Chapter 144
Tang Xiaohao didn't wait too long.

Tang Tianhao, the Patriarch of the Tang family, appeared with a bandage on his arm.

Tang Xiaohao said guiltily: "Uncle...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault, and it's because I care about it, so I ignore everything when I see you injured. Otherwise, the sneak attack of a mere B-level item will not hurt me."

Tang Tianhao looked at his nephew in front of him.

This child was born earlier than his son. At that time, he had no children. His father named this boy Xiaohao. The intention was too obvious. He also loved this nephew very much, but after his son was born, he As much as he likes his son, he hates this nephew who was once favored by him.

Not to mention he's still hurting him now.

But right now, he is very comfortable hiding his dislike.

Said: "Xiaohao, I heard that you have something very important to tell me, did you recover the item successfully?!"

"No... No, but I found out who the murderer of Xiaolei's cousin was."

Tang Xiaohao said guiltily: "It's a pity that the enemy is powerful. I wanted to avenge Xiaolei, but in the end I didn't want to almost trap myself in it, and even cost the life of Brother Tang Lie... Sigh... It's all my fault... ..."

It was all his fault, of course, because he did it all.

Tang Xiaohao had a lot of thoughts, but he couldn't hide anything from Tang Tianhao.

But now he doesn't care about everything, and asked excitedly: "Did you find out? Who did it?"

"It's an organization called Momen in the Datang plane!"

"Demon Gate?"

"That's right, they call themselves the Holy Gate, and they have a strong influence in the plane of Tang Dynasty. They even hooked up with an organization called the Li Clan in that world, and this Li Clan is the most likely to dominate that world. .”

Tang Xiaohao smiled wryly and said: "We originally wanted to avenge Xiaolei after we found out about him, but in the end we ignored the existence of the Li Clan, because on the surface, the Li Clan is actually a force cooperating with the deadly enemy of the Demon Sect. Is it conceivable that they, who are hostile to each other on the surface, are already colluding in private?"

Tang Tianhao's pupils narrowed slowly, and asked, "Demon Gate? Li Family? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, because there was a spy in the Demon Sect, we cooperated with that spy by chance, and got a lot of information that we couldn't have known before, for example, that world has been consciously capturing reincarnations. , and their information was obtained from Xiaolei. It can be imagined that he must have been severely tortured before he was forced to reveal all the information. It can be speculated that the props we need, even Xiaolei The bones of my cousin are all in their hands."

"Any other information?"

"Yes, the Demon Sect seems to have begun to reversely invade the real world. It is said that they have sent high-level people from the Demon Sect to enter the real world to make arrangements in advance."

"Oh, any clues about this high-level person?"

"Yes! The injuries on my body are the clues."

Tang Xiaohao said in a deep voice: "More than half of my injuries are caused by the head of that demon sect... This kind of injury is said to be very unique, called the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and it will be extremely difficult to remove if this kind of true energy enters the body. , constantly eroding the vitality of the injured, and during the escape, I could feel that my injury not only did not recover with time, but became more and more serious."

Have to mention.

After all, Tang Xiaohao was a reincarnation of the Transcendent Realm.

Maybe he was a little too careful, but to be assigned this task by Tang Tianhao, his personal ability was completely impeccable.

And this trip, he did bring out a lot of information.

"I have received reliable information that the advance personnel who came to the real world are in the same line as the master of the Demon Sect. If we can analyze the characteristics of my injury, we may be able to find that person through this characteristic.

"Heavenly Demon Dafa?"

Tang Tianhao looked at the exclusive private doctor beside him.

The doctor nodded and replied: "Master Hao was indeed injured by a very insidious martial arts system. We are urgently healing it, and there will not be too much trouble... If the master wants this kind of exercise If it is characteristic, then we can also deduce it from Master Hao's physical signs."

"I want to have the most detailed information about the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and then everyone in the Tang family will dispatch to find out the existence of the pioneer of the Demon Sect. Xiaohao's understanding of the Demon Sect is still too superficial. If you want to know more, That would be a great breakthrough."

"Yes, I'll do it."

Tang Tianhao praised: "Xiaohao, you have done a good job. Although you failed to complete the task, you have retrieved so many additional messages... It is considered a great achievement. You can let these medical staff study you with peace of mind. After the injury recovers, I have more important tasks to assign to you."


Tang Xiaohao immediately became overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately asked: "Patriarch, I want to ask, are we going to destroy this demon sect?"

"Hmph, took away our two B-level props, and even killed Xiaolie, two friends of our Tang family, and my son... Naturally, this account cannot be settled easily."

"If that's the case, Patriarch, I think we must hurry."

"What do you mean?"

"Because according to the information I found, the Li clan is about to dominate the world. The Li clan has recruited a large number of masters to conquer the city, and the Demon Gate is secretly helping them eradicate the hostile elite. If we don't act as soon as possible, we may finally face the Right will be the resistance of the whole world."

Tang Xiaohao said: "Patriarch, you should be able to imagine that it will be difficult for us to destroy the Demon Sect by then."

"Isn't that just right? No matter what status and strength the other party has, as long as he dares to hurt members of our Tang family, that's his way to death."

Tang Tianhao said: "As for what you said, there is nothing to be afraid of at all. As long as we find the pioneer, it is equivalent to mastering a passage that can pass through the control of the reincarnation space and enter the secret realm. At that time, we can easily Entering that secret realm, we don’t have to worry about facing a world anymore.”

"The head of the family is wise."

"Heal your wounds well."


three hours later.

Tang Tianhao got an extremely detailed report.

Details about Heavenly Demon Dafa.

"Corrosion into the bone, lingering ~ endlessly, the absorption power grows by itself, absorbing the host into an adult to do it... What a terrible magic skill!"

Tang Tianhao handed the report to the assistant beside him, and said, "Release this news within our Tang family. Whoever can find this person will be rewarded with 3000 reincarnation points and a C-level item."


The assistant asked: "Do you need to post a reward in the reincarnation communication area?"

"No more, just in case you startle the snake."

Tang Tianhao said: "Tell those old guys, just say that if things go well, maybe our Tang family can master another secret realm... Moreover, it is a secret realm with extremely high development potential. I believe they will not be stupid enough to stop me of."


The assistant turned and left to go to work.

Tang Tianhao was left with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "Heavenly Demon Dafa, my son must have been tortured to death by this practice, okay...I want all those who practice this bullshit Heavenly Demon Dafa to die without a place to die!"


In Hengyang City.

In a secluded cafe.

As soon as Lin Bin sat down, he couldn't help but sneezed a few times.

The waitress who just came up to inquire was staring at Lin Bin's handsome face, and said distressedly: "I'm sorry, our air conditioner may be too low, I'll go and turn it up for you..."

"It's okay, I may have been talked about."

Lin Bin replied with a smile and said, "Thank you for a cup of cappuccino."

He also doesn't know what coffee is or not, and he knows even less about this than Wan Wan... Therefore, he ordered a cup of the only one he knew the specific name of.

"Okay, I'll go and turn up the air conditioner a few degrees for you first."

The waitress went down.


Isn't it Deng Yang who is wearing sunglasses and a mask on his face, and wearing a heavy coat, who almost wraps himself into a rice dumpling?

He took off his sunglasses, and his deep eyes stared at Lin Bin for a while.

Speechless: "Obviously the one who was castrated was me, why do I feel that you are getting more and more motherly?"

Lin Bin said, "Deng Yang, you misunderstood me."

Deng Yang admired: "Is it a spiritual influence skill? It's so clever, I didn't notice the difference at all... But once you said that I misunderstood you, I actually felt that you had been wronged a lot."

"Sorry, I may also be a little affected by this sword classic."

Lin Bin coughed and said, "I actually have a business to ask you to come here."

Deng Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Nonsense, as the second in command of the ghost organization, I have to help my elder brother maintain the operation of the ghost all the time, and I also need to enter the secret realm to experience and strengthen my own strength so that I can Faster to be alone..."

Lin Bin was surprised: "Second in command? So fast?"

"Actually, if it wasn't because of my lack of strength, I might be the eleventh apostle, but it's good now, my elder brother has more trust in me. After I take charge of my side, I can send my elder brother back to the west, and then I To succeed, I may need your help when the time comes."

"It's easy to talk, easy to talk, if you need my help, just ask, there is nothing to talk about in our relationship."

"Well, then you insisted on inviting me to come here to take the risk to join you in my busy schedule. Is there something important?"

Lin Bin put a test tube full of blood on the table.

Said: "Look at it."

Deng Yang froze for a moment, reached out to hold the test tube, and then saw the information of the item.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in surprise, " this Yuanzu's blood? Seeing the sun again? This, this, this...where did you get such a precious thing?"

"Aren't you strengthening the blood system now? It's so thick, shouldn't you be able to see the sun?"

Lin Bin said: "Give it to you."

Deng Yang fell back in shock, and said, "Give it to me?! This is a B-level prop."

He seemed to want to say that it was too precious and I couldn’t accept it, but when he thought of his sad reminder that he loved going to the streets but couldn’t bask in the sun, he had to wrap it into rice dumplings every time he went out. It was fine in winter before, but now it’s summer, he is particularly eye-catching. conspicuous.

If you refuse, you can't say anything.

"The level doesn't matter, as long as it can help you, we have had conflicts before, but now, I really want to cooperate with you. We have a common enemy, so strengthening my teammates and strengthening myself are actually not too much. Big difference."

Deng Yang took a deep look at Lin Bin, and said: "You are so generous, and I am not a person who can't be a man. In fact, my good brother gave me a C-level secret realm item called Blood Bodhi. It seems to be able to greatly improve my health. Improving one's strength coincides with the blood of the fire unicorn that I drink, because it also has the effect of detoxification, so I don't plan to take it now, and I will find a way to send it to you when I go back."

Lin Bin was stunned.

Blood Bodhi?

If others don't know, how can he not know about it?

It is a treasure that has no sequelae and greatly enhances its strength, and it can cure all kinds of poisons.

Even though it's only C grade.

But this kind of life-saving props is extremely rare, much more precious than ordinary C-level props. Although it is not as good as his ancestor's blood, it is also a very practical treasure for reincarnators.

The most important thing is that Lin Bin didn't intend to take any rewards. After all, if it wasn't for Deng Yang, he probably wouldn't be able to kill Wang Ling. Now that he is lurking in a dangerous situation, giving him some strength will make Lin Bin feel more at ease.

But I didn't expect that this guy didn't take advantage of it at all...


Lin Bin sighed, and said, "You are so good at being a man, it really makes me feel ashamed."

He put out two more test tubes and said: "This is the blood of the ancestor of the werewolf and the ancestor of the vampire. After you take the blood of Yuanling, your body can hold any blood, and then absorb the blood of these two bottles of embassy at the same time. Your bloodline will change, you are neither a werewolf nor a vampire, but you have a stronger potential and bottomless power than the two...but it will become very ugly, so I didn't give you anything just now , you take it, keep it by your side, maybe it will be used at some point in the future?"

Deng Yang glanced at the properties of these two test tubes one by one.

He took a deep look at Lin Bin again, and sighed: "You make it difficult for me to do this. Forget it, I won't give you the blood bodhi. I will keep it for my own self-defense. Didn't I just say that? Those apostles valued it, they rewarded me with an A-level item, the effect is still very good, I will give it to you."

Lin Bin: "........."

"You are so generous, brother can't be stingy anymore."

Lin Bin sighed again, and said: "I still have a piece of blood from the descendants of Yuanzu in my hand, the effect is obviously much worse than that of Yuanzu's blood, but it can also blend with werewolves and vampires, you should know, only mixed blood It is the strongest, you don’t need to use this, but you are lurking in the enemy’s camp now, you can use these things to buy people’s hearts... By the way, there is one more thing, I still have a piece of Yuanzu’s blood in my hand. I will sell it, if someone finds out, please admit that you sold it yourself, otherwise, once people find out that I sold it, it will easily expose our relationship."


Deng Yang looked at the three tubes of blood that he got again, took a deep look at Lin Bin, and said, "Since you are so polite, I should give something back..."

"No, don't give back."

Lin Bin hurriedly grabbed Deng Yang's hand tightly, and said, "Return from your side. I really have nothing to give you, so I can only take my treasure at the bottom of the box."

"Alright, I'll take note of the favor for the time being, and I'll definitely pay you back if I get a chance in the future."

Deng Yang said.

Lin Bin was holding the equipment containing the A-level props in his hand with a dazed expression on his face.

This is this...

After getting an A-level item, he actually owed someone a favor?
It is obvious that I have made a lot of money, but why do I think it is reasonable?

(End of this chapter)

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