when reincarnation invades

Chapter 142 You Are Too Deep Into The Drama

Chapter 142 You Are Too Deep Into The Drama
Lin Bin didn't know the sad fate of Carlos and others...

But he guessed it.

And in order to help Covenas hide the alien's strength as much as possible, he directly chose to return to Huaguo.

You must know that the power of aliens lies in their mysterious unknowability.

Otherwise, even if Ah Tie possesses the strengths of Predator, Alien, Human and Vampire at the same time, once the truth is known...

Is it true that those reincarnated people have no means to target them?
As long as they are willing to pay the price, it shouldn't be too difficult to destroy this world, let alone mere aliens.

Not long after driving back to Huaguo, Lin Bin received a mobile friend application from Infidi.

He chose to agree.

But the other party is obviously very savvy, knowing that he left on purpose because he didn't want to reveal any news, so he didn't ask about some disappointing things, but very enthusiastically said that if he comes to the Liberty Alliance again in the future, he must contact her, even if Thousands of miles away, she will definitely arrive and receive her in person, and if she has free time in the future, she will definitely come to Huaguo to have a look.

Not for anything else, she just wants to see what kind of landscape is capable of cultivating a wonderful person like Mr. Abin.

Lin Bin said a few words to her politely, and then the two of them agreed to say nothing more.

After all, although we get along very happily, we are not very familiar with each other... If you talk too much, there is a sense of shallow conversation, and although the other party is warm, it is obviously not the type to rush to repost.

Even in a sense, this girl may be a much better reincarnation than ordinary reincarnations.

He is a little younger than him, but he is already qualified to enter the killing-level secret realm for experience.

It's normal to add a friend.

As for the Freedom Federation...

Infidi shook his head helplessly, and said: "I have successfully added Mr. Abin as a friend, but when I asked him, he just said that vampires and werewolves are really difficult to deal with. After fighting each other for hundreds of years, both sides have developed extremely terrifying weapons, so I won’t say more about them after that, but according to my guess, their weapons should be very specific to us reincarnated people.”

Perhaps it was because of a narrow escape, and these unwarranted disasters were completely brought about by the so-called leader in front of him.

Infidi began to keep it purposefully.

Her idea is very simple. In this way, I revealed that I have an unusual relationship with Mr. Abin. If there are any tasks related to him in the future, I will definitely handle them at that time... After all, it was originally arranged for me. I have completed all the tasks of my own job well, but you temporarily added a lot of messy tasks to me, and no one can blame me if I can't complete them.

Even Infidi didn't understand what he was thinking at this time. When he was first called to use his unique ability to check the other party's reality, he was still full of unwillingness, but now, he couldn't help it again. Looking forward to seeing him.

After all, it saved my life.

She secretly thought of...

Darian didn't doubt the small mind of his right-hand man.

He just wondered: "Now things are troublesome, even Carlos has fallen, which reincarnation should be arranged to enter it next? Wait...even Carlos has fallen, and I lost a Super props, I will definitely be punished at that time, then this matter will not be my turn to have a headache, hahahaha... Great, finally I don't have to worry about such nonsense things..."

Darian laughed so sadly that he began to cry with a smile.

But these have little to do with Lin Bin.

Just got off the plane.

He was stopped by two young men and women in overalls.

Among them, a girl in her early 20s with a capable ponytail said proactively: "Mr. Abin, hello, we are full-time staff of the Samsara Space Association, this is my colleague Li Yun, my name is Sun Jing, we I came here specially to pick you up and return to Baishui City."

Lin Binqi said: "How do you know that I will come back at this time?"

"Because your data has been updated in real time."

Li Yun is about the same age as Lin Bin, but he couldn't hide his admiration in his eyes, and said excitedly: "Because your data has been updated in real time, and there is still an extra S-level evaluation, this time it is The S-level evaluation of the real killing-level secret realm is enough to make all those who doubted your strength, Mr. Abin, shut up."

"Not to mention that this time you are still on the side of the Liberty Alliance. In a sense, you have greatly promoted the prestige of our country."

Sun Jing was just pretending to be seasoned, but she couldn't help but get excited when her companion mentioned this matter. After all, this is not a matter of one country. There are no trivial matters between the two countries. Even if it is just some trivial matters, it is all about gaining the upper hand. A thing to be happy about.

Not to mention that Lin Bin has made a big name this time.

"Mr. Abin, please get in the car. Our special plane is waiting for you not far away, and we will send you back to rest as soon as possible."

"Excuse me, by the way, can you take a tour of the city first? It's rare to come to the capital, and I plan to buy some specialties to take back."

"It's been prepared for you. Considering your precious time, we have prepared three copies of everything for you, one for gift, one for your own use, and one for gift from friends."

"Oh... oh oh, thank you very much."

Lin Bin thought to himself that I still want to go shopping again.

But judging from the enthusiasm of the other party, it is estimated that if he said it, they would immediately say that I will carry bags for you...

Forget it, I'm really not used to having someone by my side.

Immediately, they honestly followed the two into the car, and half an hour later, they got on the special plane for the return journey.

At this time, he finally had time to reply to the previous message.

In foreign military bases before, all signals were blocked and nothing could be received.

Playing with mobile phones is not allowed on the passenger plane, so Lin Bin can only bear with it... But now, there are no such restrictions.

There are not many messages on the phone, most of them were Lin Xue's worry and care before, but now that she knows that he is already in another world, it is useless to ask him.

Except for a few instructions at the beginning, there was almost no reminder for more than a month later.

Deng Yang sent him a few words of information.

Obviously the reincarnation table in the reincarnation space is encrypted, no one can intercept the information inside.

But he still rarely sends messages to Lin Bin, and sometimes he often sends some messy messages, requiring Lin Bin to read obliquely, or read one word at a time, or two words at a time, and so on. Very hard.

He had protested about it.

The other party called it encryption, just in case someone wants to check his phone.

This statement seemed reasonable, but Lin Bin scoffed.

This level of encryption, if it is intercepted by someone, I am afraid that it will be read out in less than 2 minutes.

This guy probably enjoys this lurking feeling too much, leading to getting too deep into the play...

But this time the encryption is much stronger than before.

Similar to English such as give you some color see see, there are some words in the middle that are really impossible to spell, and the blessing of pinyin is added.

According to Lin Bin's estimate, if they were really confused by the enemy, those high-achieving students would definitely have a numbed face, not knowing how to interpret it.

However, this naturally did not trouble Lin Bin, who had an actual combat power of 300 points.

The information given this time is quite amazing...

"Have you become the confidant of the new Eleven Apostles? Are you going to kill the Eleven Apostles as soon as you can stand on your own?"

After Lin Bin finished reading the message, he was quite surprised, thinking that this kid is planning to lurk and become a big boss?

He sent him a message back.

Let him pick a time to go back to Baishui City, and then the two of them will find a way to meet up.

He has some nice things for him.

In a sense, Deng Yang is also the one who saved his life...

Naturally, Lin Bin would not be stingy with this reliable partner, especially because he is a vampire-strengthened one. I remember the last time we met to snipe Wang Ling, he was dressed like a rice dumpling.

Now that he has two copies of Yuanzu's blood, what's the point of giving him one?
There used to be a rift between the two, but because of the rift, they are more trustworthy... because he has even seen his worst side.

The other side replied quickly.

"OK, no need."

Lin Bin stopped replying, but turned to read other people's messages.

Lei Ju maintained his aloofness, did not ask any questions during the whole process, with an attitude of "I believe you can do it, and you can do it if you don't".

On the contrary, Xu Qian asked some precautions in the secret territory, but maybe even she didn't expect Lin Bin to enter so quickly, so she only received it now...it was an afterthought.

But the heart still has to be reciprocated.

Lin Bin replied with a few kind words. He still has great respect for this big sister who brought him into the new world.

Other than that, there's not much information.

Wan Wan didn't reply... Considering that she inherited Tang Sanshi's status as a reincarnator, the Transcendent Realm reincarnator's training would be over quickly after more than a month, and she probably hasn't finished her mission yet.

Or it is also possible that he has completed the task and returned, and then returned to the plane of Datang without stopping.

I don't know which one.

Lin Bin still took the initiative to send her a message, reminding her that she has finished the task, if you want to double repair, you'd better do it as soon as possible, because up to now, more than one-third of the essence in the evil emperor's relic has been wasted up.

After all, with the improvement of strength, the amount of essence consumed each time is greatly increased, and the second double cultivation is almost equivalent to nearly double the previous double cultivation.

During this period of time, he really didn't waste the zhenqi in the evil emperor's relic. In fact, rather than throwing it away, it's better to feed it to Houhou.

After replying to the message, he closed his eyes.

I didn't feel it when I went abroad before, but now I set foot on the land of my own country again.

Only then did his heart suddenly settle down, with a feeling of falling leaves returning to their roots, and even his mood calmed down.

Soon, he fell into a deep sleep.

And it was on his side that he finally settled down...

And at the same time.

In another secret realm, the training process of the reincarnators was not smooth.

"Boom... woo woo..."

Accompanied by the huge roar of the engine.

A refined F1-style car races at breakneck speed on a muddy bluestone road.

Inside the car, Tang Hao was covered in sword wounds and two arrowheads stuck in his shoulders. In this narrow driver's compartment, touching the arrowheads from time to time made him grin his teeth in pain.

But he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

This Whirlwind Charge is a transportation-type secret realm prop that he obtained in the secret realm. Although it is only a C-level prop, it has saved his life countless times.

Including this time too...

He really didn't expect that he was just investigating the news of the death and retrieved the two missing B-level props by the way.

As a result, such a big risk was encountered.

Not only the two reincarnated teammates died tragically under the attack of a mysterious and brilliant assassin, even his own brother Tang Lie was killed by the enemy...

Of the four people, until now he was the only one who had escaped.

In fact, if he hadn't owned this Whirlwind Assault car props, I'm afraid he would be just a corpse now.

But the enemy beheaded the three of them one after another.

He finally got a glimpse of the terrifying true face behind the enemy...

"I have to get out alive, I have to get out alive!"

Tang Hao's face is getting paler and paler, which is a sign of excessive blood loss. The ground in the secret realm is not like modern society. Can't help it, at this time the heel of the back foot that was stepping on the accelerator was almost completely sunk in a pool of blood.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had some strength, a normal person would have died long ago with such blood loss.

"I can't die yet."

As the tornado broke through the gate of Chang'an City with the whirlwind charge, there was a smooth road after that, and the biting wind that could be heard before gradually couldn't keep up... Obviously, the opponent's speed was indeed extremely fast, even if it was his Whirlwind Charge couldn't completely leave him behind.

But when the whirlwind charge really accelerates.

After all, manpower is hard to last long, and it is slowly left behind.

"There is still half an hour, I can't die...I want to tell the Patriarch the news, the real...secrets of this world...the secrets and the truth that I got so hard...must be brought back..."

Tang Hao's eyes gradually lost.

He could barely see what was in front of him now, he only knew to step on the brakes instinctively to avoid the obstacles ahead.

How much time has passed?
Even he doesn't know...

Until the system's notification sounded in his ears, telling him that the mission failed this time and that reincarnation points need to be deducted.

Obviously it was a punishment for failure, but it made Tang Hao overjoyed...

With the last strength to press the return.

Cracks open.

The next moment, the whirlwind charge directly maintained an undiminished speed and rushed into the crack.

Life... finally saved.

Tang Hao fell into a coma with peace of mind, and the last thing he heard in his ears were screams of panic, accompanied by violent crushing vibrations and cries of worry.


"Oops, the owner was hit by a car."

 It's a holiday, and I'm visiting relatives these two days... It's hard to maintain the update, the number of words is a little less, forgive me...

(End of this chapter)

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