hurt Yes, but he still had to be concerned about his safety.

Until it is far away from the battleship.

Only then did he stop.

Said to Ah Tie beside him: "Go, send out all your subordinates, parasitize all the werewolves, and vampires, all the vampire lairs should be in your memory, let them carry all the vampires with you." Let your eggs go..."

Ah Tie grunted twice in displeasure.

"Don't worry, go to a place with me first, this time, I will give you a big meal!"

Lin Bin patted Ah Tie on the forehead.

He took out a contact monitor from his pocket.

He doesn't have a strong backing in this world. Although he has a wrist controller, it doesn't have much use in this world. It's more for remote control of the small nuclear bomb and the optical camouflage cloak.

So all kinds of equipment including controllers, detectors, etc. are provided by Serena.

To use others, let them provide their own tools...

Coupled with the other party's good-looking face, Lin Bin always has a sense of sight that he is a scumbag, and it's fine to ask someone to pay for the house, tt let the other party buy it.

But it's really useful.

Serena targets werewolves for 600 years.

The equipment in his hand is basically aimed at werewolves, otherwise, Lucian would not have been able to find his hands and feet on her quietly.

At this time, the light spot in the detector has not moved for a long time.

It should have arrived at the destination...

"Next, kill all of you again, and this mission will be almost complete."

Lin Bin let out a long breath, and the difficulty of the task increased sharply, which really gave him a headache for a while...

It's just that I didn't expect that the specially preserved alien shape could play such a big role in a previous brainstorm. ,

Otherwise, once the task fails.

He doesn't have enough reincarnation points... At that time, I'm afraid there will be serious consequences, right?

Expansion fire is a good thing, but unfortunately it is also a double-edged sword. It seems that you must be careful when using it in the future.

Not every place can have such good luck.

However, the gains from the secret realm this time may not be cheap.

You must know that things are also A-level props... Once sold, the price will definitely be expensive.

Lin Bin sneered. I'm afraid even those people couldn't think of it. They wanted his life wholeheartedly, but in the end they made him earn a lot of money, right?
(End of this chapter)

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