Chapter 140

[Secret Realm Mission: Destroy the Extraordinary]

[Completion reward: 4000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 2. 】

[Task time limit: 3 month! 】

[Failure penalty: 3000 reincarnation points. 】

[The task has been completed, and the contribution is being liquidated...]

[Secret Realm Mission Evaluation: S (You have completed the excess mission excellently, and the reward for this mission has increased by 200%!)]

[Task Reward: Obtain 8000 reincarnation points, B-level meritorious service x 4! 】

[To get A-level props to expand fire, do you spend 2000 reincarnation points to bring them back to the present world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 1000 reincarnation points! 】

[Expansion Tinder (a-level item): When used while entering the secret realm, the rewards of this secret realm mission can be greatly increased, and the corresponding difficulty will also be increased to a certain extent. 】

[Note: Want to be stimulated?Exciting enough? 】

[Acquire the blood of the ancestor of the B-level prop x 2!Do you want to spend 2100 reincarnation points to bring it back to this world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 1500 reincarnation points! 】

[Note: Do you want to sunbathe? @vampire】

[Get the C-level props Blood of the Blood Race Ancestor × 3!Do you want to spend 1500 reincarnation points to bring it back to this world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 1000 reincarnation points! 】

[Note: Don't look at my low grade, but my grade is high! 】

[Get the C-level props Werewolf Ancestral Blood × 3!Do you want to spend 1500 reincarnation points to bring it back to this world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 1000 reincarnation points! 】

[Note: A real man will do it! 】

[Get the blood of the descendants of the ancestors of the D-level props x 3!Do you want to spend 800 reincarnation points to bring it back to this world?If you choose No, you can exchange for 500 reincarnation points! 】

[Note: Come in, even though I am useless, I am super inclusive. 】

Unprecedented explosion.

The harvest is so rich that this time the secret realm is almost comparable to the sum of the past few secret realms.

I was a little distressed at the loss of the alien...

But now it seems that he is equivalent to buying the stock when it is at the bottom, and then selling it directly when it rises to the highest point.

Blood earned!
Only then did Lin Bin realize that the expansion fire may be more precious than he imagined!

S grade?
I didn't overfulfill the task this time...

In other words, the difficulty of the task was directly pulled to full, and there was no room for him to show off.

Normally speaking, under such circumstances, it is quite good for him to get a B-level evaluation.

Unless the task is inflated, but the rating system of the task is still going on with the previous task system... That is to say, his task is to kill any branch of vampires or werewolves, but he directly puts the two branches together buried.

Therefore, the evaluation has risen sharply, reaching the S level.

"Risks are often accompanied by opportunities. This thing is indeed dangerous, but if it is used well, it can bring huge benefits just once!"

Lin Bin chose yes to all of them without hesitation!

As a result, 8000 points were directly deducted from the 7900 reincarnation points just recorded in the account!
Only Lin Bin was left with a pitiful 100 reincarnation points!

But even so, Lin Bin didn't feel distressed at all.

After all, what he pays now, when he sells these things in the future, at least he will earn back several times... This kind of business is really too good.

【Reincarnation: Abin】

[Level: Extraordinary]

[Qualifications: Slaughter-level Secret Realm Independent Customs Clearance Experience × 2 (Evaluation: S, A), Adventure-Level Secret Realm Clearance Experience × 3 (Evaluation: S, S, S)] (The first three items are visible data for all reincarnations)
[ Merit: B-level merit × 4! 】

[Reincarnation points: 2000 reincarnation points]

[Equipment: Light Boots (B+), Double Dragon Phantom Sword (B), Azure Rose (B), Money Sword (B), Optical Camouflage Cloak (B), Soft Hedgehog Armor (B), Wrist Controller ( B), three-edged sword (C)]

[Items: Expanding Fire Seed (A), Holy Blessing Potion (A), Random Teleportation Scroll (B), Primordial Bloodline (B) x 2, Blood Ancestor Bloodline (C) x 3, Werewolf Primordial Bloodline (C) x 3, Changing Capsule (C), Storage Belt Soul Guidance Device (D), Da Huan Dan False (D), Bloodline of Yuanzu Descendants (D) × 3! 】

【Enhancement: Heshibi】

[Cultivation method:]

[Level B: "Secret of Longevity" (74%) (upper limit: 200%)]

[Level B: "Heavenly Demon Dafa" (61%)]

[Level C: Fragments of the Sword Code (72%)]


[Level B: Consonance (81%), Tai Chi Sword (59%), Heavenly Magic Force Field (75%)]

[Level C: Ti Yunzong (100%) Taiji Qishangquan (95%)]

Obviously, Lin Bin was not idle even though he relied on the iron-blooded aliens throughout this period of time. Even if there was no Houhou, there were those vampires.

With the help of the evil emperor relic's profligate practice, Lin Bin has indeed made extremely fast progress.

Not only did Ti Yunzong directly reach the full level, but the levels of other skills and exercises have also been greatly improved... The God's Arrival Technique is no longer available, and the level of the realm of telepathy has increased a lot, even far away from Jianxin Brightness is not far away.

Normal cultivation obviously does not progress so fast.

Just as Lin Bin thought before, the two skills are both mind cultivation and combined into one.

It seems that it is also time to buy some brand new skills.

After all, it is very easy to go from zero to one, and it is also very easy to go to ten, but it is very difficult to rush to 100... And the more you go up, the more energy you spend, but the less you gain.

In a word summary.

Earn fat.

Is it an illusion?

I always feel that the storage belt is a lot heavier.

The settlement was completed, and at this time, Lin Bin had also reached the end of the passage.

There was a serious look on his face.

Although the mission is complete, the challenge has only just begun.

Lin Bin stepped out.

The next moment, a cold breath rushed over.

It's not because of the cold weather, but the icy temperature of those weapons, especially the weapons with huge lethality, even if they have not been loaded, it makes people feel chills unconsciously.

And with the appearance of Lin Bin!
Suddenly, an extremely piercing alarm sounded in the base.

Dozens of special forces armed with weapons quickly formed an encirclement circle, enclosing Lin Bin in it.

There was a smile on Lin Bin's face, and he said with a playful smile: "What's the matter? Don't you know that I entered the secret realm before? Now I just came out... As for such a big battle?"

He was instantly determined.

It seems that expanding the fire is really not a blessing from heaven... These people probably thought that it was impossible for him to leave this secret place alive, so they canceled his authority.

A stranger suddenly appeared in a heavily guarded military base to have such a reaction, otherwise there would not be such a big battle.

Looking at Lin Bin's calm and calm posture, the captain of the special forces headed by him showed a helpless expression on his face.

He naturally recognized the person in front of him, and for a while, he didn't know what to do.

He could only wave his hands and said, "Contact the Samsara Space Association immediately!"


The Reincarnation Association also got news.

When Darian heard the news, he fell back in shock and said in surprise:
"What? Abin came out alive? How is this possible... We paid an A-level inflated fire to take his life, how could he escape from the killing-level secret realm?!"

Not far from his desk, Infidi couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and felt an inexplicable relaxation in her heart.

She didn't even know why she had such thoughts... But she always felt that it was great that Mr. Abin was still alive.

She tentatively replied: "Maybe, that Mr. Abin is really good at the space of reincarnation? Some people seem to be ordinary, but they really have extremely unique strengths... Especially Mr. Abin who seems to be Still very handsome, according to Huaguo, there is a saying called both talent and appearance? It seems to be very suitable for him."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible, no one can survive under the blessing of expanding fire!"

A bit of doubt appeared on Darian's face, and he said, "Could it be that Gerrit secretly greedy the expansion fire?"

Infidi said: "There are so many people in that situation, and it is impossible for him to be greedy for an A-level item that has little effect."

"and many more!"

Darian suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "If he really came out alive, will the expansion fire fall into his hands?!"

Infidi hesitated and said: "This... I don't know too well, after all, it is the first time we are outside the secret realm, but we used props towards the secret realm!"

"But even if it is possible, we must never let A-level items fall into the hands of a reincarnation from another country, even if they are A-level items that are of little use. Otherwise, wouldn't we become a joke? Infidi, since he After coming here, you have been entertaining him all the time, go and test him."


"Let's go, let's go to meet our guests, this kid, life is really tough!"

Speaking of the last four words, Darian couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

Already full of anger!
After half an hour.

Lin Bin took the special car leaving the base.

Infidi's hair is half-covered, revealing a delicate oval face.

At this time, there was an admiring smile in her eyes, and her eyes were shining when she looked at Lin Bin.

Half acting and half real, no one can see the flaws!
She laughed and said, "I never thought that Mr. Abin's practice speed is much faster than we imagined. It has only been more than a month, and he has already completed the experience. Mr. Abin is so light, it is really amazing. "

Lin Bin had lingering fears on his face, and sighed: "No way, that world is really too dangerous... I also survived a near death. I have gone through countless dangerous murders, and I almost died in one life. The task is too difficult for me."

Darian, who was driving in front, quietly turned the rearview mirror inside the car, so that Lin Bin could not see the rolled eyes on his face.

He is so lively, without even a wound on his face.

It also smells like hot pot...

Before coming out, I must have cooked hot pot in the secret realm.

Difficult ass.

Infidi asked with admiration: "By the way, Mr. Abin, I heard that you are a member of the World Debris Early Warning and Detection Bureau in Huaguo, and those who can stand in this department are all elites. Elite, we haven't entered this secret realm yet, do you have any suggestions for us?"


Lin Bin looked at Infidi with admiration, but she didn't expect that she could say the name of their department correctly.

Immediately, his favorability for this little girl increased by a few percentage points.

He said seriously to Infidi: "My suggestion is never to go!"

Infidi suddenly looked helpless.

Lin Bin said seriously: "Because it's really dangerous inside. In that world, my mission is to target vampires and werewolves. They are all powerful and have a long lifespan, and they each hold together for warmth... Most of them are vampires. Both the werewolf and the werewolf have the strength comparable to the reincarnation."

"What? Is it so scary? Wouldn't it be dangerous if the reincarnation enters rashly?"

"Yeah, although vampires are afraid of sunlight, and werewolves are afraid of silver, and I also use these two weaknesses, I have completed my task."

Lin Bin sighed: "But it's too scary, I don't want to face vampires again in my life..."

Werewolves afraid of silver?

Vampires afraid of sunlight?
Darian hurriedly remembered these important information in his heart.

Although there are werewolves and vampires in the real world...

However, depending on its source, its characteristics and strengths are also somewhat different, and these intelligences are all important.

Darian snapped the mirror into place, and quietly winked at Infidi.

Infidi immediately understood, and asked with reverence: "Mr. Lin, can you tell me more about the specific plot?"

"Of course, vampires are divided into three elders. Among them, the second elder Marcus is the most powerful, the first elder Victor is the most thoughtful, and Emilia is the sexiest. At the beginning, he wanted to seduce me... Fortunately, I didn't go to her Don't be fooled, otherwise, I'm afraid she has become her family now."

Lin Bin told all the details about the legend of the night that he knew.

Darian also listened carefully, keeping all the details in mind.

Listening to him talk for a long time...

Infidi is asking the key question.

"By the way, Mr. Abin, did you encounter any strange things in this secret realm?"

Lin Binqi said: "What?"

"It's just... something like a flame, because there was actually a reincarnator who wanted to enter this secret realm in violation of the regulations, but we killed him, but a very important item in his hand accidentally fell into the secret realm within."

"Flame? No."

Lin Bin shook his head with a calm face, and his heart started with a tacit understanding.

The heartbeat was calm.

And under the blessing of Jiandian, the simple face was full of sincerity and regret, and he said with compassion and regret: "You should have told me earlier, if you said earlier, I will help you pay attention Now... now, I'm sorry, I can't help you much... By the way, you don't suspect that I took your things, do you?"

Infidi hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Of course not."

Lin Bin looked at her deeply for a while.

Looking directly at her, she felt an inexplicable guilty conscience... She just felt that facing this simple and kind face, she was so dirty with small thoughts.

"Oh, I knew you didn't believe me, that's all, let me show you my belt."

Lin Bin unbuttoned his belt directly to Infidi, and said, "This is my storage belt, let me open it one by one for you to see."

"Actually, it's not necessary..."

Lin Bin didn't answer her, but opened the belt directly.

Let Infidi see the weapons, firearms, pills, capsules and pills, and the blood in the test tube...

It should be the harvest this time...

Lin Bin just let Infidi touch it, but didn't let her reach out to touch it.

After all, when a reincarnator touches a secret item, a message will be displayed, which is too surreal.

But in fact, Lin Binken took the initiative to open his belt and let Infidi look inside. This is already great sincerity, and even made her a little flattered.

Read it again.

Only then did Lin Bin put on his belt again, and said, "I'm worried about empty words, and because I trust you, I let you see them, but these props are my trump cards...don't tell people nonsense. "

"Well, yes, I understand!"

Infidi shook his head slightly at Darien.

Darian sighed regretfully.

Lin Bin was sent to the hotel, and Infidi sent him to check in and rest.

Just before closing the door, she said sincerely: "Mr. Abin, I know you may have guessed something, but there is one thing I want to tell you... Not everyone is disappointed to see you come back safely. At least I'm happy."

"Well, thank you very much."

Abin is equally sincere, even more sincere and sincere.

For a while, Infidi couldn't figure out whether what he said was true or false.

She went downstairs, then back to the car.

Darien waited a long time for her.

He frowned and said, "It seems that we need to send another group of elite reincarnations into this secret realm to find a way to get back the inflated fire. Infidi, you just happened to..."

"This one……"

Infidi's heart skipped a beat, and Lin Bin's words not to go suddenly came to mind.

It's kind of like a joke, but it's kind of serious...

She hesitated and said: "Not too good, I just heard what Mr. Abin said, it seems that I want to stay here for a few more days, since he came to now, I have been by his side, if suddenly let me enter the secret realm ...will it show that no one in our free federation is available?"

"It''s true. In this case, I'll send someone else. I think Abin has a good impression of you. Take advantage of these few days to get more information from him."


Infidi breathed a sigh of relief, only feeling that his back was a little wet.

Even she herself didn't understand why she trusted Lin Bin's casual words so much...

But she really felt as if she had escaped a life-and-death crisis.

 I just found out that the daughter of the heroine of Underworld 4 turned out to be India Eisley who played the role of the person in the mirror. Caucasian women are too old to look at after the age of 30, but I have to mention that they are really tender under the age of 20→ _→

(End of this chapter)

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