when reincarnation invades

Chapter 143 The Target Is Myself

Chapter 143 The Target Is Myself

And it was when Tang Tianhao and Tang Xiaohao were hospitalized together for treatment.

On Lin Bin's side, after several hours of turbulence, he finally got off the plane.

In the warm and reluctant farewell of Sun Jing and others, he hurried home.

Considering that it had been three full months in the Tang plane before, he made an appointment with Lin Xue for about three months this time.

For three full months...

She must be boring too.

Especially before, I was able to send messages to myself every day. Although I knew that I would not receive a reply, the comfort in my heart was satisfied the moment the message was sent.

But now that she knew that Lin Bin was practicing in another world, she didn't even send messages, and lost her last way of comfort.

Fortunately, this task was completed relatively quickly, it was said to be three months, but in just one and a half months, the battle was over and a large amount of high rewards were brought back.

It must be a surprise for her.

By the way...do you want to help her find a job?
Lin Bin suddenly began to seriously consider this matter.

He didn't really want Lin Xue to be a bird in a cage, he could only wait for the pity of his master, and without the master, she could only stay alone in the cage...

Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing, it is really too much.

Although her legs are inconvenient, in fact, during this period of time, Lin Bin nourished her body with the true temperature of longevity...

Her previous physical weakness caused by inconvenient movement has been greatly improved. Although her legs are still inconvenient, she no longer has any problems with basic travel.

Instead, I can find her a job.

She is now fully able to do some document processing work, so that when she enters the secret realm, she can also give herself something to sustenance...

Lin Bin felt that with his current status in Lei Ju's mind, he should be more confident in getting a public office.

Hmm... I'll get this done when I report to work later.

Into the district.

back home.

"Sister, I'm back."

Lin Bin greeted...

The room was empty and there was no response.

"Sister? Are you there?"

Lin Bin casually took out all the dirty clothes from the storage belt. Originally, Lin Xue helped with these tasks, but now the room is empty, where is there any sign of Lin Xue?

He went to the balcony and sorted the clothes by color by the way, and then divided underwear into a separate category.

Stuffed part of it into the washing machine.

With the sound of the rumbling washing machine spinning, the huge room became more lively.

Lin Xue was not there.

The room was tidy and the quilts were neatly folded, but Lin Bin's expression gradually became serious.

Although the room was made up very clean.

But the tea table and TV cabinet in the living room were covered with a thin layer of floating dust.

It was obvious that Lin Xue had not been away for a day or two... That is to say, there was no trace of mess in the room, and even the charger of the electric wheelchair was taken away.

This eliminates the possibility that she was kidnapped.

Called her several times, but no one answered.

Lin Bin immediately ran to the security hall again.

I asked Lao Dong...

"Being pushed away by a young woman in her early thirties, 1 meters tall, with measurements of 71, 62, and 82, who looks very romantic~ The two still know each other, talking and laughing ?”

Under Lin Bin's previous deliberate approach, Old Dong really still remembered the information about Lin Xue.

It's a pity that what I know is a bit off.

Lin Bin originally wanted Old Dong to help him check the exact time and her registration list... But after thinking about it, he really knew a person whose measurements were almost the same as that of Old Dong's visual inspection.

The landlord's wife, Tang Yuefu.

Lin Bin and Lin Yue used to live in his house before, and they lived there for several months.

At that time, he also promised to help the landlady's daughter with her homework.

It's just a pity that he has been busy, otherwise, maybe he could have a deeper friendship with the landlady... Lin Bin regretted this matter for a long time.

After all, his original plan was to cut down the house price after he got to know her well.

But as the units distributed houses, this line was cut off.

But by chance, Lin Xue formed a deep relationship with Tang Yuefu.

Is it her?

Lin Bin took out his cell phone and dialed it.

The old Dong next to him whispered that you also like this kind of romantic young woman?The young man is not very old, but his mind is not young.

The call was delayed for a while before it was connected.

"It's Abin, are you looking for sister Ni?"

The landlady across the street got straight to the point.

The magnetic and elegant voice smiled and said: "Don't worry, aren't you on a business trip during this time? I just asked Axue to help me with my children's homework. Seeing how troublesome she is going back and forth every day, I simply asked her You live in my house, so you can be my companion... At that time, I couldn't report to you, which made you worry."

"It's okay, I'm back early, just to pick her up later."

Tang Yuefu hurriedly said: "Let's wait, we are in another place now, quite remote... I live in an apartment outside, and Wanrong's recent homework is also at a critical moment, let Axue stay here again Stay for two days."

Lin Bin hesitated, "This..."

He hesitated.

Once you enter the secret realm, you don't want to think about things in the real world.

But back to the real world.

When he heard that Lin Xue was going to leave him for a few days, he couldn't get used to it for a while... In other words, he was used to going home, and there would always be a young girl waiting for him.

Tang Yuefu smiled and said: "This is the seaside, I can bring Axue here to see the sea every day, it's very open-minded..."

"Then please trouble your wife. By the way, can I have a word with her?"

Tang Yuefu hesitated and said, "This...isn't convenient, she is taking a bath with my daughter, I'll let her go back for you later."

Lin Bin said, "Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The two hung up the phone.

In a luxurious villa, Tang Yuefu with a measurement of 71.62.82 rubbed her brows helplessly, and sighed: "This is troublesome, I didn't expect this kid to come back so quickly, so I can only prevaricate now." Just pass."

And Lin Bin here.

He was actually quite happy to learn that Lin Xue went to a friend's house.

Seeing that Lin Xue has finally made friends and has his own social circle, he is quite relieved that there is a girl in my family who has grown up... At least, there is no need to worry too much about her loneliness in the real world.

Putting on his pajamas, Lin Bin got busy and wiped down the room first.

Even putting up the clothes to dry, and tidying up all the places...

Then, he drove the H9, which he hadn't driven for more than a month, to the World Administration.

Raymond has actually been waiting for a long time.

Although he didn't call the whole time, he has been monitoring Lin Bin's itinerary, and he is obviously very satisfied with his behavior of coming back to report immediately after returning home and settling down.

"You did a good job this time, with an S-level evaluation, Abin, you have really proved your ability with your strength."

Raymond's cold and stern face unconsciously showed a slight grin, he looked like a goldfish monster uncle who abducted a little girl.

"In fact, what I have done may be more extreme than you imagined."

Facing Raymond, Lin Bin didn't have to hide anything.

He directly told what he did in the secret realm, especially the replacement of vampires and werewolves with aliens, and also buried things that should be a big nail for the reincarnation...

Raymond's eyes lit up when he heard it.

In the end, it was heard that a group of reincarnators had already collapsed in this secret realm.

He slapped the table fiercely, and said loudly: "You did a great job! Abin, you have made a great contribution to our Huaguo. The killing-level secret realm is the most solid secret realm among all secret realms, and it also has the most abundant output and demand. If you really let the Liberty Alliance completely digest the background of a secret realm, then your strength will definitely benefit greatly. Even if your move does not destroy this secret realm, it will also consume seven or seven of the extraordinary power inside. Eighty-eight, you are going too far than abolishing a secret realm of them."

Raymond laughed and said, "Do you know that since your data was updated, the one-handed bearing removal, AT force field and other skills you set up have become popular, and many reincarnators have bought them at high prices online. These skills are obviously intended to become your official team member, Abin, no one will dare to doubt you this time."

Lin Bin said humbly: "After all, Lei Ju has given you instructions, how dare I not do my best?"

"Okay, great..."

Raymond repeated it several times in succession, apparently feeling agitated...

After being excited for a while, he couldn't help feeling sorry again.

Sighed: "Actually, it's a pity. You shouldn't let the old man and the female vampire go. If they both die, all the supernatural powers of that plane will be destroyed. At that time, maybe you can hope to get a world-class one." The props may also be there, but from a certain point of view, their existence poses a great threat to the reincarnation, so it is not a big loss."

World-class props?Is it enough to just destroy the extraordinary power?

Lin Bin's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that Xin Dao just needs to destroy all the plot~characters?
But these people don't have the concept of plot~character, so they are certified as all extraordinary...

It is possible to quote this statement.

This is quite a useful clue, although I may not be able to use it.

Lin Bin said with a smile: "At least it's a good relationship, so why don't you sell them for some profit...Maybe one day in the future, this world will come again? At that time, wouldn't I be extra in the Liberty Alliance?" A natural ally?"

"It's quite possible indeed."

Lei Meng smiled gratifiedly, being able to put personal friendship above profit, this is also what he valued Lin Bin.

If it wasn't for this reason, how could he stay in this hopeless place in the World Bureau?

"By the way, Bureau Lei, what I asked you to ask, that Zhou Min... Calculated the time, he should have come out of the secret realm, right?"

Lin Bin asked about something he had been thinking about for a long time.

"This one……"

Lei Meng was taken aback when he heard this, with a serious look on his face.

Said: "Zhou Min's task time is two months. In fact, he should have come out of the secret realm as early as half a month ago, but he still has no information. According to the judgment of the reincarnation space, he should be There has been an accident."

Lei Meng sighed, rubbed his brows, and said, "So if you want to meet Zhou Min, Abin, it may not be possible."

Lin Bin asked in surprise, "Dead?"

Raymond nodded.


Lei Meng asserted: "Either he is not the traverser you are looking for, or...he is the traverser, but this time the difficulty of the secret realm is too high, or there are frequent accidents in the secret realm, and he died. But according to my speculation, the second possibility is not great."

"Neither is he? Then the most suspect right now... Could it be myself?"

Lin Bin thought that there were only three survivors left.

If Lu Linlin wasn't, Lin Xue definitely wasn't either.

I was the co-author of the time traveler?

In a sense, it is true to say so.

Lei Meng obviously knew Lin Bin's intentions, and said, "You don't have to be obsessed with S-level items, some A-level items are also very magical. Although you have A-level items in your hand, it's just that the attributes don't match. It is still possible to heal your sister's legs, so don't worry too much, besides, even if she doesn't have legs, isn't her life no different from a normal person now?"

"Yes, Lei Ju, I understand."

Lin Bin sighed somewhat disappointed... He listened to Lei Meng's words.

Also just listened.

An A~ grade prop that completely heals?
No matter who obtains this kind of prop, it will definitely be collected immediately, and it is impossible to circulate it outside.

In comparison, the S-level item is more reliable.

Discussed with him in detail about the experience encountered in the Liberty Alliance.

Then he asked a question about his sister's work, and Raymond agreed readily.

Seeing that there was nothing left to say, Lin Bin said, "Ju Lei, if nothing happens, then I'll go back."

"go back?!"

Lei Meng raised his eyebrows, and looked at his wrist speechlessly. The reincarnation watch has the function of time, which clearly shows that it is only three o'clock.

He sighed.

Asked: "Did you forget that this is where you work?"

"Ah this..."

Lei Meng sighed: "At least check the card before leaving."

"Yes, thank you Bureau Lei."

Lin Bin went to check in.

By the way, I plan to rest for a few more days.

And not long after he left the World Administration Bureau, and before he got home, his phone received a message push from the Samsara app.

It was from Deng Yang.

Three days after meeting him, we met at the Met Cafe in Hengyang City.

But be sure to disguise yourself so that no one can discover his true face, otherwise, his lurking will be meaningless.

Lin Bin readily agreed.

Two flowers, one on each table.

On Lin Bin's side, he finally had time to rest and cultivate.

Another place.

Inside the affiliated hospital of the Reincarnation Space Association Center.

Tang Xiaohao, who had been lying in the intensive care unit for a whole day before barely regaining consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up in shock, and then lay down on the ground in pain.

Painfully said: "Okay...so painful..."

The accompanying nurse hurriedly supported him, and said, "Be careful not to start indiscriminately. You were seriously injured and almost couldn't be saved. Now the blood bank is in short supply, and no one is willing to donate... You have to be lucky that the remaining blood in the blood bank happens to match you, otherwise, your life will be gone."

Tang Xiaohao said in pain: "No, I can't take care of it anymore. I have to see the Patriarch. I have something very important to see the Patriarch. Momen... The murderer who killed Xiaolei's cousin is Momen. They have already entangled with the whole world~ We are entangled, we must deal with it as soon as possible, I have learned a lot of important information from the traitor of the Demon Sect, and I must report it to the Patriarch as soon as possible."


The caretaker looked helpless, and sighed: "The owner is waiting for you at the entrance of the secret realm. If you don't check for a while, you will be directly injured by your secret realm props...that means he is a saint-level reincarnation. It would have killed him straight away...he is changing his dressing now, and you have to wait two hours."

Tang Xiaohao: "......"

(End of this chapter)

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