Chapter 141

The resources of the Free Federation are extremely rich.

Under Darian's arrangement, a large amount of silver bullets, crosses and garlic were fully prepared in no time.

They are very experienced in dealing with vampires.

Werewolves are slightly rarer, but not unheard of...

An elite squad.

Led by Saint-level reincarnation Carlos, he led two Saint-level reincarnations and two Transcendent reincarnations into this reincarnation space.

Destroying this plane is still a second step, but the expansion fire is still an A-level item. Their original plan was to wait until Lin Bin failed the mission in it, and then send new reincarnations into it to retrieve the item.

If Lin Bin is really dead.

So in the worst case, even if the item is lost, Darian can still use the words that Lin Bin has a bright future, even if it is worth sacrificing an A-level item, he can prevaricate it.

But the problem is they failed.

If the props were lost again, it would be a loss for his wife and a soldier... He would definitely be punished.

Edarion moved extremely fast, and Lin Bin hadn't left the Freedom Federation yet.

They have already started to enter the world of Underworld again.

It is precisely because of this reason that Infidi...has a reason to shirk...

And when the next morning.

Lin Bin was surprised when he heard that Infidi came to express his thanks, "You mean that there are reincarnations who have entered that world? Originally they wanted you to go too, but you refused?"

Infidi nodded and said: "Yes, because I think Mr. Abin, you said not to go, it is really sincere, even I don't know why, but I always feel that Mr. Abin, you will not deceive me. "

Lin Bin was immediately surprised, apparently he did not expect his words to carry such weight in the mind of this little girl who had only been together for a few days.

"You did the right thing. I may have boasted a little before, but this world is worthy of the level of the killing-level secret realm. If you enter rashly, the possibility of group destruction is very high."

Lin Bin took a deep look at Infidi, and said: "But I really misjudged, I didn't expect you to be qualified to enter the killing-level secret realm... Before, I thought you were an ordinary receptionist, see It’s because I don’t know Mount Tai with my eyes.”

"No matter how good you are, it can't compare to you, Mr. Abin. You cleared the killing~kill level secret realm alone, and even got an S-level evaluation. The best time I played, it was only an extraordinary S, and it was only Mr. Abin. It's just your normal operation."

"You are too kind, help me arrange the return flight, I want to go back as soon as possible."

Infidi asked in surprise: "Is it in such a hurry?"

"Well, it's really that there are some things to report at home..."

"Okay, I'll help you arrange it."

Infidi respectfully got up and left.

Lin Bin murmured: "I have to leave quickly, otherwise, if these reincarnations meet Ah Tie... 噫... I can't bear to think about it anymore."

The reincarnation is very strong, even in the face of iron-blooded aliens, it is not difficult to win the battle.

But the advantage of Alien is not in its single strength.

Once its development is on the scale.

Unless they, like him, carry a small nuclear warhead with them.

Otherwise, the difficulty of killing all the aliens would be as difficult as reaching the sky...

Not to mention that these aliens are still the darlings of the night, and they are covered by Corvinus' high-tech weapons.

Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with Lin Bin.

In fact, it was exactly as Lin Bin expected.

It took only three hours to come to this secret realm.

I haven't even had time to complete my mission first, and then go to find the expansion fire...

Their appearance has been directly locked by the enemy.

within the secret realm.

When he was already on guard, Covinus's powerful background fully showed its strength... It only took him a few days to set up cameras in all the hidden corners of the entire city.

Because according to Abin's proposal, the location where these people appeared is very likely to be in the city where Serena has lived for 600 years.

It is also the base camp of aliens.

The reason why Lin Bin made such a judgment is simple.

Although there is no direct evidence to prove it, Feng Qingtian mentioned it to him at the beginning...


Wherever reincarnation appears, it must be accompanied by luck.

Of course, to describe it in professional terms, the mission of the reincarnation must be related to the characters in the play.

Then this city, which is the starting point of everything, naturally has the greatest probability.

And it turns out...

Corvinus was right to trust Lin Bin.

Just two days after Lin Bin left, someone of the exact same type as him appeared.

"How about it, are you sure that these people, like that Abin, appeared suddenly?"

Ke Wennusi stood behind Serena, looked at the five reincarnated people who suddenly appeared in the camera, and motioned Serena to lock the focus, and sure enough, they all had the same reincarnation as Lin Bin looming on their wrists surface.

His eyes slowly became serious.

Especially looking at the tall reincarnated leader...

There is a bit of fear in the eyes of encountering a nemesis.

His foresight was superb, so he could tell that this person's strength was probably much stronger than that of Abin's.

"Supervise the whole process, see what they are going to do, and listen to what they are saying by the way!"


Serena responded with a quick operation with her dexterous fingers.

But his eyes unconsciously fell on the reincarnation watch on that person's wrist... Mr. Xindao Abin said that as long as he got this thing, he could pass through this world and go to that completely real world.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable impulse in her heart.

This is a thought that, as a vampire, has never had in 600 years.

But the venerable old man behind him will definitely leave this world only after making sure that the world is safe?Or simply stay in this world forever...

In just a few days of getting along, Serena already respected the old man quite a lot.

Even if she wanted to leave, she had to ensure the safety of the place.

And this time.

The five reincarnators who just came to the secret realm of the dark night sorted out their weapons.

"Our mission is... eh? Kill the Yuanzu? Hey, it seems that because I am in the reincarnation team this time, the difficulty has been greatly increased. It will definitely not be too easy to be called the Yuanzu. Let's fight quickly Well, after killing the target of the mission, immediately look for all the people with extraordinary power, the expansion fire will definitely fall into their hands, even if we are not there, we can still get a lot of real information from them!"

Carlos ordered: "Also, if you encounter vampires or werewolves, remember to drain all their blood. Bringing the blood back will have a great effect. Maybe we can strengthen our vampire reinforcement system. .”


A few people were concise.

The next battle strategy was quickly agreed upon.

And Covinas, who heard their description all the way, became serious.

Serena worried: "Their target is you!"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is the attitude shown in their words."

Although they didn't say anything outrageous, but just from their capable looks and mission-oriented words, Covinas could understand that these people really didn't treat them as people. Adults look at it.

In the eyes of these people... they are just resources.

He sighed wearily, knowing that in the future, the enemies he faced would be stronger than ever.

But that's good too, he may not be powerless to fight back. From this point of view, I have to thank that Abin.

"Let Ah Tie go out."

"I'll go too."

"Don't go!"

Corvinus said in a deep voice, "You are too weak."


"Those reincarnations are very strong, very strong. Let's not expose them and let the aliens deal with them. This should be what Abin meant."

Corvinus said coldly: "Abin has the self-consciousness of being a human being, and he doesn't want to destroy the human beings in this world, but I am no longer a human being, and I want to protect this world. At that time, I will let Ah Tie parasitize all human beings, our world is ours, even if it is destroyed, I will never hand it over to them, and let them do whatever they want!"


Serena looked at Corvinus who was already a little anxious, and said softly: "I will always be with you."

"Well, I know, I'm sorry, I'm too excited. This person puts a lot of pressure on me. It's the first time I meet such a powerful opponent, and I feel a little lost."

And with the order of Corvinus.

These reincarnations have just arrived in less than half an hour...

Everyone was walking on the street, Carlos suddenly waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

He sneered and said: "It's so cold and hostile, my arrogance is reminding me that we are surrounded by a group of dark creatures..."

While speaking, he clearly saw a black shadow passing quickly from the distant alley.

And around, there is no trace of pedestrians.

The battlefield was set up in just half an hour under Covenus' advance preparations.


With Carlos yelling.

The other four reincarnations loaded their weapons with silver bullets or ultraviolet bullets.

Be prepared.

"Come out, don't hide in there, I know you are here, show me."

Carlos yelled.

The whole body swelled directly from the body, emitting scorching rays like the sun.

Holy spirit in the world.

Scorching like a scorching sun, within a radius of several thousand meters, it instantly changed from darkness to day... making all the filthy things in the darkness instantly invisible.

Those densely packed, silent, ant-like aliens were displayed in front of them, the reincarnators.

In alleys, trash cans, aisles, stairs, trams, and even the outer walls of tall buildings...

Dark, ferocious and terrifying alien shapes can be seen everywhere.

Densely packed, at least thousands of aliens, all of which are more than two meters in size, are staring at them with greedy and salivating eyes.

Visible to the naked eye...

Carlos' arrogance stagnated for an instant.

Even the sacred energy of the world also stuck for a while, and then it was much weaker than before.

"Mom... FUCK..."

Carlos muttered a curse.

"Run away!"

With a scream, the five reincarnations fled in the direction they came from at an extremely fast speed.

The aliens swept towards them like a vast ocean...

"Shoot, shoot and stop them!"

Carlos angrily blasted out several light waves of holy energy one after another, directly overturning dozens of aliens... Its powerful power can be seen.

But these aliens had rough skin and thick flesh, and they vomited blood after being beaten, but it didn't affect their hunting speed at all. After rolling a few times, they got up and continued to chase!
The bonus of holy air to dark creatures is actually ineffective against these monsters? !

Carlos' pupils shrank. What he strengthened was the holy air system, which is the nemesis of all dark creatures.

But why are these monsters who obviously have the characteristics of vampires or werewolves not afraid of him at all...

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! !
Intensive and violent gunshots sounded.

Directly bombard and kill the first few aliens...but unless it hits a vital point, it is completely painless.

The faces of the five reincarnators were dull, and the best preparations they had made were just abolished.

These monsters are indeed vampires and werewolves, but they are weird no matter how they look.

Being puzzled by the situation, he didn't dare to look back at the moment, and rushed forward quickly...

Suddenly, the most gigantic and hideous alien descended from the sky. With the dreadlocks on its head flicking, it directly held one of the Transcendents in its mouth, and then tore it up and ate it.

Everyone didn't even have time to rescue them.

And no one wants to be rescued...

There are too many of these dark monsters, and each of them has at least the strength of an ordinary reincarnator. Surrounded by them, even a reincarnation of the highest realm may have to kneel.

And when I think that I and others have been targeted by these monsters, and the mission time limit is half a month, that is to say, they must survive under the hunting of these monsters for half a month... Even Carlos, who is the strongest among them, , I couldn't help feeling terrified.

too frightening.

escape! ! !
Unfortunately, Carlos still overestimated his strength.

Not to mention half a month, they couldn't even last a day.


"What? The regiment is gone?! Carlos is dead too?"

real world.

When Darian heard the news, his heart felt cold for the first time, and he said in surprise: "How is it possible? That is Carlos! The top-ranking figure on the holy list has even participated in the reclamation of nightmare-level secret realms. Maybe fell in a mere killing-level secret realm? And Moxica is also a veteran saint-level reincarnation, and Ged is even more powerful in darkness and light, and they have made sufficient preparations in advance. Now you tell me, just a short In one day, all five of them died?"

Infidi nodded, her face was full of horror, and her heart was even more fortunate for her survival after the catastrophe.


He really didn't lie to me.

Fortunately, I didn't go, Carlos is more than twice as strong as me, and he couldn't last a day in it... If I went, I would definitely die.

"What about Abin? How did he survive inside? Could it be that he deceived us?"

Darian looked at Infidi angrily, and asked, "Where is he?"

"He...he has already left. The plane I just sent him on three hours ago should have arrived in Huaguo by now."

Darian said in shock, "Go...go? Didn't he say he wanted to stay here for one more day?"

"I'm not too sure. He said that his immediate boss came to him suddenly for something."

Infidi didn't think much about it before, but think about it now...

He clearly heard someone entering this secret realm, and then he was in a hurry to leave.

Could it be that he already knew that entering this secret realm would inevitably lead to such terrible results?
What is the mystery of this secret realm?
But this time, she didn't tell Darian the news.

Maybe it was the result of her narrow escape because of the person in front of her?

Anyway, she just didn't want to say...

But Darian quickly thought of the key point.

Said: "Contact him, contact him immediately... Ask about the mystery of this secret realm, it would be better if you can ask him about his experience, otherwise, we have to send a large number of elites into this secret realm to find out clearly The inner world, if he can cooperate, we can at least save dozens of reincarnated people from dying!"

"Yes... I will try, but experience is a very private matter, I'm afraid he won't say..."

"That has to be tried! Beg loudly, or you can try sex, all means can be used..."


Infidi obediently responded.

(End of this chapter)

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