when reincarnation invades

Chapter 138 General's upcoming task

Chapter 138 General's upcoming task

The werewolf base was broken faster than expected.

Lucian's departure took away a lot of elite werewolves. Although there are still a large number of remaining werewolves left behind, for Ah Tie, these werewolves are not even qualified to make him serious.

Just three hours.

All the werewolves were stuck to the wall, and in the process, Lin Bin also saw a familiar but also very strange figure.


A human who has been captured...

The direct bloodline of the ancestor Ke Wennusi, but without Serena's intervention, the process of his capture was unexpectedly smooth, without any waves.

He still maintains his human identity to this day.

So much so that after all the werewolves were parasitized, some irregular aliens put their greedy eyes on him.

Lin Bin rescued him and let him go...

As a price, he also drew three tubes of blood on his body.

Although he has a better one, correspondingly, this bad one is actually quite good, maybe it can be sold at a high price if you take it out?

The business of Erdao dealers can occasionally be done.

That is to say, Michael had already had a lot of blood drawn before, and now his face is pale, and if he draws again, his life may be in danger... Otherwise, Lin Bin really wants to let him go.

After dealing with the werewolves.

He immediately dispatched all the aliens to the vampire's lair, and the locations of these bases had been read to their specific locations through the blood-sucking of the vampire aliens.

Even the method of entry is clear.

In terms of IQ, the aliens might not be any lower than these anthropomorphic vampires.

And they have the absolute upper hand because of mental arithmetic and unintentional, coupled with their strength, the vampires have no targeted weapons.

Be targeted by this more powerful race.

This kind of secret war didn't even stir up any waves on the bright side.

In just a few days, several apparent vampire bases were completely wiped out, without even the slightest chance of luck.

As for the remaining vampires wandering outside, there is no need to worry. Lin Bin feels that the efficiency is still not enough.

I simply found Corvinus again, and made a deal with him directly in the form of a deal...

Promise that after he leaves, he will be given a certain command of the alien.

But correspondingly, he is needed to assist in destroying these remaining vampires.

Not one left!
Corvinus has been tidying up vampires for hundreds of years, and his detailed understanding of vampire power may not be as good as that of the three elders.

During this period of time, he has been thinking hard about how to fight against those reincarnators who strengthened in different directions, and for him, the alien is undoubtedly the most powerful help, so after hearing Lin Bin's words, he will not He hesitated and nodded in agreement.

As a result, helicopters or jet fighters, carrying a large number of aliens, flew towards all parts of the world, letting them destroy all vampires...

Even the well-trained subordinates of Corvinus also participated in the war, and cooperated with the aliens, the lethality was even more terrifying.

He just has feelings for his son, but those vampires... 1 dead, he doesn't feel distressed.

Ever since, with the assistance of Corvinus.

Lin Bin's work became much simpler, and the most difficult intelligence problem was solved. All Lin Bin needed to do was to get all the vampire roadmaps from Corvinus, and then dispatch an appropriate number of aliens. Corvinus carried them directly into the vampire's base.

Especially the more the killing, the more the number of aliens.

The number of aliens that Lin Bin can command will also increase.

The strangling of vampires is almost like a snowball...

The efficiency was so fast that even Lin Bin himself didn't expect it.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed.

at this time.

In an extremely secret ancient base.

The ground was already littered with corpses...

And in that wide square, several werewolves were fighting against an extremely large werewolf, almost no different from a real wolf, who just stood upright!

Unlike Marcus, he and William are brothers, and they have a deep relationship. Even if William loses all his sanity, he still has a slight impression of his elder brother.

But Lucian was different.

In order to tame this terrifying ancestor of the werewolf, Lucian has been fighting non-stop since he released it, sending a large number of subordinates to become werewolves to fight against it.

characteristics of wolves.

The status of the alpha wolf is achieved by fighting.

Even if there is no reason, as long as you suppress it in strength, you can gain its allegiance.

This is also one of the reasons why Lucian has full confidence that he can domesticate the ancestor of the werewolf.

At this time, this consumption has lasted for several days.

The strength of the werewolf ancestor was beyond his imagination... This was a surprise, but also a pressure.

Especially because of his strong patience, after several days of non-stop fighting, it was considered that the ancestor of the werewolf finally started to feel a little out of breath.

"It's almost time."

Seeing that the power of the werewolf ancestor finally began to decline, Lucian said: "Consume it further, and when his power declines to a certain level, even if I defeat it, it will not obey me... Now its power is not too strong. A lot of weakening is just right."

While speaking, he threw off the long coat on his body.

He took the initiative to jump off the battlefield, signaling to all the other werewolves to leave, and his mane began to grow as hard as steel needles.

The body shape slowly expands.

Until he was more than two meters tall, his face became half-human, half-wolf...

Compared with the ancestor of the werewolf, its size is obviously inferior.

But the instinctive alertness of the beast made William instantly understand that this was the real formidable enemy it had encountered.

It slowly bowed down and growled at Lucian.

Lucian roared back unwillingly.

next moment……

Accompanied by countless blood splatters, the ancestors of the first generation werewolf and the ancestors of the second generation werewolf directly fought together.

Although the fight below has just begun, it has been brewing for many days, so it directly climbed to the highest peak.

The power of the ancestor of the werewolf was indeed powerful, even much stronger than that of Lucian.

It directly suppressed Lucian at the first time... It's just that Lucian is extremely intelligent, and he didn't fight it hard, but focused on defense instead.

Even if he was beaten bloody, he would never back down in the slightest!
It's just a stalemate there, and then a stalemate.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

The strength of the ancestor of the werewolf was gradually exhausted, and his breathing began to become heavy, and his strength also weakened accordingly.

Finally, Lucian bent his knees and pushed him upwards forcefully, directly sending him flying.

Immediately pounced on it.

Mixed with angry roars, he kept beating the ancestor of the werewolf beneath him.

bang bang bang...

The two giant wolves entangled on the ground.

You tear me, I catch you.

In this fierce battle, Lucian gradually gained the upper hand by virtue of his strong recovery ability.

Its sharp claws are mixed with fists, blood splatters, and painful roars almost shake the entire base to collapse...

After a long time.

Accompanied by a painful whimper.

The ancestor of the werewolf stopped, and could not stop whimpering in a low voice, which represented submission and softness to wolves.

Only then did Lucian stop his hands, allowing himself to slowly return to his human form.

He shouted, "Are you convinced?"

But the ancestor of the werewolf didn't discriminate against the person who just defeated him because he became short. Instead, he bent up and panted heavily.

Lucian touched the head of the ancestor of the werewolf. It didn't resist, but obediently raised its head up, allowing him to touch it more freely.

"With the power of the ancestors, no matter how powerful the aliens are, we don't have to be afraid of them!"

He laughed excitedly.

What Lucian took a fancy to was not only the power of the werewolf ancestor, but also his terrifying infectious ability...

Unlike his infection.

If you are infected by him, you will still retain your own sanity. At that time, unless you voluntarily, you will be more likely to attack them in the opposite direction.

It is also because of this that the development of their werewolves has not been smooth.

But the strength of this werewolf ancestor is that as long as it is bitten by him, it will be 100% transformed into a werewolf, and it is the kind of extremely powerful werewolf without the slightest reason, but they will obey the orders of the werewolf ancestor , that is, he will obey his orders.

Alien parasitism is powerful.

But the infectious ability of the werewolf ancestor is even more astonishing.

As long as they get out of here and develop the first most loyal forces...then it snowballs.

Especially the presence of Michael.

Lucian has not bitten Michael so far, but wants to use the blood of the werewolf ancestor to fuse with him, neutralize it and then inject it into his body, so that he can gain god-like power.

Thinking of his pride, Lucian laughed even louder.

"Let's go, after we go out, this world is our werewolf's world!"

Lucian strode out confidently.

The ancestor of the werewolf gave a low growl honestly, and followed behind him, along with the many werewolves.

Serena's expression remained unchanged, but her heart panicked inexplicably.

As a living map, she led the way, and after bringing Lucian here, she was not destroyed by crossing the river.

Perhaps it was because of her facial expression and demeanor, it was very similar to the beautiful figure in Lucian's memory.

Maybe it's because Lucian is really a person who talks about martial arts...

Anyway, during this period of time, she has been living well here the whole time, watching the whole process of their domestication of the werewolf ancestor.

During the process, a werewolf kindly sent her fresh blood.

It made Serena feel quite absurd, there were not a hundred werewolves who died in her hands, but eighty, it was unexpected that she integrated into their group smoothly.

And she had already quietly sent a message to Lin Bin a few days ago, but she didn't receive any reply for some reason... I don't know if the message was blocked, or there was some accident on his side Woolen cloth?

She couldn't help worrying.

Although the time spent with Lin Bin was extremely short, on the one hand, the werewolf she hated and even killed for hundreds of years, on the other hand, spared her life, and was even willing to deal fairly with her under completely unequal circumstances. A human being who respects her immensely.

Especially the fragrance in Lin Bin's body made her feel peaceful just by smelling it, so she couldn't help but sided with him.

Could it be that something happened?
out of the base.

The stalemate lasted for a whole day, but the result in exchange was extremely gratifying.

Purpose achieved.

"Let's go, go to the nearest human town first, as long as we develop the first batch of infected werewolves, then our general situation will become"

Lucian motioned for everyone to board the plane.

But William cried out in alarm, his lower limbs were firmly grasped on the ground, and he refused to get close to the passenger plane.

Even if Lucian dragged it forcibly, it wouldn't move.

"Hahahaha, although he is our ancestor, he is still an ignorant wolf. He probably doesn't even dare to ride in a car."

"It has to be able to sit in it. This physique is really big enough."

The surviving werewolves all laughed mockingly. These werewolves had all been beaten by William, so they couldn't help gloating now seeing his shabby bumpkin appearance.

They laughed and took the initiative to board the passenger plane.

Then shrugged his nose.

"It smells like a stranger!"

"what happened?"

"It's gunpowder, get off the plane..."

Someone screamed in panic.

Before there was any more reaction, there was a loud bang, and the plane was rushed into the sky like fireworks, and the wings and tail were forcibly torn to pieces!

Sparks burst out, and a scorching shock wave directly sent Lucian William, Serena and the others flying fiercely.

And the many werewolves who had already boarded the plane were all blown to pieces.

Lucian's eyes widened in shock, and only then did he understand why William was unwilling to board the plane...

His complexion became extremely ugly. The people who were brought here this time were all his most trusted confidantes, but unexpectedly they disappeared like this.

"who is it!"

He roared angrily.

"Why don't you get on the plane? If you do, it won't be as painful as it is now."

In the distance, a lazy voice sounded.

Lucian turned his head and saw Lin Bin's calm figure.

He was surprised: "How did you know this place?"

Lin Bin smiled and said, "Guess."

"You... are you playing dirty with me?!"

Lucian said angrily: "You already knew that I had gathered all the factors?"

"William's existence was revealed to you by me."

Lin Bin said indifferently: "Haven't you guessed it until now? This is a bait I gave you to attract your attention. Now that you have bitten this bait, I should naturally pull up the hook. .”

"Bait? Hahahaha, it's a pity...You have calculated everything, but you didn't calculate that I actually tamed William, right? I have already eaten the bait, and I have thrown the hook."

"No, actually, I expected it, so..."

Lin Bin waved his hand.

In the distance, all the boundaries that are visible to the naked eye.

One by one, the black aliens showed signs.

It is densely packed, like an ant colony, the exact number cannot be counted... Just one look at it makes people feel terrified.

"That's why I brought two thousand aliens here, and he could kill the werewolf ancestor. Of course, if he breaks into the downtown area, he may soon be able to produce a batch of werewolves that can compete with the aliens, but the premise is ...it has to get out of here alive."

Lin Bin smiled and said, "So now, Lucian...is the general!"

"So many... and werewolf aliens?!"

Lucian recognized at a glance that some of the aliens were extraordinarily tall, and they were clearly not blood-sucking aliens.

And its mane is sharp and its sharp claws are ferocious, just like a werewolf.

"That's right... If nothing else happens, you and the ancestor behind you are already the last two werewolves in this world."

Lin Bin sighed: "But now, you will no longer exist, my task... can be completed today!"

(End of this chapter)

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